Unofficial: Schiit DIY Coaster Amp
Jul 11, 2018 at 6:27 AM Post #76 of 326
Yes, Paladin is quite correct, a scope makes this a very easy process. However you could probably also do the matching with a reasonable quality ‘true RMS’ multimeter. The requirements for tube matching are to produce a 250 mV sinewave at 1000 Hz. And to measure approx. 1 V at 1000Hz. But as the aim is to find a matched pair, the precision does not need to be great….just repeatable to within a few percent.

These are some options that spring to mind.

Use your PC to generate the test signal. Sound cards are OK for generating waveforms in the audio range. There are numerous ways to do this. One is to download some software such as NCH Tone Generator,0301-61791.html . Your PC should be able to output 250mV. I just tried this by plugging into the headphone socket on my cr*ppy PC speakers. I set the output on the NCH to – 3db and adjusted the volume on the speakers to get close to 250mV. Close enough for our purposes.

Right click on Sine 1 Frequency > Edit value > 1000 > save



You can also use this software to create a wave file you can save to play on any device or burn to a disk [ File > Save as wave ]
You should also be able to then use the multimeter to measure your coaster amp outputs. If the voltage is too high then you can make a simple voltage divider from a couple of resistors….say 1000 Ohm (1K) and 3300 Ohm (3k3). Put them in series across the output and then take your measurement across the 1k resistor.

But of course a scope makes this much more visual (and more fun)

Scope Option one

You can also use your soundcard as a scope for audio frequencies.

For example there is A long time ago I used this or something very similar and it worked fine for the sort of low resolution work here. scope_146_en.jpg
Note however this requires you to input voltages directly into your soundcard. No problem if nothing goes wrong, but if you accidently input a high voltage into your card, you may fry it. Perhaps you have a really old PC or sound card you can use without risk. You can also build a simple preamp to act as a buffer and this will allow you to protect the card and also select the gain in hardware. I built the Electronics Australia version 20 years ago Soundcard Preamp EA Aug 1998.pdf


Option two

There are plenty of cheap kits on ebay for build your own low quality mini-scopes. Bandwidth is low (200kHz) but good enough for fooling around with audio.

Option three

Cheap USB scope – about $80 on ebay. 25Mhz (claimed) I have no experience of these. But has advantage of coming with probes and no assembly required.

Option four – (the best?)

Buy an old analog scope from ebay. If you are in the US then I am very jealous! There are plenty of Tektronix, Hitachi etc scope at around $100. 20 MHz and above and dual channel. Ensure that it shows images of both channels working and comes with a pair of probes (not cheap to buy). If you can local pick up even better to avoid damage in transit. There are plenty of youtube videos to get you started in using it.

Personally I’ll be using my trusty old BWD 35MHz analog scope and my function generator…but I am waiting for the board to arrive downunder.

Have fun! :)
[Edited to fix some images]
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Jul 11, 2018 at 8:17 AM Post #78 of 326
Wow! Thanks @kimbo for taking time in explaining it. Very well written.
Jul 11, 2018 at 8:18 AM Post #79 of 326
That was an excellent and well thought out response Kimbo, I get busy at times and my answers can tend to be brief. You also have the option of my matching the tubes for you but if you plan on doing much DIY or you want to learn, it never hurts to have the right equipment.

On the subject of true RMS multimeters. This is one of my favorites:

They were used by the military a lot and are rugged and well made. They can measure up to 10kv, not that you need to that often. I have a few that are 30 years old and still functional.
Jul 11, 2018 at 9:07 AM Post #80 of 326
No worries Dieselmat!

Hi Paladin. For $30 they look hard to beat. And 10kV! Not the sort of voltages you'd want in a headphone amp. :)
I also love the 'how to repair telephones' photo in the ad.

The one shown in my photo is my current favorite.
EEV Blog Brymen BM235

Not sure of the US price but here in Oz it is amazing value for money.

(I think it may be available from Amazon)

But as mentioned earlier, even a cheapy 'may' do the job. I will think about taking out some of my older ones and putting them to the test.
Jul 11, 2018 at 9:12 AM Post #81 of 326
Kimbo I am glad to have you on board with these amps, you obviously have a good background and electronics knowledge.

They have a ten amp shunt resistor as I recall and a probe built for the higher voltages. I never had much reason to use it because I used to deal more with 25kv and up on crt computer monitors. I used to use curve tracers a lot and as I began to troubleshoot the first Coaster amp I put together I had a scope go down as well as other pieces I had not touched for ten years. I have a power supply that goes up to 300 volts dc and even provides filament voltages for tube circuits and that is down as well.

I also have one of these that is in mint condition:

Every now and then it is extremely useful.
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Jul 11, 2018 at 1:17 PM Post #82 of 326
That was an excellent and well thought out response Kimbo, I get busy at times and my answers can tend to be brief. You also have the option of my matching the tubes for you but if you plan on doing much DIY or you want to learn, it never hurts to have the right equipment.

On the subject of true RMS multimeters. This is one of my favorites:

They were used by the military a lot and are rugged and well made. They can measure up to 10kv, not that you need to that often. I have a few that are 30 years old and still functional.

Luckily i work with a former 33W. Aka an electronics technician who would have used that device.
Jul 11, 2018 at 1:23 PM Post #83 of 326
Kimbo I am glad to have you on board with these amps, you obviously have a good background and electronics knowledge.

They have a ten amp shunt resistor as I recall and a probe built for the higher voltages. I never had much reason to use it because I used to deal more with 25kv and up on crt computer monitors. I used to use curve tracers a lot and as I began to troubleshoot the first Coaster amp I put together I had a scope go down as well as other pieces I had not touched for ten years. I have a power supply that goes up to 300 volts dc and even provides filament voltages for tube circuits and that is down as well.

I also have one of these that is in mint condition:

Every now and then it is extremely useful.

Nice old meter. We still see them come in from time to time for calibration.
Jul 11, 2018 at 1:23 PM Post #84 of 326
Very cool, I had friends that bought and sold a lot of military electronics out of North Augusta SC. They made me aware of such things and how much they originally cost and the quality that went into their builds. I got my company into custom cables and brought a few of those meters in when I began setting up builders about 12 years ago, all meters are still functioning and they were built in the early 80's as I recall.

I noticed on Amazon and such places you can get assortments of surface mount resistors and capacitors for very little money. I am grabbing some of those to make experimentation a lot easier.
Jul 11, 2018 at 2:37 PM Post #85 of 326
Kimbo I am glad to have you on board with these amps, you obviously have a good background and electronics knowledge.

They have a ten amp shunt resistor as I recall and a probe built for the higher voltages. I never had much reason to use it because I used to deal more with 25kv and up on crt computer monitors. I used to use curve tracers a lot and as I began to troubleshoot the first Coaster amp I put together I had a scope go down as well as other pieces I had not touched for ten years. I have a power supply that goes up to 300 volts dc and even provides filament voltages for tube circuits and that is down as well.

I also have one of these that is in mint condition:

Every now and then it is extremely useful.
You are so right! I have a Navy an/PSM4A meter, which is a waterproof Simpson 260, as well as a Triplett 630. Both get weekly use and are in good condition.
Jul 11, 2018 at 3:34 PM Post #86 of 326
I have always liked the quote, "I may not know a lot, but I know some things very well." When you hang around the industry long enough you develop some likes and dislikes.

This weekend I hope to wrap up a Coaster amp headphone rack build, I am pretty happy with the little amps and if you push them with a DAP, they take up little space on a desktop.
Jul 12, 2018 at 12:53 AM Post #87 of 326
Chapter 1 of the Coaster Amp.
2018, Chapter 2:
Engineering, Part 1

Ready for something different? How about a deep dive into engineering of an audio product? A dive that goes into the choices, constraints, and decisions on everything from the initial design goals to the characteristics of the devices used, to the finished product itself?

Sounds a bit too boring and engineer-y?

Well, how about if it culminates in a product that can be simply a fun novelty…or a buildable product?

“Wait a minute,” you’re saying. “What is Stoddard on about now? Is he talking about (gasp) DIY?”

Well, yes and no. Although I’ll end up releasing schematics, a BOM, and PCBs, it should be noted that we don’t have the infrastructure to support a lot of DIY. Nor do I want to take away from the other companies and individuals that are doing a much better job than we ever could with DIY. And, when you get right down to it, what we’ll be designing is a low-performance product that is more of a fun novelty than anything else.

So why do it? So we can take a deep look at designing a product:
  • We’ll set engineering goals and expectations.
  • We’ll look at the different kinds of active devices we can use, and what their characteristics are. We’ll be looking at potentiometer tapers and connectors.
  • We’ll touch a bit on packaging. (As of the time of this writing, I just now realized that I could do a 3D-printed case for this. Never considered it before. Hmm.)
  • We’ll also get into measurements and subjective performance (subjective, in this case, means, “Noise level, clicks and pops, interference, and other unexpected behavior, not “singing the praises of how this thing sounds great.”)
The reason I’m breaking this chapter up into a number of pieces is that it’s pretty big. It might be 12-15K words (plus pictures) when it’s all done. Or more.

So what are we doing?

