The Use of the Word P**n to describe pics of gear...
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:13 PM Post #46 of 85
After all, the "p" word has been in use long before Flea Bag even joined the site. Do a search on your own past posts, I'm sure 99% of headfi members are guilty of the "p" crime.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:15 PM Post #47 of 85

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
Now I have a simple question, is it supposed that someone browse headfi from the school, or the jobsite???

IMHO neither schools, nor jobsites, are places to browse your favorite website, and that includes headfi, you get paid to work, not to go to your favorite website and spend your time there, same as school, we are paying for your education, most of the times, so if you want to browse headfi, why not doing that from the convenience of your home after work or school hours, there should be no filters there, right?

FWIW, if I were an school teacher or your boss, and I catch you browsing headfi, or any other non related to work, or school, site during working or school hours, you will be in troubles or I will fire you, that's for sure....

But I agree that if we could use other words more appropriate, that should be a lot better....but the excuse of the filters, is IMO a little naive.....

The flip side is that at either school or work, folks do have free time i.e..breaks and lunch which they are more than free to browse if they so choose. Along the same lines, many college students have internet access throught the school network so even in their spare time from their dorm rooms, they're subject to filters and restrictions in some cases.

Just don't see the problem with such a simple and rather well explained request. We're guests here or at least that's the way I see it and as such, I feel obligated to honor the requests of the folks who own, run or moderate this board. Their place and their rules. No one makes me come here. I also don't feel like I have the right to make policy or question the policy as it stands. If I don't like the rules, I'm free to leave.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:16 PM Post #48 of 85

Originally Posted by Zanth
My wing of the government has no filters because we are the ones that monitor the networks. However, if I hop to another area of the government I have been blocked at times. It is not huge in Canada (at the Federal Level) but it is worse at the Provincial level and I know that schools have it the hardest.

Let's for one moment for argument's sake, state there has never been a complaint; however, we here are aware that this is happening. We know that school's are blocking the site and that some kid who is searching for a cool Christmas present choice will omit headphones (or at least the info at Head-fi) because it was blocked. He can't complain because he never made it to the site in the first place and subsequently, never really searches headphones again because he found what he needed from another site, say a Boze Tri-port and went with that. He now lives his life thinking he has this wicked setup, meanwhile we have helped rip out his soul and fed it to the demon Massmarkamion, all because we couldn't or better wouldn't change our vocabulary just a bit.

I could understand any head-fier who cannot access head-fi at work may be upset because the filters are catching the word "p***." I'll give you that much. As for the kid searching for a killer headphone and *may* or may not be blocked by filters because someone may use what is deemed filtered language...well, it stinks, but trying to control head-fi in this aspect is impossible. You're trying to control the language of the entire body, which is well into the thousands. Requesting head-fiers to voluntarily censor themselves will not work. I think a language filter for head-fi will only work...and even then, who's to ensure that this language filter doesn't filter words out that are harmless?

Sovkiller, i agree 100%.

With that, i cannot agree with Zanth's stance. This site has grown astronomically and it is virtually impossible for the mod's to control it and every member 24/7 and attempt to deem it "PG" rated.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:19 PM Post #49 of 85
I'm glad to say that the nearest I've ever came to using 'p*rn' was 'p*rnous' and the worst words I've ever used were 'damn' and 'hell'!

Ain't I an Angel? ahaahhaahhahaha
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:23 PM Post #50 of 85
It's going to take some explaining to some members for them to understand the not-easily-spotted relationship between undesired words and Head-Fi's best interests. Once again, not everyone reads notices.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:28 PM Post #51 of 85

Originally Posted by KenW
The flip side is that at either school or work, folks do have free time i.e..breaks and lunch which they are more than free to browse if they so choose. Along the same lines, many college students have internet access throught the school network so even in their spare time from their dorm rooms, they're subject to filters and restrictions in some cases.

Just don't see the problem with such a simple and rather well explained request. We're guests here or at least that's the way I see it and as such, I feel obligated to honor the requests of the folks who own, run or moderate this board. Their place and their rules. No one makes me come here. I also don't feel like I have the right to make policy or question the policy as it stands. If I don't like the rules, I'm free to leave.

