Themed Monthly Avatar Committee (TMAC) discussion thread
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Oct 7, 2013 at 4:23 AM Post #9,376 of 12,550
I've tried making my own barbecue sauce. No matter what I do I end up with overly-vinegary sauces, even when I barely put any vinegar in. I think it's because of the vinegar in the ketchup that most stock BBQ sauce recipes invariably start with. I recently picked up some tomato paste specifically for trying to make BBQ sauce, so I can control the vinegar tang completely (or elect to put none in at all, if I so choose).
I've had duck on one occasion, when a family friend gave us one he shot. It was very gamey, and we overcooked it so it ended up dry. I won't judge duck based on that one experience because I'm sure it can be a lot better than that.
As I believe I've mentioned earlier in this thread (possibly several times), I've also had pigeon. Again, not impressive. I saved the head to show my buddies that I'd actually eaten a pigeon. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me that there was useful (non-charred) meat inside, so two months later when I couldn't figure out why there were so many flies in my bedroom, I finally decided for unrelated reasons to pitch the head and discovered that it was filled with maggots. I've thus learned to never display the heads of pigeons in my room.
Regarding ice cream in general, I'm really boring, I guess, but I like the standard flavors like vanilla and chocolate the best. I prefer very mildly-flavored chocolate to the extremely rich stuff, too. Basically, I like it to taste like frozen chocolate milk. I don't mind strawberry, either, though here I like the strawberry flavor to be stronger and for there to be less sugar than a lot of brands use.
Oct 7, 2013 at 9:15 AM Post #9,378 of 12,550
Hmm, we get a lot more action in this thread when we talk about ice cream than when we talk about sharks.

I think there's some sort of deep psychological message in there somewhere...
Oct 7, 2013 at 9:50 AM Post #9,380 of 12,550
Hmm, we get a lot more action in this thread when we talk about ice cream than when we talk about sharks.

I think there's some sort of deep psychological message in there somewhere...

Could it be that we're all a bunch of 

Oct 7, 2013 at 10:38 AM Post #9,381 of 12,550
  I know it makes me sound like I'm five, but since TwinQY was taking issue earlier with me making myself sound like I was older than I am, I'll put this out there to balance that: I like Superman ice cream.

Apparently, it's regional, so if you don't live around Michigan you might never have heard of it. Basically, it's three different colors/flavors of ice cream (supposedly blue, yellow, and red, but usually closer to cyan, yellow, and reddish magenta) based off Superman's costume mixed together. It's popular with children on account of the rainbow colors*, I assume. I like it for the flavors, whatever they actually are. Nobody seems to agree what the blue part (blue moon) is supposed to taste like, though one popular suggestion is (gasp!) pineapple. The yellow and red/magenta parts can vary in flavor, with lemon or vanilla both attested for the yellow and red pop** and black cherry both possibilities for the red/magenta bits.
*Literally--since the three base colors correspond roughly to cyan, yellow, and magenta, they could theoretically combine to create a wide gamut. They don't actually do this, so you mostly get a little bit of green, purple, and orange.
**I think this might be another regional thing, this time based on Faygo's Red Pop, which is a false strawberry or cherry (no clue which, which should say something) flavored concoction. I can't stand it, but some people absolutely love it, and it's probably not bad as a flavoring for ice cream.

Ugh, that looks like a very high concentration of toxic colourings. It even looks like poison.
Oct 7, 2013 at 2:13 PM Post #9,383 of 12,550
Ugh, that looks like a very high concentration of toxic colourings. It even looks like poison.

It's not quite that bright in real life. Plus, it all depends on what you're viewing it on. I suppose if you were to look at it on something with super saturated color settings, it would look positively radioactive.
Oct 7, 2013 at 2:29 PM Post #9,384 of 12,550
Shallow water sharks.

I think those are Black Tip Sharks, which also just happen to be one of the more common sharks used for eating along the US Southeast coast...

Gut it, skin it, fillet it - season & sauce to your liking and grill!
Oct 7, 2013 at 5:05 PM Post #9,386 of 12,550
I haven't because I've been busy all day and 40 minutes is quite a long video.

The new Audeze headphones are overly expensive though...the LCD-2's sound isn't even worth $600 in my honest opinion.

/calling all Liquid Crystal Display fans to come attack me now

I know I know, necromancing a post and all, but hey it is occult October.
What don't you like about the LCD2? It is my all time favorite 'phone to date.
Oct 7, 2013 at 9:15 PM Post #9,388 of 12,550
I know I know, necromancing a post and all, but hey it is occult October.

Ahem. I believe that I am the necromancer here.
Just think, if I could resurrect all the old threads I managed to kill in my early days on Head-Fi, none would doubt my awesome power to reanimate the dead.
Oct 7, 2013 at 9:28 PM Post #9,389 of 12,550
Stealthily attacking
Warren slays his foe
The horses are free to run now
From labyrinths below
The Wraith of Necromancer
Shadows through the sky
Another land to darken
With evil prism eye

+1 Internet to the first to get the reference.
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