the Florida meet
Jun 29, 2004 at 2:29 AM Post #121 of 215
The MPX3 was a sweet amp. I spend most of my time going back and forth between my rig and the meridian/mpx3 rig. I may need to get one of those side by side with my eddie current for a longer term comparison. I just need to sell my other cdp. Matt got a great deal. Mikhail is such a nice guy to deal with. I have already asked him for a tour of his new facility when I am in Denver in February.
Jun 29, 2004 at 2:32 AM Post #122 of 215

Originally Posted by gsferrari

Yes - I d/l'd them all for posterity. Excellent job, and thanks for documenting the weekend so well.


Jun 29, 2004 at 3:00 AM Post #123 of 215

Grado PS1

Grado PS1 next to Raaj's PPA:

Audio Technica ATH-L3000

Sennheisers 555 and 595, part of Matt's PPA visible on the right:

Some of the big dogs hanging out together in front of the Stax and the Maestro:
Jun 29, 2004 at 3:23 AM Post #124 of 215
Gene's Meridian 588 next to the Stax SRM 007t amp, Grado PS1 in front:

Mikhail's Meridian 508


Wayne's Shanling SCD-T200

Mikeg's Marantz SA8260

My Modded Toshiba SD3950 on top, and Clark's Toshiba 3960 below, next to Clark's Sugden Headmaster amp, part of Gene's Grace 901 can be seen beyond the Sugden on the left, and corner of the Music Hall on the right. Clark's "Breath of God" cables connecting the Toshiba's to the Sugden:

Bill's Denon DCP-50. The circuit board above is the power supply he was using for this black box mystery amp:
Jun 29, 2004 at 3:46 AM Post #126 of 215
Excellent Pictures RAUL!!

The white cables in the post you made are the Bogdan Princess Silver Interconnects which I use in my system. Excellent cables. The Breath Of God cables come pretty close with a little drop in dynamics and bass. But considering the price!!
Jun 29, 2004 at 3:51 AM Post #127 of 215













Guru I'm sending you a CD with all of these pictures in the full original size.
Hope the admins at my workplace won't complain about all these pictures in my webspace, I'll know tomorrow
Jun 29, 2004 at 4:24 AM Post #128 of 215
So you all diden't like the Eddie Current 300HD? I haven't heard much about it so far?????
Jun 29, 2004 at 4:51 AM Post #130 of 215
Guru - Holly and I really appreciate your great pictures. I passed them on to my kids and some other family members and friends in order to give them a little insight into this nutty hobby of ours.
Jun 29, 2004 at 7:07 AM Post #132 of 215
I just got in and thought I'd add my 2 cents.

First, Bill, thanks so much to you and Eleanor for your hospitality. You did an absolutely awesome job getting everything together and making me feel so welcome.
To everyone there, I cannot express how wonderful you all were. What a great bunch of guys. Everyone was so unselfish giving up their listening time and sharing their thoughts. It was an incredible experience. Well worth the 14 hour drive.
I was asked what my biggest shocks were at the meet which I thought was a great question. The biggest shock was how bad the 555s were against the 595s. I will attribute this to the 555s being new out of the box and won't file this as a lasting impression of them.
My next biggest shock was what a difference there was between a <$1000 and a >$2000 amp. I really didn't expect that big of a difference. Both the Maestro and Blockhead were incredible.
I'd like to say a word about sources. I made this trip because I knew the Rudistor RP5 was going to be there and I wanted to hear. When I first heard it I was greatly disappointed. I kept going back to it and it didn't get any better. I was liking the PPX3 for the price. Near the end of the meet it got moved and got paired with the Meridian. WOW!! I then heard the magic with the 650s. I would put this and the PPX3 in the same category and I regret that once I found the difference that the source made I didn't get to compare them.
As I said the Blockhead and Maestro were fantastic. The Blockhead requried balanced phones and source so for the Maestro to keep up with it is a tribute to the Maestro.
Let me give another thanks to Mikhail for coming to the meet and representing Singlepower. His amps were amazing and I feel they made the quality of this meet go up exponentially. He designed these amps and his love for them shows. He was so gracious in taking the time to talk to an idiot like me and answer all my questions. I'll say that when I'm ready to step up to the MPX3 I'll look forward to dealing with him again.
I couldn't tell much about the Eddie Current due to the source. I should have given it a more critical listen. From what I heard it was very good.
Another thing I was surprised at was how much better the modded 3950 sounded than the unmodded 3960. Thanks rsaavedra, now I have to mod my 3950 now that I know how crappy it sounds.

