It really is. I was inspired to make this thread after listening to my pair from the SRM-717 earlier today. As much as I love the SR-007 and SR-009, I still come back to the SR-507 often for its ethereal presentation.
I had the 507 for a few months. They were extremely transparent but a little too bright for my taste. I tried two solid state amplifiers with them and I still had ear fatigue after listening to them for 20 minutes. So off they went and in came the SR007 for me.
Btw MuppetFace, what do you mean by 'ethereal' presentation?
By ethereal I mean that somewhat stereotypical "electrostatic" sort of presentation that Lambdas exhibit. Sound seems to materialize out of thin air all around you, almost like a mist. It's a very "out of head" sort of experience.
I really like all of my Stax, traditional lambda,SR 3/5n and the 507. I listen to all with 300b based amplification, but have never heard a 007 or 009. I hope to hear samples of the 007 and 009 at the upcoming Bay Area meet on Feb. 11.
I really liked how the SR-507 sounded when I owned it - specifically its combo of treble, clarity, and impulse response. Probably the best ~$1K headphone IMO with a proper treble and impulse response - just about every other headphone was rolled-off and too slow to me (barring the Qualia).
If it was a more comfortable headphone I would've unquestionably kept it. The pressure points always made my ears sore after a while. Will probably never buy another Stax headphone with the Lambda-style frame, I've just consistently found them uncomfortable (SR-Lambda and SR-404LE as well).
Do you guys really think the 507 are bright? So far I've been using a 323S, coupled with a very transparent (someone may call it bright) source, but I don't think they are as bright as my old Beyers DT880/990 or AKG K701.
Having said that, I'm now trying a 600LTD and it gives the 507 a different presentation. Not sure if I like it most though. With the 323 has a better instruments separation, and stage looks deeper, but the 600LTD has a better timbre accuracy, especially with strings.
I think the SR-507 is a tad bright on the KGSS, but definitely less so on the SRM-717. I think it's relative: compared to the SR-007 and SR-009 it's brighter to me, but it's not overly bright by dynamic standards.
It isn't the 'normal' kind of beyerdynamic bright. It's a very small peak somewhere high at about 10k or so that makes all notes have a sharpness to it.
Curious about how the 507 compared to the regular old 404 I had. If it fixes the issues with the 404's mids then I'd be all for it.
The 404 was bright but certainly not dynamic bright as has been said. Stax stuff is generally close to neutral, though I've yet to hear something in all of headphones that's actually well and truly neutral.
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