Nov 17, 2016 at 4:11 PM Post #7,909 of 24,683
- Sound-signature with gunmetal filters at least is rather neutral and mature. Mids are detailed, bass it tight and controlled, treble is a bit hot for some, but switching to dampened filters should help.
- Isolation seems good, but there aren't many comments on it
Things I haven't read: is it easy to drive? (it seems so; no complaints at least) what is the soundstage like?

Outstanding and very helpful post Wolfjeanne, should help a lot of less avid readers looking for quick essential info!
To address further the points I've left in the quotation above:
1) "switching to dampened filters should help": I had this thought, then realised the Gunmetal filters *were* one of the damped filters

However, my feeling is burn-in (physical or neurological!) should alleviate this; will be interesting to hear if others feel the same over the next couple of weeks!
2) I listened to them in a noisy cafe (no problem at all) and on a noisy tube station with trains coming in; could hear the train noises, but could also still hear the music well.
My volume was not cranked up very loud in both instances.  Walking home from the station was fine too. Note that I'm using memory foam tips, which I'd imagine might be the best fit for isolation!
3) Bob said he tests these using smartphones, and they are designed to work with such, so it seems extremely unlikely anyone would find them hard to drive.
Hope this all helps

Nov 17, 2016 at 4:39 PM Post #7,911 of 24,683
Ha, Ive just passed that 'Magic' point when everything just seems to come together and . . .
wow,  just  WOW!  
[20 hours + burn in]
(purple filters as well)
I'll  shut up now . Even I'M getting fed up now seeing posts from me! 
Im super excited though for all those who have bought the PM4's - The Hype is real! No joke
Nov 17, 2016 at 4:41 PM Post #7,912 of 24,683
My previous (best) IEM's were the Audeo Phonak PFE (mid-range model; RRP around £140, so comparable to PM4).
I loved these, for the mids and treble; liquid, smooth and gorgeously detailed. I was always slightly frustrated by the lack of bass (on tracks/genres where this was an issue).
I haven't listened to them in about a year, since one cable/earphone stopped working, and have had a few cheaper IEM's since then, so my impressions are based on memory rather than rigorouse A vs B testing. So bear that in mind please!
The PM4's at least match and maybe exceed the Phonaks for detail and clarity.
I've found the treble initially not as smooth, but (as mentioned in previous posts):
1) I've only had them a couple of hours; other IEM's have had this sharp treble effect on me and then smoothed out beautifully after a period of (brain?) burn-in. Expect/hope for similar here.
2) I've only tried the (neutral, reference) gunmetal filters and memory foam tips so far. Others will obviously alter the sound signature, and perhaps have unexpected synergies with other equipment .
The bass is outstanding for me on tracks that are mastered with enough already, and my feeling is that with the gold (and certainly the silver), it will be great for any track and genre
Oops, quickly editing this post to add info concerning resolution and imaging, as requested (to the best of my understanding of these terms):
I could notice good instrument separation, even as compared with previous IEM's and as mentioned, the detail and clarity are excellent!

Thanks you. Thats great! How are the sub bass and bass extension? Is the bass textured enough?
Nov 17, 2016 at 4:46 PM Post #7,913 of 24,683
  @sup27606 - Hope this helps & thanks for the idea! -  almost forgot to compare to others
Another impression as Im listening to different tracks [still with neutral filters]
They can offer a sound that has a specific type of detail and resolution in a similar way that certain MONO recordings offer.
With a Mono version of an album there is not the same stereo imaging and depth that the stereo version of the record may offer but because you take away
some of these elements you get a much more tight, focused and precise  presentation of the album.
Im still trying the right tip for me - Some tips seem to add a little bit of bass bloom - others not quite enough :)
The tips I have on now are revealing some voice 'plosives with Leonard Cohan
> Comparing the PM4 to iBasso IT03 - 1x DD / 2x BA
the IT03 is a lot lighter, has more grain in the upper areas, is brighter - the vocals take a much more centre forward stage, Bass feels less
 >> Going back to the PM4 again - low/mid/high all seem much more balanced - like everything in the music is being presented at once. The vocals 
are a lot more a part of the music rather than standing out in the mix - a lot smoother - warmer over all but I dont find them a warm ear phone o_0
Maybe I do now though !!
Surprisingly it seems to have the same level of detail retrevial of the brighter IT03 despite being a more 'combined' type of sound!  
> Comparing the PM4 to Music Maker Shockwave III - 1x DD / 4x BA
Problem here is that the SWIII are simply supernaturaly magical in everything they do + having a total of 4 extra drivers gives them an unfair advantage 
Anyway, again the vocals feel more pushed out of the mix and the seperation and 3D imaging is profound !
>> Going back to the PM4 again - Yeah, they really do have a lovely kind of effortless natural-nous about them - Imagine sitting in a smoky dark club listening to Leonard Cohan - you just hear and enjoy the music - There is nothing about the PM4's that is trying too hard to be special -
These are a confident, mature, grown up IEM that I find is all about enjoying the music in a relaxed but detailed, smooth manner 
Its a really useful excercise to A/B with other iems :)
edit: @wolfjeanne
> Isolation seems fine
> they sometimes need a bit more volume maybe due to them being over all quite smooth and there being nothing offensive from their sound signature
> They are nice weight - heavy enough to feel solid but light in the ear and once in they are very comfortable  
> I still need to find the right tip for me before I launch into the filters as [for me] tips 'can' make a huge difference in the nuances of the audio
> Soundstage: I don't find much depth, height or 3D [see above mono thoughts] but again, this IEM is for me anyway all about wonderfully balanced sound 
> It does seem though that the Armature drivers are basically set from the the get go so it is mainly the low end that will be tweaked

