Ulimate Ears superfi 5Pro
Oct 11, 2006 at 12:27 AM Post #16 of 77
I find it humorous seeing who likes what phones. The UE marketing makes the SF.5P the first mid-fi piece of gear a lot of kids own. Thus, they have nothing but glowing things to say about it. Most of them haven't been here very long, and havent heard much else.

All that to say, take the SF fans with a grain of salt...there are much better options for the price (read: Westone UM2, Ety 4, etc.).
Oct 11, 2006 at 12:41 AM Post #17 of 77
It's like snowboarding and skiing, some likes the thrill, some likes the relaxing smooth down the slope. UE Sup.fi 5pro is definately like snowboarding, full adraineline.
Oct 11, 2006 at 12:43 AM Post #19 of 77

Absolutely no low end. If you love treble maybe.

Oct 11, 2006 at 12:48 AM Post #20 of 77
Team Etymotic: Wrong
Team UE Supfi: Right

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a TIE.
Oct 11, 2006 at 12:50 AM Post #21 of 77

Originally Posted by 8lias
It's like snowboarding and skiing, some likes the thrill, some likes the relaxing smooth down the slope. UE 5pro is definately like snowboarding, full adraineline.

coming from the exact kind of person I'm talking about...triports and SFs

Listen, I'm not trying to be rude, but if you haven't heard what else is out there, don't come in to this poor noob's thread and tout the SF.5 like they're the best IEM ever, just because they're all you've heard.
I believe I've owned almost every IEM at this price point, and I can, without reservation, say that the SF.5P is the worst of the bunch. The fit is awful (even with the reverse mod), the soundstage compressed, and the highs nonexistent. Bass is bloated, and decays unnaturally. Overall, I have nothing but bad things to say about it.

Oh yeah, and it breaks...

p.s.- see my sig...(its in red)
Oct 11, 2006 at 1:10 AM Post #22 of 77
Love the sound of my SF5Ps but overall it leaves me with much to be desired.My main problems are isolation and seal.If you have small/tight eat canals I don't think these will be the right IEMs for your,I can barely hold a seal and I hear outside noises I should not be hearing.

My next IEM will be a UM2 and then E500...the bulky low isolation of the Super fi series weren't meant for me
although I love the sound,I will still use my SF5ps till I can get another IEM.
Oct 11, 2006 at 1:12 AM Post #23 of 77
The SF5P is a good IEM for the price in my opinion. You'll probably find that most people who own them (except the ety fanboys of course
) really do enjoy them. FWIW, I tried the ER4p before I tried the SF5P. Sorry, it was not for me. Some may call it great detail, IMO it's exaggerated, unatural treble. Again, that's just my opinion of course. Scotty, you weren't being rude, just a little snooty.
Let's all play nice
Oct 11, 2006 at 1:16 AM Post #24 of 77

IMO it's exaggerated, unatural treble.

No more unnatural than anything you'd hear in real life. The natural world is full of intense treble. Ever heard a cricket chirp? Ever heard the sound of thousands of cicadas all crying in unison? What abour birds? What about the sound of wind rushing through the trees? The crash of a cymbal or the sound of a bow on a violin? Up close? If anything, most headphones are unnaturally dark. (This is also assuming your ears don't deviate significantly from the measured norm.)

If dark is your preference, that's fine, (I'm about to order a pair of dark headphones myself) but the Etys are far from, "unnatural".
Oct 11, 2006 at 1:38 AM Post #26 of 77
I can't comment on sf5 pro SQ, because they won't arrive until next week, but I do hate UE's marketing campaign. What's with using sucky bands, and third rate celebrities to push their product.

I also ordered UM1s that should arrive tomorrow. One of these is likely going back, or I might sell both of them and get UM2s. Just from reading other threads, I'm thinking the UEs will go back because comfort is foremost.
Oct 11, 2006 at 1:48 AM Post #27 of 77

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
No more unnatural than anything you'd hear in real life. The natural world is full of intense treble. Ever heard a cricket chirp? Ever heard the sound of thousands of cicadas all crying in unison? What abour birds? What about the sound of wind rushing through the trees? The crash of a cymbal or the sound of a bow on a violin? Up close? If anything, most headphones are unnaturally dark. (This is also assuming your ears don't deviate significantly from the measured norm.)

If dark is your preference, that's fine, (I'm about to order a pair of dark headphones myself) but the Etys are far from, "unnatural".

reply. Yep, I think I do tend to favor the dark side. To each his own. I'm happy that you have found audio bliss w/ your etys. Though I like my SF5Ps, I still haven't found that "magic" can yet. I like IEMs, so I'm saving now to later purchase a custom (UE-10Pro, ES3, Sensaphonic). O.K., I've hijacked this thread long enough. To the OP, Good luck and have fun!
Oct 11, 2006 at 2:01 AM Post #28 of 77

Originally Posted by Scotty757
coming from the exact kind of person I'm talking about...triports and SFs

Listen, I'm not trying to be rude, but if you haven't heard what else is out there, don't come in to this poor noob's thread and tout the SF.5 like they're the best IEM ever, just because they're all you've heard.
I believe I've owned almost every IEM at this price point, and I can, without reservation, say that the SF.5P is the worst of the bunch. The fit is awful (even with the reverse mod), the soundstage compressed, and the highs nonexistent. Bass is bloated, and decays unnaturally. Overall, I have nothing but bad things to say about it.

Oh yeah, and it breaks...

p.s.- see my sig...(its in red)

I know I am in no position to give advises, furthermore, i didn't "give" any advise, I just stated what "I" think, take if or leave it, it's a free country snooty.

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