The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:04 AM Post #86,611 of 93,307
This is the one I re-bought :) still one of the comfiest IEM’s I’ve ever used so I decided to pick one up again for housework and zoom call duties 🤭
Classic Damz, picking up a frecking IE900 for “housework and zoom call” 😂
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:15 AM Post #86,612 of 93,307
Maybe not 100% color match but I’m pretty happy with the combo.

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Apr 14, 2024 at 6:51 AM Post #86,613 of 93,307
"Scubi" and now "Hurst" are two terms that have been lovingly adopted by this community in reference to (and reverence for) two of its members, namely @Scubadevils and @jwilliamhurst. The term "Scubi" originated after @Scubadevils developed the habit of listing his IEMs for sale and then listening to them "one last time" and realizing that he didn't want to sell them, subsequently pulling the listing. One day @claud W had one of his IEMs for sale and then had second thoughts and declared that he was pulling a "Scubi Devils" and decided not to sell them. Ever since then we have used the term "Scubi" to mean an action whereby you list something for sale and decide afterwards that you don't want to sell it and pull down the listing. (I hope this made sense lol)

"Hurst" is more recent and seems to imply a situation whereby you re-buy a beloved IEM only to sell again it almost immediately.
Thank you very much, Jeff
for your serious, almost scientific definition of these terms.
Pulls out popcorn. This is some nice and juicy cooler lore. I assume pulling a "Hurst" after @jwilliamhurst is where you buy and sell the same iem multiple times. In reference to the fact that he has purchased the bird what is it, I think like 4 times if memory serves? Just trying to get a clear definition of pulling a "Hurst" for future watercooler clarity.
I already immerse myself more and more into Coolers’ “secret” abbreviations.
With all due respect, I think @Damz87 holds the record for rebuying and reselling beloved gear, so it should really be "pull a Damz" when you're reselling something you just re-bought. 😅
Huh, the topic is becoming more complex …
Sips on drink and munches on popcorn. Go on. How many times has this happened? Why not both? Could you not pull a Damz Hurst? Or I look at it as a Hurst could be a subset of a Damz where you buy the same gear multiple times but one specific item rather than a Damz which could be for multiple pieces of gear. I do not know folks. Just new little watercooler member trying to understand the lingo of this thread. In need of a cooler watercooler adult to advise me.
Funny you mention me, earlier this week I bought another IEM for the 4th time 🤪
There is a fine line between crazy and genius. However, I think @Damz87 rides that line and steers towards being a genius of giving you a really good audio deal with the eccentricity of the fact that the items you purchase from him are crazily still as close to mint as you can get without that new plastic wrap still being on the item itself.

It's all for the polls as Jeremy loves 'em more than anyone else. He's waiting for the day Jeff posts a poll asking how many times people have bought the bird, at which time he will come in first at 7 times 😁


He only pulls them out of virgin territory by unboxing them. After that thrill is gone they're up for sale.

Makes you wonder how many girlfriends he has unboxed in his life 😲

I mean it was like it was physically painful for him to list the Bird. His mood improved so much after he pulled back the sale. I hope he enjoys them thoroughly.

Perhaps one day there will be a poll. That would be a moment to shine. @drftr Thank you for being cool and the help with the sultan feedback in classifieds. Meant a lot to me, more than I can say. Made me actually feel like I belong on head-fi. Like I was welcome here and in the cooler and appreciated. Your a good person mate. One day I hope to be your friend.

Now the questions becomes did he try all the versions of the bird? Or is the Bird Ti made out of unobtainium like it is rumored to be?
Sounds like we need to get @Damz87 an unboxing channel then. One where he can get all the thrill and just chill. At that point though are we intruding on the special moment?

I thought @Damz87 was Australian. How many girlfriends has he unboxed in his life? Probably quite a few. Ladies tend to find Australian accents attractive, that and I bet he has probably used the line before of if you let me unbox you I will go down under. Seems like it could work. You know different strokes for different folks. Or as we say in the cooler your milage may vary.

