The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:53 AM Post #6,092 of 21,763

Second two not really pets as such, but still frequent my yard. I also have a blue budgerigar, but It's late here and shes sleeping. We are really lucky here with wildlife. The wallaby will often just sit outside my window, she cant see inside but is very shy of humans otherwise.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:56 AM Post #6,093 of 21,763

Second two not really pets as such, but still frequent my yard. I also have a blue budgerigar, but It's late here and shes sleeping. We are really lucky here with wildlife.

Have you ever had a Cassowary in your backyard lol. Those birds really intrigue me. They just seem so prehistoric. They really remind me of descendants of Velociraptors...
Feb 16, 2013 at 7:02 AM Post #6,095 of 21,763
Have you ever had a Cassowary in your backyard lol. Those birds really intrigue me. They just seem so prehistoric. They really remind me of descendants of Velociraptors...

I've never had cassowary's ):
Feb 16, 2013 at 7:33 AM Post #6,096 of 21,763
I have a dog named Russel. He's a pure bred Beagle, and was the most energetic among the litter. Even if he is 2 years old, he still hasn't outgrown this and is always demanding or at least excited to play with me and my brother. He really likes running around and smelling everything but he doesn't stray far from the house. He doesn't bite people and actually goes back inside his cage if we have too many people over. Because he never really likes paying attention the best trick I've been able to teach him is to sit. 

Feb 16, 2013 at 7:42 AM Post #6,098 of 21,763
Wow, that's a gorgeous dog.

That is a beautiful dog. Boarder-collie?

Thanks. It's a shetland sheepdog. Basically a miniature variant of a normal collie. He's about knee high on me, and I'm fairly short and he's just reaching the "maximum" height for his breed (that is, if I ever wanted to compete with him, which I never wanted to do).
Actually, we once went to a competition, because the folks I bought him from invited us, and the only thing I could think of was that that's a world that is totally different from mine. People were there, spraying hairspray and other products on their dogs, combing them and putting make up and what not. We went there, and none of the dogs seemed especially happy about being there, because as soon as they wanted to play with each other their owners separated them so that they don't mess their fur up or something like that. Each to their own and I'm not going to attack their hobby, as long as it doesn't hurt the dogs and so on. Just not my thing.
Afterwards I took to the woods and let him play just they he wanted, in the mud, then in the water, running and chasing each other and he looked happier than any of those dogs when he ran freely in the woods. Also, I trained him on taking commands very well, so I could yell "Stop", "Sit", "Lay down", "Crawl", "Roll" and so on from a distance, and it worked even if other dogs were around. So I wasn't afraid of letting him run freely in the woods. On the streets was another story though. I used to live in a rougher neighbourhood and the majority of the dogs there were usually not treated very well and served the purpose of being intimidating. One of them bit himself loose, and attacked my dog pretty roughly. Some kind of a mix between a pitbull and an staffordshire I think. Apparently he had been rescued from being a "game" dog, so when he saw my dog he just kind of flipped and attacked us. They didn't even pay our veterinarian bill.
Oh well.
Feb 16, 2013 at 7:46 AM Post #6,099 of 21,763
@Coq de Combat I agree with muppetface, gorgeos dog, and great photo as well.
Feb 16, 2013 at 7:48 AM Post #6,100 of 21,763
Wow that is horrible. I'd have requested for that dog to be put down as it would be a danger to people after such an incident. Heck I'd even be tempted to take it into my own hands it justice wasn't served (although two wrongs don't make a right)....

Feb 16, 2013 at 8:15 AM Post #6,104 of 21,763
Nope, but there is my other cat -- Meiko

Very pretty kitty.


Rocky is turning three soon. He never seems to run out of energy --- ever, has never met a sandal he didn't like to chew on, or a face he hasn't tried to lick.

Cute! Almost looks fake heehee.


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