The PENON official thread
Oct 16, 2023 at 2:54 AM Post #11,311 of 14,143
Still problems with the page? Get blocked when trying to open it. Is it just for me? Others with the same problems.
No for everyone. :frowning2:
Oct 16, 2023 at 2:58 AM Post #11,312 of 14,143
Oct 16, 2023 at 3:34 AM Post #11,313 of 14,143

Just finished my review of the ISN Neo5s, which you're invited to read here, in which I compare them with the following IEMs:

Campfire Audio Ponderosa
Campfire Audio Supermoon 2023 Universal
Campfire Trifecta
Dunu Falcon Ultra
Dunu Vulcan DK-X6
Letshoer s12 Pro
Penon Globe
Thieaudio Monarch MKIII
Unique Melody Mest MKIII
Oct 16, 2023 at 4:27 AM Post #11,314 of 14,143
Still can't get through to the Penon site. Emailed and got this response:-

"Dear friend,
Good day!
we are on vacation for Chinese new year.
If there're any product problems and shipping issues of the item ,please email to us .
we'll attend to your mail and resolve for you after coming back from holidays immediately.
your understanding will be highly appreciated.
best wishes to you!"

Strange reply as we are months away from the Chinese new year. Something is amiss. Are they safe? :disappointed::astonished::disappointed:
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Oct 16, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #11,316 of 14,143
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Oct 16, 2023 at 2:42 PM Post #11,318 of 14,143
gah the website is back, here i go window shopping the ISN est50 again...
Oct 16, 2023 at 9:04 PM Post #11,320 of 14,143
I got mine in the AE 11-11 sale, cheaper than I have ever seen it on their website.
I’ve never shopped on AE before, they have the Fan 2 for like 100 dollars off right now? Is this legit lol
Oct 16, 2023 at 11:27 PM Post #11,321 of 14,143
I’ve never shopped on AE before, they have the Fan 2 for like 100 dollars off right now? Is this legit lol
Fan2 is the essence of Penon at the lowest cost!
Oct 17, 2023 at 12:32 AM Post #11,322 of 14,143
Looks like AE may be the only way to go since their site is down again...

Just finished my review of the ISN Neo5s, which you're invited to read here, in which I compare them with the following IEMs:

Campfire Audio Ponderosa
Campfire Audio Supermoon 2023 Universal
Campfire Trifecta
Dunu Falcon Ultra
Dunu Vulcan DK-X6
Letshoer s12 Pro
Penon Globe
Thieaudio Monarch MKIII
Unique Melody Mest MKIII
need to stop reading your reviews, cause now i need to add the Neo 5 to my list... well done.
Oct 17, 2023 at 12:42 AM Post #11,323 of 14,143
Penon Dome

Penon names IEMs based on their inherent sound character/ design and today I have the dubious task of introducing a new minty fresh design from our friends at Penon in the form of a new hybrid.

Some notable Penon offerings with similar names; Sphere, Orb, Globe and now DOME. Before you ask, this new IEM consists of 3 premium BAs and a 10mm dynamic handling the bass duties. There is a new dual Sonion BA that handles the mid bands on the DOME vs a single Sonion BA for mids on the Globe. As you guys can guess, the tuning philosophy is pure Penon house sound but this time around it is about improving what was established.
  • Resin shell, comfortable to wear.
  • Handmade, solid and more durable.
  • 2 Sonion BA for medium frequency
  • 1 Knowles BA for high frequency
  • 1 10mm PET diaphragm for low frequency
  • Impedance: 19ohm
  • Sensitivity: 107dB
  • Frequency response range :20-20kHz
  • Passive noise reduction: 26dB

The Globe was and is a gateway IEM. Meaning it is the one mid priced hybrid that gives the prospective buyer a classic example of the Penons tunging angle with a rich smooth organic musical sound.

The DOME this time around gives an uptick in technicalities from the base Globe sound signature. You can say Penon tunes with a bit of a w tuning/ mostly a balancing philosophy. Incorporating a well balanced treble, slightly forward mids character with a punchy physical low end to round off their sound. The balancing this time around has been fine tuned and now has better instrument separation, imaging, resulting in better inner details and dimensional qualities from what was already established from the Globe and the Orbs. The classic is reborn in the Dome and now we have an ideal extremely musical hybrid in the new Dome.

What is clearly different about the Dome this time around is that the new Dome is using a newer dual Sonion BA for its mids presentation and a separate Knowles BA for its trebles; each set of BAs has its own sound bore. The Prior Globes was using a single sound bore for the Sonion Mids BA and the treble BA with another bore for its bass.

The Domes having an extra sound bore, with each sound bore by default separating the treble notes from the mids notes. Giving a better sense of separation between the two regions. Having the set of dual BAs now focusing 100% of its sound on the mid bands and the treble BA focusing 100% of its sound on the high notes cleanly separated by the two sound channels. This gives more room to breathe for each region without fighting each other for your sound space, giving the Dome a more defined and better technical experience. I can tell the Dome was designed to do one better for Penons line of hybrid IEM and imo this is as close as you're going to get for a Volt level of musicality without the use of ESTs.

