The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Feb 19, 2024 at 11:26 AM Post #81,751 of 93,307
Another IEM I got to try today that I have been meaning to for a while, thanks to @TheMiddleSky is the Canpur 622B.


My first impression of this set was that it looks and feels so premium!

My second was that it sounds effortless in delivery from bass to treble, albeit on the slightly smoother side. It’s not the best IEM I have ever heard, in any one category, but its very good and balanced and forgiving with some of the most realistic renditions of BA bass I have come across.



It doesn’t match certain TOTL IEMs for pure resolution (eg Anni or even Jewel) but I suppose many of us don’t index so hard for resolution as much as musical enjoyment.

It is still quite good though in resolving textures and finer information in the music just not in my top tier for this trait.

Overall: what a fabulous experience it was to meet @TheMiddleSky and then hang out in the store, Beyond the Music, with Indonesia-based audiophiles. More gear impressions forthcoming.


Nice to finally meet you again man! Thanks for letting me try Trifecta. Definitely a "very" energetic and punchy IEM. Love the soundstage and lively feeling, especially for my Blink-182 playlist.

Awesome! Bought my U18t from him; months later to be replaced with Sultan. Speaking of which:

Am I in trouble demoing CP622b and VE X at our European meetup?


Canpur and VE-X definitely compete to each other very closely. Almost similar in price range, and have some similarities in sound character, yet, they also different at the same time.
Feb 19, 2024 at 11:28 AM Post #81,753 of 93,307
Traillii and Annihilator are a wonderful pair to settle down with. I’ll bring the Trifecta to the Amsterdam meeting as well, so you could can hear it there. I’d also recommend trying my Xe6. Both are very different from what you have and could make a case for being added to the collection.
Yeah thanks, this will be exciting. Are any of those for sale / trade? I am not sure I want to keep more than 2 multikilobuck IEM, might let the Anni go. Trifecta / Xe6 might cover my bass needs better. I find Traillii more than resolving enough treble-wise.
Feb 19, 2024 at 1:13 PM Post #81,755 of 93,307
Please mark anything that's open for sale green in our spreadsheet to facilitate the salivating process of others.

May I suggest the proceeds go to beer money?

That would be enough beer to drown you guys.
Feb 19, 2024 at 2:31 PM Post #81,757 of 93,307
Nothing new, just ticked a bucket list.

Feb 19, 2024 at 2:37 PM Post #81,758 of 93,307
Nothing new, just ticked a bucket list.


Niceeee love the ie900!!! Always taking them on the go haha Let us know your first impressions soon! :)
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Feb 19, 2024 at 2:41 PM Post #81,759 of 93,307
Niceeee love the ie900!!! Always taking them on the go haha Let us know your first impressions soon! :)

Nice one mate. I'll surely post a full review of it. Cheers.
Feb 19, 2024 at 2:59 PM Post #81,760 of 93,307
Lime Ears Pneuma V2 launches at around $1750
Feb 19, 2024 at 3:07 PM Post #81,761 of 93,307
Finally tried the Vision Ears VE10 and quite enjoyed it. What a lovely warm sound signature and the bass was pretty excellent in depth, impact and tactility. Mids, well, you know, VE mids: as good as it gets. The treble sounded more or less warm. And the cable is quite excellent in looks and ergonomics. Technicalities deliver for the price.


Drove it off my WM1ZM2. Have a feeling the IEM will sound more articulate in the treble with a bright-neutral DAP. I didn’t also tip roll so there’s that.

