The Stax Thread III
Mar 9, 2018 at 4:34 PM Post #14,566 of 25,660
I was hoping to have the L300 limiteds by now, but delivery is shoved back...again. I can wait, as long as I eventually get them....

Are you USA based or somewhere else?
Where did you order from?
Mar 9, 2018 at 4:35 PM Post #14,567 of 25,660
Oh sorry - just saw - Texas
Question #2 still stands though
Mar 9, 2018 at 7:17 PM Post #14,568 of 25,660
@Rossliew I have not had to bias it because he shipped the tubes he used with the amp and numbered them so I would know which socket each went to.

As @Whitigir mentioned there is a video posted by HeadAmp detailing the biasing process.

The process is the same on Spritzers BHSE but the pot locations are different.

Thanks. Different pot locations will be bad for me since I don’t know one from another..
Mar 9, 2018 at 10:49 PM Post #14,570 of 25,660
Since there were no comparison between 727 modded and 717 I asked a japanese person
@afgmjkl to tell me his impression and he was kind enough to reply to me in Japanese. This is a comparison between 717 and modded 727

届いてから音も安定してきました。二、三週間比較する気力がないので、素人の不正確な評価になりますが、ある程度感想まとめてみます。結論として、727 modのほうが717よりも一段ぐらい良い音です。
I am a beginner so i don't know if this review going to help. So I got the amp and I am not patient to do a comparison over 2,3 weeks, Since I think the sound is consistent for now I am going to give you my review : I will start as the coclusion that 727modded sound 1 level better.

The first thing you notice is the range of frequency response is boarder (better dynamic range), with the mod the 727 produce much better quality and more detail in term of high frequencies. Symbols produced out of metal instruments have delicate detailed pronounced more. The low end while the same quantity on both amps, modded produced better quality. 717 is blurry and have bloom in bass while the modded is more tight, and bounce more ( not a one note bass )

So resolution of the modded is higher while sound stage remain the same, But the clarity of the modded amp can be perceived as less congested, and easy to see though (more layered) .

全体として2つを比較すると、717は少し霞んで(解像度が少し低い)、暗い(中低音が目立つ)感じです。727 modは、ハッキリ・クリアー(解像度が高い)で、フラットもしくは少し明るく(高域の量が多い)、レンジが広い印象です。
So with direct comparison 717 has is more blur (due less resolution), darker ( mid and low frequencies are emphasized). Modded is clearly clear (higher resolution), more flatter toward bright (higher frequency quantity is higher), higher dynamic range.

717は、727modよりも性能が低いと感じますが、かすんでいる感じや、中域が相対的に充実していることが、音楽を聴く上で楽しいと感じる人もいると思います。音の色付け・演出、colouringというんでしょうか、そんな感じです。727Aは、717よりも性能が高く、より正確な音です。音楽的には、より鮮度が高く感じます。僕はもちろん727modのほうが好きです。 ノーマル727はもっとあやふやで、ぼやけた音だったと思います。さらに低域が少なく、modよりも明るかった感じます。これなら717のほうがまだ良いです。
Technically I feel the 717 is less competent compared to modded, the the blurry and fuller mid-range may preferred depend on personality eg. colored and fun sound.
modded with better technicality and accurate sound produce very highly fresh (true to recording) sound. without the mod, inconsistent, fogy with less low end and would preferred 717 over the unmodded.

Lastey both amp because since they are solid state ( he think ) they sound like dry / monitor like sound / digital and not really as musical. 007 is very smooth sounding and elegant sound and can be matched with the above amp, but with L700/009 which are already bright ( more revealing ) it won't be a good match. I think… 007ta can solve brightness problems but it also introduce its own other problems. So these are stax amp limitation. I am very spectacular about KG designs

余談ですが、L300 limitedはL700と全く同じ発音ユニット(stator含め)を使っているらしいです。STAXの社員さんに確認した人がそう言っていました。
By the way L300limited and L700 both use the same driver unite ( stator too) and have being confirm by someone I know
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Mar 10, 2018 at 8:40 PM Post #14,572 of 25,660
Done a bunch more listening over the last two days to the mjolnir bhse + 007. While I admit I have little experience with lesser stax setups, as in maybe 10 minutes on a 407 and stax driver.. The generalization that goes around that stats lack in bass quantity or impact compared to dynamics or planar magnetics, is just /facepalm. Rock, punk, edm, pop tracks that I have which demand a lot out of the low frequencies my last thought is I need more frequency response from the lower midrange down, to me it feels right and is extremely satisfying.

Also this combo and "Friday Night in San Francisco" really breaths life into the performances.
Mar 10, 2018 at 10:38 PM Post #14,574 of 25,660
Is the 007ta driver a fairly big upgrade from the 353x? I am looking to jump back into Stax but want to get an all purpose performer driver unit so that I can just upgrade the earspeakers if necessary. I used to have a T1 and I guess the 007ta is part of the same lineage. I am eyeing the L700 but the cheaper L300 Ltd is tempting. I wonder if the Ltd has the same pad depth as the L300. I had a L300 and liked the sound a lot but it was uncomfortable. Even the older 207 were a better fit and it seemed better built too.
Mar 10, 2018 at 11:23 PM Post #14,575 of 25,660
Is the 007ta driver a fairly big upgrade from the 353x? I am looking to jump back into Stax but want to get an all purpose performer driver unit so that I can just upgrade the earspeakers if necessary. I used to have a T1 and I guess the 007ta is part of the same lineage. I am eyeing the L700 but the cheaper L300 Ltd is tempting. I wonder if the Ltd has the same pad depth as the L300. I had a L300 and liked the sound a lot but it was uncomfortable. Even the older 207 were a better fit and it seemed better built too.

I haven't had the L300 on my head but have heard other people's complaints regarding the pancake thin earpads. I can say the 300LE look deeper in photo's, and don't bother my cauliflower ear.
Mar 11, 2018 at 12:12 AM Post #14,576 of 25,660
I haven't had the L300 on my head but have heard other people's complaints regarding the pancake thin earpads. I can say the 300LE look deeper in photo's, and don't bother my cauliflower ear.

Do your ears touch the back of the driver at all?
Mar 11, 2018 at 12:20 AM Post #14,577 of 25,660
Done a bunch more listening over the last two days to the mjolnir bhse + 007. While I admit I have little experience with lesser stax setups, as in maybe 10 minutes on a 407 and stax driver.. The generalization that goes around that stats lack in bass quantity or impact compared to dynamics or planar magnetics, is just /facepalm. Rock, punk, edm, pop tracks that I have which demand a lot out of the low frequencies my last thought is I need more frequency response from the lower midrange down, to me it feels right and is extremely satisfying.

Also this combo and "Friday Night in San Francisco" really breaths life into the performances.
Have you received any email update(s) from them except the initial invoice, or is it just dead silence?
I am with the same dealer

Have not received any e-mail except for the initial order invoice in January.
Mar 11, 2018 at 12:36 AM Post #14,579 of 25,660
I haven't had the L300 on my head but have heard other people's complaints regarding the pancake thin earpads. I can say the 300LE look deeper in photo's, and don't bother my cauliflower ear.

Pancake thickness is being generous for an L300, more like the crepe thickness...~10mm backside/~8mm frontside thickness from bottom of plastic (not the mounting tabs) to top of the pad surface.
Mar 11, 2018 at 3:41 AM Post #14,580 of 25,660

Good to know, seems like maybe it isn't the L300 pads then.

I asked Headamp about their status of L300 Limited and they are still waiting to hear from Stax. Seems like Stax is releasing to Japan first.

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