The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:17 PM Post #76,846 of 93,307
Yeah, that's the exact same problem I had. They're small, round, heavy, etc, and I had to adjust them every 3 or so minutes. Without this problem they most likely would have made it in my top 10, but a good fit is crucial. Sorry to read you have the same experience.


I am just on the verge of having this issue due to the size and length of the nozzles...but fortunately for me I can manage to get a good fit just so. That said perhaps look at larger tips or tips with a longer stem like OG Sednas-- this might help them stay secure in your ears. Those Pentaconn Corier tips might be an option too.

Pentaconn Corier to the rescue once again. Crisis adverted! Thank you !
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:20 PM Post #76,847 of 93,307
Pentaconn Corier to the rescue once again. Crisis adverted! Thank you !

Sounds like another tip I’ll have to try!

Great to hear resolved for you.
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:27 PM Post #76,848 of 93,307
Just curious, which review said that VE10 has too much treble energy? Relative to PHX and Aura they actually tuned down the treble to add more warmth to the sound. VE10 has more body in lower mids than Aura, on par with PHX. But unlike PHX, it has DD bass performance with analog texture similar to Aura. VE10 is warmer tuned, with a fuller body typical natural-resolving VE-mids, more reserved treble, but still with a great resolution. Will be reviewing it next, and actually looking forward to it.

And, since I already shared this FR measurements in VE thread, here it is again, for those who like to look at squiggles :wink:

Nice. VE10 seems to be the opposite of "too much treble energy". Interesting how different people hear it differently. and the ear tips and how well they provide the seal, could also have played a part in the impression.
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:29 PM Post #76,849 of 93,307
Hey all :)

I'm back after another long tour, finally back to my gear. It was well missed, I bring only what I can carry when I travel and don't always get the chance to listen as much as I wish. I wanted to check back in with you all, had a chance to demo some cool stuff from @MusicTeck when I was in California, and took the plunge and bought the FitEar Creator which is quite the IEM, and a truly engaging ultra musical travel companion. So, some impressions to share, from MT in USA I borrowed the Canpur 622B, Aroma Fei Wan, Eletech Sonnet of Adam, Tesseract and Monachaa.


Canpur 622B - This is very Storm like in tuning, a reference style IEM with great detail and a slight sub-bass lift. It's not like the Storm in terms of abilities, but it is going for a similar vibe. When I first tried it I was quite stunned that it fit me like a glove, totally flush in my ears. Unfortunately after some time it proved to be too tight a fit and was fairly uncomfortable, even though I really liked it. One thing to note, the build quality is atrocious, it looks and feels like something you'd find on Amazon for about $50. The 2 pins sockets are so cheap I could hear and feel it scratching a bit when I inserted a cable.

The sound is pretty fantastic though. A bit lean and mean, but quite technical and still musical. Very clean and clear, good mids and nice BA bass. Great tightness and punch, very detailed mids with good weight and no weird tuning changes so instruments come across as very natural and honest. Good treble, nice and airy with a good sense of space. Good stage, though not huge, average to good positioning.

I tried my best to fall in love but somehow didn't, couldn't. Fit was so close but just not possible, it was just too tight and the pressure built up over a short amount of time. It seemed a bit dry for me, even though I like reference tunings a lot. Storm has this magic to it, and while the Canpur has a lot going for it, it lacks that magic and ability. It's very expensive for such a build quality as well, but perhaps some don't care about that. I feel like it's almost amazing, but somehow the sum of it's parts just never stole my heart.


Tesseract - This is a weird one. Fit for me wasn't good so I was off to a bad start, (shells are quite large and very cubic) which was worsened by the faceplate on one side falling off almost immediately. It is a demo unit, so perhaps someone was too rough with it. There are some parts of the Tesseract that I really liked, but the overall tuning wasn't cohesive to me at all. It felt a bit like I was listening to two or three IEMs at the same time. If you seperated each part you could make a wonderful IEM, but they just didn't gel together. Despite 6 (?) EST it was kind of dark up top, mids were quite thick and the bass was just decent BA. I tried a few times over several days and kept taking them out of my ears so impressions are limited.

Monachaa - Another weird one. Fantastic texture, great resolution, each part again being quite nice but the overall tuning felt wonky to me. Bass was excellent, very deep, powerful and textured. Lower mids are great and weighty, but then the mid to upper mids thinned out like crazy and got a bit shouty, which just seems like faulty tuning to me, which is a surprise coming from Oriolus. Treble is again quite nice, spacious and airy. Again each part seems pitch perfect, but when they mix it falls short. For me the mids were a nail in the coffin, they just threw off the whole thing, which is bizarre given they're DDs. Tried many times, different tips, several DAPs and myriad cables, swing and a miss for me.

Aroma Fei Wan - This is a fantastic IEM, hands down. A more relaxed and bassy Jewel, more fun and less reference. Many will prefer this over the Jewel, simply because it's easier to drive, has more bass that is fuller and more punchy, weightier mids and a more extended less rolled off treble. I don't personally think that it's a better IEM over the Jewel, just different. A co-flagship for sure. FW has some of the best bass I've heard, especially when I paired it with the Sonnet of Adam. This was a magic combo, seriously great. Mids are quite good, nice weight and detail, though I think they fall short of Jewel's only in the sense of pure resolution and honesty. These are fun mids, more romantic, while still being quite resolving. Treble is very nice, extended and with a perfect amount of sparkle. The shells are a funny shade of yellow, not exactly my thing as they are far more splashy looking than what I would choose, but the shells are smaller and more ergonomic than the Jewel, though the Jewel Uni fit me extremely well.

