The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Jan 10, 2016 at 6:03 AM Post #21,662 of 29,032
I have compared the Sennheiser SE and balanced cables with my HD800s via the Taurus mk2  headamp. I prefer the sound with the balanced cable. It just gives more of the same insight, clarity and sound stage that the SE cables with no downside. 

Thanks for your observation. Did you mean HD800 or really the new HD800 S? (Some clever naming would have been helpful from Sennheiser's part)

Somebody else who can attest to this or has a different opinion / experience with Cardas vs stock?
Jan 10, 2016 at 6:26 AM Post #21,664 of 29,032
Are you comparing with a Sennheiser balanced cable? If comparing with the stock single ended cable, the differences could well be the amp (more power on tap, balanced drive, other output impedance hence damping factor?,...)

For some weeks now, I'm trying to figure out if I need to go balanced, or copper cable, or maybe both? (Have an Auralic Taurus mk2). Your findings above don't isolate which change amounts to the heard differences in sound.

Could somebody chime in who can compare balanced Sennheiser cable to balanced Cardas, or single ended Sennheiser to balanced Sennheiser / single ended Cardas to balanced Cardas? Your input would be much appreciated!

Nope not comparing, I dont have the stock cable to compare with. But my local headphone shop made me an offer I can t refuse, as they did not have the stock cable- lets says they gave me a very similar price to the stock cable , so I took it pretty much without a comparison of the balance stock and the clear lite cardas balance. Im just saying compared with my single ended stock cable the improvements I personally feel it makes :) 
Jan 10, 2016 at 1:02 PM Post #21,665 of 29,032
@icecreamfreak : wow another HE60/HD800 mate
.  Those headphones are really interesting to compare, aren't they ?  Two different version of "reference sound" from Sennheiser from two different eras.  they're both close and really different.  
Jan 10, 2016 at 6:06 PM Post #21,666 of 29,032
  @icecreamfreak : wow another HE60/HD800 mate
.  Those headphones are really interesting to compare, aren't they ?  Two different version of "reference sound" from Sennheiser from two different eras.  they're both close and really different.

Yeah they are interesting, though generally speaking I feel the HD800 is better for classical - my opinion is its more dry sounding less coloured and seems more detailed than the HE60- maybe even faster sounding, and seems to have less bass impact than the HE60. Strange that a electrostatic seems to have more bass impact than the HD800- of course there are bassy amps that can compensate on bass amount.
But then again, correct me if Im wrong, but the HE60 seems more 'versatile' to play other genres of music (ie.pop). What you think ?
On a side note, my HE60/HEV70 is weird, when I first switch it on there is a channel imbalance but it catches up after about 1/2 hour to become balance channels again, do you have this problem as well ? Its weird, wonder if anything is wrong with it.....
Jan 11, 2016 at 3:46 AM Post #21,667 of 29,032
  I just upgraded my HD800 headphone cable to a cardas clear lite xlr 2m cable, adds presence and more distinct bass to the lower frequencies in my opinion, using it with the HDVD800 amp and lavry engineering DA10 DAC  - Fully balance set up. Great for good classical recordings, but picks ups faults in recordings very distinctly. Ironically I use my baby orpheus for other genres of music ie pop which I listen to much less. 

Amazing setup for your HD800!
Jan 11, 2016 at 4:03 AM Post #21,668 of 29,032
Are you comparing with a Sennheiser balanced cable? If comparing with the stock single ended cable, the differences could well be the amp (more power on tap, balanced drive, other output impedance hence damping factor?,...)

For some weeks now, I'm trying to figure out if I need to go balanced, or copper cable, or maybe both? (Have an Auralic Taurus mk2). Your findings above don't isolate which change amounts to the heard differences in sound.

Could somebody chime in who can compare balanced Sennheiser cable to balanced Cardas, or single ended Sennheiser to balanced Sennheiser / single ended Cardas to balanced Cardas? Your input would be much appreciated!
I have both cables,balance and single ended.The cardas clear cable brings your hd800 to life.The downside it's not cheap and sometimes the cable can be a bit messy,but it's not a big problem.
Jan 11, 2016 at 5:37 AM Post #21,669 of 29,032
  Yeah they are interesting, though generally speaking I feel the HD800 is better for classical - my opinion is its more dry sounding less coloured and seems more detailed than the HE60- maybe even faster sounding, and seems to have less bass impact than the HE60. Strange that a electrostatic seems to have more bass impact than the HD800- of course there are bassy amps that can compensate on bass amount.
But then again, correct me if Im wrong, but the HE60 seems more 'versatile' to play other genres of music (ie.pop). What you think ?
On a side note, my HE60/HEV70 is weird, when I first switch it on there is a channel imbalance but it catches up after about 1/2 hour to become balance channels again, do you have this problem as well ? Its weird, wonder if anything is wrong with it.....

I don''t agree about all :wink: . IMO HD800 and HD800S bass hits harder with more impact and precision and it Mids is where the HE60 shines at its best . those mids are wonderful with a close to perfect balance with euphonie and accuracy . i wonder how the HE90 could beat that.  Treble on both HE60 and HD800 is prone to sibilances so it's quite unforgiving for bad recordings IMO.  HD800S is significantly less sibilant than both. Both soundstage are amazing. HD800/S is more impressive with that ****** cinemascope presentation we all know where the HE60 offers a kind of "uber HD600" soundstage. Presentation is as coherent as HD6X0 but much more airier.
I use my he60 from a Stax SRM-T1 with an adapter. 
Jan 11, 2016 at 7:28 AM Post #21,670 of 29,032
I don''t agree about all :wink: . IMO HD800 and HD800S bass hits harder with more impact and precision and it Mids is where the HE60 shines at its best . those mids are wonderful with a close to perfect balance with euphonie and accuracy . i wonder how the HE90 could beat that.  Treble on both HE60 and HD800 is prone to sibilances so it's quite unforgiving for bad recordings IMO.  HD800S is significantly less sibilant than both. Both soundstage are amazing. HD800/S is more impressive with that ****** cinemascope presentation we all know where the HE60 offers a kind of "uber HD600" soundstage. Presentation is as coherent as HD6X0 but much more airier.
I use my he60 from a Stax SRM-T1 with an adapter. 