Before the watercooler mob comes at me, this is a joke, it is not meant to attack the character or personality of @Damz87 in any way. If it offends him in any way I whole heartedly apologize and will delete the post. Watches the torches go out and sees just the pitchforks. I think I am safe er... runs anyways just to be safe.
Can it truly be part of the collection without having been scubied at least once, though? Like an initiation ritual? A nice question to philosophize about on a Sunday morning. :)
No, too risky and I already have high blood pressure 😂
This is the one I re-bought :) still one of the comfiest IEM’s I’ve ever used so I decided to pick one up again for housework and zoom call duties 🤭
Thank you friends, that was great fun for me. This was so hilarious that my wife asked me why I was laughing my head off all the time and whether she could read along too.
Must express my admiration, you are truly special, in a pleasant and very positive way. I really enjoyed your discussion !
Apr 14, 2024 at 7:05 AM Post #86,615 of 93,307
:thinking: The more models he adds, the more complicated this gets, the longer he'll stay...
Do Aura and Monachaa fit into this list?


Apr 14, 2024 at 7:07 AM Post #86,616 of 93,307
Do we have any consensus on Cayin C9, worthwhile to pair it up with N8ii for IEMs? Considering getting it for my Atrium Closed travel use and Mentor (which doesnt require much power but may benefit from more?)
In the current moment of time I would not recommend buying C9 at all. Paired with N8ii to my taste C9 only worsened the sound signature without adding much power.
Plus Cayin is working on new iteration of it, but besides that there are plenty of other interesting options like Tsuranagi.
Apr 14, 2024 at 7:16 AM Post #86,617 of 93,307
In the current moment of time I would not recommend buying C9 at all. Paired with N8ii to my taste C9 only worsened the sound signature without adding much power.
Plus Cayin is working on new iteration of it, but besides that there are plenty of other interesting options like Tsuranagi.
Yep just read up on the C9ii. Intersting that C9 worsens the sound of N8ii. Probably will wait for some reviews of that one. Hoped for something simple transportable and not too hot for the summer days to pair it up with N8ii for Atrium and Verite headphones on the move or holidays, or just use at home since Envy 300b amp gets really hot in summer.
N8ii can drive them but there is definitly some room for improvement. Hmm.
Apr 14, 2024 at 7:36 AM Post #86,618 of 93,307
Yep just read up on the C9ii. Intersting that C9 worsens the sound of N8ii. Probably will wait for some reviews of that one. Hoped for something simple transportable and not too hot for the summer days to pair it up with N8ii for Atrium and Verite headphones on the move or holidays, or just use at home since Envy 300b amp gets really hot in summer.
N8ii can drive them but there is definitly some room for improvement. Hmm.

Whilst the C9 provides near desktop like power in a portable package, it does ‘colour’ the sound. I would politely suggest a desktop solution is always better value for money for a full sized headphone. And IEM’s with the N8ii. I haven’t tried the latter but by all reports it’s a perfectly capable DAP.

Not to mention the Pandora’s box of interconnect choices when it comes to portable amplifiers.

But in all seriousness, I rarely use my Cayin C9. The C9 runs very warm ; especially in tube mode after half an hour or so. +1 that the Cayin C9 is not on my “recommended” list with the N8ii.
Apr 14, 2024 at 7:47 AM Post #86,619 of 93,307

Whilst the C9 provides near desktop like power in a portable package, it does ‘colour’ the sound. I would politely suggest a desktop solution is always better value for money for a full sized headphone. And IEM’s with the N8ii. I haven’t tried the latter but by all reports it’s a perfectly capable DAP.

Not to mention the Pandora’s box of interconnect choices when it comes to portable amplifiers.

But in all seriousness, I rarely use my Cayin C9. The C9 runs very warm ; especially in tube mode after half an hour or so. +1 that the Cayin C9 is not on my “recommended” list with the N8ii.

N8ii is insane value for money imho. Its still pocketable while having a lot of power and many options to shape the sound, not being far off something like N30 and DX320 which I owned previously and which I really cant consider pocketable devices anymore. I am very happy with the detailed but slightly warm and thick sound signature of N8ii too, DX320 certainly has the edge in imaging and wider stage, but I disliked the coldish timbre and sometimes excessive treble spikes with some iems.