I was seriously considering to buy the FW and SoA for a week or two, even ordering a custom, but decided to wait. In the end the FW just might be a bit too fun and relaxed for me as an all rounder, but I just may come back to this one. Great, great IEM. If you do get one for yourself seriously consider the SoA pairing, I know a few who got this exact thing and they love it.


Sonnet Of Adam - This is an amazing cable. For me this is the most mature and complete offering Eletech has made yet, and the most balanced to boot. It's very analog, with tremendously good bass. Some of the best bass I've heard, like the OTL. @Eric Chong knows how to tune bass in cables, good lord they are seriously amazing. Texture and punch for days. I loved the mids, nicely weighted with a wonderful balance of weightier notes and good resolution, and the weight goes all the way up to the treble without thinning out like the OTL. Treble is perfect, nicely extended and sparkly without any additional brightness, very natural. Overall the OTL is more technical by a little bit, but the SoA has more soul. They are both great, but for my personal tastes I prefer the SoA, it's more of a complete package.

Ergo is fantastic as always from Eletech. While keeping up with the heavy shielded PW cables, they are infinitely lighter, softer and easier to wear. It's not even close. The PW shielded cables do have a noticeably darker background though. While the SoA is quite gold and shiny, I found it matte and soft looking enough not to be overly "blingy" and I enjoyed the look of it. Matches well with Fei Wan cosmetically too :)

And so we land with the Fitear Creator, and man this is something special. When I was in Taiwan last April I was finally able to test of some FitEars and I will say the hype is real on these. I demo'd a few of them and fell in love with the DC Ti. I was an idiot and I didn't just order the customs right then and there, I regret that a lot. Nothing sounds quite like it, effortlessly musical, great technicals but vastly more musical than other summit IEMs. It's only 3 drivers! Two DDs and a single EST, but the sound is MASSIVE. It's so textured too, wow. The bass is phenomenal, and the mids are lush and velvety without lacking technicalities. The EST has just enough sparkle to balance out the extremely analog vibes the lower end puts out. And the stage is enormous too, they sound like a very large set of studio speakers, enveloping you in a blanket of beautiful sounds. They take a bit of brain burn-in, they're not this immediate sensation of crazy resolution, its a DD bass and mids, what the Monachaa was trying to do but just missed the mark. They are very technical, but it's all wrapped up in this cocoon of musicality. It's honestly hard to describe, but I just love them so much. Vocals are sublime, as are instruments. Bass for EDM is rather mind-blowing, it soooo textured!

This is a very expensive IEM, around $8k. Similar to the AP in fact, but very different. They are more analog, more soul. It is essentially a universal DC Ti, in fact it is the only universal available as DC Ti only comes in customs. And getting customs made outside of Japan, or other parts of Asia, is basically impossible. So I took the plunge and got one, in fact it was the last one available. They only made 25, and they're only available from Jaben in HK as a limited edition. Packaged with a cable made by Creator in HK, which is a nice warmish copper sound that fits the Creator's tuning well. I tested out a few others cables, but sadly I don't have any FitEar cables so I was using adapters which isn't ideal. Orpheus was stunning, as was Shirogane. A common pairing with DC Ti is the Eletech OTL, and I can definitely say that this was amazing when I tried the DC Ti demo in Taiwan. But I am happy with the Creator cable, it really does fit the tuning well.

These need a lot of power, with the LP6 Ti they are staggering. The N30LE and Max320 are also very popular, endgame for sure. I also really enjoy them with the Sony M2, it just needs to be turned way up. When they're powered well it produces a symphony that sounds just right. This is tuning done right, so much more than the sum of its parts, the whole is just magic.

Fit is actually not bad for me, considering they are huge shells and fairly heavy. I have small ears and smaller canals, so I think for a lot of people they would actually fit quite well. The backend is semi custom and fits nicely in the ear, and it has a short nozzle that is oval. While I can handle listening for an hour or so, my small canals get irritated and it becomes a bit painful unfortunately. But I really, really like the Creator. So much so that I am going to get it in custom form. I have a tour in South East Asia coming up soon and I'll take the plunge then, these are fabulous and I just need to have them. No questions asked, just buy. And so, my Creator will be for sale, only for the fact of fit and moving to customs. It will pain me to be without for a while for sure, but customs it is and therefor I won't need the unis. If anyone is interested send me a PM, I will list them soon but a deal can be made if you want to. These are very hard to find used, and impossible to buy new as they won't make any more. The coolest IEM I've heard in a long time, something special that no other IEM I have heard can touch.

That's all from me for now, happy to be back home and checking in with the WC crew again. Be well homies :)

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Jan 4, 2024 at 4:30 PM Post #76,850 of 93,307
Sounds like another tip I’ll have to try!