And MikeG, when you're ready to get rid of those awful K1000s I'll do you a huge favor and take them off your hands.
Jun 29, 2004 at 8:13 AM Post #133 of 215
yeah, a big suprise to me as well was the k1000s. I had heard them before, but they must not have been set up right, as i did not like them one bit. this time though, the k1000s were awesome, mikeg-must have a better sense of what they need. I would definitely classify them as one of the hardest headphones to get to sound right. It was really hard to listen to them critically with all the background noise in the room but i was simply suprised by the naturalness of the bass and treble. these certainly blur the line between headphones and speakers, and I think they do get the some of the high points of both worlds. especially in the amp section, i could not classify them. I could not tell how they were hooked up, actually. the only disadvantage i see is that you can not lay down with them. quite awesome nonetheless.

Jun 29, 2004 at 12:54 PM Post #134 of 215

Originally Posted by blumenco
yeah, a big suprise to me as well was the k1000s. I had heard them before, but they must not have been set up right, as i did not like them one bit. this time though, the k1000s were awesome, mikeg-must have a better sense of what they need.

Clark - you and DevilDog's posting about mikeg's K1000 setup:

driven by that gorgeous ASL AQ-1005DT Amp:

reminded me that I neglected to mention that great setup in my impressions post. Guess I really was tired, plus, living near Mike, I have gotten to hear this great rig a number of times in private, so didn't need to spend time at the meet with it, particularly since others were lined up. Mike really has assembled a wonderful system - he has tuberolled it to get just the right pair of those monster 300B tubes, and at home, he adds a subwoofer to the mix, which makes for quite a listening experience.
Jun 29, 2004 at 1:09 PM Post #135 of 215

Originally Posted by DevilDog
I just got in and thought I'd add my 2 cents.

First, Bill, thanks so much to you and Eleanor for your hospitality. You did an absolutely awesome job getting everything together and making me feel so welcome.
To everyone there, I cannot express how wonderful you all were. What a great bunch of guys. Everyone was so unselfish giving up their listening time and sharing their thoughts. It was an incredible experience. Well worth the 14 hour drive.

Yes, it was a great time, Davy, glad you made it.


Originally Posted by DevilDog
I'd like to say a word about sources. I made this trip because I knew the Rudistor RP5 was going to be there and I wanted to hear. When I first heard it I was greatly disappointed. I kept going back to it and it didn't get any better. I was liking the PPX3 for the price. Near the end of the meet it got moved and got paired with the Meridian. WOW!! I then heard the magic with the 650s. I would put this and the PPX3 in the same category and I regret that once I found the difference that the source made I didn't get to compare them.

Welcome to team source first, Davy - they really do matter.


Originally Posted by DevilDog
Let me give another thanks to Mikhail for coming to the meet and representing Singlepower. His amps were amazing and I feel they made the quality of this meet go up exponentially. He designed these amps and his love for them shows. He was so gracious in taking the time to talk to an idiot like me and answer all my questions. I'll say that when I'm ready to step up to the MPX3 I'll look forward to dealing with him again.

Mikhail's presence did make the meet. He is a dedicated and talented guy who deserves all the support we can give him.

Davy, you drove the farthest to get there (Mikhail and Wayne flew in), and we enjoyed your company and insights. I particularly was struck by the comment you made about playing in a band, so that when you heard music through headphones, you had something real to compare it to - ie: you know exactly what a kick drum hit followed by cymbal crash sounds like, and can critically listen for that - very insightful.

Come back and see us anytime.

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