UK Meet (UPDATED!) - Saturday November 7th 2009
Sep 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #181 of 398
Yep, technically there's no parking at the hotel, but the multi-story is as good as, being directly opposite the hotel. There is an unloading area though, which I'll definitely be making use of I think!

No probs on the organisation. Doesn't take much work to be honest & it's good fun. It's shaping up to be a great meet.

Good idea on the raffle items Sceptre. I'm sure I can come up with something. I'll do some begging with our sponsor too :)

Apparently the 159 is meant to be quite a bit more reliable than previous Alfas...fingers crossed! A V6 would have been lovely, but the fuel consumption would make my eyes water.
Sep 29, 2009 at 5:44 PM Post #182 of 398
Hello everybody.
I would love to come along if there are still places available.
I work in the centre of Manchester, so it's no problem if people want me to check out the hotels/parking spaces available near the venue.
Also if Pedalhead needs any assistance organising and setting up I would be happy to help.
Gear I can bring along:
Grado SR225 with all the pads
Stax SRLambda normal bias with adapter
Audiotechnica ATH7 electret

Sony DVP S7700 transport
Keces DA 131 DAC

I'm interested in meeting people and hearing some different sources, because to be honest I'm not all that happy with the DA131.
Sep 29, 2009 at 8:11 PM Post #183 of 398
There is an all day car park on Rochdale Road just 5 min walk from the City Centre, northways, about 15min from Piccadilly train station

£1.50 weekdays, £1 Weekends

If you prefer to park at an NCP within the city centre it will cost a lot more, and take it from a Manchester resident, your car will not necessarily be safer
Sep 29, 2009 at 10:54 PM Post #184 of 398
Well the only excuse I can think of to going to Manchester is that I'm going out to town with friends, and then having a sleepover
1 month to go, so I'll try to go. This kit list is getting more and more impressive. Headphones I've always wanted to try out.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:40 AM Post #185 of 398

Originally Posted by skellington /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello everybody.
I would love to come along if there are still places available.
I work in the centre of Manchester, so it's no problem if people want me to check out the hotels/parking spaces available near the venue.
Also if Pedalhead needs any assistance organising and setting up I would be happy to help.
Gear I can bring along:
Grado SR225 with all the pads
Stax SRLambda normal bias with adapter
Audiotechnica ATH7 electret

Sony DVP S7700 transport
Keces DA 131 DAC

I'm interested in meeting people and hearing some different sources, because to be honest I'm not all that happy with the DA131.

Excellent, welcome to the party


Originally Posted by LFC_SL /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There is an all day car park on Rochdale Road just 5 min walk from the City Centre, northways, about 15min from Piccadilly train station

£1.50 weekdays, £1 Weekends

If you prefer to park at an NCP within the city centre it will cost a lot more, and take it from a Manchester resident, your car will not necessarily be safer

I parked in the multi-story opposite the hotel on Monday & checked the weekend prices. It's either 2 or 3 quid per day (can't remember which) on Saturdays & Sundays.
Sep 30, 2009 at 4:20 PM Post #186 of 398
I parked in the multi-story opposite the hotel on Monday & checked the weekend prices. It's either 2 or 3 quid per day (can't remember which) on Saturdays & Sundays.[/QUOTE]

Cheap as chips,excellent news
normal_smile .gif

I like Sceptres idea of a raffle,just scratching my head as to what i could give away,ebayed most of my left over gear recently.
Sep 30, 2009 at 4:20 PM Post #187 of 398
So I think I can probably go. I just need to check how much the train is if I was to buy it from the train station (No credit card sucks
) and then I have to check how much the hotel is (When the ibis hotel website works for me and stops giving me errors) If I could stay in someone's room for the night, that'd be perfect for me
I could sleep on the chair or something just to save me costs and problems.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:18 PM Post #188 of 398

Originally Posted by thechungster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I think I can probably go. I just need to check how much the train is if I was to buy it from the train station (No credit card sucks
) and then I have to check how much the hotel is (When the ibis hotel website works for me and stops giving me errors) If I could stay in someone's room for the night, that'd be perfect for me
I could sleep on the chair or something just to save me costs and problems.

To be honest, as the person organising the meet, I hope you'll understand that I can't go along with someone underage essentially going awol from home under a pretence. I also think it would be completely inappropriate for you to stay in any other attendees room. If I was your Dad & found out about this, I'd want the organiser's head on a plate, and quite rightly so!

I'm sure you're a "grown up" 15 yr old (weren't we all!) but I think unless you have your parents' blessing, I for one just don't want to be responsible for a minor out on their own. Sorry to be a drag, but I think this is a pretty clear cut situation.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:47 PM Post #189 of 398
Then I'll just have to wait for some time then. :/ I just want to audition something to set me on the right path into what to buy next. I can't keep looking at reviews on the Internet and trust them...

Guess I'll just use my money and buy something then.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:55 PM Post #190 of 398

Originally Posted by thechungster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Then I'll just have to wait for some time then. :/ I just want to audition something to set me on the right path into what to buy next. I can't keep looking at reviews on the Internet and trust them...

Guess I'll just use my money and buy something then.

Is there no chance your parents can bring you up for the day?
Oct 1, 2009 at 2:39 PM Post #193 of 398
It so sucks not having a car sometimes... but I've spoken with the boss and I can have the car from 2pm - given its a 2 hour drive thats no use.
Bahhh, humbug.
Oct 1, 2009 at 2:52 PM Post #194 of 398

Originally Posted by BigTony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It so sucks not having a car sometimes... but I've spoken with the boss and I can have the car from 2pm - given its a 2 hour drive thats no use.
Bahhh, humbug.

. Train? Or alternatively just steal the car
Oct 1, 2009 at 10:41 PM Post #195 of 398

Originally Posted by pedalhead /img/forum/go_quote.gif
. Train? Or alternatively just steal the car

Then put the car in the raffle !

That'll be two cars then, the Alfa and yours! I'll buy two tickets and probably get my iGrados back :frowning2:


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