Great to hear resolved for you.
I can't get Coreir to fit me with any of my IEMs other than the diminutive IE900 🤷🏻 Nice tips though, albeit overpriced.
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:40 PM Post #76,851 of 93,307
Hey all :)

I'm back after another long tour, finally back to my gear. It was well missed, I bring only what I can carry when I travel and don't always get the chance to listen as much as I wish. I wanted to check back in with you all, had a chance to demo some cool stuff from @MusicTeck when I was in California, and took the plunge and bought the FitEar Creator which is quite the IEM, and a truly engaging ultra musical travel companion. So, some impressions to share, from MT in USA I borrowed the Canpur 622B, Aroma Fei Wan, Eletech Sonnet of Adam, Tesseract and Monachaa.


Canpur 622B - This is very Storm like in tuning, a reference style IEM with great detail and a slight sub-bass lift. It's not like the Storm in terms of abilities, but it is going for a similar vibe. When I first tried it I was quite stunned that it fit me like a glove, totally flush in my ears. Unfortunately after some time it proved to be too tight a fit and was fairly uncomfortable, even though I really liked it. One thing to note, the build quality is atrocious, it looks and feels like something you'd find on Amazon for about $50. The 2 pins sockets are so cheap I could hear and feel it scratching a bit when I inserted a cable.

The sound is pretty fantastic though. A bit lean and mean, but quite technical and still musical. Very clean and clear, good mids and nice BA bass. Great tightness and punch, very detailed mids with good weight and no weird tuning changes so instruments come across as very natural and honest. Good treble, nice and airy with a good sense of space. Good stage, though not huge, average to good positioning.

I tried my best to fall in love but somehow didn't, couldn't. Fit was so close but just not possible, it was just too tight and the pressure built up over a short amount of time. It seemed a bit dry for me, even though I like reference tunings a lot. Storm has this magic to it, and while the Canpur has a lot going for it, it lacks that magic and ability. It's very expensive for such a build quality as well, but perhaps some don't care about that. I feel like it's almost amazing, but somehow the sum of it's parts just never stole my heart.


Tesseract - This is a weird one. Fit for me wasn't good so I was off to a bad start, (shells are quite large and very cubic) which was worsened by the faceplate on one side falling off almost immediately. It is a demo unit, so perhaps someone was too rough with it. There are some parts of the Tesseract that I really liked, but the overall tuning wasn't cohesive to me at all. It felt a bit like I was listening to two or three IEMs at the same time. If you seperated each part you could make a wonderful IEM, but they just didn't gel together. Despite 6 (?) EST it was kind of dark up top, mids were quite thick and the bass was just decent BA. I tried a few times over several days and kept taking them out of my ears so impressions are limited.

Monachaa - Another weird one. Fantastic texture, great resolution, each part again being quite nice but the overall tuning felt wonky to me. Bass was excellent, very deep, powerful and textured. Lower mids are great and weighty, but then the mid to upper mids thinned out like crazy and got a bit shouty, which just seems like faulty tuning to me, which is a surprise coming from Oriolus. Treble is again quite nice, spacious and airy. Again each part seems pitch perfect, but when they mix it falls short. For me the mids were a nail in the coffin, they just threw off the whole thing, which is bizarre given they're DDs. Tried many times, different tips, several DAPs and myriad cables, swing and a miss for me.

Aroma Fei Wan - This is a fantastic IEM, hands down. A more relaxed and bassy Jewel, more fun and less reference. Many will prefer this over the Jewel, simply because it's easier to drive, has more bass that is fuller and more punchy, weightier mids and a more extended less rolled off treble. I don't personally think that it's a better IEM over the Jewel, just different. A co-flagship for sure. FW has some of the best bass I've heard, especially when I paired it with the Sonnet of Adam. This was a magic combo, seriously great. Mids are quite good, nice weight and detail, though I think they fall short of Jewel's only in the sense of pure resolution and honesty. These are fun mids, more romantic, while still being quite resolving. Treble is very nice, extended and with a perfect amount of sparkle. The shells are a funny shade of yellow, not exactly my thing as they are far more splashy looking than what I would choose, but the shells are smaller and more ergonomic than the Jewel, though the Jewel Uni fit me extremely well.

I was seriously considering to buy the FW and SoA for a week or two, even ordering a custom, but decided to wait. In the end the FW just might be a bit too fun and relaxed for me as an all rounder, but I just may come back to this one. Great, great IEM. If you do get one for yourself seriously consider the SoA pairing, I know a few who got this exact thing and they love it.


Sonnet Of Adam - This is an amazing cable. For me this is the most mature and complete offering Eletech has made yet, and the most balanced to boot. It's very analog, with tremendously good bass. Some of the best bass I've heard, like the OTL. @Eric Chong knows how to tune bass in cables, good lord they are seriously amazing. Texture and punch for days. I loved the mids, nicely weighted with a wonderful balance of weightier notes and good resolution, and the weight goes all the way up to the treble without thinning out like the OTL. Treble is perfect, nicely extended and sparkly without any additional brightness, very natural. Overall the OTL is more technical by a little bit, but the SoA has more soul. They are both great, but for my personal tastes I prefer the SoA, it's more of a complete package.