We’re gonna design a small tube hybrid headphone amp. Think, kinda like the original Vali. And we’re gonna make the PC board pretty and round, so you can use it as a coaster.

Yes. A coaster.

Like this:

As in, something you can put a beer…er, I mean, a drink, on.

Yeah. I know. We’re completely insane.

How This All Started

This started on a lark in late summer 2017, when I’d gotten the first PC boards back for our phono motor can. This is one of the simplest PCB designs you can imagine. It has a DC barrel connector on it, places for a couple of large motor-run capacitors, and a couple of holes to screw it down onto the motor can base.

In fact, only one thing made this very boring PCB stand out: it was round:

“Huh, nice coaster,” Tyler said, when he came into my office one day, probably to have me sign checks.

“Coaster?” I asked.

Tyler picked up one of the motor PCBs and twiddled it beween two fingers. “Coaster.”

“Ohhh…kayyyy,” I said, doubtfully. “Kinda boring coaster.”

Tyler shrugged. “It’s shiny. It’s red. It has electronic-y lines on it. It looks cool to me.”

It still looked boring to me. But it was about the right size to be a coaster. Hmm…

“Maybe you should cut up our old PC boards and sell them as coasters,” Tyler added, interrupting my thought.

I shook my head. That wasn’t practical. We didn’t have that much scrap, and, in any case, components would have to come off the boards, and there’d be all sorts of logistics having them sent out and cut up, and not many people would be that interested, and not all of them would look all that cool

And that’s when a wonderful, terrible idea bloomed:

What if we made a cool-looking PCB…and sold it as a coaster? That was a piece of Schiit Schwag I could really get behind. It was engineering-y. It wasn’t just another t-shirt or coffee mug. It was something I hadn’t seen before. Hell, we could sell 4-packs of PCB coasters at the Schiitr. Or even online.

And then I had an even crazier idea:

What if the PCB was buildable into a product that actually did something interesting? What if it lit up? What if it was a VU meter? Or, what if it did something really useful? Hell, what if it was…a small headphone amp?

I laughed out loud.

Tyler looked at me like I was insane. “What did I miss?” he asked.

“Make it a headphone amp,” I said.

Tyler frowned. “Make what a headphone amp?”

“The coaster!”

Another look of incomprehension. “The coaster…is a headphone amp?”

“Yes! Or no! You could just use it as a coaster, or you could build it into a headphone amp.”

My mind was racing. Maybe this was where we could do something simple like a CMOY, maybe using one of the newer op-amps that worked really well for headphone output. But there were a lot of CMOYs. Or maybe this could be something like an op-amp and follower amp. But there were plenty of those out there, too. Or maybe this could be something like the original Magni, a simple Lin-topology amp, so I could talk about discrete design.

“I don’t get it,” Tyler said.

I pulled myself back to the present. “It’s simple,” I said. “We make a cool-looking PC board coaster. We make sure it’s safe, too—run it ENIG or something, not HASL—and you can use it like a coaster. And that can be it. It’s a cool coaster.”

Tyler nodded. “Got that. What about the headphone amp?”

“That’s what you build the PC board into…if you want. No obligation. You can just use it as a coaster. Or you can build it.”

“Can you use it as a coaster after you build it?” Tyler asked.

I laughed, envisioning someone trying to balance a drink on a PCB covered with parts. “Not likely. But hell, I haven’t figured out exactly what it’s gonna be. It should be something fun, something different…”

And then I trailed off. Because I had the perfect idea: do the old Vali.

Because, you know, other than the ringing, the old Vali was a cool little amp. We still get fanmail about it. And it was different. A little bitty tube hybrid amp using NOS pencil pentodes run in triode mode. That might be fun enough to build.

Well, except that the original Vali had some pretty high voltages running around on it (about 80V before regulation), which wouldn’t be such a hot idea for a bare-PCB amp. And, the original Vali used some custom parts, which wouldn’t be easily gettable. And the original Vali was done for robotic assembly, so the spacing of the parts wasn’t so fun. And the I/O would be weird on a round board.

So, yeah, maybe more like: do something kinda like the old Vali. But safer, and more buildable. On a coaster

That actually seemed like a pretty good idea. So that’s where I started.

Yes, I know, I know. Crazy.

Designing for DIY-Lite

Now, here’s the thing. I’ve never designed a damn thing for DIY. I probably suck at it. If this first attempt goes off the rails, well, we have coasters. And, again, I don’t want to take anything away from companies already doing DIY. Anyone already doing DIY will do it better than us.

Wait. Stop. Go back and re-read that paragraph.

No, wait. Let me put it in bullet points:
  • I have never designed for DIY
  • I probably suck at this
  • Every other company doing DIY is probably better than us at it
  • Any other DIY project will probably be better than this
  • Any other DIY will probably be more well-documented
  • But, you can use the PCB as a coaster
Okay, got it? Cool.

Now let’s talk a bit more seriously about DIY, or at least what I think about how it’s different than designing for production. Because it is different.
  • Both require documentation, but in one case you’re talking to external vendors using pick-and-place robots and internal assemblers and test techs handling finished products, and in the other case you’re talking to people who are going to be picking up a soldering iron and doing this all themselves.
  • Both require a PC board layout, but the production one can use 3x3mm chips with 20 pins and a buried thermal pad, and the DIY one needs to have space so that humans can make it without going blind or insane.
  • Both require a BOM, but the production one can freely specify custom or tooled parts, like Alps pots with 10A taper or injection-molded light pipes, and the DIY side needs to look carefully at what’s available off the shelf, and design to that.
Aside: a BOM, or Bill of Materials, is a list of everything that goes into a product. Yes, I know, not very exciting.

Above: Schematic Capture

Above: PCB Layout

And yet, when all is said and done, there are many similarities. A DIY design will need:
  1. A schematic. This is the starting point for all electronic design. Well, all documented electronic design, anyway. You use schematic capture software to create a schematic. Some schematic capture software allows you to also simulate your design. Simulation is running the design in virtuality, without building a thing. Simulations can provide a very accurate preview of a design…or can have nothing to do with reality. Success or failure of a simulation is dependent on the models you use and assumptions you make. A quick path to failure is not taking into account thermal or power dissipation factors. An input differential amplifier using a LED-biased current source with a 1 ohm emitter resistor might work in simulation, but the 1.2A (that AMPS) it passes will cause small-signal transistors to quickly go up in smoke. We won’t be doing simulations. The schematic capture software I use is Kicad, which I recommend unreservedly. It’s a very robust package, with surprising capabilities.
  2. A PCB layout. From your schematic, you’ll want to produce a PC board. That is, if you expect to make more than a handful of products. PC boards, or printed circuit board, is the basis for all modern electronics. It takes the “wiring” and puts it on a board, making assembly much faster and more consistent. It also allows you to pack much more in a small space. Modern PC boards are usually at least double-sided, meaning they have traces (wires) on both sides. However, many are 4-layer, 6-layer, 10-layer, or even more. Increasing the number of layers helps a designer manage more complex layouts more effectively, to shrink the physical size of products, and to achieve higher performance. However, better be sure your design is right—you’re not going to re-work internal traces! The PCB design software I use is also Kicad.
  3. A Bill of Materials. As I mentioned before, this is a list of everything used in the product. And I do mean everything. From every resistor in every location, to the PCB, to screws, feet, manuals, and chassis parts, a Bill of Materials is all-encompassing. The BOM also specifies which parts go where…so you know that things like a 100 ohm, 0805 size resistor goes in R8,10,104,105,204, and 205. BOMs we usually do in Excel. Google Sheets is also fine.
  4. A prototype or prototypes. A prototype is, by definition, the first model of something. In electronic design, this usually means “a PC board, possibly hand-assembled, for testing and design verification.” We usually do a couple of prototypes (at least) to iterate one or more design ideas, and/or to fix errors, add features, improve performance, or eliminate bad ideas. This little amp (let’s call it Vali Mini) is no different—it went through two prototypes before it reached its final PC board. We sometimes get PC board prototypes through our main PCB manufacturer on the east coast, and sometimes through an outfit called EasyEDA. EasyEDA is inexpensive for short runs, and even provides their own schematic capture and PCB layout software online (which we have not tried).
  5. Documentation and measurements (DC operational points, gain, etc). This is so the builder has a basic idea of any gotchas in the build, and has some test points to verify if what he’s built is working correctly. Many DIY projects have extensive documentation, because they’re aimed at people who are just getting started in electronics. This little amp will have only basic documentation, because if you’re going to be jumping into learning electronics, this isn’t a great place to start. This is a discrete design using surface mount components, with a reasonably high number of parts. Start with something through-hole. Learn soldering. Get comfy with surface mount soldering. And then come back to this. Or, use it as a coaster.
Are you thoroughly confused? Intimidated? No? Good. It’ll get deeper. Wait until we get into the whys and wherefores of selecting devices, including some basic physics of vacuum tubes, BJTs, and FETs. That’ll be next time.

In the meantime, let’s move on to something really crazy…where we decide to make a poor-performing, low-power, highly compromised amp.

Sound nuts? Read on.