Regarding the imaging, what source are you using? May be once you find the best tips, it might improve.
I read these are heavier than other IEMs. I wonder how much heavier the PM6 will be, because they have more number of drivers in them.
Nov 17, 2016 at 4:59 PM Post #7,914 of 24,683
Thanks you. Thats great! How are the sub bass and bass extension? Is the bass textured enough?

Regrettably, I think I lack the knowledge and experience of reviewing IEM's to answer that question with real understanding (although I'm trying to learn!).
My feeling is that they are very good in what I understand all these aspect to be, but I'm sure others can comment more professionally on this.
I would refer you though to a comment I made earlier, regarding the percussive force of strings and instruments being struck that the IEM's seemed to convey powerfully.
Perhaps this is the texture you are referring to? If so, the PM4 delivers it greatly

Nov 17, 2016 at 5:03 PM Post #7,916 of 24,683
Well glad to hear the PM4 is making its delivery finally. Time to unsub and check back in a week or so and hope to find an update on the PM6. Still hoping before Xmas but doubt it will be anytime this year unfortunately
Nov 17, 2016 at 5:03 PM Post #7,917 of 24,683
Regarding the imaging, what source are you using? May be once you find the best tips, it might improve.
I read these are heavier than other IEMs. I wonder how much heavier the PM6 will be, because they have more number of drivers in them.

I use the iBasso DX80 a VERY capable dap - Actually, the imaging is much better now. Ive had this a few times now where with new iem's they seem to pass a point and everything just suddenly seems to gel. There is nothing wrong with the imagining - I think its actualy perfect for the sound signature - just saying its not overly deep or 3d BUT I mean this is as a high praise especially in relation to how I find the PM4's to be a very skillfully and maturely tuned IEM. They are like a Mercedes C Class in that they are very classy, rich and just very well implimented throughout - The purple damped filters...surprisingly, work perfectly with the tips im on now. I should have known!  The filters are tuned quite subtly but again, with such a degree of skill :)
Anyway, I now have a sound that is a fair bit different from earlier. I was impressed before but now Im bowled over and really excited for more burn in / use
The dont feel heavy at all in ear - dont really notice them. very much doubt you will have an issue with the PM6. Wish I could have afforded the PM6  :'(
Nov 17, 2016 at 5:34 PM Post #7,919 of 24,683
They're finally here!

Lots of impressions from us UK folk already. Here's my initial thoughts on these...

Build quality - beautiful finish, I'm glad I went with the gunmetal. They're not too light or too heavy, just the right weight to know you've got quality in your hands.

I've experimented with the preattached gunmetal and the bass is nice and tight. The mids and highs are clear and detailed. The PM4s seem like another beast though with the silver dampened filters - packing some serious heat in the bass department.

Tomorrow is going to be spent with me continuously experimenting the different filters and tips :cool:
Nov 17, 2016 at 5:45 PM Post #7,920 of 24,683
Anyone who might want to try these before you purchase then get the Trinity Audio Earphone Experience at Audio Sanctuary. We have just received our demonstration unit!

Uuuungh... Pretty as I have imagined! Looking forward in hearing how they fare for jazz instruments and vocals. I am glad that someone pointed out how it carries transients from guitar strings! Violins?Percussions? Female vocal overtones?

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