The DIY Discman Repair Thread
May 27, 2005 at 7:28 PM Post #226 of 581
Hi ! I'm new here. I love this forum.
I just got my "new" sony D-250 (25S). It looks very nice but has one big problem: I put my AC/DC adaptor on the D-250, then it powers up when I press play, tries to spin the CD, tries to accelerate, and...powers off
Every time with different CDs, it works only 10 seconds and bye bye.
I tried 2 different AC/DC adaptors: I thought the first one was not enough (only 300 mA), so I put a 1000 mA, but the D-250 reacted the same way...

Do you have any idea about my problem ?
May 27, 2005 at 9:52 PM Post #227 of 581

Originally Posted by neko201
I just got my "new" sony D-250 (25S). It looks very nice but has one big problem: I put my AC/DC adaptor on the D-250, then it powers up when I press play, tries to spin the CD, tries to accelerate, and...powers off

I think my Sony D-311 is having that same problem. With your player, does it
never play the song? When the player powers up, and you can hear the disc
spinning up, then it displays either tracks "00" or "01" but it never plays it,
then maybe some clicking noises, then shuts itself off. Is that what is
happening? Cause that is exactly how my D-311 is malfunctioning. Do a
search within this thread and several people have reported this malfunction.
I haven't been able to find out what is wrong with my D-311. I opened it up
and everything looked fine.

If you figure out what is wrong update your post, and tell us all about your soultion.

May 28, 2005 at 6:43 AM Post #228 of 581
Yes rab10, that's exacty the same problem. I contacted the seller and he said that eveything worked fine before he sent the package... But what a package: Only the black discman bag and a very thin cardboard box. Not enough to absorb the shocks...
I'm french, and I would give an advice to all of you: Never buy something from the french people: They sell broken items and they don't know how to pack them properly (It's not my first experience...)
Germans and austrians always describe very precisely their things on ebay, and packages are built like small tanks, with a lot of plastic bubbles and so. It's the case with american sellers too.
I hate to say that: Don't trust a french seller, because he wants to earn money whatever he sells...
Jun 4, 2005 at 6:25 PM Post #230 of 581
A few years back I got a Sony "Sports" CD-player (model: D-ES52CK) but it hasn't been working now for some time. After reading this thread I got inspired to play around with it and see if I could get it fixed.

The problem I'm having is that the player is unable to detect that there is a disc in it. I get the message "No Disc" after it spins up. The display is working correctly and it does spin up. I opened the player just now and tried reattaching all the cables to make sure everything was attached correctly.

I'm assuming that there is some problem with the laser (or how else does the player detect discs?) Should I try to switch the laser with another player or is there something else that can be done?

Grateful for help!
Jun 6, 2005 at 8:02 AM Post #231 of 581
Hi Cordmore. I don't know much about cd-player, but yesterday I succeed in fixing a problem in a "normal", but vintage, philips cd player (not pdcp): The plyer used to spin up a bit and then write "ERR" (for error). Of course it didn't play the disc.
I just opened the player and cleaned the lens with a dry clothe, which I had never done (I bought the player in 1987), and everything works fine now !
Maybe it could work for you as well !

About D-25 problems: I got a new one two days ago. It's a black one. I compare the 2 players (the black one and the broken silver one), and I can say now that the laser is ok on the broken silver, but maybe a little weaker, I dont really know...
I opened the gear and saw that the motors worked fine, that grease was ok, no ribbon cable was broken... I really don't understand why the player takes no cd.
So I turned wildly the different pots on the motherboard as explained in another post. I turned the screws endlessly, ther was no end...and no effect too.

D-25 is a very good sounding unit, especially as far as high frequencies are concerned. But I prefer my philips players, cos' I'm a real basshead
Jun 20, 2005 at 12:57 AM Post #232 of 581
I seem to be having the same trouble as you neko201...
I recently bought a RCA RP-7920A and it spins for around 10 seconds before shutting off...
. The rest of the player works fine (motor, rail guide, and the such)
but it doesn't seem to play. I've tried cleaning the lens, but to no avail.
Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem seems to be?
(as it seems to be a not so unique problem...)

Jun 20, 2005 at 7:28 AM Post #233 of 581
You're right Nerull: This is not a unique problem ! I read hundreds of posts to find a solution for my D-25, but everyone has the same problem and nobody has the solution. i tried to turn internal pots wildly, I cleaned the lens, lubricate the motor... Nothing, nix, nada. It always shut down as you explain.

My instinct suggest that after some years the laser become weaker and doesn't succeed in reading discs anymore. Changing the laser may help...But the solution maybe elsewhere ...

heeeeeeeeeeelp ! Pleeeeaaaase !
Jun 21, 2005 at 10:24 AM Post #234 of 581
hi i own a sony d-ej100 walkman, and recently ive stumbled upon a problem that i have no idea how to fix. when i put a disc in it reads it for a few seconds and the "dISC" text shows up but then it soon just dies out and stops after just a few seconds. when i try to press play again, all that it displays is "t-SEt" how do i fix this so i can listen to music? help please.
Jun 21, 2005 at 12:53 PM Post #235 of 581

Originally Posted by neko201
You're right Nerull: This is not a unique problem ! I read hundreds of posts to find a solution for my D-25, but everyone has the same problem and nobody has the solution. i tried to turn internal pots wildly, I cleaned the lens, lubricate the motor... Nothing, nix, nada. It always shut down as you explain.

My instinct suggest that after some years the laser become weaker and doesn't succeed in reading discs anymore. Changing the laser may help...But the solution maybe elsewhere ...

heeeeeeeeeeelp ! Pleeeeaaaase !

The problem IS the worn out old laser
Jul 1, 2005 at 9:29 PM Post #237 of 581

Originally Posted by neko201
i tried to turn internal pots wildly

Maybe turning the pots "wildly" is part of the problem.
Jul 4, 2005 at 10:44 PM Post #239 of 581

Originally Posted by neko201
Maybe I am the problem

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault you're French.

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