Setting Engineering Goals and Expectations

Okay. Let’s get this right out there: you can easily create a headphone amp with lower distortion, higher power, and a lower noise floor than the one we’re going to design here. How easily?
  • Want lower distortion and noise? Just take an OPA1688 or similar modern audio op-amp, throw a couple of 9V batteries on it for power supply and use a couple resistors to set gain, and you’ll crap all over this design in terms of distortion and noise. It might lose in absolute power output, but hey, ICs do have current limits.
  • Want more power to go with your low THD+N? Use a higher-voltage power supply, like +/-15V, and add some followers within the feedback loop. Boom. Tons more power.
  • Want even more power? Boost the supplies to the limit of the IC and run an output stage with gain so you can get near the rails. Watch out for oscillation in that case, though. Or go discrete. Or use error correction. There are plenty of cool games you can play to make good objective numbers. Of course, by now we’re well beyond “easy.”
But you get the picture. If you want to design a headphone amp that produces great numbers, you can.

Aside: this does not minimize the amount of effort needed to produce exceptional numbers—as in, class-leading single-digit PPM distortion. That’s a whole ‘nother challenge. Just one we’re not taking on. Making a Porsche go fast around the Ring is one challenge, making an S-class quiet and butter-smooth is a different challenge. Both take tons and tons of engineering. And neither invalidates the other.

So why design something that’s less than optimal? Why make something that might have 0.5% THD at best, even at fairly low output? Why accept a noise floor that may be audible with high-efficiency IEMs? Why settle for power output that won’t be enough to drive HE-6s?

It’s simple: because that’s what we choose.

Stop. Go back. Read that again.

Then, turn it up: because we choose to do it, knowing full well the alternatives.

Yes. We can choose to design a better-performing headphone amp. But we don’t. We choose to make something that’s well, maybe a bit more interesting. We choose to start with a tube hybrid topology, because a lot of people are curious about tubes. Lots of people who choose an accurate, neutral solid-state amp still wonder, “What if? What do tubes really sound like?” So adding a tube makes it more interesting. Maybe. At least in my mind.

And, starting with a tube in the design allows us to explore more facets of amplifying devices. How do tubes work, compared to FETs and transistors? How do they compare to op-amps? What are the upsides and downsides of each? How do they interface?

It also allows us to talk about the trade-offs. How are we limiting ourselves in designing with a tube? What does it mean if we decide to go with no overall feedback? How does a mix of devices interact?

So, yeah, interesting. And maybe educational. And the finished product will have a couple of small glass envelopes on it, as well as a couple of glowing LEDs. Pretty nifty, if not particularly high-performance.

And yeah, maybe that’s a point as well: that cool looks don’t mean great performance.

Okay. Enough blathering about choice. Let’s define our goals and expectations.

Primary Goal: To design a functional tube hybrid headphone amplifier that fits on a coaster-sized round PC board.

  1. PC board usable as a cool-looking coaster without adding any parts to it.
  2. Documentation provided for moderate to advanced DIYers who want to build a functioning amp with the PCB.
    • Schematic
    • PCB (finished)
    • Bill of Materials
    • Basic measurements
  3. Low cost to build into a functional product
  4. Uses easily available parts
  5. Safe to use and operate
Now, what’s interesting is how the sub-goals start to affect the features—especially two key words in the sub-goals: available and safe.
  • Available means no custom or unobtanium parts. No injection molds or $600 potentiometers. No parts that exist in catalogs only. No circa-1929 tubes of which only 4 exist in the world.
  • Safe means no high-voltage rails, no 350F hot tubes, and at least basic protection for headphones. You can’t have a 200V rail running around exposed on an open-frame amp. Well, you can, but please keep that to your own design, thanks. Safe also means some kind of protection from turn-on and turn-off transients.
Now, with those two words, we’ve really cut down on our tube choices. I’ll get into that later in more detail, but you’re really down to subminiature tubes (like the original Vali), or a low-plate-voltage design (but you still gotta deal with the heater…ah hell, let’s get into this later.)

Okay. Goals defined. Let’s move on to features.

Features: This thing needs to be a functional headphone amp, but it also needs to fit on a coaster, so let's not go too nuts with features. Maybe something like:
  • One line input
  • One headphone output
  • A volume control
  • As easy to use and safe power connector
  • A power switch (not necessary, but nice to have)
Yeah, I know, bare minimum. No preamp outs or pass-thrus or input switching or DAC modules or anything fancy like that. Of course, there are still plenty of decisions that need to be made in the future, like what kind of connectors we’ll use for the line input, if the headphone output will be 1/8” or ¼”, what type of volume control, what kind of power connector, what power switch. But we’ll get to that.

Okay, with those goals and features defined, what can we expect in terms of performance?

Well, we’re still pretty early on in the design process, but we can begin to get a glimpse of what we’re looking at, based largely on the requirement for the product to be about the size of a coaster, that it has to be safe, and it has to use a tube.

What? How do we do that? Magic? No, just a basic knowledge of engineering limitations. If it’s gonna be about the size of a coaster, it doesn’t have a lot of space to dissipate heat. So it can’t run hot. You’re talking about something that runs from a wall-wart, and a small one at that. Safe means it might have 30-40V total between the rails, all in. Otherwise you might start feeling a little jolt if you touch it in the wrong place.

Not much heat dissipation, low rails and a tube means pretty low performance in terms of THD. Period. Of course, it will be “tubey” THD, meaning mainly low-order harmonics, at least until the output stage starts giving up its linearity outside the Class-A operation window, which will be low (remember, low heat.)

But I’m getting ahead of myself again. So what would I expect, performance-wise, from an amp like this?

Performance Expectations:
  • 0.5-1% THD+N at 1VRMS out into 300 ohms
  • 300-500mW full-scale output at clipping into 32 ohms with several percent THD
  • 90-95dB S/N ratio, unweighted, referenced to 1V
Sounds a little disappointing? Maybe not so much. Lots of people liked the way Vali 1 sounded, and its measurements weren’t a lot better (about half that in THD, higher output, about the same S/N ratio).

Is it “accurate?” No.

Is it “fun?” Maybe. As with everything, depends on your perspective.

More next time, in a couple of weeks. This is already getting pretty deep. In the meantime, here's a picture of where we're heading.

Jul 12, 2018 at 12:54 AM Post #88 of 326
Chapter 2 of the Coaster

2018, Chapter 3:
Engineering, Part 2

If you’re just jumping into this chapter without reading Part 1, you may end up being, well, completely and utterly lost.

Because this is the second chapter in (what looks to be) a 4-chapter series. This series covers the design and production of a novelty product: the Vali Mini, which is a PC Board coaster, that can also be built into a simple hybrid amplifier.

As of the time of this writing, it looks like the chapters break down like this:

Part 1: Origins of the Project; Defining Goals, Features, and Expectations (link)
Part 2: Electronic Design, Detailed Discussion (that’s this chapter)
Part 3: Building the PCB and Design Iteration
Part 4: Measurement, Testing, and Release

If you’re looking for Part 3 and 4, they don’t exist yet. So don’t get too excited; we have a ways to run on this. And it looks like we’re going to have an interruption or two, in the form of new product chapters, along the way.

And, like everything else that ain’t done, plans might change. We might get an extra chapter, or the content of the chapters might shift.

Hell, I thought I was pretty much done with the design of a new product just a few days ago…except for a nagging question that everyone kept asking, and a desire to actually, well and truly put some of the shortcomings of the previous product to bed. Due to this, and a busy weekend checking out some new mechanical ideas, we’re gonna have a much better product…but it’s gonna take throwing the current chassis prototype away, and some significant changes on the PC board.

Don’t worry; I’m sure I’ll cover this upset in a future chapter, and you’ll understand why I decided to make some fairly major changes to something that looked mechanically done.

But I’m procrastinating. Let’s do a quick summary of the goals, features, and expectations from the last chapter, then let’s get into the nitty-gritty of design engineering.

Summary: Goals, Features, Expectations

Primary Goal: To design a functional tube hybrid headphone amplifier that fits on a coaster-sized round PC board.

  • PC board usable as a cool-looking coaster without adding any parts to it.
  • Documentation provided for moderate to advanced DIYers who want to build a functioning amp with the PCB
    • Schematic
    • PCBs (finished)
    • Bill of Materials
    • Basic measurements
  • Low cost to build into a functional product
  • Uses easily available parts
  • Safe to use and operate
Features: This thing needs to be a functional headphone amp, so it needs some bare minimum of features in order to operate:
  • One line input
  • One headphone output
  • A volume control
  • As easy to use and safe power connector
  • A power switch (not necessary, but nice to have)
Performance Expectations:
  • 0.5-1% THD+N at 1VRMS out into 300 ohms
  • 400-500mW full-scale output at clipping into 32 ohms with several percent THD
  • 90-95dB S/N ratio, unweighted, referenced to 1V
Aaaaand, just in case anyone has forgotten: Yes, I know this is a low-performance product. Go back and review the previous chapter if you’re confused as to why.

Gain and Output Stage Design

Okay, now that we’ve decided what we want to make, how do we get there?

The answer to this big open-ended question might be very different for other amplifier types, but in the case of the constraints we have—a simple, safe tube hybrid using commonly available parts—the best place to start is figuring out how we’re going to get the voltage gain and current gain we need to run headphones. In other words, it’s best to dive right into gain stage and output stage design.