Treble gets a bit of a retune with better articulation, better extension with touch more air and weight for its presence. This is the area that gets a retune that works better for modern genres. Penon treble tunings never aggravate or are they excessive in the trebles for the sake of false resolution. Trebles this time around gets better balancing and sounds about even in emphasis with the mids and bass character of the new Dome. New treble tuning results in better clarity with an increase of treble transparency which sounds more articulate and airy, a bit more substantial vs the prior offerings of both the Orbs and the Globes.

Mids are what Penon sound is all about and the mids on the Dome is where the real difference from their prior Orbs or Globes the Dome separates itself from. It is the area that is the clear upgrade. Not only better technicals but now very versatile for all types of music simply because it has the right amount of upper mid presence, excellent proper full bodied note weight, slightly warm rich lower full bodied mids character with an easy to listen to layering, very good details in space from all levels of the mids presence. These are now knocking on the doors of the highly regarded mids character for the Volts as a result. It is the mids that clearly gets the higher end treatment for the Dome. Lastly you get a potent 10mm PET bass dynamic handling the bass.

Bass from the new 10mm dynamic is a mix of mid bass to sub bass emphasized for musical listening. Showing the right/ healthy amount of impact and presence. Penon does not tune anything with a weak bass end and here we get a nice capable dynamic handling the bass. Bass is physical and digs deep when called for. Is not as speedy as the rest of the sound, this is more normal for hybrids than not. However, it's got it where it counts. A punchy impactful accurate low end with good tightness, texture and rumble to sub bass notes. Texture at the given price point is very good and true to a vented dynamic presentation. It's got a real bass woofer handling the low end that does bass genres justice. This is the one area that I never felt was weak or a 2nd thought from the Globe design and for the most part the bass end is about equal in performance to the Globe but this is certainly not a bad thing.

Bass is emphasized for musicality, Dome is a classy full bored type of immersive sound experience so no boomstick overstepping bass here, tight and well behaved, never the type to step out of bounds the bass end here clearly holds its own when it comes to a proper bass decay, impact and bass definition. PET dynamics can handle bass with no struggle and it shows in the new Dome.

I would say the sound profile leans more bold in how it sounds, a richer full bodied natural tonal character mixed with very excellent upgraded technical abilities, a good splash of dynamism all in a spacious sound field and you get the Dome. This is the type of IEM you get when your sources sound a bit sterile, a bit too dry or neutral. But then if you listen to the Dome with a nicely musical sounding source, you literally get a healthy double dose of richness and dynamism that is like a double layered chocolate cake. = AKA guilty pleasure listening? YES indeed!

An upgrade from the Globes? Some may prefer these over the recent 10th anniversary. This my friends is what's next with Penon audio. If you guys have never heard a Penon made IEM or are curious of their newer take on the classic Penon sound profile. The Dome is what to go with. The new Dome will be the next IEM on the pages of Penon audio. They are easy to drive and have the ideal mix of the reasons why we get into IEMs in the first place. Extremely musical, a rich tonal character, accurate timbre, superb separation,natural in presentation yet bold at the same time, great for all types of music genres with imaging and details a plenty. Dimensional, spacious and punchy with the right amount of physicality for its bass end. It is more than just an upgrade on the prior Penon offerings. It is an entirely new IEM from Penon Audio. The Penon DOME is what's next!
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Oct 17, 2023 at 12:14 PM Post #11,324 of 14,143
Penon Dome

So… how much is it?

These are now knocking on the doors of the highly regarded mids character for the Volts as a result. It is the mids that clearly gets the higher end treatment for the Dome.

Excellent. It’s been too long. Good to hear about the treble too.

Lastly you get a potent 10mm PET bass dynamic handling the bass.

Bass from the new 10mm dynamic is a mix of mid bass to sub bass emphasized for musical listening. Showing the right/ healthy amount of impact and presence. Penon does not tune anything with a weak bass end and here we get a nice capable dynamic handling the bass. Bass is physical and digs deep when called for. Is not as speedy as the rest of the sound, this is more normal for hybrids than not. However, it's got it where it counts. A punchy impactful accurate low end with good tightness, texture and rumble to sub bass notes. Texture at the given price point is very good and true to a vented dynamic presentation. It's got a real bass woofer handling the low end that does bass genres justice. This is the one area that I never felt was weak or a 2nd thought from the Globe design and for the most part the bass end is about equal in performance to the Globe but this is certainly not a bad thing.

Bass is emphasized for musicality, Dome is a classy full bored type of immersive sound experience so no boomstick overstepping bass here, tight and well behaved, never the type to step out of bounds the bass end here clearly holds its own when it comes to a proper bass decay, impact and bass definition. PET dynamics can handle bass with no struggle and it shows in the new Dome.

Which Penon/ISN in your opinion is the Dome’s bass most similar to?

An upgrade from the Globes? Some may prefer these over the recent 10th anniversary. This my friends is what's next with Penon audio. If you guys have never heard a Penon made IEM or are curious of their newer take on the classic Penon sound profile. The Dome is what to go with.

Neo 5 took a lot of inspiration from the Globe as well. How does Dome stack up against it?

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