May 10, 2016 at 4:00 PM Post #1,337 of 24,683
  I just thought this was funny and appropriate xD

lolol  That about sums it up

May 10, 2016 at 4:09 PM Post #1,338 of 24,683
  lolol  That about sums it up

Good old George Jetson eh! I bought my boys the entire Jetson's collection years ago
You inspired my next track though


May 10, 2016 at 4:12 PM Post #1,340 of 24,683

Master 4 pre order starts Monday

Well for the payor but all the payee hears is Ching, Ching. Ching
Could not help myself Bob, you made that too easy for me
I put it in my invest and advance folder

May 10, 2016 at 5:02 PM Post #1,341 of 24,683
Depends on how often you'd expect to change the filters. I find I don't, not with any of the various IEMs I have that are adjustable in some way, though I'm not you of course. 
Given chances are you'll get Sabre first anyway, maybe one Vyrus to begin with? See if you will use more than one filter, can always order another. 

I'll find the filter(s) I like and crank them on so they won't come out. The rush of a good deal blurs my judgment.
Fair point - would you consider glueing them in if you got multiples, just of of interest? Sure someone else on one of the Trinity forums has suggested that before.

Wasn't meant to be critical, by the way - just checking you knew they came with more than one choice!

No worries, I knew they came with more than one filter set. The internet is a funny thing, subtleties get lost so often. 
I would think the better choice is get something different. Go the Sabre. that way you get to enough the Vyrus sound signature and the Sabre's too.
My 2 cents although its probably worth less than 2 cents.

Thanks. I think I am going to go a different route than another Vyrus. I need to read more reviews of the Sabre before I will jump.
It's not like you will get two different sounding earphones, that is not my experience when it comes to filters. Of course you can buy two vyrus and keep two different filters if that's what you want, I just feel that the better investment would be to get a different ie, heck, you might not even end up liking the vyrus that much.

Good points. Yeah, I am going to wait on my next pair of IEMs. But good deals and impulse buying... Yikes!
May 11, 2016 at 10:00 AM Post #1,343 of 24,683
Hi! I just preorder the phantom master 4 it's now available with the headfi discount code and for the phantom master 6 will be available in next couple weeks on kikstarter just keep watching on trinity website and thanks again Bobtrinity you make a happy man. Now I just waiting for the full package phantom serie :grinning::grinning::thumbsup::thumbsup:
May 11, 2016 at 10:21 AM Post #1,347 of 24,683
Hi! I just preorder the phantom master 4 it's now available with the headfi discounte code and for the phantom master 6 will be available in next couple weeks on kikstarter just keep watching on trinity website and thanks again Bobtrinity you make a happy man. Now I just waiting for the full package phantom serie :grinning::grinning::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Hi can someone help me find the headfi discount code. I have searched but I must be blind.

May 11, 2016 at 10:34 AM Post #1,350 of 24,683
All i will say is that there is a noticable difference sound wise between the 2, you can hear why you pay more.

"...  push/pull out of phase configuration to create immense detail and smoothness along with reduced distortion and high resolution audio with added sparkle and midrange from the balanced armatures."
Oh, god...  you had me at sparkle...  I was thinking that this configuration would have that characteristic, but I figured it was just wishful thinkin'...  Here's my wallet Mrs. Jetson 


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