“Wait a sec,” you might be saying. “I remember Electronics 251 lab from college, where we took some transistors, biased them up, and got voltage gain out of them. Is that what you’re talking about?”

Great question, because it allows me to discuss the complexity of the real world, versus the simplicity of the lab or the engineering textbook.

If you came into electronics like I did, you probably started with a vague notion of a transistor as a kind of “valve” that allowed you to control one voltage with another. (Never mind that a transistor controls current with current input.) Then you get in the lab, and you see you actually have to use a couple of resistors and a coupling capacitor to set the operational point at the base, and then choose (carefully) the resistor in the emitter to set standing current, and then choose the collector resistor to set gain, and then decide if you need to bypass the emitter to get more gain and if you need to have a capacitor and bleed resistor at the output to get rid of DC offset, and your head starts spinning…

…and then you realize, even with all those extra resistors and capacitors, you still don’t have a functional amplifier that can drive anything like a speaker, because the output impedance at the collector is too high to really run anything, so you have to add an emitter follower, but even then you may need to start looking at negative feedback to get a usable gain range, and even then you might want to look at bipolar supplies to get rid of at least some coupling caps, but that might change the gain of the front end, and where do you put the feedback anyway, and suddenly you start realizing why commercial designs end up using symmetrical topologies with dozens of transistors instead of those simple one- and two-transistor circuits…and then you begin wondering what kind of performance improvements you might see with even more complex topologies…

…and then you realize that JFETs and MOSFETs are different types of devices than transistors, and have different biasing requirements, and might be simpler (or not), and that tubes have no actual physical connection between elements, which makes them a whole different ballgame even before you get to the heater, and why the British call them “valves” and why that makes more sense than “tubes”…

Whew. A little too much there. Let’s break it down.
  • To run a set of headphones at anything more than line level*, you need both voltage gain and current gain.
    • Pretty much any kind of device can do voltage gain (tubes, transistors, JFETs, MOSFETs)
    • However, tubes and modern JFETs are not good at current gain**
    • BJTs and MOSFETs are good at current gain
  • Hence, the most logical arrangement for voltage gain and current gain in a tube hybrid amp will be:
    • Use the tubes for voltage gain
    • Use BJTs or MOSFETs for current gain
*Line level is typically 2Vrms, though some phones and other sources may only output 1-1.5Vrms. To convert Vrms to peak-to-peak volts, multiply by 2.83. So 2Vrms is 5.86Vpp. This will be helpful in determining the voltage rails and gains we’ll be using in the future.

**Now, some of you are probably howling, saying, “Well, that ain’t exactly true, there are tubes that run quite a bit of output current like the 6AS7 and there were big JFETs like the old Sony stuff from the glory days.” Yes. And a pair of 6AS7s requires 5 AMPS of heater current to run—as in, 30 WATTS just from the heaters. This ain’t gonna fit on a coaster. Valhalla 2 is especially designed to provide a lot of current from tube outputs, using a White Cathode Follower arrangement (look it up), with super-robust 6N6P tubes that will dissipate 8W on the plate, but it’s still 5X weaker than our next most current-limited amp, Asgard 2. And big JFETs? Yeah, there were some. Not any more. JFETs are tiny, surface-mount parts these days. Nothing wrong with that—just don’t expect them to run speakers.

Aside: have no clue what I’m talking about? Go here to start understanding tubes:, then go to for more tube datasheets than you can shake a stick at, then to to blow your mind, then to for inexpensive tubes.

So how do we design a tube voltage gain stage?
  1. Pick the tube type you want to use
  2. Choose a topology that achieves your goals.
  3. Set voltage gain.
Let’s run down the list.

One: Pick the Tube Type. If you’ve worked with tubes before, you know that the “safe” qualifier means we’re very limited on what we can choose. You know that most tubes are going to use 300mA or more of heater current at 6.3V, and will want plate voltages at 100V or (much) more. High voltages aren’t safe. Even the 2W of heater dissipation might be considered too warm for an open-frame design. So, you’re really down to two choices:
  1. Use low-voltage, low-heater voltage subminiature pentodes (or Russian rod pentodes, similar idea) strapped for triode operation.
  2. Cross your fingers and hope the 2W of heater dissipation is OK, and go with a starved-plate design and a tube that’s forgiving of low plate voltages, like a 12AU7.
So how do we choose? Let’s weigh the pluses and minuses:
  • Availability: Submini pentodes are still very easily purchasable on Ebay. 12AU7s are available at moderate cost for new production tubes. Wash.
  • Performance: Spitballing, but the 12AU7 may edge the submini even at low plate voltages. The subminis could be run much closer to their optimal operating point. Still, neither are gonna be super-linear. Slight advantage to 12AU7. Maybe
  • Heat: Submini pentodes use only 20-40mA heater current at 1.25V (as in, nearly nothing). 12AU7 will be about 2W from a 6.3VAC source. More if you go 6.3V DC. You’d really want a more complex power supply for something like this. Might be too complex. Big win for submini pentodes.
And that’s it. Heat—and power supply considerations—means we’re going with the subminiature pentodes. More on this when we get into power supply design. In the meantime, enjoy the 6088 pentode and triode curves:

Aside: And yep, we’re designing the power supply AFTER we nail down the gain stage. Because this is a tube hybrid, this approach makes sense. For other amps, you might want to start with the power supply you have, then think about gain stage.

Two: Choose a Tube Topology. Tubes can be run in lots of different topologies, if you have enough of them. The Valhalla 2 uses a cathode-coupled approach to get a noninverting design and to provide a convenient terminal for feedback in low gain mode. But when you need to:
  1. minimize the number of tubes you’re using,
  2. have voltage gain,
  3. deal with direct-heated tubes like subminiature pentodes,
getting fancy ain’t the best approach. Nope. What you want is a simple, common-cathode gain stage. And when I say “simple,” I mean, “simple.” No active loads, no feedback, just a resistor load to set the operating point.

Three: Set Voltage Gain. Tubes don’t have anywhere near as much gain as transistors or FETs. Pentodes have more gain, but we’re actually running these submini pentodes as triodes. Why? Because they perform better as triodes than pentodes. Look at the weird kink in the pentode curves. They’re nothing to write home about as triodes, but they’re better.

With most tubes, you’ll have some leeway in setting gain by choosing plate and cathode loads, but in this case, we want to run the tubes pretty much full out.
  1. Gain, in this case, is determined by setting the operating point at about 2/3 the available supply voltage with a 10K resistor.
  2. This gives a gain of about 4.
  3. You can change the gain by changing the plate resistor, but it also changes the operating point. More on this later.
Aside: sorry, no load lines here. Want to play with load lines? Go here:

Cool. So now we have a tube amp? No. Not hardly. The tiny subminiature pentode has a huge output impedance. It can’t drive anything. Not to worry. We’ll add an output stage and then figure out how to put it all together.

So how do we design an output stage?
  1. Pick the type of device you want to use.
  2. Pick the topology that achieves your goals.
  3. Set output bias.
Let’s run down the list:

One: Pick the Device Type. BJT or MOSFET? That’s the real question. Those are the two devices that do the heavy lifting, when it comes to current output. Many designers have a preference for one or another. My own preferences have been, ah, evolving. Let’s review BJTs versus MOSFETs before we get into the pluses and minuses of each.
  1. BJTs, or Bipolar Junction Transistors, are current-input, current-output devices. They have current gain, or beta, that ranges from 50-100 (in large devices) to 250-750 (in smaller signal devices.). They also have a predictable voltage drop from base to emitter, of about 0.6V.
  2. MOSFETs, or Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors, are voltage-input, current-output devices. They have a less predictable voltage drop from gate to source (2-4V), or, if they are “depletion mode” devices, they actually flow current with no voltage at the gate, like a JFET. But you ain’t gonna find a depletion mode P-channel, so that’s out.
So how do we choose? Let’s weigh the pluses and minuses:
  • Availability: BJTs and MOSFETs are both available in the sizes we plan to use for this project. Wash.
  • Performance: Probably similar in this application (no-feedback simple Class AB gain stage). Wash.
  • Integration: MOSFETs don’t require much of our limited current. BJTs do. MOSFETs do have significant gate capacitance, but at the size of device we’re using, they’re still easier to drive. Advantage MOSFET.
  • Biasing: BJTs much more predictable, with known voltage drop. Much easier to bias without having to twiddle pots or use bias servos. Advantage BJT.
As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. I ended up picking BJTs for the output of this device, because the simpler biasing means a simpler product—and simple is one of our goals.

Getting specific, I picked two SOT-89 parts: 2SC3648 and 2SA1419. More here:

Why this size? Well, it’s a relatively small board, so these are relatively small transistors…but transistors with a thermal pad that allows us to put some copper underneath them to spread the heat and keep overall temperature down. That’s nice.

But we could pick pretty much any SOT-89 size pair of NPN and PNP transistors. Why these, and not, say, BCX53/56? In this case, mainly personal preference and familiarity. We use the 2SC3648/SA1419 pair in a number of products, including Vidar and Magni 3, and I like their performance. Comparing to the BCX series, the f(t) and Cob are similar and hfe-ic curves are both nice and flat in their operating region, so both are fine choices. You could certainly use the BCX parts, or pick another pair entirely, and the amp will likely work just fine.

