The RUNNING thread : All Runners cmon in!!
Feb 20, 2005 at 5:38 AM Post #46 of 63
yah im doing weights right now also with my personal trainer. he wants me to run on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes at least for times a week. 5 minute warmup 10 minutes of pure running and 5 minute cool down. with your way, gsferrari, would that burn fat and not muscle? becuase i DO NOT want to be losing muscle.
Feb 20, 2005 at 5:43 AM Post #47 of 63

Originally Posted by electic
yah im doing weights right now also with my personal trainer. he wants me to run on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes at least for times a week. 5 minute warmup 10 minutes of pure running and 5 minute cool down. with your way, gsferrari, would that burn fat and not muscle? becuase i DO NOT want to be losing muscle.

Burn Muscle? If you dont eat properly then you will be screwed anyway. Protien inputs etc. If you do weights mixed in with your cardio then you should be ok.
Feb 20, 2005 at 5:47 AM Post #48 of 63
o i get plenty of protein in my diet nowadays,especially from those whey protein shakes my trainer has me taking. its 945 pm right now in southern cali and i think ill give your routine out for a bye
Feb 20, 2005 at 6:48 AM Post #49 of 63

Originally Posted by markl
But I've been using the same shoe (Nike Tailwinds) for the last 6 years and they're the best thing for my feet, no more pain. Finding a good shoe is good as gold.

Yes it is! Currently I'm using my 4th pair of Nike Air Structure Triax (I overpronate slightly). I already have the 5th pair waiting.


Feb 21, 2005 at 3:29 AM Post #50 of 63
actually its quite impossible to burn fat without burning muscle.

Whenever your body eats up fat, it eats muscle with it.

Thus don't be discouraged if you don't gain strength while losing weight. No matter how much Whey you drink. If you maintain your strength during wieght loss, you are doing a great job.

Your muscles will definately gain rapidly after you finally reach your desired wieght, as long as you keep working out.
Feb 23, 2005 at 4:33 AM Post #51 of 63
are nike prestos any good for running? cuz right now im using a REALLY old pair of C1RCA skateboarding shoes because they are so comfortable! but the thing is that they are so messed up i.e torn up/burned/melted toe.
Feb 23, 2005 at 6:07 AM Post #52 of 63
Hey GREAT thread! I used to run 4 miles everyday, till about a few months ago. Just dont have time anymore with school and this headphone obession thing. Anyways reading this thread got me motivated to find time to do some running again. Give me a chance to listen to some music while i run too!

Oh BTW i used to think that any shoes will be fine until i started to run on the street and got really bad knee and lower back pain. Then i recieved a pair of shoes meant just for running. They are great at reducing the pounding that your joints recieve by absorbing the impact and damping the rebound energy.
Feb 23, 2005 at 4:41 PM Post #53 of 63
shoes are everything in this activity. I have so many pairs now to try out and ive just found the groove with the asics Gel Kayano XI and havent moved on to the addidas and others...

I am alternating my workout day of solid workout and then one day of complete relaxation. I am thinking of changing it to - one day full running and cardio + one day of weight training....but the thought of not having the "rest day" in between is putting me off...

which is odd considering that I was hitting the gym EVERY DAY with running and weights on the same day...
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:00 PM Post #54 of 63

Originally Posted by electic
are nike prestos any good for running? cuz right now im using a REALLY old pair of C1RCA skateboarding shoes because they are so comfortable! but the thing is that they are so messed up i.e torn up/burned/melted toe.

Hi electic,

Each running shoe is designed for different type of runners. For example, I am flat footed so I tend to overpronate, so I would need motion control shoes. You should find out what kind of foot/runner type you are then see if those shoes work for you. The best way is to go to a specialty running store and have them examen you. You could also do it yourself. Here's a four part article on shoes that might help:

I used to run with whatever running shoes I could find on sale, but I was plagued with injuries. The only thing that kept me going was my coach yelling at me. Correct shoes makes running fun (pretty much what everyone else has been saying).
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:24 PM Post #55 of 63
its raining today and i was really actually going to start running again today
Feb 23, 2005 at 8:43 PM Post #56 of 63
hubcaps - thanks for the article...I just figured out why the asics gel kayano 11 works for me and why the new balance 717 just hurts my shins

Has anyone experienced this :

I decided to do a 60 minute run split in three with breaks for stretching etc. in between. Half-way through the second 20 minute run I felt like ***THE END*** and there was nothing left in me so I stopped and did another stretch. Now I had to do the final run as a 30 minute run instead of a 20...

