TOOL 10,000 Days CD Packaging. Wow
May 2, 2006 at 10:12 PM Post #16 of 58
Man I had a bit of a hard time getting the lenses to work but once I did it was
It was worth buying just for the album art alone!
May 2, 2006 at 11:47 PM Post #19 of 58

Originally Posted by fearless
My sincerest apologies.

Not me, he probably had too much coffee today.

May 2, 2006 at 11:55 PM Post #20 of 58
I bought 2 copies of the album, to keep one unopened on the shelf.

As a graphic designer, I can totally appreciate the expense and amount of work that goes into creating album artwork this elaborate. Let alone recording another masterpiece!
May 3, 2006 at 12:02 AM Post #21 of 58

Originally Posted by claymon
i think the packaging is a little gimicky.
if i wanted to look at 3d images i would by a damn coloring book or something.

uhhh..."buy", not "by".
May 3, 2006 at 12:12 AM Post #22 of 58
The packaging on 10,000 days is cool (though I agree with the above gimmicky comment.. 3D glasses? come on..), but I still think the packaging for Bubblemath's Such Fine Particules of the Universe is the coolest packaging I've seen.

They took the periodic table of elements and tried to spell something that was self-referential, using only element symbols from the table. When you think about what you can and can't spell with that in terms of things that are self-referential, it's actually pretty tough.

After coming up with "Such Fine Particles of the Universe", they used die-cutting to take the relevant symbols out of the periodic table (which they placed in full on the back of the packaging), and embossed them onto the front.


The salt pictures on the front were all taken by the band via video microscope.. and the cell pictures inside the booklet are all authentic cells also captured by the band, and sometimes OF the band (for example, one of the images is actually the blood of a band member). Each song also has its own graphic theme in the booklet.. and it's a beefy booklet.

Not to derail the thread or anything.. just thought it was cool.
May 3, 2006 at 12:14 AM Post #23 of 58

Originally Posted by Naga
cant get it to focus

Try keeping the booklet and the "glasses" at parallel, (90 degrees respectively to the connecting side. Then move your face closer to the lenses. For me everythings comes right into focus as my nose just makes contact with the lense holder. Although I do have a big nose :p

like Kramer would say, "it just jumps right at ya!!!"
May 3, 2006 at 12:39 AM Post #24 of 58

Originally Posted by kwitel
uhhh..."buy", not "by".

get a life....

the album art is growing on me though, it does enhance the initial listening experience quite a bit.
May 3, 2006 at 12:49 AM Post #25 of 58
I picked it up early this morning from Target as well.

I like the packaging more than I hate it. The stereoscopic effect is really neat! However, I hate the fact that this is a slipcase. I wish it could have at least brought a plactic spider.

However, the music makes up for it.
May 3, 2006 at 12:58 AM Post #26 of 58

Originally Posted by Trogdor
Unbelievable album. I was shocked how much energy they put into it.

Tracks 2 and 3 are just awesome!!!! Man I love Tool...

I'm loving this new album on my new K1000s.
May 3, 2006 at 12:59 AM Post #27 of 58

Originally Posted by PsychoZX
I'm loving this new album on my new K1000s.

You should hear it with HP-2's.
May 3, 2006 at 1:04 AM Post #28 of 58
I picked this up today at Best Buy for 9.99 too. From the looks of the new releases at Best Buy, this and Pearl Jam's new self-titled album were the big hits as of 11:30am (I pre-ordered Pearl Jam through their website
). The lady that checked me out said that 4 out of the last five people she had checked out had bought the Tool cd, and she seemed surprised
. I LOVE the packaging. It's so much more satisfying to listen to the actual CD while looking through the booklet pictures rather than the previous version of the album I had heard through "alternate means". I really appreciate, like others, the effort that went in to the packaging itself, it really contributes to the feeling like you are listening to something special.
May 3, 2006 at 1:08 AM Post #29 of 58

Originally Posted by PsychoZX
I'm loving this new album on my new K1000s.


Originally Posted by LFF
You should hear it with HP-2's.

Thanks, rub it in

In the picture of Maynard holding out the wine glass, is that bottle from his winery?
May 3, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #30 of 58

Originally Posted by LFF
You should hear it with HP-2's.


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