The war of the worlds: W5000 v. HD650 v. SA5000
May 22, 2006 at 1:51 PM Post #46 of 297
Hey Vic,

thanks for adding more impressions, very palpable. One piece of criticism though: As you already stated, it might do each phone more justice if you would compare fixed rigs of can + amp that, by some consensus on these boards, are synergistic. Or, for financial reasons, find one great amp that pushes all of them to their respective limits.

Even when factoring in proper amplification, I expect it boils down to the K701 or W5000 (or GS1000 for that matter) being the most capable dynamic headphone under 1000 US$ today, with the K701 taking the crown for making it all possible for some 300 US$ street.

Concerning the PPX3 SLAM to lend you for the shootout: I just got back from the transformer specialist in Düsseldorf, whom I met because of the hum problem I am experiencing. Well what can I say - we only heard an ever so slight hum with his AC, just as Mikhail wasn't able to reproduce the problem at Singlepower HQ last fall. Regardless, we decided to put another inductor in line with the main capacitor, to quite down noise that apparently travels back from the cap into the mains transformer. It is being specially manufactured for me now. Should be in place by the end of the week.

Maybe we could meet up somewhere to exchange the gear? I am a bit apprehensive to stick it in the mail. Let's discuss this by PM.

May 22, 2006 at 1:57 PM Post #47 of 297
Well, it's Vic's war and it's up to him to determine how it is conducted.

I also think the DA10's headphone port works very well with low-impedance headphones, especially the Grado RS-1. It's just that the W5000 is a bit harsh, thin and lacking in body when used with it. I expect a significant improvement when it is paired with the Raptor.

I shall retreat to the back of the lines where it is safest, and pretend to do something useful, such as guard the supplies.
May 22, 2006 at 2:36 PM Post #48 of 297
Of course it's Vic's thing, I tried to make a general (and probably kinda redundant) footnote, that's all. Let the games commence....

BTW Elephas: Isn't the Raptor supposed to be on the SS side of tube equipment? You might wanna roll in some smooth valves to get the W5k voiced just right.
May 22, 2006 at 3:51 PM Post #49 of 297
Do you guys find the W5000 quite a bit microphonic? As I've said before I am having a hum problem and it transmit mechanically through the cable into the driver chambers. If I knock on the housing on my amp with everything shut down, I can hear it loud and clear through my cans.
All Grados I owned were a lot less microphonic. So the W5000 are at least 50% responsible for my annoyances of late.
May 22, 2006 at 4:14 PM Post #50 of 297

Originally Posted by mattigol
Hey Vic,

thanks for adding more impressions, very palpable. One piece of criticism though: As you already stated, it might do each phone more justice if you would compare fixed rigs of can + amp that, by some consensus on these boards, are synergistic. Or, for financial reasons, find one great amp that pushes all of them to their respective limits.

Even when factoring in proper amplification, I expect it boils down to the K701 or W5000 (or GS1000 for that matter) being the most capable dynamic headphone under 1000 US$ today, with the K701 taking the crown for making it all possible for some 300 US$ street.

Concerning the PPX3 SLAM to lend you for the shootout: I just got back from the transformer specialist in Düsseldorf, whom I met because of the hum problem I am experiencing. Well what can I say - we only heard an ever so slight hum with his AC, just as Mikhail wasn't able to reproduce the problem at Singlepower HQ last fall. Regardless, we decided to put another inductor in line with the main capacitor, to quite down noise that apparently travels back from the cap into the mains transformer. It is being specially manufactured for me now. Should be in place by the end of the week.

Maybe we could meet up somewhere to exchange the gear? I am a bit apprehensive to stick it in the mail. Let's discuss this by PM.


The main reason why I have chosen these amps is logistic: I use the W5000 at work and so am looking for the perfect synergy with a small footprint amp (hobbit). Within hobbits I have selected four that look very promising and at different price points (ranging from $200 to $1,200).
Certainly I would have loved to include one of SP models, which are definetely considered among the best; the reason why I did not is that I cannot buy one at the moment (as I cannot use it at work) and we could not find any SP owners in London; also it is difficult to carry it, so there aren't many chances that one shows up in a minimeet.
Also I was hoping that the misterious transportable hybrid by SP would become available soon, in which case I would certainly get one and include it in the battle.

Having said that if there is a chance to test your SLAM with the different cans, I would be delighted to include it. I will try to PM you about it later on (I am at work ATM).

Regarding the hum, I am sorry to hear about your problem; so far I have not noticed any issue of this sort with the W5000 and the Lavry, but will have the chance of trying it with different amps, so I will report you if I do
May 22, 2006 at 4:37 PM Post #51 of 297

Originally Posted by mattigol
Do you guys find the W5000 quite a bit microphonic? As I've said before I am having a hum problem and it transmit mechanically through the cable into the driver chambers. If I knock on the housing on my amp with everything shut down, I can hear it loud and clear through my cans.
All Grados I owned were a lot less microphonic. So the W5000 are at least 50% responsible for my annoyances of late.

