The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread
Apr 6, 2016 at 9:11 PM Post #241 of 1,867
Heheh! I was a bit puzzled by your post. Then I realised you are actually referring to Chowmein's comments.

Well, I think it's a matter of conjecture at this stage: the price and how the Shangrila will compare with the 009. Thus far we have all heard only the prototype and even then in less than ideal show conditions. Finally off the Hifiman amp which seems to be still a WIP. The source also tends to be the Hifiman HM901S & its dock.

Much as I do love my Stax cans collection, I think it is still too early to tell how the Shangrila will pan out.

That is true - I keep forgetting that the amp is still being worked-on and the fact that nobody (or very few people) have been able to listen to the Shangri-La with a higher-end source. It's probably more capable than what anybody has ever heard it at, but I still believe the SR-009 won't be too far behind (the SR-009 itself is capable of some really amazing things).
Apr 6, 2016 at 9:26 PM Post #242 of 1,867
That is true - I keep forgetting that the amp is still being worked-on and the fact that nobody (or very few people) have been able to listen to the Shangri-La with a higher-end source. It's probably more capable than what anybody has ever heard it at, but I still believe the SR-009 won't be too far behind (the SR-009 itself is capable of some really amazing things).

Whilst that may be true: My 009 does wonderful things that take my breathe away on my rig, it doesn't tell us anything about the Shangrila. For myself, I keep an open mind. :)
Apr 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM Post #244 of 1,867
  I tried L700 and Stax SRM007tII tube amp combo sound so good! so euphonic, so full and rich and musical.
what arnaud said is right for me. I agree with him. L700 + stax tube amp is very good match. 
I also recommend to audition L700 + stax tube amp combo at your local shops.

How do you find L700 compared to 009 when pairing with SRM007tii?
Apr 8, 2016 at 2:23 PM Post #249 of 1,867
did anybody compare 009 against L700 on some of the high end Kevin Gilmore amps?   I am no stax expert but as I understand it the KG amps are superior to Stax amps,usualy the Lambdas are listened with Stax amps becose the Lambda headphones are much cheaper than 009 and Stax amps are cheaper than KG amps,what I am curious about is,what if you pair BHSE or the new Carbon with the L700....I have feeling that might show that L700 isnt inferior to 009
Apr 8, 2016 at 5:40 PM Post #250 of 1,867

Earlier in this thread, Purk posted as follows:
I borrowed the L700 from Mulveling for a few hours now and gotta admit this is a great sounding headphones.  It is a very enjoyable headphones that sound more or less the same as the SR009 but to a lesser degree.  Bass, sense of soundstage & transparency, and resolution are definitely better on the SR009.  The L700 maybe a tad smoother in treble response but the SR009 do offer noticeably better in term of soundstage.  Stax did a great job with this one for sure.  Will have to save up for a pair.  The voicing on the L700 is quite impressive IMO despite lacking the depth & width in the soundstage compared to the SR009 as well as the SR007.  This is out of both my KGSSHV Carbon & BHSE amps.  
Apr 8, 2016 at 7:30 PM Post #251 of 1,867
Driven by a Carbon + Yggy, it's apparent that the SR-009 is superior to L700. In this setup I find the 009's treble to be both notably smoother (disagree with Purk here), more detailed, and (surprisingly) slightly subdued compared to the L700 -- L700 treble seemed more subdued when I got them, but that was before I had the Carbon (the Carbon has completely dominated my listening time in the last couple months). The 009 is not at all bright in this system. Maybe even slightly on the warm side of neutral. In fact, a few people may prefer the L700 here due it its different presentation, and slightly livelier-than-neutral response. I enjoy the hell out of both headphones w/ Carbon -- both are better on the Carbon vs. any KGSShv variant or a KGST -- but the 009 reveals itself as the better headphone. Admittedly not by a lot, but the difference is there.
What's more debatable is whether the price gap is in line with the performance gap. I think that for non-members of unlimited-funds-fi, it's reasonable to pitch the L700 as the better value, considering that the savings could be thrown into a better amp (which can make a big difference).
Apr 8, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #252 of 1,867
Mulveling, is the Carbon much better with the L700 than KGST and if so does the price difference vs KGST justify buying the Carbon?
Do you have an opinion about the 323S with the L700; I listen at low volume (65 dB with speakers) and wonder how much benefit there is at low listening volumes vs a more powerful and costly amp?
I am using a 323s with 207s now with the Schiit Bimby, with a reclocked bit perfect signal preceding the DAC,which I believe is close to the Yggy because jitter is 30ps before getting to the Bimby.
Would low volume listening favor using a tube amp with the L700? Thank you!
Apr 8, 2016 at 10:11 PM Post #253 of 1,867
  Ha, you're the one who did overtake me ! 


I really like you Ali but Pokemonn is just the most pleasant / peaceful fellow I have dealt with in years, I was really really happy the phones go to his place ... You're right next though :wink:
Apr 8, 2016 at 10:16 PM Post #254 of 1,867
  Driven by a Carbon + Yggy, it's apparent that the SR-009 is superior to L700. In this setup I find the 009's treble to be both notably smoother (disagree with Purk here), more detailed, and (surprisingly) slightly subdued compared to the L700 -- L700 treble seemed more subdued when I got them, but that was before I had the Carbon (the Carbon has completely dominated my listening time in the last couple months). The 009 is not at all bright in this system. Maybe even slightly on the warm side of neutral. In fact, a few people may prefer the L700 here due it its different presentation, and slightly livelier-than-neutral response. I enjoy the hell out of both headphones w/ Carbon -- both are better on the Carbon vs. any KGSShv variant or a KGST -- but the 009 reveals itself as the better headphone. Admittedly not by a lot, but the difference is there.
What's more debatable is whether the price gap is in line with the performance gap. I think that for non-members of unlimited-funds-fi, it's reasonable to pitch the L700 as the better value, considering that the savings could be thrown into a better amp (which can make a big difference).

Ahh, such a breath of fresh when you or Purk come in this thread, you not only have good ears but you also translate it very well into words! Honest, short, precise, if only we had 50 more posters like this :wink:
Apr 9, 2016 at 7:17 AM Post #255 of 1,867
  Driven by a Carbon + Yggy, it's apparent that the SR-009 is superior to L700. In this setup I find the 009's treble to be both notably smoother (disagree with Purk here), more detailed, and (surprisingly) slightly subdued compared to the L700 -- L700 treble seemed more subdued when I got them, but that was before I had the Carbon (the Carbon has completely dominated my listening time in the last couple months). The 009 is not at all bright in this system. Maybe even slightly on the warm side of neutral. In fact, a few people may prefer the L700 here due it its different presentation, and slightly livelier-than-neutral response. I enjoy the hell out of both headphones w/ Carbon -- both are better on the Carbon vs. any KGSShv variant or a KGST -- but the 009 reveals itself as the better headphone. Admittedly not by a lot, but the difference is there.
What's more debatable is whether the price gap is in line with the performance gap. I think that for non-members of unlimited-funds-fi, it's reasonable to pitch the L700 as the better value, considering that the savings could be thrown into a better amp (which can make a big difference).

Nicely described! I have different DAC (Audio-Gd Master 7) and I agree: On the Carbon, the sr-009 is superior to L700. I would say that the price gap is OK if you have to pay full price for L700 and have a good offer for 009.... 2x price ratio is OK to me.

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