The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Feb 15, 2024 at 10:24 PM Post #81,436 of 93,307
I love when a new tour unit shows up just in time for wfh Friday and the (holiday) weekend!

I didn't connect with this at CanJam Socal, but the short time was really not enough. Very excited to really hear the Mochachino, er Monachaa from Oriolus!!! A 4xDD!!! Thanks Watercooler Tour!

Wait there are tours???
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:03 PM Post #81,437 of 93,307
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:22 PM Post #81,438 of 93,307
They should have made the model number T1000! :smiley:


It also kinda reminds me of the spaceship from Flight of the Navigator.
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:23 PM Post #81,439 of 93,307
The Susvara I currently have on my head writing this, still outclasses any IEM I had by a mile.. and is rather affordable aftermarket nowdays.

It'll take a quite amount of time for an IEM to hit Susvara level, but it's a good thing that there's still no perceived ceiling in taking IEMs closer and closer to Susvara every year
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:31 PM Post #81,440 of 93,307
Got this compact rig yesterday... Dunu Glacier, and iBasso DC Elite. Sound is anything but 'compact'. Very impressive dynamics, and resolution. Dunu hit it out of the park with the Glacier.


Curious as to impressions of the glacier with other similarly or higher priced IEMs. Do you have any coming up?
Feb 15, 2024 at 11:35 PM Post #81,441 of 93,307
I have two desktop chains, both of which have the Holo Bliss as the amp. One has the May as the DAC, the other the Dave and M scaler. Both chains drive the Susvara very well, but I still prefer it with a bit more bass than the stock pads. It’s simply a matter of preference. :)

I run mine on a ~1 watt (continuous with 4W peak power) entry level Susvara capable tube amp and despite the low power, it gives the Susvara holographic soundstage and palpable imaging and decent dynamic SLAM :)


Of course, I won't forget the best portable IEM companion which is the Bonneville :)

Mid-bass to subbass transition is just spectacular! With the Pentaconn Corier Brass tips, the coherency between the tasty DD bass and the BA mids and treble are incredibly cohesive/fluid! If you have the Bonneville, look no further than the Pentaconn Corier Brass tips IMHO (YMMV)!

Feb 16, 2024 at 12:08 AM Post #81,442 of 93,307
I love when a new tour unit shows up just in time for wfh Friday and the (holiday) weekend!

I didn't connect with this at CanJam Socal, but the short time was really not enough. Very excited to really hear the Mochachino, er Monachaa from Oriolus!!! A 4xDD!!! Thanks Watercooler Tour!

I would love to try these 👀🔥 what Iem would you compare it to the most
Feb 16, 2024 at 12:14 AM Post #81,443 of 93,307
I would love to try these 👀🔥 what Iem would you compare it to the most
Right now, it sounds like a tamed Anni 23 to me, but that sounds crazy, even to me! More listening required!!
Feb 16, 2024 at 12:31 AM Post #81,444 of 93,307
Right now, it sounds like a tamed Anni 23 to me, but that sounds crazy, even to me! More listening required!!
Veeeery interesting !!!!!
Feb 16, 2024 at 1:07 AM Post #81,445 of 93,307
Great review. Thank you. I am curious about the lack of staging you found on the Cascara as well as its perceived brightness up top. To me Bonneville is spicier up top while Cascara holds its own with stage width. Especially for a $500 IEM... But I understand you are really more comparing them to each other...
Thanks.for the feedback. Yes, these things sometimes get exaggerated in direct AB comparisons, and as you say, I'm only describing them relative to each other. There are definitely spicier single DDs with narrower stages than Cascara in the $500 range. I do find Bonneville relatively brighter, but the raw.treble on Cascara sometimes zings me the wrong way (I'm sensitive to short, sharp treble spikes). Cascara is a wonderful IEM for.$500.
Feb 16, 2024 at 1:40 AM Post #81,446 of 93,307
Curious as to impressions of the glacier with other similarly or higher priced IEMs. Do you have any coming up?

