Ultrasone HFI-780 Unboxking.
Apr 22, 2010 at 7:20 PM Post #31 of 58
Haha.... Congrats on the purchase ...ill be getting the ALO modded ones sometime in June....


I also have the Denon 751's and they offer some real VFM!

Also they are some 76$'s on Amazon right now...
Apr 23, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #32 of 58

Originally Posted by ViKiD™ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haha.... Congrats on the purchase ...ill be getting the ALO modded ones sometime in June....


I also have the Denon 751's and they offer some real VFM!

Also they are some 76$'s on Amazon right now...

I also looked at those ALO modded. But that's just above the limit for what I could spend without feeling a lump in my stomach.

Placed an order for the Denon 751's, at Amazon's german site. Cheaper for me since I would have to pay taxes ordering from Amazon.com. Considering they are $278 in shops over here, it was just too good a deal to turn down.
Apr 23, 2010 at 6:48 AM Post #33 of 58
Scrivs I know we may have talked about this before but I couldn't find it so Im not sure. I needed some advice on what amp to buy for the 780's. I was checking out the iBasso D10 but I'm not too experience when it comes to amps. Like I said before I'm always looking for something that increases the bass or bass quality. So something in the $150-250 range. Any recommendations?
Apr 23, 2010 at 4:25 PM Post #34 of 58

Originally Posted by Gunslinger Rob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Scrivs I know we may have talked about this before but I couldn't find it so Im not sure. I needed some advice on what amp to buy for the 780's. I was checking out the iBasso D10 but I'm not too experience when it comes to amps. Like I said before I'm always looking for something that increases the bass or bass quality. So something in the $150-250 range. Any recommendations?

Well, Gunslinger Rob, I've been asking myself the same thing eversince I bought the 780s :p I dont have a good amp for them yet either (currently using them on my FiiO E5, which isnt very powerfull :p).
Currently I'm thinking about getting the iBasso D10 as you said, or the Zero amp/DAC... Havent realy spent enough time in searching and reading which amp would suit this headphone the best though, mostly because I'm not yet planning on getting an amp before I've properly burned it in (got around 70 hours on them now).
So I'm sorry, but I cant give you a good recommendation yet


Originally Posted by Asprilla /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Damn you for making me want those Denon 751C's!!!

I guess it's a guy-thing, wanting stuff. Really good price on those at iheadphones too. They are about twice that in the only retailer selling them in Sweden.

It's not only the size of the HFI-780's that's worrying me. I'm actually more concerned about the summer since I will be too warm from wearing them then.

I mainly bought the HFI-780's to use with my desktop, and ipod when at work. What kind of source you have on your desktop? I only have an on board sound card atm, planning to go for an asus xonar essence stx later.

One thing is for sure; "sorry about your wallet" is not a myth, it's the ******** truth.

The Denons are indeed a very good value for the money, the sound is awesome and their very bassy aswell.
I love them, especially because I got them darn cheap :p
They go for around 180 euros here in Holland, but I bought them second hand for $70 (around 50 euros) from kjk1281 here in the For Sale thread on Head-Fi. So ye, I just couldnt let that go by, I had to buy them even while I already had a good pair of IEMS :p

I'm indeed a bit concerned about the summer with these headphones aswell, after wearing them for a few hours I can clearly feel my ears getting a bit sweaty. Though, because I will only be using them inside the house, I'm not sure if this will realy be a big problem... a good AC will probably be helpfull in this case :p

About my source, I'm using them on my FiiO E5 headphone amp which is plugged into my iNano Patch passive volume controller, which is wired to my M-Audio Audiophole 2496 internal soundcard.
Not realy a superb source realy, but I'm planning on getting a DAC or/and an amp as soon as I've properly burned the headphone in to get some improvement on the sound.
Still not sure on what to get though :S Its seriously hard to decide what amp or DAC will suit me the best since there are so many choices :p

And you are absolutely right, "sorry for your wallet" is defenitely not a myth :p
I recently found out that I've already spent around 1200 euros on audio gear eversince I joined this forum. I was quite shocked actually...

I will let you guys know when I've bought an amp or DAC and tell you what I think of it. And also let me know if you've bought one before I did :p

- Scrivs
May 10, 2010 at 10:28 AM Post #36 of 58
@ Asprilla.
I got my 751c's today. real nice with a much fuller sound than my old philips in-ear set.

Congrats on your purchase! I'm glad that you like the Denons :wink:
what else do you own Scrivs? I feel this urge to own everything you have

Hahah, well just check my signature! lol :wink:
But if you are using the denons mostly for portable use on your iPod, or any other portable music player, then I can recommend you to get the FiiO E5 portable headphone amp. I got it aswell and it gives quite a nice improvement to the already wicked sound quality of the 751s. And because it's quite small you can easily drag it with you to anywhere you wanna go. I just always click it on one of those 'belt-lips' on my pants with the clicker on the back of the amp.
It works great and on top of that, its not expensive at all, I believe I bought it off of Ebay back in the day for only 15 pounds...
So ye :p, that could be something to consider!
Oh btw guys, I properly burned the 780 in a few days ago (got over 100 hours on it now) so I'm on the hunt for a decent amp or DAC/Amp combo to pair it with.
Will let you know once I've made a decision :wink:
- Scrivs.
May 10, 2010 at 10:53 AM Post #37 of 58

@ Asprilla.
Congrats on your purchase! I'm glad that you like the Denons :wink:
Hahah, well just check my signature! lol :wink:
But if you are using the denons mostly for portable use on your iPod, or any other portable music player, then I can recommend you to get the FiiO E5 portable headphone amp. I got it aswell and it gives quite a nice improvement to the already wicked sound quality of the 751s. And because it's quite small you can easily drag it with you to anywhere you wanna go. I just always click it on one of those 'belt-lips' on my pants with the clicker on the back of the amp.
It works great and on top of that, its not expensive at all, I believe I bought it off of Ebay back in the day for only 15 pounds...
So ye :p, that could be something to consider!
Oh btw guys, I properly burned the 780 in a few days ago (got over 100 hours on it now) so I'm on the hunt for a decent amp or DAC/Amp combo to pair it with.
Will let you know once I've made a decision :wink:
- Scrivs.

