The Official Echobox Explorer Thread
Jul 31, 2015 at 10:48 AM Post #631 of 2,481

Hmm... That's going to be polarising - looks like it's trying way too hard - disparate styling ideas all trying to say 'I am a high quality product'. The wood doesn't add anything - except to highlight how awkward the screen looks set into it (especially the smaller one) - black leather was better at helping it integrate & maintained the 'hip-flask idea. That huge full-length logo is really crude too. 
When will marketing teams outside of A***e realise that sometimes less really is more?
All that said, it's still one of the things I'm especially interested to see (& hopefully hear) 'in the flesh' at CANJAM UK.
Jul 31, 2015 at 1:00 PM Post #633 of 2,481
Hmm... That's going to be polarising - looks like it's trying way too hard - disparate styling ideas all trying to say 'I am a high quality product'. The wood doesn't add anything - except to highlight how awkward the screen looks set into it (especially the smaller one) - black leather was better at helping it integrate & maintained the 'hip-flask idea. That huge full-length logo is really crude too. 
When will marketing teams outside of A***e realise that sometimes less really is more?
All that said, it's still one of the things I'm especially interested to see (& hopefully hear) 'in the flesh' at CANJAM UK.

Well, if you want to talk shop...
Apple does their design the way they do because they are catering to a specific market that is absolutely enormous. Their minimalist design allows them to appeal to a broader range of people, while still allowing room to make their product look hip and chique. It's the "popular" look.
But not everyone was a popular kid in high school :p
All metaphors aside, the real audio enthusiast market is a lot more specific than Apple's target customer, which is basically 1 in 4 people in the world.
Echobox doesn't care about selling to 1 in 4 people, because we know we can't. I mean don't get me wrong, if I thought I could sell as many Explorers as Apple has sold iPhones, I'd probably take a few more of their styling cues. And I recognize that we will lose a sale here and there because of the design. But we know our market :) and if you look through the responses, most people in this thread are pretty stoked about the wood and overall design. It probably looks like it's "trying too hard" to you because it's just not your taste, and that's fine! To me, products that look like that hyper-minimalist Apple style are the ones that look like they're trying too hard - to me it reeks of the kind of pretension that has rich snobs matching their silk undies with monogrammed pocket squares 
 But to each their own!
Obviously I'd love it if you bought an Explorer anyways
 and I will tell you we're working on a more minimalist, albeit still unqiue, alternative design, but really, the Explorer is a player that's designed for a more specific type of person than an iPhone - people who want a distinctive high end device that very clearly doesn't skimp on materials or build quality, while still delivering the performance that an audiophile using $200-$1000 headphones or earphones can hear when they compare it to a smartphone or iPod. We don't want to just make another slab or metal box - that's what everyone else is doing, with some minor variations at the very top-end. We think that audiophilia is a unique hobby, and that the devices should be just as unique as the hobby itself - I mean *** look at the HD800! It looks like it sat on an alien's lab desk until some dude who got abducted for an anal probing swiped it while the aliens were out to lunch :p And we all know that not everyone would wear a pair of Mad Dogs or EL8s out in public, but those of us who do wear them proudly!
Point is, we're not Apple, and we're not trying to be, either. The Explorer isn't about looking super cool or impressing your friends or making your desk into a physical representation of how much you have your **** together. It's about being a damn good player at an affordable price that is interesting, the kind of thing that you would see someone with out on the street and, if you're that curious type of person, ask them what the hell it is, get curious, wind up trying some headphones that ACTUALLY sound good, and maybe six months later wind up on Head-Fi looking for a used pair of HD650s or a UERM for reshell in the classifieds.
Because that's our real mission - we want to bring hifi to people who have never heard of it, or can't afford the super shiny Apple-ready gear that looks like it came out the ass end of a perfection-calculating robot. And not just the people who want to fit in and be "cool" by having something others don't, but the people who have their own sense of style, who recognize something cool and unique when they see it. Personally, I feel like the Explorer is the kind of gadget people will keep for years and years, and show off to their kids some day when all portable tech is integrated into a holograph-projecting contact lens that is controlled by brain impulses communicated through a neural implant, and say, "Man, look at this...we used to have these cool gadgets with interesting designs - now it's all in your head!"
Jul 31, 2015 at 1:09 PM Post #634 of 2,481
Oh and as for the leather, idk if you missed my earlier post explaining the switch, but we nixed it because it was stretching on our demo units that were used daily. We could have gone with the faux-leather stuff, but we didn't want to cheap out, and as a new company we don't yet have the resources to do it the way the Moto X and G4 do their leather backings, not to mention that ours is the whole device and not just the back. It's not easy!!
Maybe next year; who knows :p Depends on how well we do with this one! I want to make the cool stuff people want, and if we do well with the first gen Explorer and Finder, I will deliver!
Jul 31, 2015 at 1:45 PM Post #636 of 2,481
Oh and as for the leather, idk if you missed my earlier post explaining the switch, but we nixed it because it was stretching on our demo units that were used daily. We could have gone with the faux-leather stuff, but we didn't want to cheap out, and as a new company we don't yet have the resources to do it the way the Moto X and G4 do their leather backings, not to mention that ours is the whole device and not just the back. It's not easy!!

