Apr 27, 2017 at 4:31 PM Post #15,798 of 24,683
Oh boy, headfi is pretty buggy at the moment.
Anyway, thanks for advices, guys, appreciate it. Well, problem will be that shipping to germany takes around 3 weeks, how the manage to be so slow? I dunno. And before Masters arrive, I guess PM6 will have shipped.
Wait, what? That's a good one, PM6 shipped. :) I amuse myself over here.

But, good to hear a proper fit is possible. It's just so hard not to cancel, actually, with all the crap that's happening right now and has happened during the last two month.
Well, maybe I get three or four or even more cases if you guys got none :)
Just kiddin
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Apr 27, 2017 at 5:23 PM Post #15,799 of 24,683
This site update is garbage.

I agree. The site is a visual mess and I can't find what I could normally find. I wish that Head-fi would have kept it simple and streamlined. I'm not sure what was so bad with the old Head-fi site layout.
Apr 27, 2017 at 5:38 PM Post #15,800 of 24,683
I agree. The site is a visual mess and I can't find what I could normally find. I wish that Head-fi would have kept it simple and streamlined. I'm not sure what was so bad with the old Head-fi site layout.
Ad space? Or lack thereof? But mkaing more of the old site ad space wouldn't have been difficult to do. I just don't see why eliminate the easy navigation and function of the old site.
Apr 27, 2017 at 6:15 PM Post #15,802 of 24,683
hmm... just got my masters in, been only listening for 30 mins or so across 3 filters.

Anyone notice that the filters do not impact the sound as much as they did in the pm4's? The new masters do not sound anything like the pm4's. Not to say that's bad, it's just an entirely different sound.
Apr 27, 2017 at 10:19 PM Post #15,809 of 24,683
Atlas Delta owners

Which do you prefer?

Wasn't able to give more time at the moment. But I did notice that the silver undamped don't produce the copious amounts of bass that can be had with other trinity products. On the original deltas, these same filters are perfect for the avid basshead. I'd say the silvers produce noticeably less bass than gunmetals on the original deltas.

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