How does the VE10 compare to the Aura?
Feb 19, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #81,763 of 93,307
The Traillii Ti, the legend, how I lusted over thee ❤️🤤 After wearing a friend down enough to convince him to sell, i bit the bullet and brought these beauties home. Having owned the JP Traillii for quite some time, I wanted to take extra time with the Ti before sharing impressions and comparisons. I can get overly excited day one, we all can, but I have to say I love them more and more. And more. They are simply mesmerizing. I may go out in a limb here and say that, for me, these might the best IEMs I’ve ever heard. Seriously. 😳


After years and multitudes of new totl IEMs being released, the Traillii JP is still considered one of the best ever made. The tuning is phenomenal, stage size and space, nice balance of technicals and emotions. I wondered how it would be possible to make it better, and when I heard about the Ti version, and the price, I dismissed it as a money grab for yet another LE. I can tell you that is NOT the case here, it’s a big upgrade, and realistically I would call it the Traillii MK2, not just a cosmetic upgrade. There were a few things that I wised the JP had, and the Ti solves all of them, Oriolus was definitely paying attention to what it’s users were asking.

The shells are a gorgeous patina Ti, very soft and smooth with a matte finish. They are way lighter than I expected, hardly more than the resin, and they are totally redesigned, not just Ti. The inner structure is different shape, new wire and solder, and the drivers are placed differently inside. The outer shape has been improved, the back has a more ergo curve to it, and it actually feels smaller if you can believe it. The nozzle is a tad longer and better shaped, so finally I get a good fit, nice and snug, and far more comfortable and lower profile. Big upgrade there.


From a sonic standpoint the Ti is both a traditional Traillii tuning and a departure. All the emotions are there, the gorgeous sound that made the Bird so famous and lusted after, this is all there in spades. The Ti is just better, and not just by a little bit. It sounds a bit like the Bird, Storm and V3 had a baby, and took all the good parts of each. It’s more linearly tuned, but also more energetic. More passionate, powerful. I find it extremely balanced, with more forward mids, so gone is the distant vocals and guitars overly panned to the sides. But it’s even more grand, the stage is even bigger if you can imagine, it leaves the vocals right up front and then lets the details off in all directions. It’s more detailed, more clean. More micro detailed but also more macro, it’s huge sounding, massive. All aspects have been improved in SQ. Just the resolution is an upgrade, but never sacrificing the musicality.

The bass is insane now, much tighter and faster, punchy like hell and more textured. It’s more controlled and less boomy, and while maybe some people like the slower softer bass of JP the Ti bass is on another level. I’ve read that some people think there is less bass, I don’t find this to be true. I think it’s simply that the bass is so much tighter and taught that you miss the boom of the JP. The stock cable has a bit less bass presence but the IEMs themselves have a very similar amount of bass to me. They hit really hard and no one should be worried about lack of bass Mids are more forward, more detailed and more clear. The spatial positioning is off the charts, I can hear details with extreme precision with amazing depth, height and of course width. There is more room for everything to breathe, space between the layers, each aspect leaving the slightly smooth and smeariness of JP into a highly detailed yet vastly musical soundscape. Especially with heavy guitars I notice how much more cleanly
I can hear them, even on tracks that were previously a bit clustered and blurry. They stretch out in depth quite a bit, and the mids are faster too. Metal is mind blowing on these. Vocals are just as sublime as before, just bigger and with more body, and clarity. Treble is more refined, more revealing, more spacious. It’s crisper but not bright, slightly more analytical perhaps, but very balanced. The Ti isn’t brighter, it’s just more balanced. I found the mids of JP to be darker compared to the sparkle up top, making the sparkle more pronounced. Now the mids and treble are matching in clarity, brightness and details. Now I don’t hear the sparkle, I hear clarity and richness from the deepest bass to the airiest est floating trebles. If someone found the top end of JP to be bright, I feel this removes that feeling; and when your ears adjust the whole tuning is just more cohesive and balanced.


The stock cable is fantastic. It looks like the Bird PW, but this one is made by Oriolus, and uses Gold and Silver over the usual copper. It’s really a perfect match for the Ti. While it’s now burning in, and I am using the Orpheus, I may go back to stock. The Orphy makes things smoother, but there is something really special with the W89 cable that matches so well with the Ti. It’s also very pretty, the whole package is gorgeous.

