The Speed of Light had been surpassed, and ya'llz Physics classes are wrong.
Sep 22, 2011 at 9:27 PM Post #16 of 73

But that's impossible!

I don't believe in sliver cables and I'm not a scientist, but hey, impossible is nothing right ? 

Sep 22, 2011 at 9:50 PM Post #17 of 73

I don't believe in sliver cables and I'm not a scientist, but hey, impossible is nothing right ? 

First Law of Adidas, yes. Strong science right there.
OP: First off, Einstein didn't lie, it's not like he said DECEIVE THE HUMAN RACE one day. 
Secondly, I'm skeptical with regards to the accuracy of these measurements, not as an observation on the CERN team, but more that it needs to be replicated in different settings (as has been stated above). 
Thirdly, E=mc^2 is not BS, special relativity has a century's worth of scientific evidence supporting it. Don't be hasty to call a pillar of modern physics BS when one new and unconfirmed observation comes out. 
Sep 22, 2011 at 9:55 PM Post #18 of 73
Well if this is true that would mean it could be possible for extra terrestrial life to have confronted earth and it's inhabitants. I greatly hope this is true so we can colonize space.
Sep 22, 2011 at 9:57 PM Post #19 of 73

Well if this is true that would mean it could be possible for extra terrestrial life to have confronted earth and it's inhabitants. I greatly hope this is true so we can colonize space.

...Color me confused, I do not see how this is related to a neutrino travelling faster than the speed of light...
Sep 22, 2011 at 10:12 PM Post #21 of 73

...Color me confused, I do not see how this is related to a neutrino travelling faster than the speed of light...

If it's possible to go faster then the speed of light it could be possible for outside life to get hear faster. Considering the closest star is 4 light years away. It would take four years at light speed. I don't think their is life there but if there was i doubt they would travel that long to make it here. If you can go past the speed of light we need to study how much faster we can go and to what degree we can use it. It might actually allow us to arrive at our destination before we arrive making things complicated. There is lots of science we do not understand and i am all for making new discoveries to better the human race. This planet can't harbor our way of life so we need to expand into space. Colonization of space would allow us to continue our search for resources and allow our species to flourish in a much greater area of space. Might seem like an unlikely thing to occur but we don't know what the future holds. If we could use this technology for time travel that would be interesting and would allow us to study prehistoric life forms. Unfortunately this is unlikely.
Sep 22, 2011 at 10:41 PM Post #22 of 73
He cautioned that the neutrino researchers would have to explain why similar results weren't detected before, such as when an exploding star — or supernova — was observed in 1987.


That observation in 1987 when 1987A exploded, showed that the neutrinos reached here about 2 hours ahead of the light.
The explanation for this phenomena was that since neutrinos are not affected by gravity, they made a bee-line straight here, whereas light, being affected by gravity, went a more circuitous route to get here.
Since 1987A is about 1,000 light years away, that gave the nutrinos at about 99.999%C speed sufficient time to pull ahead of the light.
But this is all speculation since the errors in their detection methods are usually greater than the differences they are trying to measure.......
Sep 23, 2011 at 1:10 AM Post #23 of 73
Did you find a point in what you said?
Theories don't just morph into a law, but a law can be defined by a single principle. A theory is a large collection of principals compiled into a single set.
I'm saying is that if you can prove a theory, it becomes law.
But, I'm not a science (anything) in my life. I just have a higher then average knowledge of this stuff.
Here's me: "Are not maybe so possible."
This is thirteen contradiction in a single portion of a sentence. Quite magnificent to say the least. No offense.
But everything takes time. We need to watch for any more news for the next, oh, 100 years or so to define anything. Then that can be disproved. I just hope then, the super computer that rules over humanity will be able to simply tell us that each theory it thinks of every nanosecond is wrong and thus destroy the universe as it reaches the Akashic records.

Well, that will teach me to make a joke.

Let me try this last example. Mendel discovered genetic laws that work for simple dimorphic traits in peas. These are laws. Cross a pure bred green pea, with a pure bred yellow pea and all offspring will have green phenotypes. Cross that generation to itself (plant incest) your get three green and one yellow (ratio of offspring). It always happens. This makes it a law. There's no explanation of why. (And what Mendel came up with as an explanation was absolutely dead wrong.)

But Darwin's theory of evolution* is an explanation of how populations change over time. It doesn't predict what will happen in a particular set of circumstances, but it accounts for the living world as we see it.

Does that make sense?

I think we always do discover new stuff about the universe, but every new piece of knowledge doesn't automatically change what we know about other areas. So the speeding neutrino could be very interesting and have a huge effect on theoretical physics. Cables will stay as they are.


(*I am not getting into any arguments about evolutionary theory here, ok?)
Sep 23, 2011 at 6:16 AM Post #24 of 73
Sep 23, 2011 at 6:42 AM Post #25 of 73
I thought E=MC^2 has nothing to do with speed of light. It basically means that mass can be converted into extremely large amount of energy. 

Sep 23, 2011 at 7:10 AM Post #26 of 73
It's been proven in many experiments that if you have a pair of entangled particles, and change the spin of one of the particles, the other particle instantaneously changes its spin. This has been shown to occur over distances of kilometers, (Einsteins "spooky action at a distance") implying some means of supra-luminal communications. So, there may actually be a particle that exceeds the speed of light. However, according to special relativity, no particle that has rest mass can attain the speed of light.
It will be interesting to see if this can actually be replicated. I'm guessing it's a measurement anomaly, but you never know.
Todays XKCD:
Sep 23, 2011 at 7:31 AM Post #27 of 73
Wormholes and time travel will now be unlocked, linear reality is now in question, fear the future, trust no one, and have a nice day

Sep 23, 2011 at 8:21 AM Post #28 of 73
This planet can't harbor our way of life so we need to expand into space. Colonization of space would allow us to continue our search for resources and allow our species to flourish in a much greater area of space.

Yippee...!!!!! Now we can go out and desecrate and abuse the whole universe - not just this lump of dirt.

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