[The Not So] Upcoming Sennheiser Stat & Amp
Aug 14, 2012 at 1:40 PM Post #61 of 200
OK point taken, I won't mention anything about my source ever again.

I don't mean to be harsh or come off as a jerk, but I know for a fact that the K-01 discussion is starting to irk quite a number of people I talk to from this site.  It's not that people are jealous about not having the K-01, but certain people who talk about the K-01 need to continually impress how expensive it is, as though there's a definite correlation between cost and quality.  The way the conversation is done becomes very off-topic and irritating.
It's like going to a sports car forum and seeing people talk about the GT2 like it's the be-all end-all, but only because of how expensive it is.  The source is a very important part of a stat chain given how revealing stats are, but the K-01 discussion is done in a way that's off-putting and non value-add for a lot of people.
Aug 14, 2012 at 1:45 PM Post #62 of 200
David, I am glad you got the K-01 too, but there is much more in it than its looks... With all due respect, your comments would only reinforce the digital source skeptics. :) 
Aug 14, 2012 at 1:55 PM Post #63 of 200
I think the 950 are basically the best headphones ever made, Magick Man (who has far more expensive wares) often amends that to "best under $1000" - FWIW. I haven't tried orthos (I'm turned off by the weight and other (perhaps irrational) concerns), but consider that the HE-6 loose are something like double to triple their street price (and double to triple their weight! :p). Regarding "engaging signature for your average listener" - to quote Madeline - poo poo.

I think they're the best under $1200, until they come up against the HE-6. Then you have amping issues, and either you pay $2000+ for a specialized headamp or use a full speaker amp. To me, the HE-6s, when properly driven, are quite close to the SR-009s, only more edgy and aggressive. Imagine if the STAX woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a hangover. That's why they're my goto cans for hard rock and metal. :D

Right now I think people are just excited that Sennheiser is throwing their hat back into the stat arena. All this speculation is healthy, because quite frankly, all publicity is good publicity at this point.
Aug 14, 2012 at 3:08 PM Post #64 of 200
I don't mean to be harsh or come off as a jerk, but I know for a fact that the K-01 discussion is starting to irk quite a number of people I talk to from this site.  It's not that people are jealous about not having the K-01, but certain people who talk about the K-01 need to continually impress how expensive it is, as though there's a definite correlation between cost and quality.  The way the conversation is done becomes very off-topic and irritating.
It's like going to a sports car forum and seeing people talk about the GT2 like it's the be-all end-all, but only because of how expensive it is.  The source is a very important part of a stat chain given how revealing stats are, but the K-01 discussion is done in a way that's off-putting and non value-add for a lot of people.

While I have the source I have plus the rest of my equipment, I'm now 51 with not a lot in the bank and a mortgage until I'm 75 if I get that far. I don't have a car or any other luxuries, other than my TV. Regarding the expense of my source, I may have mentioned it a couple of times but that's all. Rather than buy something that's cheaper knowing I could buy it straight away, I'd sooner save my money and get what I wanted even knowing it would take many years like my source did.  When I first placed an order for the BHSE I had to cancel it knowing I wouldn't be able to make the remaining payments, but once my finances were sorted out I ordered the BHSE as soon as l could. Head-fi is obviously mainly about headphones and headphone amps so like I say from now on that's what my posts will be about. I will keep mentioning though about the HE90 being the best looking headphone I've ever seen because IMO it is and I would never buy an expensive headphone unless I though it looked amazing. I'll say again that an headphone costing $4000, $5000, $6000  even more MUST have three things, SQ + looks + Build Quality.
Aug 14, 2012 at 3:31 PM Post #65 of 200
How many are going to pay probably $6000 - $7000 for an ugly looking headphone.

All my headphones are ugly, so I guess I would (wallet permitting of course)
About members of Sennheiser not looking on Head-fi. Head-fi is one of, if not the top forum about headphones and if I owned an headphone company, Head-fi would be the first place I'd be looking.
Reminds me of Tyll's comment from a deleted thread:
"Claims like these, and the train wreck of speculation and confirmation bias that accompany them, lead well established companies like Sennheiser to conclude that the hobbyists are nucking futs, and not worth listening to."
I'll say again that an headphone costing $4000, $5000, $6000 even more MUST have three things, SQ + looks + Build Quality.
or viral marketing :wink_face:
Aug 14, 2012 at 4:28 PM Post #70 of 200
function > form, but if it looks great... bonus points.  Good looks are in the eye of the beholder anyways.  HD800 case in point. I dig them, but there was a huge multi-page thread of folks who thought differently.
Aug 14, 2012 at 5:25 PM Post #71 of 200
Checking my profile you can see the answer is no. How many cost that much? One? I like your new avatar pic.

None apart from the HE90, but the asking price when one comes available is a lot more then $6000. I'm also guessing the new Senn stat headphone could be if they build it using only Real Leather + Exotic Wood + Metal. Thanks about liking my new avatar. As you probably know it's a photo I took of my BHSE. I was in two minds to show a photo of my x-girlfiend or the BHSE, as can be seen the BHSE won.
Aug 14, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #72 of 200
I'm expecting SR-009 pricing, or close to it. I don't see much point in releasing a 'stat at the HD800 price level, after all, they already have the HD800 and probably won't want to undercut it.

I'm expecting it to look like the HD800 or HD700. And frankly, I couldn't give a rat's arse as to how it looks, as long as it sounds the part.

Sound-wise, I have conflicting expectations. There is a possibility that they voiced the HD800 and HD700 like they did in order to fake electrostatic resolution, in which case with a real electrostat they may very well be content to make it as flat as possible. Having seen what they can do in terms of eliminating resonances from a dynamic driver, if they do this they'll probably have something seriously stunning on their hands. Then there's the possibility that they'll want to stick to the new house sound, whatever it is ("Zomg moar brite!!! Moar detailzZ! It's what the market wants!") and we'll be left bemoaning how there's now yet another shiny new headphone that isn't better than the O2 Mk1.

Not making it compatible with Stax amps is a mistake I fully expect them to make. Again.

Regardless - as long as the price is not truly insane - color me interested. Positively trembling and giddy with anticipation. Or is that just lack of sleep...
Aug 14, 2012 at 8:12 PM Post #73 of 200
I'm kind of surprised at people taking it for granted that Senn's new stat will be in 009's price-range. I certainly hope not, otherwise alongside with a similarly priced amp it might be a 10k$ proposition. For me that would be an either-or scenario for my entire stax setup.
Aug 14, 2012 at 8:16 PM Post #74 of 200
Having seen what they can do in terms of eliminating resonances from a dynamic driver, if they do this they'll probably have something seriously stunning on their hands.

An estat driver without resonances is a fallacy, you can keep dreaming on this one :). The first resonance in a stax driver membrane is below 100Hz. There are thousands of modes in the thin membrane over the audio range. Yet, it does not cause serious problems because the modes are 1) well damped by the thin stator/membrane gap / small perforations and additional covers 2) inefficient radiators for the most part (apart from ring modes), 2) driven uniformly over the whole surface.

Now, in regards to the damping materials, pads, enclosure resonances, yes I imagine that Senn could leverage their experience.
Aug 15, 2012 at 2:51 AM Post #75 of 200
I'm kind of surprised at people taking it for granted that Senn's new stat will be in 009's price-range. I certainly hope not, otherwise alongside with a similarly priced amp it might be a 10k$ proposition. For me that would be an either-or scenario for my entire stax setup.

It's not like people will buy it if it's in that price range. Most here will be blowing smoke up your ass., Less than 3k or die. That's not much to ask for.
(As the speculation shall commence) Done with this ridiculous thread.  

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