Ergo is fantastic as always from Eletech. While keeping up with the heavy shielded PW cables, they are infinitely lighter, softer and easier to wear. It's not even close. The PW shielded cables do have a noticeably darker background though. While the SoA is quite gold and shiny, I found it matte and soft looking enough not to be overly "blingy" and I enjoyed the look of it. Matches well with Fei Wan cosmetically too :)

And so we land with the Fitear Creator, and man this is something special. When I was in Taiwan last April I was finally able to test of some FitEars and I will say the hype is real on these. I demo'd a few of them and fell in love with the DC Ti. I was an idiot and I didn't just order the customs right then and there, I regret that a lot. Nothing sounds quite like it, effortlessly musical, great technicals but vastly more musical than other summit IEMs. It's only 3 drivers! Two DDs and a single EST, but the sound is MASSIVE. It's so textured too, wow. The bass is phenomenal, and the mids are lush and velvety without lacking technicalities. The EST has just enough sparkle to balance out the extremely analog vibes the lower end puts out. And the stage is enormous too, they sound like a very large set of studio speakers, enveloping you in a blanket of beautiful sounds. They take a bit of brain burn-in, they're not this immediate sensation of crazy resolution, its a DD bass and mids, what the Monachaa was trying to do but just missed the mark. They are very technical, but it's all wrapped up in this cocoon of musicality. It's honestly hard to describe, but I just love them so much. Vocals are sublime, as are instruments. Bass for EDM is rather mind-blowing, it soooo textured!

This is a very expensive IEM, around $8k. Similar to the AP in fact, but very different. They are more analog, more soul. It is essentially a universal DC Ti, in fact it is the only universal available as DC Ti only comes in customs. And getting customs made outside of Japan, or other parts of Asia, is basically impossible. So I took the plunge and got one, in fact it was the last one available. They only made 25, and they're only available from Jaben in HK as a limited edition. Packaged with a cable made by Creator in HK, which is a nice warmish copper sound that fits the Creator's tuning well. I tested out a few others cables, but sadly I don't have any FitEar cables so I was using adapters which isn't ideal. Orpheus was stunning, as was Shirogane. A common pairing with DC Ti is the Eletech OTL, and I can definitely say that this was amazing when I tried the DC Ti demo in Taiwan. But I am happy with the Creator cable, it really does fit the tuning well.

These need a lot of power, with the LP6 Ti they are staggering. The N30LE and Max320 are also very popular, endgame for sure. I also really enjoy them with the Sony M2, it just needs to be turned way up. When they're powered well it produces a symphony that sounds just right. This is tuning done right, so much more than the sum of its parts, the whole is just magic.

Fit is actually not bad for me, considering they are huge shells and fairly heavy. I have small ears and smaller canals, so I think for a lot of people they would actually fit quite well. The backend is semi custom and fits nicely in the ear, and it has a short nozzle that is oval. While I can handle listening for an hour or so, my small canals get irritated and it becomes a bit painful unfortunately. But I really, really like the Creator. So much so that I am going to get it in custom form. I have a tour in South East Asia coming up soon and I'll take the plunge then, these are fabulous and I just need to have them. No questions asked, just buy. And so, my Creator will be for sale, only for the fact of fit and moving to customs. It will pain me to be without for a while for sure, but customs it is and therefor I won't need the unis. If anyone is interested send me a PM, I will list them soon but a deal can be made if you want to. These are very hard to find used, and impossible to buy new as they won't make any more. The coolest IEM I've heard in a long time, something special that no other IEM I have heard can touch.

That's all from me for now, happy to be back home and checking in with the WC crew again. Be well homies :)


Great post and impressions, your 622b thoughts mirror mine almost exactly except I'm quite okay with the build on it. But I'm having the same "issues" you are, it's such a fantastic set but I'm partially feeling like I'm listening to the drivers and not the music. Maybe that's just the more reference-y tonality speaking to me, either way I do find them quite enjoyable. I'm also having issues with the fit after some time. It's such a weird shaped IEM.
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #76,852 of 93,307
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:51 PM Post #76,853 of 93,307
Pentaconn Corier to the rescue once again. Crisis adverted! Thank you !
Good news.
Sounds like another tip I’ll have to try!

Great to hear resolved for you.
Coincidentally I ordered these tips as well today.

@Tokpakorlo thanks for the impressions. Good to know about the Canpur fit and build quality. Interesting to see the Fei Wan described as 'relaxed'. I have seen quite a few comments on the treble being too hot. I may get to hear these in a few weeks time.

In other news, I currently have two IEMs on loan. The Spartacus (beautiful but not really my cup of tea) and the Loki Emerald. I'm impressed with the Loki. Did the hype for these end already? I think they are very solid and deserve more attention. I compared them with the Annihilator and they sound fairly similar to me, with some subtle differences.
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Jan 4, 2024 at 4:58 PM Post #76,854 of 93,307
Hey all :)

I'm back after another long tour, finally back to my gear. It was well missed, I bring only what I can carry when I travel and don't always get the chance to listen as much as I wish. I wanted to check back in with you all, had a chance to demo some cool stuff from @MusicTeck when I was in California, and took the plunge and bought the FitEar Creator which is quite the IEM, and a truly engaging ultra musical travel companion. So, some impressions to share, from MT in USA I borrowed the Canpur 622B, Aroma Fei Wan, Eletech Sonnet of Adam, Tesseract and Monachaa.


