Ulimate Ears superfi 5Pro
Oct 11, 2006 at 4:08 PM Post #46 of 77
So, like anything, there are people who like the SF5Pros and people who don't.

I am in the camp that loves the SF5Pros. I have found them to be great IEMs. My favorite signature overall is along the lines of the DT770/80. I find the SF5Pro a great compliment when I can't have hamburger-headphones on my head. Sure, it does not have the extreme highs or extreme lows of the DT770/80s, but it is not fair comparing a fullsize 'phone to an IEM when there are physical limitations to be considered! Overall they strike the balance that I prefer in an IEM and I'm happy with my purchase.
Oct 11, 2006 at 7:00 PM Post #48 of 77
My, My
I am a 64 year old "kid" that has listened to audio for 50+ years.
Just some my headphones are as follows:
Sennheiser HD580, HD590, HD600, HD650, PX100
Shure E3c
AKG k701
Numerous Sony IEMs
I have opinions.
The UE super.fi 5 Pro sound very good.
Now everyone take a deep breath.
Apr 11, 2007 at 10:07 PM Post #49 of 77
there always better IEM out there, it just how much you want to spend. E4C always better then E2C, and E500 always better the E4C etc. no only the price but how many drive inside.
for 170 would say superfi is very good for their price. yes.. the base is not as deep as i hope for.. (compare to sony MDR888) but i try my friends E4C and they aren't any better either.
if you like MID or light base this IEM is totally for you. it impact very well.. ohh and it sounds very clear compare to other i try.
Apr 12, 2007 at 12:24 AM Post #50 of 77

Originally Posted by retic3nt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think the type of music you listen to would greatly affect your opinion of whether headphone X has (too much/not enough) bass, treble, etc.

This is probably the best advice on this thread....hell, this board.

Alot of people on here probably think a nightclub has bloated bass...but for THE MUSIC PLAYED, it's not bloated...maybe in contrast to the symphonic melodies you're accustomed to...but don't completely discredit a can because it's not your can of beans...

Simple as that.
Apr 12, 2007 at 12:30 AM Post #51 of 77
out of what i had access to they do the job(sfi5pro) with that said i did not
get a chance to try the new westones but after making my purchase i will
keep them.
Apr 12, 2007 at 12:56 AM Post #52 of 77
This is why we all go through so many sets of 'phones. EVERYONE'S musical tastes, ears, preferable sound signatures, etc, are DIFFERENT. We all buy and sell many of our phones because we're always looking to find that pair that makes us satisfied (using that term loosely here). Basically, people's opinions are always more than welcome on a forum but to trash other people's preferences is just straight out stupid. Obviously if you've come this far along in the audiophile world you know quality when you hear it; but to say one is definitively better than the other is just plain obtuse. Every fanboy likes THEIR sound- obviously. Let's have some respect here in terms of each other's personal tastes.

Having said that... I dig MY UE Super.Fi 5 Pros ; )

Apr 12, 2007 at 1:22 PM Post #53 of 77

Originally Posted by oicdn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is probably the best advice on this thread....hell, this board.

Alot of people on here probably think a nightclub has bloated bass...but for THE MUSIC PLAYED, it's not bloated...maybe in contrast to the symphonic melodies you're accustomed to...but don't completely discredit a can because it's not your can of beans...

Simple as that.

Totally agree!!
Apr 12, 2007 at 5:27 PM Post #54 of 77
The UE Super.fi 5 Pro earphones seem to invoke much controversy here; more so than almost any other IEM in my opinion.

I think one of the reasons for this is the very high sensitivity of the UE’s over the ETY ER4 and Shure E4. The rating of the UE’s is 119 db vs 104 db for the Etys . It takes twice the amplifier power for a 2-5 db increase in volume (depending on how you measure the efficiency). This level of sensitivity results in sound quality that magnifies the garbage in=garbage out philosophy.

I have found if my source generates even a slight increase in bass, the UE’s sound overly bass heavy (they are a bit bass heavy to begin with, so the result is a double negative).

Conversely, because earphones like the ETY’s or Altec IM 716’s are relatively inefficient, the same source that generates an increase of bass does not result in a similar (dramatic) increase in bass output. One is left with the impression when you compare two earphones with the same source that the (uneven) source is not the problem.

Many refer to this as synergy. But I think with very efficient earphones that system matching is even more critical. Ask people who match ultra efficient horn speakers with low 1 to 5 watt SET amps how important this is. Subtle frequency aberrations are magnified.

When I compared the Super.fi 5 with the UM2 and E500, which are both similar in efficiency, the differences were not as dramatic.

The Super.fi 5 Pro’s sound good at low listening levels and do not need an amp. It seems to me UE has voiced these for use with low powered portables that can benefit from the dynamic response and added bass impact . They do have a thicker midrange and do not sound as transparent as the ETY ER4, Shure E4 or Altec IM716.

I prefer the Super.fi 5 Pro’s over the ETY ER4P and Shure E4.
Apr 13, 2007 at 4:24 AM Post #56 of 77

Originally Posted by bellsprout /img/forum/go_quote.gif
sf5 pros sound overprocessed, artificial and unbelievable. probably good for manufactured and overequalised music like house, but live recordings and classical is the sux


They are an upgrade from the horrid V-Mode Vibes.
Apr 13, 2007 at 6:09 AM Post #59 of 77

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So very wrong.

Oh, thanks for pointing that out, mrdeadfolx. Didn't notice troll49 posting.

The 5 Pros are not popular for a reason. They were basically an experimental step into the dual-driver IEM world, and they failed overall.

1.) Vocals sound like they're behind a wall
2.) Highs muted
3.) Boomy bass w/ pretty much no control
4.) Mids very recessed; no "bite" in anything

They had the appealing gimmick of having a removable cord, but it was unnecessary in the end when you look at it.

Does this mean the whole UE line is screwed up? No, the UE-10 Pro pretty much set the bar for the (custom) IEM world; nobody I ever read about/met regretted getting the UE-10 Pro. But still...coming straight from the iBuds to the 5 Pro and honestly thinking they was not much of a difference...to me that means something is seriously flawed with the product.
Apr 13, 2007 at 6:25 AM Post #60 of 77

Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, thanks for pointing that out, mrdeadfolx. Didn't notice troll49 posting.

The 5 Pros are not popular for a reason. They were basically an experimental step into the dual-driver IEM world, and they failed overall.

1.) Vocals sound like they're behind a wall
2.) Highs muted
3.) Boomy bass w/ pretty much no control
4.) Mids very recessed; no "bite" in anything

They had the appealing gimmick of having a removable cord, but it was unnecessary in the end when you look at it.

Does this mean the whole UE line is screwed up? No, the UE-10 Pro pretty much set the bar for the (custom) IEM world; nobody I ever read about/met regretted getting the UE-10 Pro. But still...coming straight from the iBuds to the 5 Pro and honestly thinking they was not much of a difference...to me that means something is seriously flawed with the product.

well the sf5's use dynamic driver for the bass and armature for the rest. that's why to me it sounds so...incoherent.

but a lot of people like it, so i guess it's not too bad a decision. wouldn't say they are flawed. it's sound - how can it be flawed? theres bound to be at least one person who prefers it. surprised about your comment on the ibuds tho - how can u NOT tell the difference?

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