The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016
Jan 28, 2014 at 8:51 AM Post #10,696 of 18,652
If I make one observation - a comment, not a criticism - there is a definite bass boost in there. This becomes obvious amping the signal with the Heaven VI. The bass is gaining up more than normal. I like this. It encourages listening at lower volumes where the extra bass falls into place nicely along the Fletcher-Munson curve producing a great sound.
(As a standalone DAP, the bass also compensates for the amp being a bit on the thin side. I still do not plan to use the DX50 this way.)
Jan 28, 2014 at 8:54 AM Post #10,697 of 18,652
 Just updated and put a wallpaper!
 Thanks for the mirror link Soren!
 Getting a 64Gb Sandisk card scanned and ready to test on a walk!
 15minutes to scan a 64Gb card loaded with a 51Gb mix of FLAC and MP3 files.
 Is that what you guys are getting too?
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:00 AM Post #10,698 of 18,652
  If I make one observation - a comment, not a criticism - there is a definite bass boost in there. This becomes obvious amping the signal with the Heaven VI. The bass is gaining up more than normal. I like this. It encourages listening at lower volumes where the extra bass falls into place nicely along the Fletcher-Munson curve producing a great sound.
(As a standalone DAP, the bass also compensates for the amp being a bit on the thin side. I still do not plan to use the DX50 this way.)

I think the HO has come closer to narrow the gap with LO. But still, using the LO and an amp still gives DX50 a fuller sound and a deeper, tighter bass. On a non-critical listening the HO is more than enough for me.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:09 AM Post #10,699 of 18,652
I think the HO has come closer to narrow the gap with LO. But still, using the LO and an amp still gives DX50 a fuller sound and a deeper, tighter bass. On a non-critical listening the HO is more than enough for me.

That's where I like to differ, the amp unfortunately clips the frequency edges, it might color what's in the middle also but you loose details at the extreme ends because of the high pass filter action that the amp introduces. That's is why I unplugged my amp. What we have gained is the disappearance of this annoying high pitch high frequency section which caused chaos to my SE535 and make me put it back in its box. I haven't used my iems until yesterday after putting 1.2.8 on the player. So to make a story short, the HO is the way to go now and really enjoy the portable as it should truly be, PORTABLE.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:10 AM Post #10,700 of 18,652
  I plugged it into the computer and it was still hanging at the Ibasso screen but the storage mounted and I was able to delete the system folders and it instantly started working again
. Not complaining though

OK, so the same thing happened again. The device was hanging on the Ibasso screen. This time I had to go into recovery and delete data. It seems like my device will not boot properly after going into sleep/auto powering off. This only started happening on 1.2.8. Anyone else having this problem?
EDIT. Ugh, it is hanging on the screen now after powering down and trying to turn it back on. I am going to try reinstalling 1.2.8
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:20 AM Post #10,701 of 18,652
is the headphone out a bit louder on the same 'volume' settings or its just the random songs I had up till now?
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:24 AM Post #10,702 of 18,652
That's where I like to differ, the amp unfortunately clips the frequency edges, it might color what's in the middle also but you loose details at the extreme ends because of the high pass filter action that the amp introduces. That's is why I unplugged my amp. What we have gained is the disappearance of this annoying high pitch high frequency section which caused chaos to my SE535 and make me put it back in its box. I haven't used my iems until yesterday after putting 1.2.8 on the player. So to make a story short, the HO is the way to go now and really enjoy the portable as it should truly be, PORTABLE.

musicheaven, I honestly do not understand what you are saying in this post. What is this "amp" that you refer to that clips the frequency edges? The built in amp? An external amp? If so, which one?
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:27 AM Post #10,703 of 18,652
   Just updated and put a wallpaper!
 Thanks for the mirror link Soren!
 Getting a 64Gb Sandisk card scanned and ready to test on a walk!
 15minutes to scan a 64Gb card loaded with a 51Gb mix of FLAC and MP3 files.
 Is that what you guys are getting too?

Nope, should be much faster, 15 mins is really a bit too long (I get about 3-5 mins)…
It may be that you have some incorrect/useless tags and/or (maybe) too long filenames… You might try to have a look with MP3Tag, navigate to your card, then edit=>select all, then View=>extended tags… you should have title, artist, genre, track and not much else (I think I leave year in too)… for everything else, select each tag, then delete with the big "X" on the right, then save and voilà, enjoy clean tags 
You can also use MP3Tag to shorten filenames based on tags (there is a command to change filename based on tags, and you can also use functions which select only the first 25 chars or so of the title).
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:28 AM Post #10,704 of 18,652
Installed and listened 1.2.8, so far I haven't detect any difference in SQ compared to 1.2.7.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:28 AM Post #10,705 of 18,652
  Any comparisons to Fiio X5 with the 1.2.8?