Canpur 622B - This is very Storm like in tuning, a reference style IEM with great detail and a slight sub-bass lift. It's not like the Storm in terms of abilities, but it is going for a similar vibe. When I first tried it I was quite stunned that it fit me like a glove, totally flush in my ears. Unfortunately after some time it proved to be too tight a fit and was fairly uncomfortable, even though I really liked it. One thing to note, the build quality is atrocious, it looks and feels like something you'd find on Amazon for about $50. The 2 pins sockets are so cheap I could hear and feel it scratching a bit when I inserted a cable.

The sound is pretty fantastic though. A bit lean and mean, but quite technical and still musical. Very clean and clear, good mids and nice BA bass. Great tightness and punch, very detailed mids with good weight and no weird tuning changes so instruments come across as very natural and honest. Good treble, nice and airy with a good sense of space. Good stage, though not huge, average to good positioning.

I tried my best to fall in love but somehow didn't, couldn't. Fit was so close but just not possible, it was just too tight and the pressure built up over a short amount of time. It seemed a bit dry for me, even though I like reference tunings a lot. Storm has this magic to it, and while the Canpur has a lot going for it, it lacks that magic and ability. It's very expensive for such a build quality as well, but perhaps some don't care about that. I feel like it's almost amazing, but somehow the sum of it's parts just never stole my heart.


Tesseract - This is a weird one. Fit for me wasn't good so I was off to a bad start, (shells are quite large and very cubic) which was worsened by the faceplate on one side falling off almost immediately. It is a demo unit, so perhaps someone was too rough with it. There are some parts of the Tesseract that I really liked, but the overall tuning wasn't cohesive to me at all. It felt a bit like I was listening to two or three IEMs at the same time. If you seperated each part you could make a wonderful IEM, but they just didn't gel together. Despite 6 (?) EST it was kind of dark up top, mids were quite thick and the bass was just decent BA. I tried a few times over several days and kept taking them out of my ears so impressions are limited.

Monachaa - Another weird one. Fantastic texture, great resolution, each part again being quite nice but the overall tuning felt wonky to me. Bass was excellent, very deep, powerful and textured. Lower mids are great and weighty, but then the mid to upper mids thinned out like crazy and got a bit shouty, which just seems like faulty tuning to me, which is a surprise coming from Oriolus. Treble is again quite nice, spacious and airy. Again each part seems pitch perfect, but when they mix it falls short. For me the mids were a nail in the coffin, they just threw off the whole thing, which is bizarre given they're DDs. Tried many times, different tips, several DAPs and myriad cables, swing and a miss for me.

Aroma Fei Wan - This is a fantastic IEM, hands down. A more relaxed and bassy Jewel, more fun and less reference. Many will prefer this over the Jewel, simply because it's easier to drive, has more bass that is fuller and more punchy, weightier mids and a more extended less rolled off treble. I don't personally think that it's a better IEM over the Jewel, just different. A co-flagship for sure. FW has some of the best bass I've heard, especially when I paired it with the Sonnet of Adam. This was a magic combo, seriously great. Mids are quite good, nice weight and detail, though I think they fall short of Jewel's only in the sense of pure resolution and honesty. These are fun mids, more romantic, while still being quite resolving. Treble is very nice, extended and with a perfect amount of sparkle. The shells are a funny shade of yellow, not exactly my thing as they are far more splashy looking than what I would choose, but the shells are smaller and more ergonomic than the Jewel, though the Jewel Uni fit me extremely well.

I was seriously considering to buy the FW and SoA for a week or two, even ordering a custom, but decided to wait. In the end the FW just might be a bit too fun and relaxed for me as an all rounder, but I just may come back to this one. Great, great IEM. If you do get one for yourself seriously consider the SoA pairing, I know a few who got this exact thing and they love it.


Sonnet Of Adam - This is an amazing cable. For me this is the most mature and complete offering Eletech has made yet, and the most balanced to boot. It's very analog, with tremendously good bass. Some of the best bass I've heard, like the OTL. @Eric Chong knows how to tune bass in cables, good lord they are seriously amazing. Texture and punch for days. I loved the mids, nicely weighted with a wonderful balance of weightier notes and good resolution, and the weight goes all the way up to the treble without thinning out like the OTL. Treble is perfect, nicely extended and sparkly without any additional brightness, very natural. Overall the OTL is more technical by a little bit, but the SoA has more soul. They are both great, but for my personal tastes I prefer the SoA, it's more of a complete package.