Two: Pick the Topology. This is where your options really expand towards infinity. Do we do a single BJT follower with resistor load, or go wild and do a triple darlington output stage? Or an output stage with gain? Or a (redacted)?

Well, let’s examine the pluses and minuses again of a few of them.
  1. Single BJT Follower? Now you’re locked into a Class A design—one with limited output current. Yes, you can add a current source to get the efficiency up, but you’re still not going to run much current, and your overall output drive will be limited. Too simple.
  2. Double Darlington Push-Pull? Now here’s a classic Class AB design, providing plenty of current gain for most applications. But it’s really more than we need. The output transistors we’re planning to use have plenty of current gain. We’re not planning on running super-hard-to-drive headphones. Too much.
  3. Single Push-Pull? This is as simple as you can get with Class AB. We do want simple. It isn’t high-performance, but neither are our design goals. Sold.
Three: Set the Bias. Again, there are tons of ways to set output bias on a BJT design. Diodes, Vbe Multipliers (look it up), even more complex bias servos. In this case, we could go with a couple of diodes and small-ish emitter resistors to set bias.

But I wouldn’t be fully comfortable that the small emitter resistors would fully protect the small output devices we’re using. So we’ll do something a bit more fun—use an LED.

An amber LED simulates tube glow, and provides about a 1.8V drop. Subtracting the 1.2V drop across the two transistor emitters, and you get 0.6V across 20 ohms, or about 30mA output bias. Small, but sufficient for this design.

Whew! “Are we there yet?” a lot of you are asking. Do we have a functional amp yet?

Nope. All we have is a voltage gain stage and an output stage. We don’t even have the glue to bind them together. Because they don’t really work all that hot on a DC basis. In fact, you really don’t want those tiny SOT-89 transistors running across the entire 35-40V main rail for the tube, because even with copper under them, they may end up getting pretty hot.

So how do you glue this mess together? Here’s where the art really starts.
  1. We could just plop the LED across the tube anode, and use that to run the output stage. But the tube is running very low current. The outputs need current to run, so you run the real chance of the output stage starving the voltage gain. Plus, even if you bias the tube such that it runs about midway between the rail, you’re still running the output across the entire 35-40V. Nope.
  2. We could add an emitter follower, and run it at higher current. This doesn’t take many parts. But again, you’re running the output across the whole rail. And, when you get right down to it, it’s probably best to bias the tube so it’s not sitting midway between the rail and ground, because the tube will perform best with more voltage on it.
  3. We could capacitor-couple the output of the tube to a resistor-biased output stage. But this is a BJT output stage, so its input impedance is nonzero, and might load down the gain stage. Plus, now you have a capacitor in the middle of things.
Or, we could get tricky, and use an inverter to level-shift the output, provide direct coupling for a lower output rail, and preserve absolute phase.


In other words, we use a transistor to invert the output of the tube (while running more current to help the output stage). At the same time, our relative DC level shifts from 27V to 9V, which is a perfect for, say, a 18V output rail.

Aside: The original Vali used a trick like this, together with an additional buffer, to further improve performance. We’re leaving the buffer out here just to keep things simple. The new Vali 2 is a whole different ballgame, using a simplified version of what we’ll soon be calling the Coherence™ hybrid topology, where we use a current mirror to combine the tube with a PNP transistor.

Still confused? Here’s what we ended up with:

Note that we’re specifying two voltage rails, but they are not complementary. Also note there’s another 1.25V supply in there. Which makes this a great place to segue into…

Power Supply Design

And here’s a whole new field to play in, one that’s nearly as big as the design of a power amplifier. Power supplies can be as simple, or as complex, as you’d like. You could decide to run everything off a 5V USB wall-wart (but not this design, which requires 40V and 20V rails, at least not without step-up switching supplies), or you could go full-boat crazy and do a linear, choke-input, discrete shunt-regulated monster.

Here, we’ll go back to that one damning word: simple.

Simple means that step-up switchers are outside the scope of this design. Simple means we’re not going to be talking about discrete regulation. Simple means we’re going to be sticking to easy, tried and true stuff. Or, in other words, boring.

The first question is how we get the power from the wall. (Because, you know, simple—no lithium-ion charge management here.) And here we’ll also pull out another word: safe.
  • Safe pretty much means a wall-wart, because they already have safety certifications in place, and they’re never going to output enough voltage to hurt someone
  • But, should we go with a DC wall-wart or AC wall-wart?
    • A DC wall-wart is probably not the best place to start. Even if you could find a 36V DC wall-wart, you’d need to regulate that 36V down to 18V for the output stage, and that means you’re gonna be running 60mA x 18V all the time, or 1.1W, which is a lot of power to burn simply to provide a lower-voltage rail.
    • An AC wall-wart is more flexible, because AC can be rectified on the board. It can then be doubled…and the doubled voltage can also be engineered to have a half-voltage point, and both can be stacked on top of ground to create the kind of power supply we need.
  • So, we’re going with AC.

Handily, Schiit has a number of AC wall-warts to choose from. We’re picking the 16VAC version. If you build this, it’ll work happily with a wide variety of wall-warts from 15-18VAC. Don’t go much higher or you’re gonna be burning stuff up. Don’t go too much lower, or you’ll be falling out of regulation.

Okay, so we got this 16VAC. If you know much about power supply design, you know that you should expect about 1.4 x 16V after rectification, or about 22V.

How do you get 36V from 22V? Easy. By using half-wave rectification, or, in other words, a simple voltage doubler. Now you’re looking at 44V.

And, we’ll get trickier. We’ll stack two capacitors across that 44V to get 44V and 22V rails, for the tube and output stage respectively. Then we need to regulate.

“Regulate, why?” some of you are asking. “I see plenty of amps running on unregulated rails.”

Yeah. Sure. Fully complementary amplifiers with high PSRR (power supply rejection ratio). This amp has a PSRR on the tube rail of, effectively, zero. It needs to have regulated supplies to get rid of all the ripple, especially from a half-wave rectified supply.

Aside: look up the pluses and minuses of full-wave and half-wave rectified power supplies. You’ll soon see that most people discount half-wave stuff. They’re missing out. Hell, Magni is half-wave.

So, what regulators? Let’s be boring. We can use bog-standard LM317 regulators for both rails. Just stack them. Hell, use the same feedback parts.

Not very exciting? Better parts available these days, you think. Yes. There are. Heck, following the LM317s with nothing more than a capacitance multiplier will dramatically reduce their noise floor. Yep. Gotcha.

But. Simple.

Not only that, we can use one more LM317 with no feedback to create that 1.25V rail for the tube heaters. Yep. Because the LM317 reference voltage is 1.25V. Convenient, right?

Well, except for one thing: you probably want to filter the output of that LM317 for the heaters, because it is pretty noisy. Best to filter each one separately, unless you want your channel separation to go to heck. You’re going to be seeing audio on each tube’s cathode, after all. So, in this case, we do a simple RC filter at each tube.

And there you go. One power supply with 36V, 18V, and 1.25V regulated rails, from a 16VAC wall-wart plus 17 parts.

Putting it All Together

“Okay, so are we done now?” you might ask.

Not quite. We have an amplifier and power supply, but how do we get the signal on and off the board? How do we protect the headphone from start-up blips (which can be very large on this kind of amplifier)? How do we control volume? How about power?

Sound simple? Hmm. Maybe not so much.

Let’s start with the volume control. Should we go with a microprocessor-controlled IC volume control? A relay-switched stepped attenuator? An Alps “Blue Velvet” pot?

In short: none of the above. The first two are wayyyyy too complicated, and the last is physically quite large. What we’re looking for is a small, good potentiometer. An Alps RK09 (like we use on Magni) is just the ticket. In this case, we’ll choose an off-the-shelf part, but ideally we’d really like to see something custom, with a 10A taper, which allows even more gradual increase of volume than the standard 15A taper.

Aside: look up Alps potentiometers and the available tapers to see what I’m talking about…and to see how the simplest decisions can be, well, less than obvious.

And, just because we can, we’ll go with a vertical potentiometer, so you can run a volume knob in the middle of the board, kinda like a Fulla 2.

Next, let’s talk connectors.
  • RCA input? Nope. Let’s keep this really simple and go with a 1/8” stereo connector. Yeah, I can hear the groaning already. But it’s simple enough to get a 1/8” to 1/8” or dual RCA to 1/8” cable. And if it’s really that problematic, best to simply use this product as a coaster.
  • ¼” output? Nope. Let’s keep this really really simple and do 1/8” again. Yes, I know, everything we do is ¼”, but they are physically large, and we didn’t want this to be a coaster only for Big Gulps.
  • Power? A DC barrel connector with 5.5mm barrel and 2.1mm pin works with our standard wall-wart. If you use something else, make sure it fits your wall-wart.
Okay, how about a power switch?
  • Sure, let’s do a simple vertical toggle. I’ll place it near the “back” of the board so it’ll feel familiar
And finally, headphone protection. This is another subject that can get very complicated, very fast. We can go completely bonkers on protection, like the analog-computer-style protection system used by Mjolnir 2 to calculate DC and power output and make sure everything is cool, or the microprocessor oversight of Ragnarok and Vidar, which are even more sophisticated.

