These HD600's are terrible, and so are ALL headphones! I give up!!
May 26, 2009 at 3:13 PM Post #286 of 325
The OP reminds me of camera geeks that blame their camera for their crap photos when the real problem is they are camera geeks instead of creative photographers. I submit that the OP is a music hater because he is far too concerned with the headphone than the music and should just give up the hobby completely because he just doesn't get it.
May 26, 2009 at 3:29 PM Post #287 of 325
I'm a music hater? LOL.. I love music. Are you a sponsor for this forum or something? Your comments are strange coming from someone with nearly 2500 posts on a forum dedicated to headphones.

Ever consider that if it weren't for geeks, your headphones wouldn't exist? (or, i suppose some billy bob might have designed them for all we know). Same goes for anything else we've accomplished since the dawn of society.

Why do people who aren't interested continue to post?
May 26, 2009 at 3:38 PM Post #288 of 325
BHTX, you have a PM you might have not read ^^
May 26, 2009 at 3:58 PM Post #289 of 325

Originally Posted by BHTX /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Why do people who aren't interested continue to post?

Post count.. indeed.
May 26, 2009 at 5:26 PM Post #291 of 325
I've been reading a long and definitely see where the op is coming from. I'm actually a fan of coloration in my mind. I think the K1000 was a very good suggestion for the OP. Even the top tier Stax I have heard seem like they need a top notch amp of the likes that I haven't even heard yet (perhaps BHSE) to make them sound less dark.

Before you ditch headphones for speakers though, you should try a headphone rig in the same price range.
May 26, 2009 at 6:20 PM Post #292 of 325
Why dont you go try the 600's on an amp that was meant to be used with headphones (they aren't called headphone amps just because that sounds nifty).
If you still dont like them why dont you do what you said you were going to do in the thread title.

btw here is a commonly accepted meaning of give up so you know what it means (giving up doesn't mean talking about how superior your are to everyone even though you dont know sh** about headphones)
give up definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta
May 26, 2009 at 8:56 PM Post #294 of 325
manaox2: Thank you.

DefectiveAudioComponent: In other threads, you were polite and found me helpful. Here, you follow the masses. Earlier in this thread, someone made a ridiculous statement about me being a robot. I find this very ironic.

I feel like I'm in the middle east, providing my thoughts about Islam, and being stoned to death. For that matter, admitting a discovery about the true merits of Christianity in the southern US, lol. Homosexuals etc too?

Yeah.. I'm not giving up on headphones. But I am giving up on this forum. It's unfortunate, too.. because a lot of people don't want that to happen, which is why I've stayed. It's impossible, and seemingly pointless for me. The sheep win, as usual.

May 26, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #296 of 325

Originally Posted by intoart /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Every time that I listen to music on (good) speakers and then go back to headphones, I appreciate them even more. To me, phones always sound better overall.
Of course, speakers do have some advantages (visceral bass, bigger soundstage, no comfort issues, sharing with others), but to me these are trumped by the intimacy and detail of the headphone sound.

Agreed. I've heard some decent speakers and they mostly sound uninvolving and distant compared to headphones. There's just something about putting on a headset and being transported to another world that speakers can't do for me.
May 26, 2009 at 9:31 PM Post #297 of 325

Originally Posted by BHTX /img/forum/go_quote.gif
manaox2: Thank you.

I feel like I'm in the middle east, providing my thoughts about Islam, and being stoned to death. For that matter, admitting a discovery about the true merits of Christianity in the southern US, lol. Homosexuals etc too?


You need a help ...

Don't Let The Door Slam Behind You On Your Way Out ...
May 26, 2009 at 9:55 PM Post #299 of 325

Originally Posted by BHTX /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I feel like I'm in the middle east, providing my thoughts about Islam, and being stoned to death.

If you proclaimed you were smarter, more spiritual, and superior to all of them, then said they should all agree with you, I wouldn't blame them for at least being angry.

But of course, we've criticized, not stoned. Were I in front of you, I would not strike you, and I think I speak for 99% of us when I say that.

And please, do explain to me how we're unfair for responding negatively when your opening post was part criticism of headphones (reasonable) and part explanation of why we're all idiots and you're not (not so reasonable)? I mean, come on.

And surely it wouldn't make sense if a headphone user decided to try a bunch of sub-$300 speakers with a headphone amp then dismissed all speakers as a waste of time/money. How is your case different? I generally follow a rule that one shouldn't hate all of something without having heard the best ones.

The fact that a lot of us came here and either were offended, or offered opinions in defense of headphones (IE their coloration is enjoyable, they are cheaper/easier than speakers, they can be used at all times of day and as loud as you want, etc.), or even AGREED with you does not agree with this idea of yours that we're some arrogant, trashy 4chan-esque community. If your goal was to have every person that responded agree with you or provide only 100% scientific opinions, I think you were looking for something unreasonable.

And if you honestly think you can find a better community of people on the internet somewhere, I dare you to try. Yeah, people disagree here, and people flame from time to time, but this isn't a gentlemen's tea party, this is the internet, and the internet is just generally like that. I have yet to find a more welcoming, agreeable community anywhere. This is pretty damn good.
May 26, 2009 at 10:09 PM Post #300 of 325

Originally Posted by ADD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have always...
Feel like it's too long so truncated, refer to your previous post

That was my point. The argument stated here is that speakers are more neutral, not that speakers are more natural. It doesn't matter how closely the sound engineer tries to match what he hears; even if you were in a live concert or a recording studio, the contour of your ears will automatically ensure that the sound you are hearing isn't going to be flat. It may be most neutral and accurate reproduction on the speakers, but by the time it reaches your ears it is anything but. That is why I stated that the advantage of the speakers are, in my opinion, the natural sound being reproduced. In order to find truly neutral speakers for your ears, you would still have to undergo similar EQing, auditioning, positioning, environ consideration, etc. as you would with the headphones.

Unless, of course, the everyday sound one perceives in traffic or waiting at McDonald is already perfectly flat, in which case the statement about speakers achieving true neutrality will be true.

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