Ergo is fantastic as always from Eletech. While keeping up with the heavy shielded PW cables, they are infinitely lighter, softer and easier to wear. It's not even close. The PW shielded cables do have a noticeably darker background though. While the SoA is quite gold and shiny, I found it matte and soft looking enough not to be overly "blingy" and I enjoyed the look of it. Matches well with Fei Wan cosmetically too :)

And so we land with the Fitear Creator, and man this is something special. When I was in Taiwan last April I was finally able to test of some FitEars and I will say the hype is real on these. I demo'd a few of them and fell in love with the DC Ti. I was an idiot and I didn't just order the customs right then and there, I regret that a lot. Nothing sounds quite like it, effortlessly musical, great technicals but vastly more musical than other summit IEMs. It's only 3 drivers! Two DDs and a single EST, but the sound is MASSIVE. It's so textured too, wow. The bass is phenomenal, and the mids are lush and velvety without lacking technicalities. The EST has just enough sparkle to balance out the extremely analog vibes the lower end puts out. And the stage is enormous too, they sound like a very large set of studio speakers, enveloping you in a blanket of beautiful sounds. They take a bit of brain burn-in, they're not this immediate sensation of crazy resolution, its a DD bass and mids, what the Monachaa was trying to do but just missed the mark. They are very technical, but it's all wrapped up in this cocoon of musicality. It's honestly hard to describe, but I just love them so much. Vocals are sublime, as are instruments. Bass for EDM is rather mind-blowing, it soooo textured!

This is a very expensive IEM, around $8k. Similar to the AP in fact, but very different. They are more analog, more soul. It is essentially a universal DC Ti, in fact it is the only universal available as DC Ti only comes in customs. And getting customs made outside of Japan, or other parts of Asia, is basically impossible. So I took the plunge and got one, in fact it was the last one available. They only made 25, and they're only available from Jaben in HK as a limited edition. Packaged with a cable made by Creator in HK, which is a nice warmish copper sound that fits the Creator's tuning well. I tested out a few others cables, but sadly I don't have any FitEar cables so I was using adapters which isn't ideal. Orpheus was stunning, as was Shirogane. A common pairing with DC Ti is the Eletech OTL, and I can definitely say that this was amazing when I tried the DC Ti demo in Taiwan. But I am happy with the Creator cable, it really does fit the tuning well.

These need a lot of power, with the LP6 Ti they are staggering. The N30LE and Max320 are also very popular, endgame for sure. I also really enjoy them with the Sony M2, it just needs to be turned way up. When they're powered well it produces a symphony that sounds just right. This is tuning done right, so much more than the sum of its parts, the whole is just magic.

Fit is actually not bad for me, considering they are huge shells and fairly heavy. I have small ears and smaller canals, so I think for a lot of people they would actually fit quite well. The backend is semi custom and fits nicely in the ear, and it has a short nozzle that is oval. While I can handle listening for an hour or so, my small canals get irritated and it becomes a bit painful unfortunately. But I really, really like the Creator. So much so that I am going to get it in custom form. I have a tour in South East Asia coming up soon and I'll take the plunge then, these are fabulous and I just need to have them. No questions asked, just buy. And so, my Creator will be for sale, only for the fact of fit and moving to customs. It will pain me to be without for a while for sure, but customs it is and therefor I won't need the unis. If anyone is interested send me a PM, I will list them soon but a deal can be made if you want to. These are very hard to find used, and impossible to buy new as they won't make any more. The coolest IEM I've heard in a long time, something special that no other IEM I have heard can touch.

That's all from me for now, happy to be back home and checking in with the WC crew again. Be well homies :)

How has your experience been ordering from Jaben? I'm thinking of picking up some accessories from them, but it's a toss-up between them and Right Shop Audio. Any preference between the two?
Jan 4, 2024 at 4:59 PM Post #76,855 of 93,307
Hey all :)

I'm back after another long tour, finally back to my gear. It was well missed, I bring only what I can carry when I travel and don't always get the chance to listen as much as I wish. I wanted to check back in with you all, had a chance to demo some cool stuff from @MusicTeck when I was in California, and took the plunge and bought the FitEar Creator which is quite the IEM, and a truly engaging ultra musical travel companion. So, some impressions to share, from MT in USA I borrowed the Canpur 622B, Aroma Fei Wan, Eletech Sonnet of Adam, Tesseract and Monachaa.


Canpur 622B - This is very Storm like in tuning, a reference style IEM with great detail and a slight sub-bass lift. It's not like the Storm in terms of abilities, but it is going for a similar vibe. When I first tried it I was quite stunned that it fit me like a glove, totally flush in my ears. Unfortunately after some time it proved to be too tight a fit and was fairly uncomfortable, even though I really liked it. One thing to note, the build quality is atrocious, it looks and feels like something you'd find on Amazon for about $50. The 2 pins sockets are so cheap I could hear and feel it scratching a bit when I inserted a cable.

The sound is pretty fantastic though. A bit lean and mean, but quite technical and still musical. Very clean and clear, good mids and nice BA bass. Great tightness and punch, very detailed mids with good weight and no weird tuning changes so instruments come across as very natural and honest. Good treble, nice and airy with a good sense of space. Good stage, though not huge, average to good positioning.

I tried my best to fall in love but somehow didn't, couldn't. Fit was so close but just not possible, it was just too tight and the pressure built up over a short amount of time. It seemed a bit dry for me, even though I like reference tunings a lot. Storm has this magic to it, and while the Canpur has a lot going for it, it lacks that magic and ability. It's very expensive for such a build quality as well, but perhaps some don't care about that. I feel like it's almost amazing, but somehow the sum of it's parts just never stole my heart.


