Fidelity King replied to the thread iFi Audio asks... What was your first piece of iFi Gear?.Sure looks like something from 2015 😆
Fidelity King reacted to betula's post in the thread iFi Audio asks... What was your first piece of iFi Gear? with Like.I think, my first iFi gear was a Micro iCan in 2015. If I remember well, it replaced a first gen Schiit Vali on my little desktop...
Fidelity King replied to the thread iFi Audio Asks... What (Product) Should We Make Next?.An affordable electrostatic amplifier. It's about time estats became more attainable for the masses.
Fidelity King reacted to VandyMan's post in the thread Save the date: a Sennheiser CES debut with Like.> and we have a few technology-leaning announcements Want: Baby HE1 Expect: noise canceling improvements and maybe something in spatial...
Fidelity King reacted to tvrboy's post in the thread Save the date: a Sennheiser CES debut with Like.Wish: HE-60 successor with optional DSP for EQ, ear shape modeling, and head tracking, as well as Stax standard plug Reality...
Fidelity King replied to the thread DC, VA, MD Areas Head-Fi Up Coming Meet At Burke Centre Library On 2/17/2024.I'll bring my Drop 789, Schiit Audio Modius, Audio Technica R70x, Audio Technica MSR7B, Sennheiser 58X, Fostex dac amp, and iFi go blue...
Fidelity King reacted to VanHai's post in the thread DC, VA, MD Areas Head-Fi Up Coming Meet At Burke Centre Library On 2/17/2024 with Like.Location: Burke Centre Library 5935 Freds Oak Rd Burke, VA 22015 Time: 1:00PM- 600PM I have reserved a big room at Burke Centre Library...
Fidelity King posted a comment on classifieds listing Audio Technica MSR7b.No trades sorrry
Fidelity King replied to the thread CanJam SoCal 2022 Impressions Thread (September 17-18, 2022).What are the headphones in the first two pictures? The ones with dark-red wood cups.
Fidelity King replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.Do you ever plan on publishing a review on the Bottlehead Estat amp?