Excuse me!!!!! The free time, breaks, etc....are for having luch, have a cigar, a drink, snacks, etc..., not to use their computers, paid by them, and being there for professional use, for personal non related use even at college the computers are not for personal use, they use them, i ahve used them, but this is not the main purpose of having them there.....sorry to disagree one more time....that is why they use filters, to prevent that....

About the second part I fully agree with you, but please don't use this naive excuse for that, if you want to avoid the use of some strong words, that is great, I have no objection, but state that as such: "we do not want you to use this or that word" or maybe they could be deleted or changed later by someone....that is perfectly understandable.....
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:39 PM Post #52 of 85
The issue is that this board is a privately owned board. The members are subject to the TOS which so indicates a proper use of the English language. Morever, there is no need to police the board if the members simply took heed of the greater good and posted responsibly.

The Canadian government offers network connection as a perk during breaks and before and after hours (overtime etc.) Employees are free to surf as long as their work is completed on time and as long as the surfing does not infringe on the work environment (i.e., cutting into bandwidth usage to a great degree via streaming content). At schools, browsing is certainly permitted, at least in Canada, during class-time as well as recess, lunch and after school. In highschool this would work as well with spares and inbetween classes. There is no logical reason to conclude that because someone is at work or at school that they should or should not be surfing the net. Take Tuberoller's work environment, firefighters are often at the hall for a period of 24 hours or greater. Sleeping over, watching tv, or now surfing the web. This is perfectly permitted and moreover PROVIDED by the employer. I think of security guards at my work who are in teams of 16 at the front. At any given time 8 of them need to be looking at the monitors, the other 8 may read, watch tv, surf etc, every 30 minutes they switch.

If a child is doing a project on headphones, I would conclude that Head-fi would be a prime candidate for information if only as a jumping board to more scientific resources. This child will not be able to see Head-fi. It was a perfectly legit use of the net, not even recreational.

Your logic Sovkiller is narrowminded at best. It may be your experience but it certainly is not the norm. Additionally, the use of filters is to avoid content which is inappropriate for the work place not because surfing the net is forbidden.

Now I see that ampgalore has so eloquently tried to circumvent even modest suggestions and directly violate the terms....just lovely. Gloco you are right, it will be nearly impossible to police the entire board all the time, but banning a bunch of perps is not out of the question if it had to come to that. Sadly I sure wish it didn't ever have to go that far. The TOS are certainly non-negotiable nor are they required, if one does not wish to abide they don't have to agree and can choose to lurk and never post.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:48 PM Post #53 of 85

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
Excuse me!!!!! The free time, breaks, etc....are for having luch, have a cigar, a drink, snacks, etc...not to use their computers, paid by them, and being there for professional use, for personal non related use.....sorry to disagree one more time....that is why they use filters, to prevent that....

If you're talking an employer, it comes down to office policy. Their(the employer) choice as to whether or not internet access is allowed for personal time/activity. Some do and some don't. I allow it in my business but filters are in place along with other safeguards to my system. I trust them not to abuse it. If I didn't trust them and have confidence in them they wouldn't be in my employ.

As for college kids, a substantial number own their own pc and are part of the university network. During school hours and after, that fact does not change. Surely you don't think college kids only access the internet from their dorm rooms at night for research/school related work only do you? They surf, chat, play online games, shop and yes visit boards like this looking for interaction/information on stereo equipment and headphones. As a matter of fact, I'd guess headphones are extremely popular with students as speakers might not be welcome by neighbors and suitemates. Why do something unnecessary to prevent them from enjoying and contributing to this site? Filters affect them in their dorm and across campus. Not trying to be argumentative but when viewed in a broader perspective and with an open mind, the requests made by the mods are reasonable, logical and have been explained to at least my satisfaction. While I can't speak for anyone but myself, I'll refrain from using any language which could trigger a filter and adversely affect this site. I've learned a good bit here and have come to enjoy it tremendously. IMO, the request is easy for anyone to comply with unless the individual(s) are determined to cause trouble in which case, I'd think the powers that be might have to become a bit more proactive in dealing with the issue. I'm not sure just how big a problem this is but suffice it to say that it's big enough for a couple of mods to chime in on the subject. That's good enough for me.
Aug 22, 2004 at 7:50 PM Post #54 of 85

Originally Posted by Zanth
The issue is that this board is a privately owned board. The members are subject to the TOS which so indicates a proper use of the English language. Morever, there is no need to police the board if the members simply took heed of the greater good and posted responsibly.