And yep, I already got a totl desktop solution its just very hot in summer both Holo May and Feliks Envy with giant 300b tubes, in winter you can basically heat your room with those. I just have a very weak spot for portable powerful devices since I am on the move a lot. N8ii is already very capable of driving 300 ohm Atrium and VO, I was impressed by how well it could drive Storm too without maxing out the volume. But yes there is just always this little urge to push things further.
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Apr 14, 2024 at 8:23 AM Post #86,620 of 93,307
Crosspost from Mass Kobo thread:

Alright! The mod of Mass Kobo is completed, moreover.. documented on YouTube😁 My friend (audio reviewer and fresh YouTuber) has done an amazing job and now the op-amps are swappable in the MK 428/475 - those two “models” are exactly the same, just different usb connector. If you could give Michal’s channel some love, will be highly appreciated:)

For start we’ve immediately put Sparkos SS3602 in preamp stage and Muses02 in output stage. Mass Kobo has a new sound to it - I’d say it’s become meatier, namely bass is stronger and tighter and the signature has slightly more body. As for soundstage, details, etc. I’ll have to wait to receive stock JRC5532 back to compare more directly (it was 2 weeks break in between hearing MK). I will be writing conclusions after those direct comparisons with stock and some other opamps👍

Here are some photos when I took it apart. Easy enough for anyone, but complex enough to be satisfying as well!

Apr 14, 2024 at 8:31 AM Post #86,621 of 93,307
To me Volür (with m12, stock cable, CP145, and PAW6000) has the perfect tonal balance, which is very important to me having and wanting only 1 set of IEMs. This is a win over Sultan which has a bit too much lower treble energy for some music. However, I would need to find a way to make Volür sound more open to favour it over Sultan. With a bit of Rn6-ness it would fit the bill.

If I could throw Sultan, Onyx, Ronin, Kublai Khan, Ragnar, Volür, Rn6, U18t, Supreme v3, Storm, Traillii, and Mentor in a kettle I could cook up my favourite soup, no doubt. Close, yet so far away.

In WC tradition, should this be called "doing a drftr" or drifting?
Apr 14, 2024 at 8:33 AM Post #86,622 of 93,307
Crosspost from Mass Kobo thread:

Alright! The mod of Mass Kobo is completed, moreover.. documented on YouTube😁 My friend (audio reviewer and fresh YouTuber) has done an amazing job and now the op-amps are swappable in the MK 428/475 - those two “models” are exactly the same, just different usb connector. If you could give Michal’s channel some love, will be highly appreciated:)

For start we’ve immediately put Sparkos SS3602 in preamp stage and Muses02 in output stage. Mass Kobo has a new sound to it - I’d say it’s become meatier, namely bass is stronger and tighter and the signature has slightly more body. As for soundstage, details, etc. I’ll have to wait to receive stock JRC5532 back to compare more directly (it was 2 weeks break in between hearing MK). I will be writing conclusions after those direct comparisons with stock and some other opamps👍

Here are some photos when I took it apart. Easy enough for anyone, but complex enough to be satisfying as well!

Mass kobo was probably my favorite amplifier in all of canjam! Me and my friend were enamored by it. He ended up buying one lol
Apr 14, 2024 at 8:49 AM Post #86,623 of 93,307
Mass kobo was probably my favorite amplifier in all of canjam! Me and my friend were enamored by it. He ended up buying one lol
I want to try Tsuranagi as well, Steve at NPAudio mods it too. It’s really interesting what you can achieve with external amping. Can’t wait to test various combinations of opamps:)


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Apr 14, 2024 at 9:02 AM Post #86,624 of 93,307
am a bit at a fence with PB5 lately.
Stage is nice but it‘s adding too much bass for my taste.
Something like MM is getting too overwhelming wooly down there.
My favorite is RU7 into Ferrum Oor desktop amp with MM nowadays
Guess mobile epidome for Mentor still is N30LE

Sure, synergy needs to match and everybody has their own preferences.

I don’t like the Annihilator much out the PB5. It sounds like a mess to me somehow. Mentor has a totally different presentation out of the PB5, for me in most cases positive. Sometimes (or for some tracks) I like it better from the D16 directly.

For me, the Annihilator and the XDuoo XD05 pro are a match made in heaven. Power, clean output without exaggeration anywhere and treble sparkle to the moon and back.

Yes sure I use the stack DX320 MAX Ti + PB5
But mostly I hear MM direct on MAX it's outstanding in soundstage and details! With PB5 more warm, more meat but it has enough of all in my opinion directly on Ti.

Makes sense to me and It’s great to have this versatility! I change through my amps a lot lately and have a lot of fun with all the slight variations!

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