I can only compare to the Diva '23 which I did some direct A/B'ing with. I sold the Diva after the first day of listening to the Glacier. The Glacier shows a noticeably bigger stage, deeper yet more snappy low end, and significantly more extended highs. It's a more dynamic IEM overall. As solid as the low end is on the Diva, after listening to the Glacier it comes across as soft on the attack, and sort of 'puffy'. Glacier's is much more snappy, impactful, and hard hitting. But it doesn't encroach into the mids. It's one of the best IEM low ends I've heard so far. It also shows much better overall resolution and layering than Diva.

As far as impressions with any other higher priced IEMs, I don't have plans to purchase any more now. I'm enjoying the Glacier to the point I'm going to just enjoy it for a while.
Feb 16, 2024 at 2:06 AM Post #81,447 of 93,307
It'll take a quite amount of time for an IEM to hit Susvara level, but it's a good thing that there's still no perceived ceiling in taking IEMs closer and closer to Susvara every year
The size of the equipment will always make a difference. As someone said IEMs will always strive to sound like an OTE headphone whilst an OTE headphone will strive to sound like speakers. The Susvara is obviously in a different league to any IEM also you really need a power amp to drive the headphone to get the best from it.
I normally go the 2 extremes; either very portable with the IEM and DAP or go Speakers and stack systems since you are already confined to listen indoors so go big.
Feb 16, 2024 at 3:17 AM Post #81,448 of 93,307
❤️ Mason FS (Soleil Tombé) Initial Impressions ❤️
Hi all! I am eager to share some first impressions of the much discussed Mason FS. I remember when the previous generation Mason FS launched, many were dubious of the Trailli-like price however over time Mason proved itself among the summit class IEMs. Fast forward 3 years from Mason FS's introduction in 2021, we have the new generation Mason FS with all new technology (such as the BC Turbo) and tuning. Such learnings from previous models such as Mentor and even the previous collaboration with Cayin, the Amber Pearl (AP). As an owner of Mason Fusang and Amber Pearl, I didn’t know what to expect with the new generation Mason FS. I anticipated the new Mason FS to be a step above AP given the new technology, however this isn’t necessarily the case (and in a good way).

Overall tuning is similar to Fusang, as a member of the Mason series, this makes sense. This is where the similarities to Fusang end. Mason FS has the strong technical foundation I get from AP however the focus of the tuning has shifted from the bass region to the mids. AP excels with bringing the beat of a song alive, getting your foot to thump with the melody. Mason FS brings the organic source, the vocal (or the solo instrumental) to life. This is evident with the 3D representation of the vocal, how each ebb and flow in a singer is riding a wave, the BCD keeping up with the resolution of the set. The graininess of the voice is amplified with the emotion of the singer, which results with a tactile granularity (texture) which I haven’t heard with any other set. This 'zone focus' of the mids on Mason FS reminds me a little Aroma Jewel, particularly how the Jewel allows the mids to shine brightly with other elements of the technialities taking a back seat (ie restrained bass and relaxed treble).

Where Mason FS falls short, is where Mason as a series falls short for my tastes. The tuning in the bass region and overall tuning is flatter. I love UM Mason series, my Mason Fusang has the most hours on it out of all my high end IEMs. However I could not live with Mason Fusang as my only IEM, as I prefer more bass and rhythm in my playback. Mason FS plays it's role perfectly as a reference mid centric set, where as AP is a bass set which happens to have class leading mid performance. However AP is only second to Mason FS with mid performance, as I think the Turbo driver in the Mason FS gives the even more Bone Conduction feel in the mids. The Turbo certainly plays its role as the BC booster, one can tell immediately when listening to a saxophone solo, piano and vocal. The BC Turbo technology is marvelous and I feel is in its natural home in the Mason series.

Comparing with my Mason Fusang, the new Mason FS is a quantum leap. The Mason Fusang is darker, hazier, much less definition by comparison. However I do enjoy the Mason Fusang, as it’s like a small jazz club with cigar smoke lingering in the air. Perhaps you can seek the singer through the smoke, perhaps not. However you are getting the emotion with a bone conduction, and the Mason tuning hits the right spot for me with these type of songs.

