The Leben CS300XS Thread
Jan 1, 2011 at 9:08 AM Post #526 of 2,300

Hi guys. I just finished reading all 35 pages of this thread. This is the first place I have visited that had a relatively large crew of Leben 300 owners. I have had my Leben CS300XS for a couple of years now. I love it. I am currently using the original GE 5751s that it came with along with a set of Gold Lion re-issue EL-84s that I just got a few months ago. The Gold Lions are my favorite so far. The Sovteks were too bright and hard sounding. I tried the Mullard re-issues and they were much better, but maybe a bit lush - or they were getting soft after almost 2 years of use. The Gold Lions bridge the gap and have more presence and authority than the other sets of tubes. I listen mainly thru speakers, but when I want to do some headphone listening, I use my Beyer DT-990 Pros. I like these because they have a nice beefy sound to them. The other headphones I tried all had a kind of airy ethereal sound. The Leben does equally well with speakers and headphones, so I am equally happy listebing to either. Now if it only had a phono stage ...

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your post on the Gold Lions. It's great to know that the Gold Lion re-issue of the EL-84s are your favorite. NOS tubes are getting ridiculously pricey and good re-issues are a welcome alternative to ensure my wallet's survival after last year's (2010) spending frenzy.
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM Post #527 of 2,300
Yeah, if I am going to have a tube amp, then I don't want to have to rely on NOS to get good sound. Luckily, the Gold Lions do it for me. I definitely don't want to pay more for something that will need to replaced every couple of years. And even at $120 for a matched quad, they are still on the pricey side.
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:40 AM Post #528 of 2,300
I ordered Sylvania black plates 6BQ5 and Sylvania grey plates tripo mica 5751 for my CS300X, hopefuly they will sound great.
Jan 1, 2011 at 4:14 PM Post #529 of 2,300
BTW, for those of you who don't like the gold knobs (I didn't), there is a guy on the net (thingamaknob) that makes knobs for stereo equipment. He made a set for my Leben from Macassar Ebony.


Jan 1, 2011 at 4:56 PM Post #530 of 2,300
Wow, those are gorgeous!
Jan 1, 2011 at 5:24 PM Post #531 of 2,300

Wow, those are gorgeous!

They are, but I happen to love the golden knobs.  I love everything about the styling of this unit.
Jan 1, 2011 at 5:30 PM Post #532 of 2,300
I agree - I like the look of the stock unit as well, of course :D
Jan 1, 2011 at 8:09 PM Post #533 of 2,300
The wood knobs compliment the wood sideboards. It's a very nice touch. Well done.

Jan 2, 2011 at 7:29 PM Post #534 of 2,300
Hi all,

I'm collecting my Leben CS-300XS on Wednesday and although I am interested to find out how it sounds out of the box in standard form I want to prepare for an upgrade.
This will be my first table top amp as I have used portables up until now so please forgive my ignorance.
I've seen that Mullard EL-84 's are flavour of the century and I have been hunting these down somewhat unsuccessfully. I realise that I need a quad set and my question is as follows: Do I need to select a quad set of near equal ma for all tubes? Or is it good enough in pairs regardless of each pairs ma?
I ask this as I have found a quad set of Phillips branded Mullard EL-84 Khul Tube Cryo all at 49ma-50ma and also two separate pairs of standard Mullards which -in pairs- are 10ma difference between them - but more expensive as they are actual branded Mullards. Has anyone any thoughts on the Khul Tube Cryo?
Thank you for any feedback. Happy New Year to all.
Jan 2, 2011 at 9:10 PM Post #535 of 2,300
Small differences in the tubes measurements should not matter much if at all.  Tubes do sound quite different in the CS300XS, though.  I just rolled in a quad of Philips Holland EL84's and some Sylvania triple-mica black plate 5751's, and they sound different than what I was using.  So for sure get a nice set of tubes or two.  I can't comment on Kuhl tubes but in general I'm not a big believer of paying a premium for cryogenic treatment which I think it dubious at best.
Jan 5, 2011 at 6:37 PM Post #536 of 2,300
Do you guys use the Bass Boost? The HD800 phones really came alive when I started to use the Bass Boost.
Some CDs sound better with it off, but I can't imagine not using it for some other CDs.
Just wondering if other owners are using it.
Jan 5, 2011 at 6:39 PM Post #537 of 2,300
I personally do not, but I am using the CS300XS with my R10's now, and they do not need it. But I can imagine with the HD800 it could often be a benefit.
Jan 5, 2011 at 9:05 PM Post #538 of 2,300
I'm using it with LCD-2 which already have bass 'fullness', I don't need the Bass Boost.
So Skylab, how's R10 with the Leben?  Since I think R10 is quite sensitive, do you hear hum or buzz with the CS-300XS?
Jan 5, 2011 at 9:18 PM Post #539 of 2,300

I'm using it with LCD-2 which already have bass 'fullness', I don't need the Bass Boost.


So Skylab, how's R10 with the Leben?  Since I think R10 is quite sensitive, do you hear hum or buzz with the CS-300XS?


Not even a trace of hum or buzz. It sounds absolutely heavenly. Best sounding headphone and headphone amp combo I have ever heard, at my home, or anywhere else :D

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