The Un-Humain Treatment of Animal Thread
Sep 27, 2011 at 3:49 PM Post #17 of 20
Watch the 4 Corners report on the treatment of Aussie live cattle in Indonesia... caused our government to impose a temporary live export ban of animals there.


Also everyone looking this up, its the "A Bloody Business" episode, which can be seen here, which ill be watching now...
Most of my food that I eat is vegetarian these days because I feel that meat is overrated in my suburban area. What I mean is that IMO, the quality of meat is generic. To me, the common chicken and beef is pretty much the same and somewhat flavorless. I did not realize this until I began traveling to other parts of the world and country when I was exposed to seriously good quality meat that is usually absent in my general area.
Thus, I began to think that eating the generic meats over and over again is repetitive and if you are a good cook, you will realize that there are so many over looked really good vegetarian dishes out there. As a result, I feel lighter and better when I reduced my meat consumption. Eating fruits and vegetables in season is delicious and if you have access to an ethnic market, there are outstanding quality beans and starchy veggies out there like the exotic beans from India and the starchy types of items from South America like the yuccas for example. Lately, I've been enjoying steamed and grilled pumpkin since it is now in season.
I find that there are a lot of great spicy rice dishes too that can be Indian/Latin American/Asian influenced that can easily be meatless and it also cuts down on the grocery bill because meat is generally expensive IMO.
What I do is, on the weekends, I will go out and drive to a farther distance and find some better quality meats either in a restaurant or market  and enjoy it.  I would rather eat better quality meats less often than eat generic quality meat on a daily basis. Maybe it's because I love meat so much that I am more picky and selective and as a result, I eat less flesh. 
I do feel that the fast food industry in America is appalling with the enormous over kill of meat distribution in our society and IMO, brain washing kids into thinking that the meat and potatoes diet is the norm. I am an advocate of the Mediterranean style diet or old Italian way where meals where much less meat oriented and better for the body. I also feel that the quality of pork in many parts of the country is horribly bland because of the growth hormones and I never realized this until I traveled abroad where the pork really tasted like pork and much more savory. 
I am also an advocate of eating more small fishes like mackerel and sardines instead of larger fishes like tuna because small fishes reproduce very fast and they are delicious too IMO and Americans should learn to eat these fish on the bone like how people used to commonly do in the old days. It's not very practical if the population fashionably favors large fish which can result in over fishing of certain species even if they are not currently endangered now but the future is uncertain for these sea animals.
Lastly, I am an advocate of eating wild plants in your back yard and parks. I have discovered free food like dandelions, onion grass and other plants that grow in the woods. It can be delicious and it's good for the body and it's free. But make sure it has not been tainted with chemicals. It's also insanely easy to grow herbs too in the summer.

Ill be looking into those "diets" and you can never have enough mushrooms, especially morels.
Oct 24, 2011 at 10:48 PM Post #19 of 20

Anyone watch the "The Elephant In The Living Room" Documentary yet?

Not yet, but i remember watching a video on youtube and it was shocking. Some hidden cams recording animal un-human treatment. 
Oct 25, 2011 at 4:55 AM Post #20 of 20
No, but I'll check it out.

Speaking of animal "abuse," I've tried to get Birdie to eat different canned food.

She's not having any of that.

It has to be Fancy Feast Classic Chicken or she turns up her nose.

Poor thing.

The refused food gets put out for the ferals who love it.

And, yes, I've gven in and am now buying Birdie's preferred food by the case. I've also started giving the ferals more wet food. They get dry food every night, but I'm throwing in a can of wet food every other night. They aren't as spoiled as Birdie.

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