Maybe next year; who knows :p Depends on how well we do with this one! I want to make the cool stuff people want, and if we do well with the first gen Explorer and Finder, I will deliver!

That's too bad, but understandable, the G4 leather back can feel cheap when you have it off the phone though

We just got the new motoG demos in. If I was a fan boy of the rubber back on the 2nd Gen, the 3rd Gen is great, the texturing is wonderful. If you were still thinking rubber, that's a nice way to go :wink:
Jul 31, 2015 at 4:32 PM Post #638 of 2,481
That's too bad, but understandable, the G4 leather back can feel cheap when you have it off the phone though

We just got the new motoG demos in. If I was a fan boy of the rubber back on the 2nd Gen, the 3rd Gen is great, the texturing is wonderful. If you were still thinking rubber, that's a nice way to go

I've always thought about doing rubber coating or offering some kind of case for the metal caps, just to improve durability, but I really like how the aluminum looks with wood...rubber on the body wouldn't be hard to do. I feel like it might be a bit boring though...
And yeah, re: the G4, we don't want to do anything that feels cheap, in any way.
Jul 31, 2015 at 4:36 PM Post #639 of 2,481

If it was my call alone, I'd at least do a variant with full-sized SD. Unfortunately I'm not an engineer, so it's hard to make my case without proof that it's really in demand.
Out of curiosity, why didn't you try the poll? I still have time to make the case for full-sized on the next iteration, which might take a while, but it's still a very real possibility.
Jul 31, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #640 of 2,481
I've always thought about doing rubber coating or offering some kind of case for the metal caps, just to improve durability, but I really like how the aluminum looks with wood...rubber on the body wouldn't be hard to do. I feel like it might be a bit boring though...

And yeah, re: the G4, we don't want to do anything that feels cheap, in any way.


Don't know how well it will show up with compression of the image, but that's the back of the MotoG I got into my store today. Looks interesting, better then just plain.

What would really be cool would be unique designs embossed on the coating. Something like those diagnal lines, but maybe hexagons or circles or something. Maybe a weave type look.

On that note, carbon fiber or Kevlar, none gloss finish? I know we talked about it before, I just ordered a new wallet with unglossed carbon fiber fabric, just reminded me about it
Jul 31, 2015 at 6:13 PM Post #641 of 2,481

Don't know how well it will show up with compression of the image, but that's the back of the MotoG I got into my store today. Looks interesting, better then just plain.

What would really be cool would be unique designs embossed on the coating. Something like those diagnal lines, but maybe hexagons or circles or something. Maybe a weave type look.

On that note, carbon fiber or Kevlar, none gloss finish? I know we talked about it before, I just ordered a new wallet with unglossed carbon fiber fabric, just reminded me about it

Carbon fiber might be a bit much now, but...oooo...Kevlar...I can see there being a real place for that. Thanks for the tip!!
Jul 31, 2015 at 6:28 PM Post #642 of 2,481
Carbon fiber might be a bit much now, but...oooo...Kevlar...I can see there being a real place for that. Thanks for the tip!!

Of course :)

I think Kevlar would look cooler anyways (the same weave, just with colour), and I think it performs better in direct wear, and unfinished applications.... I think? All I know is its great for shoelaces, bullet proof vests, and water skirts for white water kayaks xD
Jul 31, 2015 at 7:11 PM Post #643 of 2,481
Of course

I think Kevlar would look cooler anyways (the same weave, just with colour), and I think it performs better in direct wear, and unfinished applications.... I think? All I know is its great for shoelaces, bullet proof vests, and water skirts for white water kayaks xD

Yeah, and it helps with impact resistance too, which is huge for mobile devices, and wont stretch nearly as much as leather. Very cool idea.
Aug 19, 2015 at 1:39 AM Post #644 of 2,481
It's confirmed - the mass production version of the Explorer with 3.5" screen will support a single microSD card.
We'll also be giving away some free samples, and selling discounted units exclusively to Head-Fi of the 64GB 2.7" model that was initially planned, for those who want an even more absurdly budget-friendly option ^_^
Aug 19, 2015 at 1:45 AM Post #645 of 2,481
It's confirmed - the mass production version of the Explorer with 3.5" screen will support a single microSD card.

We'll also be giving away some free samples, and selling discounted units exclusively to Head-Fi of the 64GB 2.7" model that was initially planned, for those who want an even more absurdly budget-friendly option ^_^
You should hand over one of them free samples for me to review/ compare against the ZTE Axon phone :grinning:

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