The FiiO X3 2nd gen (ex X3K, X3II) Thread : 192K/24B, CS4398,Native DSD, USB DAC with LO and inline remote
Sep 9, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #5,672 of 9,972
I seem to recall that some users of the 1st gen X3 were having some playback issues when their card was almost filled to capacity (less than 1GB of space left). Can't remember the specifics though.

I've uploaded about 20GB of files to the reformatted (in the X3ii) 64GB card and tested it on the X3ii with no stuttering so far. Given my experience and what you are all saying, I'll leave about 10GB free space when I finish the full upload.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to give me help and advice on this.
Sep 9, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #5,673 of 9,972
I've uploaded about 20GB of files to the reformatted (in the X3ii) 64GB card and tested it on the X3ii with no stuttering so far. Given my experience and what you are all saying, I'll leave about 10GB free space when I finish the full upload.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to give me help and advice on this.

Leaving very little free space left on a MicroSD, SD or flash-drive will also cause problems with applications accessing the card in Windows or Mac OS or even Linux, btw.  It's a fairly common problem that has to do with how flash-memory allocates and accesses files.
Sep 10, 2015 at 2:13 AM Post #5,675 of 9,972
What is normal and safest way of charging the X3ii.
1) usb port laptop or pc
2) wall mount adapter 1A
3) wall mount fast charging adapter 2A and above
4) powerbank 1A or 2A out port.
Pls discuss pro and cons of fast and slow charging methods.
Sep 10, 2015 at 3:51 AM Post #5,676 of 9,972
Ever since I have heard Sennheiser HD 598, my m50x is sounding very congested, as I'm a big fan of wide soundstage, I want to replace M50x with wider sound stage headphones, but at the same time I can't buy open back headphones cause mostly I listen to my Music while on the go or during office hours, so I googled wider sound stage closed headphones and found Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO to be the best in this category, wondering if anyone is using this headphones and how is the experience cause I'm getting 250ohms but I think my X3 II stand alone won't drive them efficiently, so anyone with X3 II and Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250ohms please share your experience and if I have to buy an additional amp for it, which one should I go for?
I would really appreciate any suggestion on this matter, Thanks!
Sep 10, 2015 at 8:28 AM Post #5,677 of 9,972

Ever since I have heard Sennheiser HD 598, my m50x is sounding very congested, as I'm a big fan of wide soundstage, I want to replace M50x with wider sound stage headphones, but at the same time I can't buy open back headphones cause mostly I listen to my Music while on the go or during office hours, so I googled wider sound stage closed headphones and found Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO to be the best in this category, wondering if anyone is using this headphones and how is the experience cause I'm getting 250ohms but I think my X3 II stand alone won't drive them efficiently, so anyone with X3 II and Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250ohms please share your experience and if I have to buy an additional amp for it, which one should I go for?

I would really appreciate any suggestion on this matter, Thanks!


X3ii drives my DT770 250ohm on high gain, well. But DT770 is a bright headphone. Treble is elevated and if music is badly recorded, it bites when the high notes hit. I'd look at mrSpeakers Mad Dog for easy listening
Sep 10, 2015 at 10:22 AM Post #5,678 of 9,972
after i update to 1.3 firmware ..i have an issue. when i browse music via the folder method it always shows me the old song list from my previous sd card. no matter which micro sd card i slot it in it still shows the song list from previous micro sd card and obviously i cant play any song. I have tested the sd card with my pc with my cayin n6 and other mp3 is working fine and so is not the card problem.
to my surprise..if i flash back to 1.1 firmware it is working fine again.
then i flash back to 1.3 and i still can view the previous song list from the old sd card and i cannot view new songs from any other sd card...
i thought flash firmware 1.3 should wipe everything? 
please help...this issue is very annoying....
Sep 10, 2015 at 10:39 AM Post #5,679 of 9,972
  Ever since I have heard Sennheiser HD 598, my m50x is sounding very congested, as I'm a big fan of wide soundstage, I want to replace M50x with wider sound stage headphones, but at 