Tesseract - This is a weird one. Fit for me wasn't good so I was off to a bad start, (shells are quite large and very cubic) which was worsened by the faceplate on one side falling off almost immediately. It is a demo unit, so perhaps someone was too rough with it. There are some parts of the Tesseract that I really liked, but the overall tuning wasn't cohesive to me at all. It felt a bit like I was listening to two or three IEMs at the same time. If you seperated each part you could make a wonderful IEM, but they just didn't gel together. Despite 6 (?) EST it was kind of dark up top, mids were quite thick and the bass was just decent BA. I tried a few times over several days and kept taking them out of my ears so impressions are limited.

Monachaa - Another weird one. Fantastic texture, great resolution, each part again being quite nice but the overall tuning felt wonky to me. Bass was excellent, very deep, powerful and textured. Lower mids are great and weighty, but then the mid to upper mids thinned out like crazy and got a bit shouty, which just seems like faulty tuning to me, which is a surprise coming from Oriolus. Treble is again quite nice, spacious and airy. Again each part seems pitch perfect, but when they mix it falls short. For me the mids were a nail in the coffin, they just threw off the whole thing, which is bizarre given they're DDs. Tried many times, different tips, several DAPs and myriad cables, swing and a miss for me.

Aroma Fei Wan - This is a fantastic IEM, hands down. A more relaxed and bassy Jewel, more fun and less reference. Many will prefer this over the Jewel, simply because it's easier to drive, has more bass that is fuller and more punchy, weightier mids and a more extended less rolled off treble. I don't personally think that it's a better IEM over the Jewel, just different. A co-flagship for sure. FW has some of the best bass I've heard, especially when I paired it with the Sonnet of Adam. This was a magic combo, seriously great. Mids are quite good, nice weight and detail, though I think they fall short of Jewel's only in the sense of pure resolution and honesty. These are fun mids, more romantic, while still being quite resolving. Treble is very nice, extended and with a perfect amount of sparkle. The shells are a funny shade of yellow, not exactly my thing as they are far more splashy looking than what I would choose, but the shells are smaller and more ergonomic than the Jewel, though the Jewel Uni fit me extremely well.

I was seriously considering to buy the FW and SoA for a week or two, even ordering a custom, but decided to wait. In the end the FW just might be a bit too fun and relaxed for me as an all rounder, but I just may come back to this one. Great, great IEM. If you do get one for yourself seriously consider the SoA pairing, I know a few who got this exact thing and they love it.


Sonnet Of Adam - This is an amazing cable. For me this is the most mature and complete offering Eletech has made yet, and the most balanced to boot. It's very analog, with tremendously good bass. Some of the best bass I've heard, like the OTL. @Eric Chong knows how to tune bass in cables, good lord they are seriously amazing. Texture and punch for days. I loved the mids, nicely weighted with a wonderful balance of weightier notes and good resolution, and the weight goes all the way up to the treble without thinning out like the OTL. Treble is perfect, nicely extended and sparkly without any additional brightness, very natural. Overall the OTL is more technical by a little bit, but the SoA has more soul. They are both great, but for my personal tastes I prefer the SoA, it's more of a complete package.

Ergo is fantastic as always from Eletech. While keeping up with the heavy shielded PW cables, they are infinitely lighter, softer and easier to wear. It's not even close. The PW shielded cables do have a noticeably darker background though. While the SoA is quite gold and shiny, I found it matte and soft looking enough not to be overly "blingy" and I enjoyed the look of it. Matches well with Fei Wan cosmetically too :)

And so we land with the Fitear Creator, and man this is something special. When I was in Taiwan last April I was finally able to test of some FitEars and I will say the hype is real on these. I demo'd a few of them and fell in love with the DC Ti. I was an idiot and I didn't just order the customs right then and there, I regret that a lot. Nothing sounds quite like it, effortlessly musical, great technicals but vastly more musical than other summit IEMs. It's only 3 drivers! Two DDs and a single EST, but the sound is MASSIVE. It's so textured too, wow. The bass is phenomenal, and the mids are lush and velvety without lacking technicalities. The EST has just enough sparkle to balance out the extremely analog vibes the lower end puts out. And the stage is enormous too, they sound like a very large set of studio speakers, enveloping you in a blanket of beautiful sounds. They take a bit of brain burn-in, they're not this immediate sensation of crazy resolution, its a DD bass and mids, what the Monachaa was trying to do but just missed the mark. They are very technical, but it's all wrapped up in this cocoon of musicality. It's honestly hard to describe, but I just love them so much. Vocals are sublime, as are instruments. Bass for EDM is rather mind-blowing, it soooo textured!

This is a very expensive IEM, around $8k. Similar to the AP in fact, but very different. They are more analog, more soul. It is essentially a universal DC Ti, in fact it is the only universal available as DC Ti only comes in customs. And getting customs made outside of Japan, or other parts of Asia, is basically impossible. So I took the plunge and got one, in fact it was the last one available. They only made 25, and they're only available from Jaben in HK as a limited edition. Packaged with a cable made by Creator in HK, which is a nice warmish copper sound that fits the Creator's tuning well. I tested out a few others cables, but sadly I don't have any FitEar cables so I was using adapters which isn't ideal. Orpheus was stunning, as was Shirogane. A common pairing with DC Ti is the Eletech OTL, and I can definitely say that this was amazing when I tried the DC Ti demo in Taiwan. But I am happy with the Creator cable, it really does fit the tuning well.