A fun part was listening back to back with the new Mason FS and Campfire Trifecta. Trifecta has the hazy-ish nature of Fusang and is darker. However the three DD’s gives substance to the voice like the BC from AP. However the Trifecta is unable to bring forward the resolution or achieve the microdynamics in the texture as UM's bone conduction technology can. The defn/detail isn’t like FS at all, and Trifecta can't keep up with busy passages as the 3DD's lend to a slower performance. However you get some of that density and impact as you would from the palladium BC. The bass of Trifecta does attempt to compensate, however I'm not getting the vivid 'life energy' I have from Mason FS. With acid jazz or hip hop (or anything leaning on a strong beat), I will reach for Trifecta but for classical solos, pure vocal, I will reach for Mason FS 10 times out of 10.

Anyone thinking UM pulled a fast one w/ AP vs FS, don’t worry. AP owners didn’t get bamboozled. UM really gave Cayin the best they had, but were sure not to give Cayin the signature UM ‘mids at all cost’ Mason signature. This is all preference. While I would def pick FS over AP for the vocals, I just can’t have fun with music like I do with AP, vocals be damned. For me, mid bass>mids. I love Cayin's tuning, as Amber Pearl IEM represents Cayin's purest expression of it, even if Cayin's technology struggles at times to keep up with their vision. Please note, the new Mason FS is larger than Amber Pearl. The new Mason FS is at my limits for IEM volume. I can wear it comfortably however, UM's shell geometry does not disappoint. For reference of my shell size tolerance, I find Empire Ear Odin shell too large for sessions over 15-20 minutes, and of course Empire Ear EVO is a non starter.

I walk away from Mason FS being very impressed. UM managed to boost BC driver performance so it can play with the resolution of the set, this is the ultimate balance of presence and detail which many of us chase. The downside of this set however, isn’t specific to the FS. It’s the fact with Mason series sets, you will not be rocking out with it. It’s focused for a particular set list. Solos, duets, jazz, vocal, classical instrumental. It lacks the stage for full orchestra, the champ for this goes to Elysian X for now. Some would say the ultimate transducer can place you in the concert hall. UM redefines the benchmark. Why settle for being in the concert hall, when you can become the one who plays the instrument and feel the vibrations yourself.

Mason FS starts at $6199

You are a master of rhetoric. This reads like an appeasement of the shitstorm (justified or not), that recently spread across UM. It gives the AP its authority without referencing the Mason's new technology. Well done.

The problems with all the reviews/impressions I read here, I can't believe any of this until I tested it myself. It's really hard to differentiate between people, that get a 35% discount or more and people, who are spending much more to verify all those hyped products and lose a lot in sale afterwards. No offense, I think everybody has his own opinion, but as a master of sale; I also know what to tell and what not. Keep in mind this is a big business everybody, those stuff cost more than cars do...

Sometimes I wish a more direct communication, more truthful, more real. We are the audiophiles, we are spending a big part of our salaries, we are the people that like to test new things, to find something "better" or "worse", so let us be honest to each other and mark commercial posts as in television or in Google.

BTW: Where can I buy those? (😂 just kidding)
Feb 16, 2024 at 4:34 AM Post #81,449 of 93,307
I love when a new tour unit shows up just in time for wfh Friday and the (holiday) weekend!

I didn't connect with this at CanJam Socal, but the short time was really not enough. Very excited to really hear the Mochachino, er Monachaa from Oriolus!!! A 4xDD!!! Thanks Watercooler Tour!


Hey, what case is this? I've been after a case like this for a while, thank you.
Feb 16, 2024 at 5:15 AM Post #81,450 of 93,307
Hey guys, if anyone's interested, my full review of Campfire's complete Chromatic Series is online here. Enjoy!

Hello, @gLer !
Thanks for the review, I totally agree that Chromatic series are being good value picks on the current market, while it’s still a question for one’s preference either to pick Bonneville as more coherent but dark IEM or more technically proficient Supermoon which having some timbre issues as the series flagship.
One thing with the photos - they are stylish as usual but i feel that being black on black hides IEMs body details as the contours being actually very different from a model to model.

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