Scrivs,   I love using my 780's with Movies and Gaming.  If you plan on keep them for a while you should really look into getting the Ultrasone 9 Pads for them.  These pads does wonders for comfort and looks, but they are not cheap $158. for the pair: http://www.32ohmaudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=63_64_100&products_id=416&zenid=b82b3b39e3c003a15daedb569fcb6962  
Oh, let me know what kind of amps you are thinking of because i'm looking at getting rid of my RSA Preadator if you are interested.
May 11, 2010 at 11:23 PM Post #38 of 58
Are the cups made of aluminum or aluminum-colored plastic?  If it is metal, is it heavy on your head?
May 12, 2010 at 2:21 AM Post #39 of 58
The cups are made of plastic. The set is quite light and not uncomfortable to me.
One note is that I recently purchased my cans from RMC Audio and they did NOT come with the extension cable as shown in this thread but with the single, long (very long) cable. Something to think about if you plan to use these for portable purposes.
May 12, 2010 at 6:05 AM Post #40 of 58

Are the cups made of aluminum or aluminum-colored plastic?  If it is metal, is it heavy on your head?

The cups are indeed made of aluminum-colored plastic, but don't feel cheap or 'ready-to-break' at all.
The headphone doesnt feel heavy on the head either, the pads are quite comfortable aswell, though they do cause your ears to heat up a bit after a few hours of listening. The only point of uncomfortability is the headband for me, I havent realy found out why yet, but after a few hours its starts to annoy a bit. Though a slight replacement of the band on your head will fix this.
Its nothing big, its just the only thing I can think of considering the comfortability of this headphone :wink:
Oh, let me know what kind of amps you are thinking of because i'm looking at getting rid of my RSA Preadator if you are interested.

Hmm, those seem to be quite nice... what is your opinion about them?
And how much were you thinking of selling them for?
let me know :wink: Might be interested.
- Scrivs.
May 12, 2010 at 10:51 AM Post #41 of 58
Scrivs,   The Ultrasone 9 Pads add so much comfort to the HFI-780 it is ridiculous, these pads are so soft.  The only thing is you would have to purchase the Beyerdynamic earpad kit to get the center earpad filter or like Ken from "ALO Audio" stated try a piece of panty hose to cover the exposed center.  But I really do enjoy the Ultrasone 9 pads.  Here's a link below with pics: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DT250Earpad/
I really only use my HFI-780 for Gaming and movies.
May 31, 2010 at 2:37 AM Post #42 of 58
Scrivs keep me posted on what amp you pick up. I think Ive decided on getting the Headstage Arrow...just waiting for them to finish the revised model and ship them out at the end of June. Still interested to see what amp you decide on though just for comparison.
Jun 6, 2010 at 5:46 PM Post #44 of 58

hi... im new to this hobby ... 
was wondering that if these headphone sound good with rock ?

I don't listen to rock myself so I wouldnt realy know for sure, but since rock musick isnt realy based and focused on basslines I think the HFI-780 would be a bit too much on the lower end of the spectrum...
I think you would be more pleased with the Ultrasone HFI-680 for you music preference because that headphone is considered by most people as a better live sounding headphone and has a better overall soundstage. That is just what I have heard about it though, never had a chance to listen to it myself yet...
Scrivs keep me posted on what amp you pick up. I think Ive decided on getting the Headstage Arrow...just waiting for them to finish the revised model and ship them out at the end of June. Still interested to see what amp you decide on though just for comparison.

Well I ordered the Dr. DAC2 DX by Audiotrak on Ebay a few days ago. It was shipped fairly quick but now its stuck at the bloody customs here in Amsterdam waiting to get checked for any drugs and stuff -_-
So I realy have no idea when I will receive it in the mail unfortunately...
But I've read good things about it and because I still wanted to get a DAC for my monitors I chose this one. Also like the fact that it has 2 headphone outputs, one for low impedance headphones and one for the higher ones.
But ofcourse the headphone amp in this DAC cannot be compared with a stand-alone headphone amp in the same price range, its still quite good, but not as good as a stand-alone amp. Just made this decision because of the DAC that I needed.
But ye, I will keep you all informed of when I receive the DAC, I hope I will soon :p
Probably make a seperate unboxing thread of it aswell with some photos.
- Scrivs
Jun 8, 2010 at 3:22 AM Post #45 of 58
That Sheep leather earpads does cost alot, I org was gonna stick dT250 ear pads on for replacement ear pads.I just gotta get a headband pad that will fit without having to use Clear tape To keep on some that I took from some old cheap pair of headphones I had. It been nice to have shorter cables then these super long cable. I got my HFI-780 a year and a half ago. Tho Modding is out the question since I never modded headphones before let alone I not rich like bill gates to have some one esle do it for me. =/

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