You could look into the Sony MDR-1A too. Seems to have a good soundstage for a closed can. @goodyfresh says that it pairs well with Fiio X3ii.
Sep 10, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #5,680 of 9,972
Ever since I have heard Sennheiser HD 598, my m50x is sounding very congested, as I'm a big fan of wide soundstage, I want to replace M50x with wider sound stage headphones, but at the same time I can't buy open back headphones cause mostly I listen to my Music while on the go or during office hours, so I googled wider sound stage closed headphones and found Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO to be the best in this category, wondering if anyone is using this headphones and how is the experience cause I'm getting 250ohms but I think my X3 II stand alone won't drive them efficiently, so anyone with X3 II and Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250ohms please share your experience and if I have to buy an additional amp for it, which one should I go for?
I would really appreciate any suggestion on this matter, Thanks!

You could look into the Sony MDR-1A too. Seems to have a good soundstage for a closed can. @goodyfresh says that it pairs well with Fiio X3ii.

Indeed.  The PSB M4U 1 have even better soundstage than the MDR-1A for closed-back headphones, but are bigger and clunkier (so not as portable) and a bit flimsier built (the folding hinges on them do not inspire confidence), as well as kind of ugly (they look like some kind of Beats knock-offs, seriously, as opposed to the MDR-1A which looks very fashionable) lol.
Another headphone that is supposed to have pretty much the best soundstage you can get from a closed-back is the AKG K553.  However it has a non-detachable long cable so isn't super-portable, and by all accounts it can be a bit hard to form a seal if you have a small or narrow head (which is why I chose not to get it, myself).

I can say that at the very least, either the Sony MDR-1A or the PSB M4U 1 will be a significant step-up in terms of soundstage and imaging (and, in my opinion, just overall musicality) from the M50x.  I'd say that the MDR-1A have a soundstage halfway between what you get frmo the M50x, and what you would get from a typical open-backed pair.  While the M4U 1 have a little more soundstage than the MDR-1A, even, but a few issues aside from just the build/bulk issues.  They have more sibilance and stridence in the upper-mids and treble than the MDR-1A, for sure.  They have a less colored signature than the MDR-1A, as well.  So both advantages and disadvantages.  However, keep in mind that the isolation from the MDR-1A, while certainly not bad or anything, is only mediocre for a closed-back over-ear, and not as good as the isolation from the M50x or M4U 1.  On the other hand, the MDR-1A are SUPREMELY COMFORTABLE.  I'd give them an 11 out of 10 for comfort, really.  See if you can find them used, if you do get them. . .overall, they probably aren't QUITE worth their 300 dollar asking price for buying new here in the U.S. (it's unfortunate but, apparently they are much, much cheaper over in Europe).  For the 240 bucks I paid for them used on Amazon, I'd say they're absolute perfect.  Even so, 300 dollars for them is not nearly as overpriced as the majority of headphones these days.
If you want some detailed impressions of the MDR-1A, as well as a comparison between it and the PSB M4U 1, go check out my reviews on my profile and go to the one I wrote for the MDR-1A.  I put a lot of thought into it, it's very detailed.
Sep 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM Post #5,681 of 9,972
I've uploaded about 20GB of files to the reformatted (in the X3ii) 64GB card and tested it on the X3ii with no stuttering so far. Given my experience and what you are all saying, I'll leave about 10GB free space when I finish the full upload.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to give me help and advice on this.