The Canadian government offers network connection as a perk during breaks and before and after hours (overtime etc.) Employees are free to surf as long as their work is completed on time and as long as the surfing does not infringe on the work environment (i.e., cutting into bandwidth usage to a great degree via streaming content). At schools, browsing is certainly permitted, at least in Canada, during class-time as well as recess, lunch and after school. In highschool this would work as well with spares and inbetween classes. There is no logical reason to conclude that because someone is at work or at school that they should or should not be surfing the net. Take Tuberoller's work environment, firefighters are often at the hall for a period of 24 hours or greater. Sleeping over, watching tv, or now surfing the web. This is perfectly permitted and moreover PROVIDED by the employer. I think of security guards at my work who are in teams of 16 at the front. At any given time 8 of them need to be looking at the monitors, the other 8 may read, watch tv, surf etc, every 30 minutes they switch.

If a child is doing a project on headphones, I would conclude that Head-fi would be a prime candidate for information if only as a jumping board to more scientific resources. This child will not be able to see Head-fi. It was a perfectly legit use of the net, not even recreational.

Your logic Sovkiller is narrowminded at best. It may be your experience but it certainly is not the norm. Additionally, the use of filters is to avoid content which is inappropriate for the work place not because surfing the net is forbidden.

Now I see that ampgalore has so eloquently tried to circumvent even modest suggestions and directly violate the terms....just lovely. Gloco you are right, it will be nearly impossible to police the entire board all the time, but banning a bunch of perps is not out of the question if it had to come to that. Sadly I sure wish it didn't ever have to go that far. The TOS are certainly non-negotiable nor are they required, if one does not wish to abide they don't have to agree and can choose to lurk and never post.

What he said!
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:03 PM Post #55 of 85

Originally Posted by Zanth
The issue is that this board is a privately owned board. The members are subject to the TOS which so indicates a proper use of the English language. Morever, there is no need to police the board if the members simply took heed of the greater good and posted responsibly.

]snip] Gloco you are right, it will be nearly impossible to police the entire board all the time, but banning a bunch of perps is not out of the question if it had to come to that. Sadly I sure wish it didn't ever have to go that far. The TOS are certainly non-negotiable nor are they required, if one does not wish to abide they don't have to agree and can choose to lurk and never post.

So does the TOS also consider "pr0n" an inproper word to use on Head-Fi?

Also, if you're going to ban "a bunch of perps" so you can access Head-Fi, i think it's a very sad situation indeed.
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:11 PM Post #56 of 85

Originally Posted by gloco
So does the TOS also consider "pr0n" an inproper word to use on Head-Fi?

Also, if you're going to ban "a bunch of perps" so you can access Head-Fi, i think it's a very sad situation indeed.

To be clear, I can access Head-fi from all of my places of employment and at my school so I am not personally going to ban anyone so I can view it.

Is the use of your alternative any better in reality? No, does it get past the filters? Not sure I don't have this problem.
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:16 PM Post #57 of 85

Originally Posted by Zanth
To be clear, I can access Head-fi from all of my places of employment and at my school so I am not personally going to ban anyone so I can view it.

Is the use of your alternative any better in reality? No, does it get past the filters? Not sure I don't have this problem.

Neither do i, i've been able to log onto Head-fi...well, except the time i got banned
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:23 PM Post #58 of 85

Originally Posted by gloco
Neither do i, i've been able to log onto Head-fi...well, except the time i got banned

Heh, yeah
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:27 PM Post #59 of 85
Zanth, what is allowed in Canada, maybe is not the norm here, I'm talking for the places I was, am, not sure about others, that is why I asked in the first post, "is it supposed..... etc....? I always faced the posibility of being wrong, ifthere are placed that let you browse the internet, as you wish, then why placing filters, that is simply ridiculous, filters cost money, IMO.....

Anyway, whatever you decided as mods, just let us know...period.....
Aug 22, 2004 at 8:31 PM Post #60 of 85
"Under the bonnet pics" Makes a lot more sense than pron, ****, pRon blah blah........ why should a circuit board be related to sexual material? I can see the point if we were looking at naked women but a few capacitors and opamps is not my idea of a John Thomas stiffener

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