ThieAudio Monarch MKII Experience
Aug 9, 2023 at 11:01 AM Post #962 of 1,212
Monarch MkII technically fit me and I sold it because it caused soreness, which happens because it doesn't fit my ear. If you're willing to take the discomfort, great but it doesn't mean they fit. You force them to "fit" at the cost of pain/discomfort.
I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to convince me that an IEM I said fits my ears doesn’t fit my ears. Very strange.
Aug 9, 2023 at 1:13 PM Post #964 of 1,212
I'm not. You'll do what you want to do and cause discomfort trying to fit the IEM of your choice. Have at it. Lots of people do the same. I don't care if they make your ears bleed. Just stating that the fit, or lack of, is the cause.
I said it fits my ears, I linked to a post where I took a picture of it fitting my ears perfectly, and yet you still claim it doesn't fit my ears.

You realize that an IEM can fit your ears just fine and then give you discomfort IF you wear it for prolonged periods, right? Lots of IEMs give me discomfort after wearing them for 2-3 hours straight without a break. It doesn't mean they don't fit my ears.
Aug 9, 2023 at 7:48 PM Post #965 of 1,212
I've not had an issue. I thought the ie900 were actually too small. Since monarch mkii sounds amazing, and ie900 sounds like a tin can set next to a phone with bad reception, I'm going with the bigger option.
Aug 9, 2023 at 10:16 PM Post #966 of 1,212
It isn't really a case of trust. These are subjective opinions based on their unique tastes and ear physiology. Every single review is the same. Trust your own ears and judgement.
Sure. Fit is subjective, aesthetics preference is is subjective, and even tuning preference is as well. However, there are objective measurements too. Separation, imagining, timbre, and resolution are more objective. Monarch does these all really well. Others do not. Resolution is a big pet peeve for me. The LX and andromeda have just awful resolution. My only guess is that those who like them have not heard good iems before. It seems to be maybe that more American brands are just overpriced and underperforming, but idk. All I know is that I appreciate what the Chinese manufacturers have brought to the game and others need to step up.
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Aug 10, 2023 at 12:31 AM Post #967 of 1,212
Aug 10, 2023 at 12:41 AM Post #968 of 1,212
Monarch MkII technically fit me and I sold it because it caused soreness, which happens because it doesn't fit my ear. If you're willing to take the discomfort, great but it doesn't mean they fit. You force them to "fit" at the cost of pain/discomfort.
I wear them for hours without noticing. One cannot generalize the fit, it's quite personal.
What Andromeda in what universe have you been listening to?
To be unbiased, of course they are not awful in terms of resolution but to me too they have noticeably worse resolution than the Monarch.
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Aug 10, 2023 at 7:05 AM Post #969 of 1,212
I wear them for hours without noticing. One cannot generalize the fit, it's quite personal.

To be unbiased, of course they are not awful in terms of resolution but to me too they have noticeably worse resolution than the Monarch.
That's a nicer way of saying it. Given that the Andromeda and Monarch both cost $1000, I would expect them to be approximate equals, and they just aren't. The monarchs are significantly more resolving.
Aug 11, 2023 at 6:07 AM Post #972 of 1,212
Being able to physically fit something in doesn't mean it fits you properly. That is the distinction/disagreement.
I don't think it is. It is possible for something to cause discomfort if worn or experienced for long enough, even if it fits properly. Ever feel relief at taking off a pair of shoes that fit perfectly, but after several hours of wearing it's just time to take them off? How about getting out of a car seat after a long trip? At the start you feel great but by the end you're ready to get up and stretch. IEMs can be the same, we weren't born with them in our ears and not everyone feels great with them in after extended periods no matter how perfectly and "properly" they fit.
Aug 11, 2023 at 6:18 AM Post #973 of 1,212
Zero of my IEMs cause discomfort because they fit properly. Yesterday I wore some for over 6 hours, no discomfort. Sure, some can cause discomfort after time but that is also because the fit isn't right. Being able to physically fit something in doesn't mean it fits you properly. That is the distinction/disagreement. I never said you can't fit it in your ear, clearly you can. What I said was discomfort is due to an ill fit.

Yesterday I tried the Monarch MkIII, which physically fit my ear, but was not a good fit, hence caused some discomfort after even a short period. I also tried the Prestige LTD, which did fit me properly so I went with those. Sound wise not a huge difference but I only buy IEMs that fit me properly so that ruled out the Monarch MkIII. Others have different criteria, like yourself, which is fine. To each their own.
I share similar sentiments except that the fit is reverse for me, the Monarch Mklll fits me better so I went with it besides it's several hundreds cheaper than Prestige LTD hence it was a rather no-brainer for me. I have always struggled with small sized IEM as I have to push it deep into my ears but the cable connectors would always press against the outside of my ears which is painful. Larger sized IEM also tends to better isolate external noises for me. Sound signature wise, nobody can go wrong with either Monarch Mklll or Prestige LTD.
Aug 11, 2023 at 6:22 AM Post #974 of 1,212
Yesterday I tried the Monarch MkIII, which physically fit my ear, but was not a good fit, hence caused some discomfort after even a short period. I also tried the Prestige LTD, which did fit me properly so I went with those. Sound wise not a huge difference but I only buy IEMs that fit me properly so that ruled out the Monarch MkIII.
Very interested to hear your impressions to how these two totl iems compare! All details and thoughts are appreciated, thanks in advance!

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