lukeyrada reacted to Joe Bloggs's post in the thread HiBy Digital M300 Android Digital Audio Player,"The Gen-Z Music Player" - Discussion thread with Like.I hear no plans of changing the way M300 samples in that manner. It's good that you have read through the thread regarding this issue.
lukeyrada replied to the thread HiBy Digital M300 Android Digital Audio Player,"The Gen-Z Music Player" - Discussion thread.Just purchased the M300. Apologies if this has been answered but I'm not going to scroll through and read pages of comments just incase...
lukeyrada reacted to o0genesis0o's post in the thread HiBy Digital M300 Android Digital Audio Player,"The Gen-Z Music Player" - Discussion thread with Like.“Gen Z music player” So I guess for similar money, either you have the R3 II with 4.4 and fancier audio circuitry or this one with...
lukeyrada replied to the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications.In your opinion. Some swear 4.4 "sounds better" but it never has to me. I'd be willling to bet they (you) wouldn't be able to tell any...
lukeyrada replied to the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications.Why are you telling me to try 4.4? That isn't true regarding Airplay. Not on the r3 ii, maybe you're on about a different device...
lukeyrada replied to the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications.No AirPlay on the A55, just bluetooth but I only used wired anyway. If I used wiireless tech I would just stick with a smartphone over a...
lukeyrada replied to the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications.I think the A55 is overall the better package. In terms of just sound both are good. Unfortunately I have found that the Hiby doesn't do...
lukeyrada reacted to Photoman's post in the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications with Like.I think the R3 II knob is fine. Better than some out there. It’s not loose either. I like it
lukeyrada reacted to InvisibleInk's post in the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications with Like.I guess it is best for you to seek out a more expensive DAP with android and a much faster CPU with more capable playback software. I...
lukeyrada replied to the thread HiBy R3 II--new and improved: physical volume knob, 4.4mm balanced out, increased power.I now have the Hiby and there is no audible hiss/noise floor to my ears with my specific equipment. Also, contrary to reviews stating...
lukeyrada replied to the thread HiBy R3 II--new and improved: physical volume knob, 4.4mm balanced out, increased power.I am talking mostly about the noise floor/hiss that is audible when no music is playing. So when you have the device turned on with no...
lukeyrada replied to the thread The HIBY R3 I- Removed info on Earlier R3 Versions - Added R3 II Specifications.Early days with the Hiby but in terms of sound I do like it. No audible hiss so is superior to the A55 in this respect. Hiby UI/Software...