Top five CD’s for when stranded on a deserted island.
Dec 9, 2003 at 5:47 PM Post #46 of 54

Originally posted by temhem
Ornette Coleman - The Shape of Jazz to Come
Glenn Gould - Bach's Well Tempered Clavier
Eric Dolphy - Out There
Philip Glass - Einstein on the Beach (1st recording)
Thelonious Monk - Blue Note Compilation

Hell, there are many more I like just as much.

not Out to Lunch???
Dec 9, 2003 at 6:29 PM Post #47 of 54

Originally posted by robert
not Out to Lunch???

Well, I like that too. But not more than Out There. I must have 25 Dolphy albums, and there are quite a few I like. I just picked 5 albums I like. I don't really have 5 favorites. These are not particularly good headphone albums either.
Dec 10, 2003 at 6:57 AM Post #48 of 54
Aww...Five CDs isn't enough! But, if I had to choose (which apparently I do)...
1)Collide - Chasing the Ghost. Kind of a gothicy/industrial group. Also, my absolute favourite. I would be most upset if I couldn't take it with me.
2)St. Eve - Demonstration. Apparently it's trip-hop. Don't ask me what that is. I have no clue.
But I really enjoy it regardless.
3)The first "Macross Plus" soundtrack for its orchestral music. ("Macross Plus" is a Japanese anime.)
4)Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days. Some nice industrial rock to get me going in the mornings.
5)Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - the vocal collection. More rock but softer and in Japanese to boot (not that I can understand a single word of Japanese. Because I can't.). Anime again. Typical.

Still, I don't like not having Metallica (And Justice For All), Gravity Kills, Econoline Crush, A Perfect Circle, the other Macross Plus and BCT2040 soundtracks, and The Azoic in there. I'd probably have to sneak them in somehow or other...

Dec 10, 2003 at 8:31 PM Post #50 of 54
1) Radiohead - O.K. Computer
2) Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
3) Tool - Aenima
4) Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
5) Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique
Dec 11, 2003 at 3:53 AM Post #51 of 54

Originally posted by fierce_freak
Yeah, I hated having to exclude Gravity Kills, Econoline Crush, A Perfect Circle, Collide, and Stabbing Westward...also, Macross is teh aunz

Hey, I think I could get to like you ;D

Heehee. I'm beginning to like these boards. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with such odd tastes out there.

Dec 11, 2003 at 4:14 AM Post #52 of 54
Gravity Kills is a great introduction to industrial/rock. My brother's first CD he ever purchased was their original release.

Dec 11, 2003 at 4:36 AM Post #53 of 54

aeowap said...

1)Collide - Chasing the Ghost. Kind of a gothicy/industrial group. Also, my absolute favourite. I would be most upset if I couldn't take it with me.
2)St. Eve - Demonstration. Apparently it's trip-hop. Don't ask me what that is. I have no clue. But I really enjoy it regardless.
3)The first "Macross Plus" soundtrack for its orchestral music. ("Macross Plus" is a Japanese anime.)
4)Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days. Some nice industrial rock to get me going in the mornings.
5)Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - the vocal collection. More rock but softer and in Japanese to boot (not that I can understand a single word of Japanese. Because I can't.). Anime again. Typical.

Very nice selections. I just heard some of Collide's music from Some Kind of Strange a few days ago, and will be getting that album shortly. Awesome atmosphere, mood, female vocals, very nice. Guess I should pick up the Chasing the Ghost album while I'm at it. Never heard St. Eve, but since I tend to like trip-hop, guess I should look for samples. Macross Plus is a great anime w/ great music. Don't have the OST, but I do have the Sharon Apple CreamPuff mini-album. Darkest Days is a good rock album, dark indeed. I'm actually going to pick the Vocal Collection for BGCS 2040 soon, plenty of good songs.
Dec 11, 2003 at 11:02 AM Post #54 of 54
Dear god! They're all as nutty as I am! Brilliant! Anywho...
As far as Collide goes, I've only heard their Chasing the Ghost album and a song called "Pandora's Box (opened)." I definitely plan to pick up their newer album but I don't have the dosh right now with it being Christmas soon and all. I'll pick it up afterwards.

St. Eve has a website. ( All six of her songs (I know; it's a rather short album but it is very good) are free to download but after listening to them a few times, I went ahead and bought the album. Her voice is very deep and throaty. Very seductive.
Her album can be bought over at
If you have trouble finding the Macross Plus and BGC2040 soundtracks (if you are interested), let me know. I'm pretty sure I can track down all the places I bought them from. (I have all of them and I don't regret buying a single one, teehee).


For the longest time, thought "Guilty" was a Nine Inch Nails song rather than Gravity Kills.

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