The PENON official thread
Oct 6, 2023 at 7:25 PM Post #11,281 of 15,225
This is what I have been doing all these times. Granted I did do some checking on a few selections that may fit me, which currently EST50 definitely tick the most boxes. Moondrop's Variations, Shuoer EJ07M, Dunu EST112 were amongst the 4 listed due to the easeness of purchasing in my country and these models fit my budget.

I came from Westone UM pro 50 (I know this model is pretty old at this point), so I knew what I wanted. EST50 ended up being way better in all aspects while being cheaper than the UM pro 50 a decade ago. The only nitpicking I had with EST50 was that I found the set lacked a bit more treble to bring out more details etc, so I decided to get a cable from local brand to address it. Much to my surprise, the cable ended up making everything cleaner and tighter too. Hopefully "endgame" for at least 5-6 years before my hands get itchy again...

Edit: I would have gone for the EJ07M if not for the known driver flex
Funny you've mentioned Westone as I'm currently listening to a reshelled UM3X from way back... The tunning is dark and works great for voices, might go revisit what they have available now.
Oct 6, 2023 at 7:36 PM Post #11,282 of 15,225
Funny you've mentioned Westone as I'm currently listening to a reshelled UM3X from way back... The tunning is dark and works great for voices, might go revisit what they have available now.
It does feel really weird that I had a nitpick on EST50 when the Westone models are known for their "Westone" dark tunings. I do agree the vocals on UM3X and UM pro 50 (imo anyway) can be really good, I probably would still be using the set if it doesn't have sound imbalance on the left side (3:10 ratio in loudness) to be very honest but alas a piece of technology can only last for so long.
Oct 6, 2023 at 11:11 PM Post #11,283 of 15,225
It does feel really weird that I had a nitpick on EST50 when the Westone models are known for their "Westone" dark tunings. I do agree the vocals on UM3X and UM pro 50 (imo anyway) can be really good, I probably would still be using the set if it doesn't have sound imbalance on the left side (3:10 ratio in loudness) to be very honest but alas a piece of technology can only last for so long.
Well, I got the Westone UM3X back in Nov '09 and yes, the cable fail. Reason why I had it custom reshelled, brought it back to life and recently got the SMSL DO300EX that brings the best of it, as I've never heard it before. Great to rediscover the potential of BA, triple and x2, 6 drivers in my mind are the best combination.
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Oct 7, 2023 at 12:13 AM Post #11,284 of 15,225
My theory for perfect iem is:

Buy one iem, anything you like really.

* avoid reading and watching iem reviews
* stop visiting head-fi
* never compare it to other iem

The result is you will have the best sounding IEM. That's all you need.
As a bonus you will save tons of money.

Have all great weekend and happy listening :)
That's no fun 😁
Oct 7, 2023 at 3:05 AM Post #11,285 of 15,225
Don't get me wrong, it absolutely makes sense that the vocal majority will be the ones who love the set the most. I really wanted to love it. Everything was lined up for a perfect alley-oop for my preferences and yet it seemed to fumble the ball for me.

This will again be entirely subjective, but I had heard from a lot of folks before I ordered mine that the 10th were supposed to be the bee's knees in the bass department. Obviously it turned out I had differing opinions on the matter. Which is fine, but worth mentioning none the less
nothing to add more whatsoever ...
all of us here, ( or most of us ) have made in the past wrong choises due to misleading / confusing opinions and i do believe most of us have been carried away sometime along our way at this hobby/passion. i do believe though your re a basshead man,(and that's what i personally learned about my self during time here, after having spent tones of cash purchasing numerous monitors..... :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:) being a basshead is such an exciting way to listen to music though.............:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Oct 7, 2023 at 3:16 AM Post #11,286 of 15,225
Fan 2 and Serial are better in that regard as they are cheaper and, to me, really nail what they are doing
you couldn't have describe better this universal truth which adresses to everyone here and in simple words is : everyone here listens quite different things using the same set of monitors...........
I......for example always found the Serials too dark/obscure for my personal taste lacking of air/space in the midrange ...(.i mean the amount of air i am used to enjoy in most monitors BUT this kind of tuning increases significantly the depth of the scene resulting in an immersive atmospheric listening ,thus the SERIAL is an atmospheric beast in a way few monitors i have listened to are ) that personal/subjective conclusion does not make the Serial a bad iem at all................. it simply means that this set is not my everyday monitor ...........this and nothing more.....
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Oct 7, 2023 at 6:06 AM Post #11,287 of 15,225
I can only add to your impressions, that I am a fan of the Penon sound, and yet I have fallen in love with the DTE900 since I had it. Maybe the Volt has more organic vocals, the Impact is something more elegant and clean. But Sound Rhyme has nailed it with the DTE900: musical, fun and versatile without losing detail or leaving the mids far behind.
The DTE500 sounds fun and balanced at the same time. A good option since it's roughly as expensive as the 10th.
Oct 7, 2023 at 11:43 AM Post #11,290 of 15,225
As far as this one goes man I think it's totally normal for anyone who feels enthusiastic about a new monitor to speak up more frequently than any other....
I mean it's just the way things go... It usually happens this way around at this and any other hobby.....
Everyone gets to attend here to express his/hers own thoughts as well... Everything is totally acceptable and subjective as well.....
And just for the record EST50s is (beyond any doubt) a basshead's dream, while the 10th isn't supposed to be basshead's cup of tea.........

