Today's DVD wallet is screaming!
Oct 22, 2003 at 1:06 AM Post #16 of 36
I picked up Indiana Jones trilogy and 28 days later...I've also made some more audio purchases recently, so my wallet is crying Uncle right about now
Oct 22, 2003 at 1:12 AM Post #17 of 36
i'm a big fan of twin peaks, and i got my gf into it a few years ago, and so when we saw the new show on hbo had "tiny" mike anderson in it, we got quite excited.

i like the show a lot so far, though some episodes seem to be better than others. i'd sort of wish they'd move on a bit quicker, but i do really like the direction. great sets and i really like the dustbowl theme.

i'm just hoping tiny mike will bust out some backwards speak before the end of the season, red-room style.
Oct 22, 2003 at 1:15 AM Post #18 of 36
I have all the Indiana Jones' stuff on VHS. I just can't justify buying that set again with a new one in the works. In a couple of years, that set will contain another movie...and I'll buy it then!

Oct 22, 2003 at 1:41 AM Post #19 of 36

Originally posted by RickG
I have all the Indiana Jones' stuff on VHS. I just can't justify buying that set again with a new one in the works. In a couple of years, that set will contain another movie...and I'll buy it then!


Haha! I wish I had that same restraint. I will probably end up buying this box set and then buying the new one a few years down the road when that one comes out. I just CANT STAND VHS anymore. After watching nearly only DVDs for the past 4 years, I don't think I could ever really enjoy a VHS movie anymore having experienced the joy that is DVD.
Oct 22, 2003 at 2:19 AM Post #20 of 36

Originally posted by Hiker

LOL, Hiker. I really dig the DVD's too, I just can't justify duplicating purchases...especialy one's that are almost a real collection...


Oct 22, 2003 at 3:55 AM Post #21 of 36

Originally posted by RickG
LOL, Hiker. I really dig the DVD's too, I just can't justify duplicating purchases...especialy one's that are almost a real collection...



Tell my dad that. He will end up buying duplicate DVDs just because he forgot that he had a copy of it already in his collection! Its good for me though since I will end up with them if he doesn't return them.
Oct 22, 2003 at 4:15 AM Post #22 of 36
I've had the region 2 release of 28n Days Later for a while. Great flick. Enjoy!

I'm picking up the Indiana Jones set tomorrow.
Set for a Saturday Indiana Jones marathon.
Oct 22, 2003 at 6:03 AM Post #23 of 36
You need to learn to rent, dude. You going to watch those more than once?
Oct 22, 2003 at 1:02 PM Post #24 of 36

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
You need to learn to rent, dude. You going to watch those more than once?

LOLOL....I do rent...a lot of movies..I belong to Film Caddy and go through about 16 DVDs a month for $19.95 on my rental plan.

They didnt have 28 Days later listed in their rental list yet, so I bought it, watched it and already resold it.

I buy some of the TV series sets as I do rewatch them alot and it's easier to have the whole series at once than it is to rent 5 or 6 seperate discs via my mail order club. I am totally into television on DVD and love the trend of releasing them in en entire seasons. But, I'd rather rent my movies from Film Caddy as I watch them usually as soon as I get them and they go right back.

My actual collection is small ...a few favorite films and a couple of Television seasons at any given time. Eventually, I generally resell the series seasons too...the only one I keep is Band of Brothers

Oct 22, 2003 at 1:06 PM Post #25 of 36
that being wallet is still screaming .Maybe it was scared by 28 Days Later
Good flick. Sol_Zhen...I think you were the original member to suggest it when it was only available on Reg 2. You were's pretty scary. But the crawling baby in Trainspotting scared me more

Oct 22, 2003 at 1:32 PM Post #27 of 36

Originally posted by fyrfytrhoges

m night shamalyan collection


yes...that was calling to me as well....I really like all three of those films.

Watching Signs with your new Dolby Headphone system will blow you away!

Oct 22, 2003 at 2:15 PM Post #28 of 36

Originally posted by JMedeiros

Battlestar Galactica The Entire Series (in a plastic Cylon head cover!)

I want that!
Not out in Europe (yet?)
Lucky for my wallet.

I spent more that my wallet was capable to cough up too.
Bought the entire series of Men bahaving Badly (except for season1. Is not so good). A Britisch comedy series.
Especially season 4,5 and 6 are good.
If you're from the UK and was planning on buying it. Check out (The Dutch site) The individual DVD's are twice as cheap as on
Oct 22, 2003 at 3:28 PM Post #29 of 36

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
You need to learn to rent, dude. You going to watch those more than once?

Rent DVD's? Interesting concept...
Oct 22, 2003 at 3:40 PM Post #30 of 36
Yea, I rented the Scarface anniversary edition this week. I finally saw it for the first time. I'm glad I got to see it in the remastered version for my first viewing.

As for indiana jones, how are the special features? I've seen those movies about a million times, so the special features would be about the only reason I'd buy them. There is a good scene at the end of Raiders where the Ark lid flies up and falls down. I know someone that uses that to show off his home theater system

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