Eventually. I have been waiting for iBasso to get the codecs right and they did.
This I can easily say: They are both excellent sources but different. They are also both good standalone DAPs but the X5 generates a more authoritative sound (at the expense of burning a lot more power.) Beyond that, the devil is in the details and I have had 1.2.8 for all of two hours. It is too early.
I love the swappable batteries on the DX50. I also think that the interface is really slick at this point.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:28 AM Post #10,706 of 18,652
OK, so the same thing happened again. The device was hanging on the Ibasso screen. This time I had to go into recovery and delete data. It seems like my device will not boot properly after going into sleep/auto powering off. This only started happening on 1.2.8. Anyone else having this problem?
EDIT. Ugh, it is hanging on the screen now after powering down and trying to turn it back on. I am going to try reinstalling 1.2.8

Re-installing is not a bad idea, just make sure you follow the steps exactly as specified in the FAQ thread. Sorry if I sound anal but a misstep and this thing is not forgiving. Try getting another download, maybe the file you downloaded might be corrupted, try a different source (use iBasso if you use Soren). If you get the same results, you might have to downgrade or if you can get it checked by iBasso, that is if you live close by and it's not inexpensive. The last solution is your last resort.
Before you start, keep the internal mem empty and just the downloaded firmware image, do not plug your microSD card while updating just in case.
Then when you are done updating it and factory resetting it, if you can delete those audio and image directories generated by the player do so before you scan you card. Then you know the drill.
Good luck!
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:32 AM Post #10,707 of 18,652
Nope, should be much faster, 15 mins is really a bit too long (I get about 3-5 mins)…

It may be that you have some incorrect/useless tags and/or (maybe) too long filenames… You might try to have a look with MP3Tag, navigate to your card, then edit=>select all, then View=>extended tags… you should have title, artist, genre, track and not much else (I think I leave year in too)… for everything else, select each tag, then delete with the big "X" on the right, then save and voilà, enjoy clean tags :smile: … 

You can also use MP3Tag to shorten filenames based on tags (there is a command to change filename based on tags, and you can also use functions which select only the first 25 chars or so of the title).

I have recently cleaned up the tags, but I'll double check. I don't really leave anything other than artist, composer, album, title and track number.
It might be the long filenames. What do you suggest as maximum length? 25 chars?

Thanks for the ideas!
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:35 AM Post #10,708 of 18,652
Eventually. I have been waiting for iBasso to get the codecs right and they did.
This I can easily say: They are both excellent sources but different. They are also both good standalone DAPs but the X5 generates a more authoritative sound (at the expense of burning a lot more power.) Beyond that, the devil is in the details and I have had 1.2.8 for all of two hours. It is too early.
I love the swappable batteries on the DX50. I also think that the interface is really slick at this point.

I am glad you speak up on the quick compare, I couldn't compare the two because of them being so different implementation wise (DAC, components and all) and UI wise. There are a lot of things I like about a touch display, on the other hand there is a lot of things I like about a nice sounding player. When I plug my headphones on the HO, not my IEMS they can be both comparable but each will emphasize different aspect of the sound signature and will deliver different listening experiences. It is not which one is the best, it is what inputs, music and mood you are in so those are hard to quantify but your ears start having some preferences. To me, if you can afford it, the best is to have both which I am sure you can leverage as I said they are good in different situations.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:38 AM Post #10,709 of 18,652
Re-installing is not a bad idea, just make sure you follow the steps exactly as specified in the FAQ thread. Sorry if I sound anal but a misstep and this thing is not forgiving. Try getting another download, maybe the file you downloaded might be corrupted, try a different source (use iBasso if you use Soren). If you get the same results, you might have to downgrade or if you can get it checked by iBasso, that is if you live close by and it's not inexpensive. The last solution is your last resort.
Before you start, keep the internal mem empty and just the downloaded firmware image, do not plug your microSD card while updating just in case.
Then when you are done updating it and factory resetting it, if you can delete those audio and image directories generated by the player do so before you scan you card. Then you know the drill.
Good luck!

I downloaded from the Ibasso link this time (rather than the mirror) and installed without the SD card in. It still was hanging at that point but I did a wipe in recovery then was able to boot sucessfully and did a factory reset. It seems to be working now, not sure what the problem was.
Jan 28, 2014 at 9:43 AM Post #10,710 of 18,652
I have recently cleaned up the tags, but I'll double check. I don't really leave anything other than artist, composer, album, title and track number.
It might be the long filenames. What do you suggest as maximum length? 25 chars?

Thanks for the ideas!

If you don't mind, I have made so many tags changes in order to get the DX50 right. I keep my filename to 30 chars max, that includes the track number at the beginning and the balance of the title. I religiously remove any quotes and commas in the title or for that matter if you can any punctuations of any kinds, it used to choke on that. The main tag items you need are title, author, album, track number and genre. You do not need anything else. Naming in this is everything, case will matter. Its, ITs and ITS are very different for the tag library, it will bunch things together according to case so name you stuff consistently and carefully,  it'll aggregate your songs together at the right place. If you have a PC, use the mp3tag app, it allows making all those changes in a clip.
One more thing: art works - Either deposit a file with the .jpg extension (name does not seem to matter). It will use it if you haven't embedded the art work in your file tag. If you want to use a specific one for a song then embed it in the song tag info and it will use it instead. Both can reside in the same directory and it will pick it up first in the tag, second in the folder. Do not keep multiple jpg files in your directory, only one is sufficient the other ones will be ignored anyway.
Hope this helps.

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