It’s really easy to drive, but it does take a bit more power than the JP. As was the case with the JP, the LP6 AE is a match made in heaven. It sounds great with everything I’ve tried it with, but the LP6 is end game. Like stop searching, don’t pass go, and just listen to music forever. Yeah, it’s stupid expensive. This is the world we live in, and while I hate that; this is the first summit IEM I would say is actually worth its price. All my chain is insanely expensive, I’m sure many will dismiss all this. But I only have one setup, not tons of IEMs and towers of DAPs. That’s all I want, no need for more.

This isn’t some vanity project, or a mud in your eye limited edition bragging rights cosmetic “upgrade”. This is a whole new IEM, a full on successor. This is, without a doubt, the best portable audio setup I’ve ever heard. Game over.

So that’s where I’m at now. I’ve been searching for quite some time for a perfect IEM that handles all my vast library with ease. In fact the Ti has a way of sounding almost specialized for each genre I try it with, it’s certainly never boring. Start with the Traillii JP tuning and DNA, add the energy and clarity of the V3, plus the balance and technicalities of the Storm, and you might understand the Traillii Ti.

Sorry for the long rant, I just wanted to share :)
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Feb 19, 2024 at 4:35 PM Post #81,764 of 93,307
The Traillii Ti, the legend, how I lusted over thee ❤️🤤 After wearing a friend down enough to convince him to sell, i bit the bullet and brought these beauties home. Having owned the JP Traillii for quite some time, I wanted to take extra time with the Ti before sharing impressions and comparisons. I can get overly excited day one, we all can, but I have to say I love them more and more. And more. They are simply mesmerizing. I may go out in a limb here and say that, for me, these might the best IEMs I’ve ever heard. Seriously. 😳


After years and multitudes of new totl IEMs being released, the Traillii JP is still considered one of the best ever made. The tuning is phenomenal, stage size and space, nice balance of technicals and emotions. I wondered how it would be possible to make it better, and when I heard about the Ti version, and the price, I dismissed it as a money grab for yet another LE. I can tell you that is NOT the case here, it’s a big upgrade, and realistically I would call it the Traillii MK2, not just a cosmetic upgrade. There were a few things that I wised the JP had, and the Ti solves all of them, Oriolus was definitely paying attention to what it’s users were asking.

The shells are a gorgeous patina Ti, very soft and smooth with a matte finish. They are way lighter than I expected, hardly more than the resin, and they are totally redesigned, not just Ti. The inner structure is different shape, new wire and solder, and the drivers are placed differently inside. The outer shape has been improved, the back has a more ergo curve to it, and it actually feels smaller if you can believe it. The nozzle is a tad longer and better shaped, so finally I get a good fit, nice and snug, and far more comfortable and lower profile. Big upgrade there.


From a sonic standpoint the Ti is both a traditional Traillii tuning and a departure. All the emotions are there, the gorgeous sound that made the Bird so famous and lusted after, this is all there in spades. The Ti is just better, and not just by a little bit. It sounds a bit like the Bird, Storm and V3 had a baby, and took all the good parts of each. It’s more linearly tuned, but also more energetic. More passionate, powerful. I find it extremely balanced, with more forward mids, so gone is the distant vocals and guitars overly panned to the sides. But it’s even more grand, the stage is even bigger if you can imagine, it leaves the vocals right up front and then lets the details off in all directions. It’s more detailed, more clean. More micro detailed but also more macro, it’s huge sounding, massive. All aspects have been improved in SQ. Just the resolution is an upgrade, but never sacrificing the musicality.