What shocked me was that close to 30 minutes I just wanted to keep going...I managed DOUBLE that time and actually ran 60 minutes flat out at varying pace without stoppage, no discomfort and average heart rate of 157.

Thats a whopping total of 90 minutes on the treadmill when only a few weeks back I couldnt do 10 minutes without falling flat on my face!!

I feel really good now...these shoes are marvellous BUT I am still keeping the others until the weather clears up and I hit the streets. I have found that a shoe that is good on the treadmill doesnt necessarily do well on the street...

My resting heart rate is 63

I used to have a resting heart rate of 54 in summer 2003 so there is still some way to go, weight to lose and stamina to improve

But its an awesome feeling...cant wait for the day-after to run again...I might go swimming tomorrow
Feb 23, 2005 at 8:50 PM Post #57 of 63
I'm 5'9" and 183lbs. I in now way look fat or overweight. My doctor says someone with my height has an optimal weight of 150lbs, but you can be within 1.2 or that, or 180lbs. If I lost 30lbs I would a skeleton, no joke. Still, I'd like to lose 5-10lbs or so.

So I started running about 6 weeks ago and I've seen some progress. I probably run for 15-20 minutes every other day. It's enough to break a sweat and get my heart rate up, but I'd like to do more. When I go to the gym I'm able to to 30-40minutes on the bike with no problem. Is there any good online guide to running for exercise and weight loss, as opposed to guides to helping you get faster?
Feb 23, 2005 at 10:03 PM Post #58 of 63
Viator122, in general (simple term) aerobic activity help to shred excess weight by getting your heart rate up to a certain range, depending on your age, so that you use more calories then you consume. Every gym usually have this chart that shows your heatrate (HR) in relation to your age and where your HR should be to burn fat, for cardiovascular, or for max. It is generally recommend that you should do aerobic excercise at least 3 days a week of at least 20 mins and within your heart rate range. Sorry for being vague about the HR range, but if i can find it in my medical textbook i'll post it for you. Its not about how fast you run, its more important about being in your target HR and the amount of time you stay in it. The first 20 mins only burn the energy that is already stored in your muscle, anything after will start to burn other energy source. Then there's oxygen debt, that is even after you finish running, you will continue to burn energy as your body repleshes its oxygen and energy store. Well that what my physiology professor say and as we all know from a lecture you only retain and understand 10%. So what i'm able to write and explain is 10% (this explaination) of 10% (what i learned and understand from lecture) of my lecture, or roughly 1% of what my professor knows.
Mar 2, 2005 at 2:45 AM Post #60 of 63
For some reason I am experiencing the same stiffness in my shins that I experienced during my early days (a month back) at the gym. I have lost a LOT of weight since then and have been running effortlessly all this that pain is back again

I was using a arch support device which feels a little too "compressed" right now...maybe it is time to change it out....shucks!

Also - I was using the New Balance 717 shoes that made me uncomfortable before...but I managed to get into it for a week or two without problems. I guess they are a SURE no-no for me then...

Back to the Gel Kayano XI

Resting heart rate down to 59 on my "rest day" and 62 on my "work-out" day. Things are looking good...

Also - met this beautiful older woman (32??) at the Gym...Im not "into" seducing older married women (I believe in the sanctity of marriage - from first and third person) BUT this one is a joy to work with. She is a great source of motivation and we share the same gym slots so I meet her every other day. I kid you not - she can run run run run run ... 25 minutes and I am about completely spent and she is still pumping away with those pretty legs...

For those of you suffering from a motivation problem - find a gym helps!!

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