the truth ???
Feb 4, 2007 at 10:02 PM Post #287 of 372

Originally Posted by LFC_SL /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know its incorrectly spelt, either by yourself or when quoting

spelt [sic]
LOL....two can play at that game....silly Brits
Feb 4, 2007 at 11:18 PM Post #289 of 372
Damn, I had just gathered some "gems" this guy has been writing while I went to play football, had dinner and watched a movie... And I actually spent some time commenting on them, but then I tought... what for? But I will rewrite his article and send it to him... As I said, he actually had a point, but he has not been precise enough (to use, for example: "for my ears, in my opinion, etc.", but also "for the ipod" or "using my sample unit"). On top of it, his tone does not help either... What mostly irritates me, though, is that he uses science as his "dialectical weapon", but he is soooo far from the spirit of science (you can't do science unless you accept there is something you don't know and is unexplained, to start with*)!

Anyway, I gave all that up and decided to post something useful...
I ripped some cd's to my iaudio X5 in various ogg qualities and in flac, in order to A/B them and decide which compression will be ok for me, and I found out ogg -4 or ogg -5 sounded like flac for me. This when doing A/B. I was happy, this means I can carry my whole collection in the 30Gb; and I was unhappy, this means I don't have golden ears and I am missing a lot. But then I realized that some tracks seemed to sound "wrong" while I was listening to them. I could not find out what was wrong, but I felt it. Then I discovered it was the ogg files, while the flac ones did not bring me that "wrong feeling".
Anyone experienced something similar?

*and there is sooo much to learn in psychoacoustics in particular.
Feb 4, 2007 at 11:31 PM Post #290 of 372

Originally Posted by cribeiro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Damn, I had just gathered some "gems" this guy has been writing while I went to play football, had dinner and watched a movie... And I actually spent some time commenting on them, but then I tought... what for? But I will rewrite his article and send it to him... As I said, he actually had a point, but he has not been precise enough (to use, for example: "for my ears, in my opinion, etc.", but also "for the ipod" or "using my sample unit"). On top of it, his tone does not help either... What mostly irritates me, though, is that he uses science as his "dialectical weapon", but he is soooo far from the spirit of science (you can't do science unless you accept there is something you don't know and is unexplained, to start with*)!

Anyway, I gave all that up and decided to post something useful...
I ripped some cd's to my iaudio X5 in various ogg qualities and in flac, in order to A/B them and decide which compression will be ok for me, and I found out ogg -4 or ogg -5 sounded like flac for me. This when doing A/B. I was happy, this means I can carry my whole collection in the 30Gb; and I was unhappy, this means I don't have golden ears and I am missing a lot. But then I realized that some tracks seemed to sound "wrong" while I was listening to them. I could not find out what was wrong, but I felt it. Then I discovered it was the ogg files, while the flac ones did not bring me that "wrong feeling".
Anyone experienced something similar?

*and there is sooo much to learn in psychoacoustics in particular.

i know exactly what you mean by ogg files sounding "wrong". i did a similar test last year using classical music. i have good pitch, and the ogg files at times sounded detuned slightly, like when you slow a spinning record down with your finger. it was subtle but i could not deny what i was hearing.
Feb 5, 2007 at 12:23 AM Post #291 of 372

Originally Posted by redshifter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i know exactly what you mean by ogg files sounding "wrong". i did a similar test last year using classical music. i have good pitch, and the ogg files at times sounded detuned slightly, like when you slow a spinning record down with your finger. it was subtle but i could not deny what i was hearing.


I remember a time when I could fit my entire cd collection on a 1gb compactflash card, in beautiful 96kbps WMA!

Now I have an external 160gb 2.5" hard drive with a 120gb worth of FLAC!
Feb 5, 2007 at 8:04 AM Post #293 of 372
Maybe we should create an article, which sole purpose is to correct n2xe's article. But then again the question still comes up: "What's the point?" Well, maybe to help others that might be misinformed by n2xe's article.
Feb 5, 2007 at 2:22 PM Post #294 of 372
Please don't encourage him to remain here any longer than he has....
Feb 6, 2007 at 1:26 PM Post #296 of 372

Originally Posted by norseman8485 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Threads with trolls always seem to fill up so fast...

This is the first real one I've seen in the short time I've been here. It's great that there's a mutual respect here even between people with different sonic preferences and brand name loyalties.

But threads with real conflict can be refreshing. Real conflict. Not trolling.
Feb 6, 2007 at 1:39 PM Post #297 of 372

Originally Posted by n2xe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like you already. Here's the story...

That particular article that got everybody's panties in a bunch is pretty straight up. However, the tone follows that of the entire website. My goal was to create the most self-serving, narcisisstic, website ever. I thought that would be obvious to even the most casual of observers. If you go to the Blog tab, I think you'll agree.

That said, I stand behind everything I wrote in the Buds article. Again, the point for those of you that missed it, was to highlight great headphones for the iPod, let me repeat that, iPod, at bargain prices. I also tried to point out some nonsense that the uninitiated might encounter when asking an "audiophile" for advice. I think the previous seven pages in this thread make my point quite well and I thank you all. I will add some of the gems from this thread to the article so a few of you will be famous... CD-R... ROTFL...

Wow, I missed the part where you really showed up. Don't let a lot of this rant get you down. Some got really personal, didn't they? Of course, the best response is for everyone to get their own website - then each can say what they want, too - and it stays up without a moderator.
Simple as that.

Glad to hear that you like LockMart. They do keep an open mind about inovation and encourage employees to come up with solutions. I've talked to many who've worked at Boeing and the old MacDac - they were pretty rigid. I would've stayed except for the internal re-organization on the aircraft side that put the old General Dynamics plant at the center of the universe.
Feb 7, 2007 at 2:34 AM Post #298 of 372

Originally Posted by siodine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do any of you realize that you've been arguing over opinions for 7 incoherent pages? Also, assuming this guy is everything you believe him to be (arrogant, narcissistic, megalomaniac): why the hell would you feed his narcissism and megalomania by giving him attention?

Because mocking pseudo-scientists is fun?
Feb 7, 2007 at 2:39 AM Post #299 of 372

Originally Posted by n2xe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What do you call a guy whom comes in last in his class in medical school?... Doctor.

So Dr. Physist,

Angular velocity is rotational speed (and amplitude) over time.

Frequency is exactly rotational speed over time or radians per second (or degrees per second just so you'll understand it).

This is so fundamental that I cannot believe you are a physist. May we see your curriculum vitae? Nice (well... not really) try poseur...

*applauds* That's just... fantastic. Can I reproduce that post for the benefit of my coworkers? I think even the techs and assemblers here understand fundamental physics well enough to burst out laughing like I just did.
Feb 7, 2007 at 6:38 AM Post #300 of 372
I wonder what it'd be like to talk to him in person... I can't imagine how he'd keep his composure after being proven wrong 583659672 times!

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