The Most Annoying and Difficult game you've played.
Sep 8, 2010 at 1:46 PM Post #17 of 36
Touhou, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night (Lunatic and Extra difficulty) and of course Ninja Gaiden.
Sep 8, 2010 at 2:08 PM Post #18 of 36
Lost planet. Couldn't get past first level... was like "forget this" an went back to Forza 3 :)

Mine would be Lost Planet 2!  It was fun at first (probably because the first couple of levels were easy to teach the player the controls and mechanics of the game) and then it became annoying...and when my sis and I started swearing at each other for dying, we decided to stop playing and sell the game.
Sep 8, 2010 at 2:27 PM Post #19 of 36
I think this link/quote is appropriate:
Demon’s Souls is a game that will make you into a man. A scrawny fourteen-year-old, after two hours with this game, will be grooming his muttonchops and ready to ship off on the next boat to fight the Kaiser. If you are already a man, it will make you into some sort of bizarre double-man. What’s that you say? You’re a woman? You don’t want to be a man? Too bad. Too bad. That’s the Demon’s Souls way.

You’ve probably heard that Demon’s Souls is hard. Pshh. Lots of games are hard. Some are even harder than this one. The difficulty is not the point. What sets Demon's Souls apart is the way that it doesn't just kill you, but also stomps on your genitals when you’re down. And it will make you realize that that’s what you needed all along.

It’s a lot like life. Sometimes in life you win, and sometimes the giant armored skeleton stabs your face off because the flying mantis monster you didn’t even see shot you in the back with a spike at just the wrong time. And when that happens in life, do you respawn at the same spot and carry on like nothing happened? NO, asshole. You go back to the beginning of the level, leaving all your hard-earned souls out there on the pavement, and you fight your way back. And you learn a lesson from the whole thing, because you should have been wearing your Thief’s Ring, now shouldn’t you? That’s life.

The trend in hard games these days is to unlock “Easy” mode for you once you’ve died enough times. Do you think Demon’s Souls does that? Do you think Demon’s Souls is so much as aware of the concept of “Easy” mode? NO IT IS NOT. If Demon’s Souls even knew we were talking about “Easy” mode, it would come over here and kick the crap out of all of us. And we would deserve it.

I’ll tell you what happens in Demon’s Souls when you die. You come back as a ghost with your health capped at half. And when you keep on dying, the alignment of the world turns black and the enemies get harder. That’s right, when you fail in this game, it gets harder. Why? Because **** you is why.

Have I told you about the online elements? At any time when you’re in Body form, another player from anywhere else in the world can invade your game and murder you to regain his own body, or just to keep you on your toes. This happens when you’re in the middle of fighting armies of unthinkable monsters that are probably already three-quarters of the way towards killing you. And no, you cannot opt out of this feature! This is what you signed up for when you agreed to be a man.

When this happened to me -- when a guy strolled into my game like it was Taco Bell and exploded my torso, costing me my body and all my progress in the level -- was I mad? No, because I was too busy being in awe at how ****ing hardcore the experience was.

Now, don’t let this dissuade you. Demon’s Souls is a pitiless master, but let it never be said that it is not fair. The game rewards handsomely those who stand up to it, and the greater the challenge, the greater the glory.

What the hell are you waiting for?

Sep 8, 2010 at 3:41 PM Post #20 of 36

quite crazy just found this one recently check 2:45
Sep 8, 2010 at 4:25 PM Post #22 of 36
The most annoying and difficult game I've played is golf.

The time I've spent looking for balls in the rough, embarrassment in sand traps, seeing a ball go straight for the water, getting a sloppy 50 yards off the tee, and, usually, a measure of humiliation in front of your friends. At least most courses have a bar.
Sep 8, 2010 at 4:34 PM Post #24 of 36

The Wii golf or the Tiger Woods?
The most annoying and difficult game I've played is golf.

The time I've spent looking for balls in the rough, embarrassment in sand traps, seeing a ball go straight for the water, getting a sloppy 50 yards off the tee, and, usually, a measure of humiliation in front of your friends. At least most courses have a bar.

Sep 8, 2010 at 4:36 PM Post #25 of 36
You think that those are hard? Try Subterranean Animism, hailed as the hardest shooter in the series.
Having said that, even Youmu on normal is a bitch, but then when I played PCB I hadn't played a Touhou shooter in months.
Deedit: Oh man, I don't even want to attempt Mushihime-Sama Futari.  The game looks like it was assembled on several shots of LSD,
Crap, I was supposed to be replying to NapalmK.
Also, Kaizo Mario romhacks are always fun to watch.  Especially when some weedy nerd does a Let's Play of one of them.
Sep 8, 2010 at 5:31 PM Post #26 of 36
The first hour of Darksiders was frustrating, although it got definitively easier after the initial learning curve. Otherwise, the hardest game ever would have to be first-person Tetris. I still can't decide whether that game makes me want to throw up from motion sickness or anger.
Sep 8, 2010 at 5:37 PM Post #27 of 36
The most annoying game I ever played was E.T. for the Atari.  The game was impossible to complete.  It just wasn't playable.
Battletoads for the NES/Genesis-Mega Drive was one that always frustrated me a lot as well.  Never beat it -came close once, but only once, and I still don't know how I made it as far as I did. 
Sep 8, 2010 at 5:58 PM Post #28 of 36
I've never really understood all the talk about Demon's Souls being so difficult. I'm on my third playthrough with a level 128 character and never really had much of a problem. Sure you get killed a lot, but when you get killed it's because you made a mistake, so next time you learn from your mistake or you try a new strategy and you continue. Demon's Souls is not some unfair, fiendishly difficult game like everyone makes it out to be.
Sep 8, 2010 at 6:08 PM Post #29 of 36

The most annoying and difficult game I've played is golf.

The time I've spent looking for balls in the rough, embarrassment in sand traps, seeing a ball go straight for the water, getting a sloppy 50 yards off the tee, and, usually, a measure of humiliation in front of your friends. At least most courses have a bar.

Completely agree with this. Mini golf is much more forgiving :)
Sep 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM Post #30 of 36
When I first started to play Demon Souls, I was incredibly frustrated and I thought I was going to sell the game.
But I learned a few tricks that made it incredibly easy.
First thing, before any boss battles, I wait around the area where you can summon other players. I usually summon 2 other players and let them do all the figthing for me.
Second thing, if I die in the game, before the game saves, I quit the game really fast as my player is dying, then when I restart the game. It saved the game a few moments before I died.
Thirdly, when a phantom invades my game, they are usually too powerful and when I am about to die, I disconnect my PS3 from the internet and the other guy who is the phantom freezes and loses connection to my PS3 to kill me. Then I just reconnect my DSL and go along on my marry way.
There is no way I would have played this game without cheating. I feel the same principals apply to life as well.

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