The bass is insane now, much tighter and faster, punchy like hell and more textured. It’s more controlled and less boomy, and while maybe some people like the slower softer bass of JP the Ti bass is on another level. I’ve read that some people think there is less bass, I don’t find this to be true. I think it’s simply that the bass is so much tighter and taught that you miss the boom of the JP. The stock cable has a bit less bass presence but the IEMs themselves have a very similar amount of bass to me. They hit really hard and no one should be worried about lack of bass Mids are more forward, more detailed and more clear. The spatial positioning is off the charts, I can hear details with extreme precision with amazing depth, height and of course width. There is more room for everything to breathe, space between the layers, each aspect leaving the slightly smooth and smeariness of JP into a highly detailed yet vastly musical soundscape. Especially with heavy guitars I notice how much more cleanly
I can hear them, even on tracks that were previously a bit clustered and blurry. They stretch out in depth quite a bit, and the mids are faster too. Metal is mind blowing on these. Vocals are just as sublime as before, just bigger and with more body, and clarity. Treble is more refined, more revealing, more spacious. It’s crisper but not bright, slightly more analytical perhaps, but very balanced. The Ti isn’t brighter, it’s just more balanced. I found the mids of JP to be darker compared to the sparkle up top, making the sparkle more pronounced. Now the mids and treble are matching in clarity, brightness and details. Now I don’t hear the sparkle, I hear clarity and richness from the deepest bass to the airiest est floating trebles. If someone found the top end of JP to be bright, I feel this removes that feeling; and when your ears adjust the whole tuning is just more cohesive and balanced.


The stock cable is fantastic. It looks like the Bird PW, but this one is made by Oriolus, and uses Gold and Silver over the usual copper. It’s really a perfect match for the Ti. While it’s now burning in, and I am using the Orpheus, I may go back to stock. The Orphy makes things smoother, but there is something really special with the W89 cable that matches so well with the Ti. It’s also very pretty, the whole package is gorgeous.

It’s really easy to drive, but it does take a bit more power than the JP. As was the case with the JP, the LP6 AE is a match made in heaven. It sounds great with everything I’ve tried it with, but the LP6 is end game. Like stop searching, don’t pass go, and just listen to music forever. Yeah, it’s stupid expensive. This is the world we live in, and while I hate that; this is the first summit IEM I would say is actually worth its price. All my chain is insanely expensive, I’m sure many will dismiss all this. But I only have one setup, not tons of IEMs and towers of DAPs. That’s all I want, no need for more.

This isn’t some vanity project, or a mud in your eye limited edition bragging rights cosmetic “upgrade”. This is a whole new IEM, a full on successor. This is, without a doubt, the best portable audio setup I’ve ever heard. Game over.

So that’s where I’m at now. I’ve been searching for quite some time for a perfect IEM that handles all my vast library with ease. In fact the Ti has a way of sounding almost specialized for each genre I try it with, it’s certainly never boring. Start with the Traillii JP tuning and DNA, add the energy and clarity of the V3, plus the balance and technicalities of the Storm, and you might understand the Traillii Ti.

Sorry for the long rant, I just wanted to share :)
Good review as always ! Your enthusiasm for wares really shines in your reviews
I’m more excited for your E7 impressions. I wonder if it would be good enough for you to ditch the Ti?
Feb 19, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #81,765 of 93,307
I use CIEMs in the gym. First it was the a12t and ne4, then the MSE, and now I use the Omnium. I have never had any issues with them going faulty on me.

CIEM gym gang! I rotate between my Noble K10, FiR RN6, FatFreq Grand Maestro or Empire Ears Odin depending on the mood I'm in and the music I want to listen to.

Anybody knows how to auditions these great iems in California?

Keep an eye on any tours I run - I generally. prioritize California first simply because of practicality with all of you locals being here.

I was thinking of GM, but I am afraid of it because of many complaints of quality control issues. For $3000 IEMs with quality control issue, it's a big red flag.
How is Storm? Did you audition it? What makes it so special, very little impression regarding Storm in the forum for now.

Any questions I can follow up on, just let me know. Thanks for considering FatFreq.

It's been a 2 month round trip, but my CIEM, a CA Fibae 5, has come back to Socal and I'm very happy to have it back in my ears, no tips to worry about. Thanks, @piotrus-g for your amazing, no hassle service, even if halfway across the world. As easy as CFA or Fir!

And getting these back in my ears, I haven't taken them out for hours, they become a part of one's anatomy! And they sound just as good as I remember, such a lovely set!

Nice! Another solid pickup to add to the collection.

My tiger and code 24

I'm glad I was able to help you out by trying it in person again before you pulled the trigger!

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