But. Simple.

What we really need to protect from is turn-on pulses. To do this, the easiest and simplest way is with an output relay and a time delay. Is it perfect? No. But it’s a great 98% solution. So that’s what we’re going with.

Aaaaaannndd….now we have an amp.

Next chapter: building the PCB. Thanks again for reading!
Jul 12, 2018 at 12:56 AM Post #89 of 326
Coaster chapter 3

2018, Chapter 4:
Engineering, Part 3

“Okay, so we have a schematic.”

That’s how I was going to start this chapter. At least that was the plan.

But, today (March 13, 2018), I decided to plug the prototype into the Stanford (you know, just to get a head start on the measurement chapter). I didn’t expect to find anything particularly surprising. This was just a chance to do some printouts.

And. Yeah.

Nothing is ever easy.


Here’s what happened: I plugged the prototype into a wall-wart and turned it on. Then I realized I needed a second 1/8” to dual RCA connector to run back into the analyzer. So I went upstairs. And upstairs, I talked to Tyler, answered some emails, and generally farted around for a while. So it was fifteen minutes or so before I came back downstairs to measure the Vali Mini.

And, when I plugged it in, I was looking at power supply noise. LOTS of power supply noise. Much more than it should have. Now, Vali Mini will never win any low-noise prizes, but I figured I’d see pretty much all the power supply harmonics (above 60 Hz) below -100dB. And I figured that most of them above 180Hz would be pretty much down in the mud.

Nope. 60Hz was at like -60. 120 was -65, and 180 was -70, and down and down, but you could easily see 10x harmonics of the 60Hz in the noise. This is what I was looking at:

In comparison, here's a Jotunheim I had hanging around:

In case you’re wondering about all the engineer-speak, this is not good.

And, this is nothing like Vali.

Vali never had this problem.

Sigh. On one hand, I love the fact that this simple little product turned up an example of bizarre behavior—in engineering terms, an “unexpected event,” or “unintended outcome,” or “@&%#$*^!^$$$!!!!”

On the other hand, I didn’t think this simple design would have any oddities, so I’m unhappy I have to spend time debugging it.

Aside: and yeah, at the time of this writing, I don’t know anything about why Vali Mini is exhibiting this behavior, other than it doesn’t do it when first turned on, and that it’s a noise artifact on the power supply. I’ll dig into this more tomorrow, and get into the problem in more detail in the measurements and documentation chapter.

“So what could it be?” you ask.

Good question. Given my experience, I have my suspicions:
  1. It’s a power supply problem. Specifically, a bad part or bad PCB trace or something like that. This is unlikely, because even though the noise manifests on the power supply side, the power supply design is bog-standard and 100% boring. Maybe I overvolted the 36V regulator—it might need a diode across it to protect it on shutdown. That’s an easy swap to see what the heck is going on.
  2. Something is oscillating. This is more likely, even though, as a no-overall-feedback amp, we shouldn’t have to worry about this much. Oscillation manifests in really bizarre ways. And, sometimes it’s hard to spot on today’s digital scopes. And it can be sneaky, like not showing up until the devices get warm and their beta goes up. And I’ve already had to add a 100pF cap across the plate load to stabilize it. And there are no local bypasses on the gain stages. I’ll be able to see any oscillation on a good digital scope or real analog scope when I get back to it tomorrow.
  3. It’s a really crappy layout. This is also possible. Maybe my design requirement for “cool looking” resulted in a layout that was, er, sub-optimal. I think it’s not bad, but I could have some parasitic capacitance or inductance that’s turning the design into an oscillator.
So. Yeah. Me, the smartass, figures “hey, I’ll show you this really simple design, because after all, what can go wrong? Vali worked fine, this is even easier…”

And I get boned.

Aside: More will be revealed as I learn what’s going on. If nothing else, it’s a great “learning experience” (AKA, “you got boned.”) or “teachable moment,” (AKA, “someone got boned.”) This is why I have great respect for any engineer who’s brought a product to market. Because this is really the easiest place for something unexpected to occur. It could be during the first production run. Yes. Eeeeeeek.

Repeat after me: nothing is ever easy.



PC Board Layout: Oh Gawd, The Choices

Okay, so we have a schematic. Are we done with the design?

Ahhahahahahhahaaahahahahahaaha! Please excuse me while I go laugh for, like, a half an hour or so. Because, yeah, even after you’ve done all the mental gyrations and design work to create a schematic, you’re nowhere near done. At least not if you’re aiming at producing more than a breadboard or hand-wired prototype or two.

The next step can be even more fun: designing the PC board.

You frown. “Seems kinda boring,” you say.

And yeah, maybe you have a point. PC board layout is kinda like the world’s least interesting video game. If you like mazes, you might like it. If you like solving mazes you made yourself, you might like it even more. If you like solving mazes you made yourself with rules involving how close the lines can get to each other, and with more unwritten rules about how you can loe if the wrong lines get too close for too long a run, and with the higher complexity of doing it in three dimensions, so lines can run over each other (and interact in new and interesting ways), you might LOVE it.

“Yeah, sounds like something I want someone else to do,” you say.

Yep. I hear you. Here’s the problem: if that “someone else” doesn’t know the circuit, its application, and the unintended gotchas as well as you do, you can end up with a really, really bad PC board. You can end up with one so bad it doesn’t work well enough to go to production.

“Well, I saw some PC board layout software once,” you say, as a savvy engineer. “It had this ‘autoroute’ button. If it can do this stuff automatically, how hard can it be?”

Aside: every single engineer who’s designed working PC boards is now hugging themselves and shivering in a corner.

Aside to the aside: I was told about one auto-routed board which had many power-hungry DSPs on it (pulling something like 3 amps) where the auto-route had run the main Vcc line all the way around the outside of the board (something like 12 inches of total trace length)…and the Vcc trace was 10 mils wide. If your hair isn’t standing on end after reading this, best to do some learning.

Yeah. No autoroute. You don’t use autoroute.

Nor do you use auto-place. Nor do you farm out your PC boards to the lowest bidder. Nor do you trust them to anyone who isn’t at least as good as you, in terms of the overall design. Or at least, Schiit doesn’t. Every PC board we do is done by me, Mike, or Dave. Period.

“That sounds inefficient,” you say. “How you gonna be a big multinational company if you can’t delegate, blah blah (insert buncha crap you read in the latest ‘pop CEO’ book here.)?”

Uh. No.

I actually like doing PC boards, and I’m pretty damn fast at it too. Plus, I don’t need to review stuff for possible mistakes. Plus, I can do the metal changes needed as I do the PC board, so there’s more design efficiency and even less review. Dave’s at least as fast as I am. And he’s certainly better in terms of mixed analog/digital stuff.

Plus, we don’t really do that many boards.

Plus, you really don’t want anyone else doing it. Nobody else knows the design better. Nobody else is going to do a better overall job.

Aside: though yeah, we **** up. That’s what prototypes are for.

“But I’ve never designed a PC board,” you say. “I don’t know where I’d start.”

Well, here’s some blunt advice: if you intend to make products for mass production, you’d better start learning.

  • You’d better know how to route a ground for lowest noise.
  • You’d better know what happens when your transformer field gets too close to your input lines.
  • You’d better know about the thermal consequences of spacing products too close together.
  • You’d better know what’s realistic to fit on a given size board.
  • You’d better know how to run output lines, or when it’s better to go to wiring to get it off the board.
  • You’d better know how to deal with mixed AC and DC lines.
  • You’d better know how to deal with mixed digital and analog circuits (especially these days.)
Where do you start?

Best thing to do is probably to download Kicad, pull up a good schematic from (careful it isn’t commercial or copyright protected), and lay out a board. See if it works. Solicit feedback from the DIYaudio community.

Beyond that, there’s this amazing thing called “Google,” into which you can type search queries like “how to design PCB tutorial” and get a whole lot of results. Unfortunately, I haven’t used any of these results, so I can’t comment on how good or bad they are. Sorry. I did tell you that anyone else on the planet would be better at DIY.

“Okay, fine. I’ve downloaded KiCad. I have a schematic. What do I do now, chief?”