Don't get me wrong, it absolutely makes sense that the vocal majority will be the ones who love the set the most. I really wanted to love it. Everything was lined up for a perfect alley-oop for my preferences and yet it seemed to fumble the ball for me.

This will again be entirely subjective, but I had heard from a lot of folks before I ordered mine that the 10th were supposed to be the bee's knees in the bass department. Obviously it turned out I had differing opinions on the matter. Which is fine, but worth mentioning none the less
Bass in in the experience. I am being an echo. But, find what is best for you works. Bass itself is so diverse from subs to wobbles to the Lately Bass classic bass patch to a Minimoog bass patch to Jaco to Family Man Barrett..
you couldn't have describe better this universal truth which adresses to everyone here and in simple words is : everyone here listens quite different things using the same set of monitors...........
I......for example always found the Serials too dark/obscure for my personal taste lacking of air/space in the midrange ...(.i mean the amount of air i am used to enjoy in most monitors BUT this kind of tuning increases significantly the depth of the scene resulting in an immersive atmospheric listening ,thus the SERIAL is an atmospheric beast in a way few monitors i have listened to are ) that personal/subjective conclusion does not make the Serial a bad iem at all................. it simply means that this set is not my everyday monitor ...........this and nothing more.....
I find the Serial to be a wonderful IEM but was a bit soft on transients. The Sands' cable changed that in a positive way for me.

I mainly rotate the stock SeeAudio Bravery (Female vocals-soooooooo good!, singer-songwriter, classical, ambient), the Serial with the Sand's cable (male vocals, classical, EDM), and the Kato with a balanced Hakugei Vocal cable and ePro Horns (Jrock, classic rock, woodwinds). I pull out other IEMs for the "heck of it" from time-to-time.

I cannot see one IEM doing all genres to my taste, as my tastes can greatly vary from day-to-day. I take a more modular approach to address my ever-changing moods. I am also a tuning>>>>>>>>>>>details-type listener. So, take that into account.

Oct 7, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #11,291 of 15,225
Ultimately while it comes down to preferences, I do think the neutral sound (anything close to "reference") is just boring and stale. Music is meant to be enjoyed after all. If you enjoy it you will enjoy it. I would even argue the neutral sounding IEMs are just the worst due to being "safe" and "reserved". There are too many of these around to make a special exception to keep similar sounding sets. The cheaper models are now so competitive that it makes no sense to go deeper too.
Oct 8, 2023 at 3:54 PM Post #11,293 of 15,225
Is Serial a basshead iem? How it is compared to Fan2?
I'd say it's bassy, not basshead. Penon Turbo is nearer to bass head. Serial is bassy neutral/bassy dark. It's definitely opposite of Fan 2 though. Fan 2 is more neutral
Oct 8, 2023 at 4:05 PM Post #11,294 of 15,225
Is Serial a basshead iem? How it is compared to Fan2?
I don't think it's a basshead iem, though a basshead can certainly appreciate it as I do. I would say it's much more about the mids and overall timbre and coherence. Those drivers work in perfect harmony to create a very easy listening experience that is very sonically captivating.

Fan 2 is a completely different thing, though it's star is also the mids IMHO. Fan2 tickles my treble bone a lot more than Serial, but I prefer Serial in general.
Oct 8, 2023 at 4:42 PM Post #11,295 of 15,225
I'd say it's bassy, not basshead. Penon Turbo is nearer to bass head. Serial is bassy neutral/bassy dark. It's definitely opposite of Fan 2 though. Fan 2 is more neutral
Penon Turbo definitely are basshead IEMs, even with the bass boost switch not being activated. This being said from someone being a true basshead and owning many bassy sets 🔊🔊🪩
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