the truth ???
Feb 7, 2007 at 8:30 AM Post #301 of 372
Well, actually he likes the Grados so I can't find too much fault with him here.

I blasted this guy as an arrogant jerk earlier, but let me backtrack a little bit. I consider myself an objective audiophile, and agree with a lot of what he is saying regarding tube amps, transistors, vinyl, etc.....

In all honesty the real beef with this guy seems to be that he dislikes the Shure E4C and perhaps the IEM concept in general. Having heard the E4C, I thought they sounded quite good for IEM's, but I admit they're nothing amazing, and probably not worth the $299 that they retail for (to most consumers). I felt like the ER-6 at half the price came close. Maybe if he tried some UE-10's or Etymotics he could be persuaded into a different line of thinking, but I doubt it. Some people simply don't like to wear IEMs, and find them uncomfortable. That's fine.....

Unfortunately, he also seems to miss the main point of IEM's.....isolation in noisy environments. That is what people are paying for when they buy these 200 dollar IEM's. They want something that can approach full size headphone sound quality while offering 30db of isolation. If you want a good all around listening experience, at reasonable price, and don't care about isolation, by all means, go for some of the mid-point offerings from Grado, Beyer, Senn, or even Koss.

In conclusion, it's always fun to gang up on somebody, especially an Ipod or Bose fanboy, but I don't think this guy is too far out in left field.
Feb 7, 2007 at 12:52 PM Post #302 of 372

Originally Posted by RollsDownWindowsManually /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In all honesty the real beef with this guy seems to be that he dislikes the Shure E4C and perhaps the IEM concept in general. Having heard the E4C, I thought they sounded quite good for IEM's, but I admit they're nothing amazing, and probably not worth the $299 that they retail for (to most consumers).

Only in the UK and even then you can Ebay it. E4 sells for around $180. It wasn't so much he doesn't like the IEM concept (which he doesn't entirely). Just that he said he thought iBuds were better and in honesty I'm not sure how unbiased (against the E4) he was in saying that. But this is old and I've covered it way back when
Feb 7, 2007 at 10:42 PM Post #303 of 372
n2xe's only exposure to "audiophiles " is via internet boards. He is confusing audiophiles with internet board payola.

n2xe : don't confuse cheap advertising on internet boards with genuine enthusiasts. Above all the internet payola and snake oil claims there are real products and designs which can make music sound better than you can imagine. Best bet beyond getting to know real audiophile people is to stick with headphones the studio's use. For an amp build a public not for profit design ( money distorts things.) For a source your safest bet is to stick with your POD and should you want to upgrade take your rig to any potential buy and test first.

Sorry you got burned but don't let it discourage you.
Feb 9, 2007 at 9:29 PM Post #304 of 372

Originally Posted by regal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
n2xe's only exposure to "audiophiles " is via internet boards. He is confusing audiophiles with internet board payola.

And exactly how would you know that? I grew up in Binghamton, NY and spent plenty of time at MacIntosh Labs. A good friend of mine worked at Conrad Johnson. I'm well exposed audiophiles and the folks on this board pretty much fit the mean.

Well, I gave you guys a week and still no cogent argument on why the frequency of a sine wave is not angular velocity. No report picking apart my article bit by bit by Vyu. Perhaps my article is unassailable? I'm very dissapointed...
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:02 PM Post #306 of 372
It is quite hard to arque with you when you are so determin that cx300 is the best there is...I think it sucks...(cx300)

I believe my ears and the D-jays , sennheiser pxc 250 and Shure e500 kicks the cx300's but big time..IMO the appleearbuds beats the cx300..

BTW 99% of headphones say that they have a freqens rate from 20-16000 HZ, so they must all be equal...
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:05 PM Post #308 of 372

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is quite hard to arque with you when you are so determin that cx300 is the best there is...I think it sucks...(cx300)

I believe my ears and the D-jays , sennheiser pxc 250 and Shure e500 kicks the cx300's but big time..IMO the appleearbuds beats the cx300..

BTW 99% of headphones say that they have a freqens rate from 20-16000 HZ, so they must all be equal...

I never said they were the best there is, only that they are way better than the E4c and a good value for the money. I haven't listened to the e500 or Senn PXC 250 so I cannot comment on them.
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:19 PM Post #311 of 372

Originally Posted by Pm@c /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It was a crack at sarcasm... nobody laughed..

That's because this thread is so:

Feb 9, 2007 at 10:29 PM Post #312 of 372

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I do not agree that they are good value for the money, the isolation is bad, and the bass is way overpowered.....

The bass isn't as pronounced as my Grado 325i and nobody ever complains that they are overpowered so checkmate...
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:36 PM Post #313 of 372

Originally Posted by n2xe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And exactly how would you know that? I grew up in Binghamton, NY and spent plenty of time at MacIntosh Labs. A good friend of mine worked at Conrad Johnson. I'm well exposed audiophiles and the folks on this board pretty much fit the mean.

Well, I gave you guys a week and still no cogent argument on why the frequency of a sine wave is not angular velocity. No report picking apart my article bit by bit by Vyu. Perhaps my article is unassailable? I'm very dissapointed...


"Angular velocity describes the speed of rotation"

Do sine waves rotate-seriously I'm not sure I just started physics.
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:39 PM Post #314 of 372

Originally Posted by n2xe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The bass isn't as pronounced as my Grado 325i and nobody ever complains that they are overpowered so checkmate...

Well to be fair he just complained...

PS-IMO the CX300 is a little overpowering to my ears.
Feb 9, 2007 at 10:45 PM Post #315 of 372
You know...his article does make me wonder to a degree.

I don't consider myself an audiophile at all. I have two main headphones, one for work and one for home I use, and an amp. The sound I've heard so far was so much better than that of anything else I've heard before, but sometimes I wonder if upgrading much at this point (e.g. balanced headphones & balanced amp) would make much of a different, if any. Where does the point stop for me being able to hear the difference? Also, to what point is all the money worth it?

Some of these are really big unanswered questions for myself, especially since I don't have a really good ear for stuff (although it's gotten better). I don't want to waste too much money in the end, getting sound that's the best I can get, without being what I can't hear kinda thing.

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