Oh boy. Your choices have only just begun. Because you really should know a few things before you start. Or you should at least have some good guesses. Here’s what you should know:

  1. What’s the chassis look like? It’s gonna suck when you deliver a beautiful 10.5” x 5” PC board…for a 9” x 6” chassis. It’s also gonna suck if your designer assumed the inputs would be on the back and the outputs would be on the front, and you ran them all along one side. It’s also gonna suck if it fits perfectly…but the board won’t fit into the chassis because the capacitors are too tall. Or they don’t fit under a rail. Or the input and output connectors assume you can push them through solid metal.
    a. General rule: don’t start on the board unless you know what the chassis looks like, and where you expect the I/O to be.
    b. Getting specific: Of course, we get a free pass on Vali Mini, because it’s supposed to be a coaster, no chassis at all. But even then, I figured that a 6” diameter coaster would be too big, and that people would want power on the back and I/O on the front.
  2. How much heat does this sucker have to dissipate? If you’re doing a simple op-amp based preamp, you may not need to worry about how hot the product is going to get, but this isn’t usual. Hell, computers are constrained by how much heat they can get out of the processor. If you’re going to be powering headphones or speakers, you’re probably looking at dissipating enough power to worry about. Do you need heatsinks? Do you need to use the chassis as a heatsink? Do you need thermal pads or gap pads? Can you use the board as a heatsink? How close can hot devices get to each other?
    a. General rule: don’t start on the board unless you know how much power you have to get rid of., and what options you have to get rid of it.
    b. Getting specific: Vali Mini is low-power enough to use the PC board as a heatsink.
  3. What’s my cost constraint? If there aren’t any cost constraints, ima doin every damn board as 10-layer, 0.093 thick, ENIG, 4/2 ox copper. Confused by this engineerese? It’s worth learning. I’ll disambiguate a bit below.
    a. General rule: the more layers and the thicker the copper, the more expensive the board. 2 layer/1 oz copper boards are kinda the de facto starting point these days. These boards can be so cheap that it’s less expensive making 5-10 pieces than it costs to ship DHL from China. When you start talking more layers and thicker copper, costs can add up fast.
    b. General rule: the thicker or thinner the board, relative to 0.062” or 0.047” (depending on manufacturer), the higher the cost. 0.062” boards are the de facto standard, but the thinner 0.047” boards are commonly available at similar cost (and if you are wondering why you’d want a thinner board, you haven’t done a product with a thickness constraint.)
    c. General rule: the more exotic the processing, the higher the board cost. HASL (hot air solder leveling) is a cheap process that is used to tin the boards, and is pretty much the de facto (cheap) standard. ENIG (electroless nickel immersion gold) makes nice gold-colored PC boards (and can result in significantly higher reliability when you’re using exotic parts with tiny pads and buried thermal lands).
    d. Getting specific: Vali Mini is going with 2-layer boards, 1 oz copper, 0.062”, ENIG. We’re using the more exotic board processing because it looks better, and it’s going to be safer around food. In practice, most Schiit boards are 4-layer, 2-oz copper, 0.062-0.093”, and HASL (most analog) or ENIG (most digital).
Okay. Got your schematic? Got your PC board layout software? Got your chassis design, heat production, and cost constraints? Now you’re ready to do your PC board.

And even then, there are choices.
  • Do you put parts on only one side or both (both costs more)?
  • How many through-hole parts do you use (through-hole costs more to handle, but can be more mechanically robust)?
  • How critical is the layout to performance (does each side need to be exactly the same?)
  • How cool do you want it to look (yes, this is a choice, and it can bite you in the butt)?
  • What color is the PC board (yeah, not a huge deal, but it’s a choice)?
For Vali Mini, we’re putting parts only on one side (it’s a friggin coaster, after all). And we’re using a pretty large number of through-hole parts, including the electrolytic capacitors, I/O connectors, the power switch, and, of course, the tubes. For the audio band, the layout shouldn’t be super critical, but that doesn’t matter, we always make the two channels as close as possible to matching. “Cool looking” was a design criterion, so we’re going to take extra effort to make sure the product is as symmetrical and clean as possible.

Aside: and this is what might have caused the oscillation…if it was oscillation. Because “looking cool” is rarely “most efficient.”

And, of course, the PC board would be red, because all of our boards are red.

Vali Mini PC Board Layout and First Build

In terms of layout, I’m afraid Vali Mini was a bit of a snoozer. It’s an easy board, especially after doing (redacted). There’s plenty of space. There are no huge thermal concerns. Really, the only fun came from:
  1. I started with a 4” diameter board, and kept making it smaller as I made the layout more efficient. Although there’s no standard coaster size, we don’t need a combined coaster/Frisbee. So I’d finish the layout, then pull the diameter smaller, then do it again. Despite this, it really only took a couple of hours to lay out.
  2. I actually started with an earlier design that had a buffer, not an inverter, coupling the tube and transistor output stage. This wouldn’t have worked. That’s all right. I finished the design and sent it out for prototype before realizing this. $32 down the drain (did I mention, prototypes are insanely cheap.)
  3. Even after realizing my mistake and re-laying-out the board for the correct schematic, I boned the power supply. I screwed up the connection between the two regulators, so the power supply didn’t work. The prototype I’m currently running has a couple of board hacks.
And, of course, I have the weird noise problem. More on that as I learn more.

Building the prototype was also straightforward. As I mentioned, I used a lot of parts we already have lying around Schiit. Capacitors, tubes, connectors, resistors…most of that was standard.

In fact, it was actually kinda nice to build the prototype. I’d purposely chosen “0805 (hand soldering)” and similar library objects when building the board. In other words, I knew that these boards might be hand-assembled, so I used components built purposely with larger pads so they were easy to handle. If you look at an 0805 component on one of our production boards, you won’t even see the pads underneath it. A “hand soldering” version is three times as big.

So the boards were easy to assemble.

And, hell, to get right down to it, they were assemblable. We’re using enough exotic parts (3x3mm devices with 14 irregularly shaped pads underneath, stuff with hidden thermal lands, QFNs, hell, even 100-pin 0.5mm spacing devices are no picnic) that many of our prototypes are now assembled by our PCB house, so we don’t touch them. Or, we do and there’s a lot of cussing involved.

So the board flew together. It was a simple design. Simple assembly. It should work just fine, right?


Hell, it didn’t work at all. No LEDs. Nothing glowing. Dead. Of course, nothing was smoking, either, which you gotta count as a plus. But still, not what I expected.

Aside: powering up a design for the first time? Use a variac. Monitor the voltages. Go slow. Watch for smoke. Vali Mini is a pretty low-power design, and pretty safe, but that’s still what I do for everything. Do this 10000X more seriously with high-power designs. Turning on a speaker power amp design for the first time can be a hair-raising experience.

A bit of cautious probing with a multimeter revealed that the main power supply wasn’t working at all—not before or after the regulators. Whut? That didn’t make any sense. I mean, this was a well-known schematic, with well-known parts, what could possibly go wrong…

What was wrong? Well, how about the schematic. When you ground one half of the AC input coming into a voltage doubler, well, that ain’t no good. And when you screw up the library object for the DPAK LM317, then yep, that don’t work either.

A few hacks and the board was up and running.

Or, well, limping. The DC point at the tube anode was like 30V, or only about a 6V drop. I was looking for about 10V, so I’d be about midpoint of the 18V rail after the inverter (after accounting for the 0.6V drop).

So, I swapped out the 10K resistor for 11.3K. Closer, but no ceegar. 12.7K? Nope. 15K was the magic point, which gave me about 9.9V on one side, and 9.5V on the other.

Aside: tubes won’t be the same. Get over it. Horseshoes and hand grenades. Yep.

Aside to the aside: want to do this design with different tubes, like a 6418 or a Russian rod pentode? Expect to be changing the anode load to get the right operating point. 6418s might be a very good choice, since they like lower anode voltages. Sorry, didn’t try them, so I can’t comment definitively.

Finally, a brief listen. Sounded fine on some MrSpeakers Ether Flows. Very reminiscent of the original Vali—really vivid, 3D, maybe even a bit too enthusiastic on the high end. And, of course, with ever bump of the board….tinnggggggggggggggggggggggggg…

And that’s about all the time I got with it, because, well, this was a play project. There were other things that needed to be done. I didn’t even spend any time measuring it, other than to confirm where it clipped (about 15V p-p, with noticeable rounding on the bottom half of the sine wave, not surprising for this kind of design).

That was it. I put it on the shelf above my desk and moved on.

Until yesterday, when I made some measurements…and found some unexpected behavior.

Again: nothing is ever easy. Nothing.

I’ll report on what went wrong in the next chapter.
Jul 12, 2018 at 12:57 AM Post #90 of 326
Coaster Chapter 4

2018, Chapter 7:
Engineering, Part 4

In the last chapter about the coaster amp, I was agonizing over an unexpected outcome—variable noise in its output. At the time, I thought it was probably oscillation, since the tubes I’m using have very high bandwidth. But I’d never seen anything like it on the original Vali, so it was really, really weird to see it on an even simpler, lower-performance amp.

So, I went ahead and made another prototype board, this one with significantly more bypassing to help eliminate all sorts of parasitics…

…and it worked exactly the same.

Whuh-whuh. Sad trombone.

After scratching my head a bit, I finally realized that the voltage regulators I was using didn’t have enough voltage on them to, like, actually regulate.

Why’d I miss this? Because I’m now used to working with what engineers call “LDO,” or “low dropout” regulators. LDO regulators may need only 50mV between input and output to successfully regulate. The, ahem, rather vintageregulators I used in the coaster needed a whopping 3V.

So why not use LDO regulators? Go back to the original goals:

Primary Goal: To design a functional tube hybrid headphone amplifier that fits on a coaster-sized round PC board.

  1. PC board usable as a cool-looking coaster without adding any parts to it.
  2. Documentation provided for moderate to advanced DIYers who want to build a functioning amp with the PCB.
    • Schematic
    • PCB (finished)
    • Bill of Materials
    • Basic measurements
  3. Low cost to build into a functional product
  4. Uses easily available parts
  5. Safe to use and operate
Yep, see #3 and #4—low cost, easily available parts. If I spec’d exotic $5 regulators (with the added benefit of, say, maybe being in a 3x3mm part size with a thermal pad on the bottom, making the product impossible to build without thermal paste and an oven), I’m not abiding by the goals, am I?