Glad its working.  I'm not sure if you have to be that conservative on space - I have a 64gb card in my player at the moment with just under 2gb free and have not had any issues.
That said, I don't plan to add any additional music files until I upgrade to a 128gb card.
Sep 10, 2015 at 12:31 PM Post #5,682 of 9,972
Thank you all for replying on my query ...
@maheeinfy - Mad dog isn't exactly portable, and since I would be listening to long hours of music in office, this would be very discomforting taking into consideration it's weight but I saw the review and people are agreeing that it's definitely best in regards to wider sound stage..
@goodyfresh and @vishnusiddharth - Sony MDR-1A seems like a good fit for me, but I should have probably mentioned this before that my second priority is Bass, and I saw the video review of lachlan and he was very disappointed with the Bass, I also read @goodyfresh review and you have written some really good points about the Bass, so m bit confused now, also how are the isolation, could I use it in office without any office sounds or any office colleagues chattering leaking into the headphones?
Sep 10, 2015 at 3:43 PM Post #5,683 of 9,972
  after i update to 1.3 firmware ..i have an issue. when i browse music via the folder method it always shows me the old song list from my previous sd card. no matter which micro sd card i slot it in it still shows the song list from previous micro sd card and obviously i cant play any song. I have tested the sd card with my pc with my cayin n6 and other mp3 is working fine and so is not the card problem.
to my surprise..if i flash back to 1.1 firmware it is working fine again.
then i flash back to 1.3 and i still can view the previous song list from the old sd card and i cannot view new songs from any other sd card...
i thought flash firmware 1.3 should wipe everything? 
please help...this issue is very annoying....

What dose it do after you update the media library with FW 1.3?
Sep 10, 2015 at 3:47 PM Post #5,684 of 9,972
  @maheeinfy - Mad dog isn't exactly portable, and since I would be listening to long hours of music in office, this would be very discomforting taking into consideration it's weight but I saw the review and people are agreeing that it's definitely best in regards to wider sound stage..
@goodyfresh and @vishnusiddharth - Sony MDR-1A seems like a good fit for me, but I should have probably mentioned this before that my second priority is Bass, and I saw the video review of lachlan and he was very disappointed with the Bass, I also read @goodyfresh review and you have written some really good points about the Bass, so m bit confused now, also how are the isolation, could I use it in office without any office sounds or any office colleagues chattering leaking into the headphones?

Different people will think different things about the MDR-1A's bass since different people hear differently in the low frequency range :p  That's the thing about trying to pick a pair of headphones based on reviews, man. . .things are so subjective.  However, it is DEFINITELY true that these headphones are warm, i.e. the lower frequencies are boosted noticably (not overwhelmingly, though, they aren't for bassheads) above the rest. 
I'm not absolutely sure about using the MDR-1A in an office.  I mean, with the volumes I listen at (moderate-to-loud, but nowhere approaching painful) I'm able to use the MDR-1A at the laundromat and only very rarely find myself bothered by the outside noise, and the laundromat would probably prove a more noisy environment than most offices/workplaces.
Hmmmmm. . .where are you from?  If you live around New York, you could go to B&H Photo and Video's store there and demo the headphones, I know they have the MDR-1A.  Here in New Haven, CT, there's a store which has teh MDR-1A where I was able to demo them alongside the PSB M4U 1.  Ummmm. . .it would probably just be a good idea to look into what higher-end audio stores or other places with nice headphones are near where you live, see which ones allow people to audition headphones, and see if any of those have the MDR-1A, so you could try it out and form your own impressions of it.

Generally, though, if you like the sound-sig of the M50x for the most part, but want something perhaps a tiny bit more "refined" but at the same time "smoother," and with noticably better soundstage, the MDR-1A probably SHOULD be a good choice for you.
Any headphone from Mr. Speakers, especially the ones made from modded T50rp's like the Mad Dogs, is giong to be fairly heavy and not conducive to portable use walking around town.  It also won't be driven to QUITE its full-potential (wide soundstage and all) by something like the X3ii without an additional amplifier, which is a common problem with Planar Magnetic headphones.  However by all accounts, the weight isn't much of an issue for comfort with Mr. Speakers stuff. . .in fact, everyone says they're super-comfy.  Just not portable.
Sep 10, 2015 at 7:41 PM Post #5,685 of 9,972
Just switched on the High Gain option on my X3 and it came alive on R2Pros! It was good on Low, but now everything sounds so much better. Volume at 75/120 is pretty loud, but the base, highs and staging are immensely improved. I was a bit disappointed to see that the X3 doesn't sound as good as the Soundblaster E5 and that made me think about outputs. The Low Gain on E5 is for gear up to 300 Ohms, while the X3's maximum is 150 Ohms, meaning that the Low cuts probably half way. My R2s are 16 Ohms and yet they sound so mu h better when the amp is driving them harder.
So make sure you try HG, there's nothing to lose :)

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