These need a lot of power, with the LP6 Ti they are staggering. The N30LE and Max320 are also very popular, endgame for sure. I also really enjoy them with the Sony M2, it just needs to be turned way up. When they're powered well it produces a symphony that sounds just right. This is tuning done right, so much more than the sum of its parts, the whole is just magic.

Fit is actually not bad for me, considering they are huge shells and fairly heavy. I have small ears and smaller canals, so I think for a lot of people they would actually fit quite well. The backend is semi custom and fits nicely in the ear, and it has a short nozzle that is oval. While I can handle listening for an hour or so, my small canals get irritated and it becomes a bit painful unfortunately. But I really, really like the Creator. So much so that I am going to get it in custom form. I have a tour in South East Asia coming up soon and I'll take the plunge then, these are fabulous and I just need to have them. No questions asked, just buy. And so, my Creator will be for sale, only for the fact of fit and moving to customs. It will pain me to be without for a while for sure, but customs it is and therefor I won't need the unis. If anyone is interested send me a PM, I will list them soon but a deal can be made if you want to. These are very hard to find used, and impossible to buy new as they won't make any more. The coolest IEM I've heard in a long time, something special that no other IEM I have heard can touch.

That's all from me for now, happy to be back home and checking in with the WC crew again. Be well homies :)

Nice impressions. As always. Love to read your reviews. But when I saw the $8k price for the FitEar, it took me sometime to move past that and read the actual impressions :wink:

Time to add the Fitear creator to the keep dreaming list of mine
Jan 4, 2024 at 5:00 PM Post #76,856 of 93,307
Good news.

Coincidentally I ordered these tips as well today.

@Tokpakorlo thanks for the impressions. Good to know about the Canpur fit and build quality. Interesting to see the FW described as 'relaxed'. I have seen quite a few comments on the treble being too hot. I may get to hear these in a few weeks time.

In other news, I currently have two IEMs on loan. The Spartacus (beautiful but not really my cup of tea) and the Loki Emerald. I'm impressed with the Loki. Did the hype for these end already? I think they are very solid and deserve more attention. I compared them to the Annihilator and they sound fairly similar to me, with some subtle differences.

I’ve been curious about Annihilator so it’s interesting to hear you find Loki similar - eager to hear more about the subtle differences when you can… do they compare from a bass perspective? - I was trying a pretty energetic album on Tesseract that I’ve been used to on Loki, and I had to stop it due to mostly the incredible differences in bass - Loki reigns supreme for me in that regard, overall a stunning set with some occasional issues for me in the uppers.
Jan 4, 2024 at 5:11 PM Post #76,857 of 93,307
One thing to note, the build quality is atrocious, it looks and feels like something you'd find on Amazon for about $50. The 2 pins sockets are so cheap I could hear and feel it scratching a bit when I inserted a cable.
aaaand there goes my interest in the Canpur. At 3.5k I want them to hold up for years. I remember being underwhelmed by the build of the thieaudio monarch mk2 and that was "only" 1k. It felt thin and I pulled up some paint when removing the 2-pin connectors. The build felt worse than their $200 Legacy 4.
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Jan 4, 2024 at 5:17 PM Post #76,858 of 93,307
I’ve been curious about Annihilator so it’s interesting to hear you find Loki similar - eager to hear more about the subtle differences when you can… do they compare from a bass perspective? - I was trying a pretty energetic album on Tesseract that I’ve been used to on Loki, and I had to stop it due to mostly the incredible differences in bass - Loki reigns supreme for me in that regard, overall a stunning set with some occasional issues for me in the uppers.
You can not win them all. Hoping Loki is as good as they say. How would you describe Loki’s treble? Hot, bright?
Jan 4, 2024 at 5:18 PM Post #76,859 of 93,307
I’ve been curious about Annihilator so it’s interesting to hear you find Loki similar - eager to hear more about the subtle differences when you can… do they compare from a bass perspective? - I was trying a pretty energetic album on Tesseract that I’ve been used to on Loki, and I had to stop it due to mostly the incredible differences in bass - Loki reigns supreme for me in that regard, overall a stunning set with some occasional issues for me in the uppers.
Based on a very brief comparison so far, I'd say the bass is pretty similar in quantity. The quality is similar, Loki may have a slight edge in bass texture. Annihilator has better instrument separation and staging, and it sounds a bit fuller to me. The upper mids of the Loki are a touch more forward.

I prefer the build quality and cable of the Annihilator. The Loki is lighter (I prefer heavier IEMs for a sense of sturdiness) and the black cable it comes with (I forget the cable brand) is very flexible and thin, nice to the touch but almost flimsy. But overall the Loki is an excellent IEM, it sounds great and looks very nice too. If I didn't have the Annihilator I'd seriously consider adding it to the collection, but they are too similar to own both in my opinion.
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Jan 4, 2024 at 5:22 PM Post #76,860 of 93,307

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