So what did I do? I reduced the output voltage a bit and all was well. The regulators regulated. Everyone was happy.


(Here’s Murphy and his danged law again)

…except that lowering the voltage had also lowered performance. We were originally shooting for:
  • 0.5-1% THD+N at 1VRMS out into 300 ohms
  • 300-500mW full-scale output at clipping into 32 ohms with several percent THD
  • 90-95dB S/N ratio, unweighted, referenced to 1V
What we got was more like 1.5% THD+N at 1V into 300 ohms. This was higher than expected, and a bit disappointing for me. The original Vali clocked in at 0.3%.

But, the original Vali had much higher rail voltages (60V and 30V, rather than 30V and 15V). The 6088 tubes really needed more voltage.

I considered scrapping the project, but then remembered that we had some lower-voltage tubes I could play with—6418s. Swapping 6418s into the circuit and tweaking the plate load gave me 0.4% THD at 1V.

That was better, but we were still talking about a relatively low-performance amp. Was it worth continuing with? I was honestly unsure.

However, when I did a little bit of research on tube amps like this, I found that the performance of the coaster (or, formally, Vali Mini, if you want a name) wasn’t really out of line. It was very similar to other amps using subminiature tubes or NuTubes.

And, when listening to it, it doesn’t really sound like a high-distortion amp, at least to me, and at least with the 6418s. In fact, it sounds pretty nice. It’s not a powerhouse, nor is it the quietest amp on the planet, nor is it the most resolving. But it sounds pretty good.

(Either that, or I’m deaf.)

Specs-wise, the rest was OK. Or at least as expected. Power output was OK at about 320mW into 32 ohms (with visible sine wave compression, 10% THD before clipping.) S/N was OK at 92-98dB, depending on the tube. This, however, was not unweighted, but A-weighted, because the amp still had a decent amount of 60Hz hum. Ah well, we didn’t meet all the specs.

I mean, really, it’s a coaster. Mainly, anyway.

It was done. Time to release it.

Well, except one last problem. Our first builder, Paladin79 here on the thread, ran into some problems getting a couple of the boards to run. I sent him a photo of my board and built another myself directly from the BOM (which I should have done in the first place), and we quickly found the problem: the 200K resistor I’d spec’d as part of the relay timer should have been a 2M part (I read the 2004 marking and took it to be 200K, duh). With 200K, the MOSFET driving the relay would never get enough voltage to turn on. With 2M, it had about a 12 second delay. I eventually changed the part to 1M, which gives about a 25 second delay, better for a small tube amp.

Thanks, Paladin79, for helping me figure this one out!

So, Yeah, Gimme the Numbers

Before we get to the documentation—that is, the finished schematic and BOM—let’s talk a bit about testing and specs. The results presented here are of a representative sampleof the Vali Mini board, running 6418 or 6088 tubes, as noted. This does not mean all builds will test the same.

In fact, the tubes can change the measured results significantly, as they vary quite a bit. See “Optimizing Results” below, about matching tubes, for best performance. The unit tested here used unmatched, unsorted tubes, so the channels vary a bit in terms of THD, noise, etc.

Frequency Response: 10Hz-150kHz, +/- 1dB
Power Output:83mW into 300 ohms, 320mW into 32 ohms, maximum (10% THD)
THD: typically 0.4-0.5% at 1V RMS (6418 tubes) or about 1.0-1.5% at 1V RMS (6088 tubes)
IMD: typically less than 0.5%, either tube, at 1V, CCI
SNR: 92-98dB, A-weighted, referenced to 1V, depending on tube (6088s are slightly quieter)
Crosstalk: -80dB, 20-20kHz
Output Impedance: 8.1 ohms
Input Impedance: 50k
Gain: about 3 (6418 tubes) or 4 (6088 tubes)
Topology: subminiature pentode in triode-strapped mode, discrete Class AB output stage
Protection: time delayed relay mute on startup
Power Supply: uses standard Schiit 16VAC wall-wart, linear supply with +30V, +15V, and +1.25V rails
Power Consumption: about 2W​

Not the most impressive looking set of test results? Nope. This was never intended to be a high-performance amp. If you’re looking for something with much better measured performance, there are plenty of other DIY options out there. But if you’re looking for a fun little tube amp, this might just be the ticket.

So How Do You Build This Thing?

First, a disclaimer. We have applied this disclaimer, I think, pretty much to every chapter. We have applied it on the product page. And on the downloads page. But it bears repeating again:

We are not experts at DIY. We do not sell parts, and cannot provide support for your build. Literally any other company doing DIY will do it better than us. If you aren’t a moderate to advanced DIYer, it’s probably best to use these coasters as, well, just coasters.

Here are the links you need:

Coaster boards:
Schematic and BOM:

What Headphones Should I Use This With?

If you’re expecting to drive Hifiman HE-6s with this amp, you’re gonna be disappointed. Same goes for any other power-hungry planar magnetic headphone. While there are plenty of efficient planars these days, if you have one of the old, needs-a-welder-to-run-it variety, you’re gonna be Schiit outta luck.

Same goes for highly sensitive IEMs and CIEMs. You’re gonna hear hiss and tube ringining. Period. The noise floor isn’t low enough for very sensitive in-ear headphones. Plus, the high output impedance will play hell with multi-driver IEMs. So, yeah, don’t bother going there.

As far as everything else? Well, everything else is fine. Or at least worth trying. You may be surprised by what you like paired with this amp. We’ve used it with Sennheiser HD650s, Audeze LCD2Cs, Grado PS500es, and a half-dozen more. Don’t let the high output impedance scare you—give it a try.

How Do I Get Better Results?

No, this won’t be a missive about how you can swap out the capacitors for audiophile-grade products the size of a beer can, or use specially formulated solder with silver and gold to increase performance. Boringly, but fittingly, this is about a few engineering-y, measure-y things you can do to improve the results of your build.
  1. Use a tube cushion. The original Vali used 30 durometer Sorbothane pads under the subminiature tubes, as well as another piece of foam under the board to keep the tiiiiinngggggg (microphonic) noise down.
    • If you don’t have Sorbothane, use a soft rubber or foam pad under the tubes—you’re looking for something very soft. 30 duro Sorbothane feels a lot like bacon.
    • Different tubes have different levels of microphonics. Some never settle down. Listen while you match the tubes (below) and get rid of any perma-ringers.
  2. Match the tubes.These tubes do vary. Actually, quite a bit. This matters because the variation changes the gain of the amplifier. If you use two unmatched tubes, you could have gain that’s off by a couple of dB on one side. Lower gain tubes also tend to have higher distortion, at least in our measurements.
    • To match tubes, measure the gain of each side with a 250mV RMS sine wave input at 1K. The amp will put out something like about 1V RMS. However, one channel might be 1.08V RMS, and the other one 0.92V RMS. Swap the tubes until they’re closer (say, 1.08/1.02V RMS, or about 5%).
    • Consider adding pin sockets to the build to speed up tube testing. There are small machined sockets you can use for this purpose. They’re not perfect, but they are better than soldering and desoldering a half-dozen tubes. You can solder in the tube when you find the right one.
    • The 6418s seem worse than the 6088s in terms of variation, but the 6418s also have better measured performance in terms of THD.
  3. Adjust plate load for true midpoint operation.You’ll get maximum output from the amp when the output DC level (before the coupling capacitor) is 7.5V. This allows the amp to swing the rails (or pretty close).
    • I’ve provided a 10K recommended plate load (R101 and R201) for both 6418 and 6088 tubes, but, depending on the tube (see above, they vary), you may want to change the plate loads to get the output DC closer to 7.5V.
    • If the voltage is lower than 7.5V, increase the plate load
    • If the voltage is higher than 7.5V, decrease the plate load.
    • If you’re going to do this, change both loads to the same value, and don’t stress if one comes out at 7.7V and one comes out at 7.3V. That’s the tube variation again.
So, if you do all three of these steps, does it transform the amp into a super-high-performance product suitable for all headphones from CIEMs to HE-6s?

In short, nope. It’s still going to be a simple, limited, slightly noisy, high distortion, slightly microphonic little tube hybrid. But that doesn’t mean it sounds bad.

To go farther with the design, you’re moving into flying-parts-land. Adding feedback would lower the gain, noise, and THD. But that’s more parts, and it adds feedback, which some people like to avoid. Going to a Darlington output stage would improve performance as well, but that’s a huge change, and, again, more parts. Increasing voltage would be welcome, but then we’re getting well beyond what this was supposed to be—a coaster, which can also be built into a simple little hybrid amp.

Time To Build Your Own Coaster?

I hope you enjoyed this engineering odyssey, and learned a few things about the many decisions that go into making even the simplest product. Now, imagine the engineering decisions needed on something as complex as, say, an Yggdrasil (which has three different sets of firmware, a couple of dozen power supplies and voltage references, and both analog and digital sides to worry about. Or even a Freya, with its relay ladder, tube and buffer stages, and remote control.

Sounds like fun? Yep, it is.

Or at least we think so!

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