The cable is quite microphonic but it doesn't matter. I usually stay put while listening to music so there has been no problems with the cable this far. No humming here either. I also don't knock the housing of my amp while listening to music.
May 22, 2006 at 6:30 PM Post #52 of 297
I was trying to express that the W5000 mechanically transmits the slightest noise/hum from inside the amp into the chambers. The SP case seems to be quite resonant as well. If your amp is dead quiet, well lucky you. If it isn't, it can get quite aggravating. Aside from the inductor that I am gonna get, I am going to put anti-resonant sticky stuff on the inside of my PPX3 housing to see if that makes a difference.
May 22, 2006 at 6:51 PM Post #53 of 297

Originally Posted by mattigol
I was trying to express that the W5000 mechanically transmits the slightest noise/hum from inside the amp into the chambers. The SP case seems to be quite resonant as well. If your amp is dead quiet, well lucky you. If it isn't, it can get quite aggravating. Aside from the inductor that I am gonna get, I am going to put anti-resonant sticky stuff on the inside of my PPX3 housing to see if that makes a difference.

Lucky me then. RP5.1 is dead silent.
May 22, 2006 at 9:19 PM Post #54 of 297

Originally Posted by mattigol
I was trying to express that the W5000 mechanically transmits the slightest noise/hum from inside the amp into the chambers. The SP case seems to be quite resonant as well. If your amp is dead quiet, well lucky you. If it isn't, it can get quite aggravating. Aside from the inductor that I am gonna get, I am going to put anti-resonant sticky stuff on the inside of my PPX3 housing to see if that makes a difference.

Yep, I definitely noticed this, I had to go in and rewire my dynahi with some shielded wire to get rid of a slight hum.
May 23, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #55 of 297

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
Yep, I definitely noticed this, I had to go in and rewire my dynahi with some shielded wire to get rid of a slight hum.

Is this hum present with any headphone or just with the W5000?
May 23, 2006 at 1:18 AM Post #56 of 297

Originally Posted by Vic
The main reason why I have chosen these amps is logistic: I use the W5000 at work and so am looking for the perfect synergy with a small footprint amp (hobbit). Within hobbits I have selected four that look very promising and at different price points (ranging from $200 to $1,200).
Certainly I would have loved to include one of SP models, which are definetely considered among the best; the reason why I did not is that I cannot buy one at the moment (as I cannot use it at work) and we could not find any SP owners in London; also it is difficult to carry it, so there aren't many chances that one shows up in a minimeet.
Also I was hoping that the misterious transportable hybrid by SP would become available soon, in which case I would certainly get one and include it in the battle.

Sorry, I was at work when I was writing this and was interrupted by, well, work

I meant to say that, while looking for a good small amp for the W5000, it would have been interesting testing the synergy of different amps with different headphones and confront my findings with other users.
After this first round I am seriously thinking about getting a second W5000 for home, because I found it so good that when I am listening to some other HP I keep wandering how much better sound I would get with it. Or more realistically I could go for another woody (maybe the W2000) and alternate between the two at work, having one at home.

Anyway, things can still evolve a lot in the follow up of the war
May 23, 2006 at 1:35 AM Post #58 of 297
Audiocubes, bluetin, pricejapan, and possibly benny if you contact him.
May 23, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #59 of 297
London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared - and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard,you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us
Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the reign of that truncheon thing

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
Cause London is burning and I, I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, you can go at it alone
London calling to the zombies of death
Quit holding out - and draw another breath
London calling - and I don't wanna shout
But while we were talking I saw you nodding out
London calling, see we ain't got no high
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
Cause London is drowning and I, I live by the river

Now get this
London calling, yes, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
London calling at the top of the dial
And after all this, won't you give me a smile?
London Calling

I never felt so much alike, like-a, like-a...

Sorry for the diversion, I just keep thinking of that song when I read about the battles raging in London-town. You're up awfully late, Vic, what news from the front lines?
May 23, 2006 at 1:56 AM Post #60 of 297

Originally Posted by Voltron

Sorry for the diversion, I just keep thinking of that song when I read about the battles raging in London-town. You're up awfully late, Vic, what news from the front lines?

Hi Al. Yes up very late. These last few days it has been raining in London, so no golf for me and have been concentrating on the battle. Also I finished work very late so now I am chilling down with some Kings of Leon on the SA5000.

Yes, great song London calling and fantastic album: one masterpiece after the other. The funny thing is that it has been very often voted best album of the 80's, while it was released in October 1979.

As for new for the front, for the moment is the quite after the storm, but I can predict more terrible action coming sometimes around next week end.
So far the W5000 seems to have made a pulp of the competition and the HD650 is severely wounded and meditating revenge, but things can evolve dramatically.
I feel a bit sorry for lovers of the HD650, as I am sure the problem was more with the Lavry amp, quite good for low Z but unable to cope properly with the difficult load of the HD650. BTW a new weapon is in da house, as yesterday I have received the Original Master who is being sharpened and will be ready for war in about 100 hours. I can anticipate that the HD650 will do much better with it.
I have not received yet the balanced Enigma cable, but it should be here soon.

Well time for bed for me. See you soon on the front line.

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