Perhaps its the he60/hev70 set up , I have not heard anything else with the HE60 so my impressions are based on this set up alone. Yes I agree the HE60/HEV70   are wonderful mids and yes overall defintely more musical than the HD800 setupI have, but I feel its more coloured than the HD800 set up I have  which is dryer  but very detailed  mids/highs  . Yes I agree the HD800 setup I have the  bass has more precision, in fact i would probably say the same for highs and mids as well  , but I wont say harder on my set up at least. Mmm yes HD800 sibilance defintely unforgiving, I dont get much sibilances on the HE60 and I feel its more forgiving than my HD800 set up. I did take the time to ensure the HD800 set up was as flat freuqency response as far as  my ears can tell, and that meant rejecting a cards clear xlr to xlr cable for a much cheaper cable just to ensure the sound didnt get too strong bass, so again it could be my HD800 set up. 
Overall I would say HD800 setup is less musical  than the HE60/HEV70, but sometimes being dryer makes for better realism, add the realism uncoloured dryness with that cinemascope presentation which you mention which I agree totally with , and for serious classical music and opera  , you really think you are in a concert hall/ opera house - I like that but Im not sure if its everyones taste though. Just like in a real concert hall /opera housse, you get people dozing off from he music being too boring for them !
ie. my housemate plays the violin, so Im bombarded daily by doses of high pitch sounds, when I hear a good recording violin sonata on a hd600(on the same setup as my HD800)  or he60/hev70, the high pitch are not so piercing and hence more pleasant and musical for some , but on the HD800 it is as piercing as my housemate playing , so the HD800 may just be dry and being realistic sounding even if it hurts !!! They sometimes say the truth hurts haha!!!
I have heard the HE90 with the accompanying sennheiser tube amp,its been 8 years , so my impressions are rough at best , its in my opinion also coloured but very organic (flowing) and musical and forgiving, but defintely less bass impact than the HE60/HEV70  , always made me think of honey glazed ham compared to normal ham for some reason, whereby the orpheus is the honey glaze on the normal ham. thats all I can remember of it. 
Ofcourse ymmv .
 I cant comment at all about the HD800s as I have never heard it  before, aint available in australia yet. Worth an upgrade from the HD800 ? Any other sonic differneces you feel between HD800 and HD800s ?
Jan 11, 2016 at 9:43 AM Post #21,671 of 29,032
Consider the 800S as a less sibilant and more neutral HD800. Articulation between mids ( more) and treble ('less) is much smoother . Mids and treble are better integrated. HD800S offer maybe a a better subjective feel of fast transient and attack/bite . More presence for voices as well . I'm still evaluation if is there any point where the 800 could outperform its young sibling . I feel the HD800 is somewhat more fun with more excitement due to the oversharpening effect of the 6khz peak. I find that's particularly enjoyable with classical .  I could see myself see the HD800S as a more "normal" headphone if  that makes sense.
HD800S is not a revolution but a welcome small but significant improvement. Will it be more pleasurable for all ? I can't tell. As usual , only personal experience matters.
Take those impressions with the usual grain of salt though.  
Considering you have the HE60 and the HD800, I can say that to my ears , the HD800S mids are closer to the HE60's ones but not as good and since I received the HD800S, I hear more HE60's tendancy to sibilance.  those comparisons should illustrate above impressions :wink: 
I'll probably keep the 800S and let go the 800. 
Jan 11, 2016 at 12:28 PM Post #21,672 of 29,032
The HD800 S has more sub bass and the treble is smoother. That's the only difference I hear with my ears.

I suppose you can achieve a similar result with an amplifier that colours the HD800.
Jan 11, 2016 at 2:13 PM Post #21,673 of 29,032
  Consider the 800S as a less sibilant and more neutral HD800. 

Hi, interesting you find your HD800 sibilant. Apologies as I have not followed the full conversation - what music do you listen to? Could it be that the sibilance is in the recordings rather than the music, and the HD800 is merely offering a faithful representation? Else  could  it be an issue with sample differences or maybe slight differences between old and new HD800 production units?
I ask this because my HD800 (a late 41K SN unit) shows no sibilance whatsoever, using a Violectric V200, a pair of 30 years old ears with no known frequency issues and mostly ECM (European Jazz) and chamber/symphonic music FLACs. As a rough comparison the treble on my HD800 is much smoother than on my Beyerdynamic DT990 600ohm and my Grado SR325is.
In passing I will add that I absolutely *love* the detail the HD800 extracts from acoustic recordings. It is addictive :) YMMV.
Jan 11, 2016 at 2:24 PM Post #21,674 of 29,032
I just ordered the Mjolnir 2 and am debating between the stock Sennheiser balanced cable and the cheaper ZY and HGC cables. I don't have the budget or appetite for super high end cables, and am interested more in durability than perceived sonic differences.
Jan 11, 2016 at 2:29 PM Post #21,675 of 29,032
  I just ordered the Mjolnir 2 and am debating between the stock Sennheiser balanced cable and the cheaper ZY and HGC cables. I don't have the budget or appetite for super high end cables, and am interested more in durability than perceived sonic differences.

I'm very satisfied with the YZs. I use them with the HD800 and HD650.

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