The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 16, 2013 at 2:13 AM Post #6,076 of 21,763
Aww. I'm a few thousands miles away from that meet. Have fun there though!

That's why I keep saying you've got to come to the States buddy!  Cans are cheaper, meets are more frequent, and you've already got friends all over the country here!
I'm expecting a lot of cool pics from you Warren. Do post any of you dancing on a table wearing speedos a pair of HE500's and smileys painted on your knees. We don't have enough of those already floating around of Tyll.

Fix that for you.

I can't dance.  Which makes it rather curious as to why I listen to as much EDM as I do.
As for pics of Tyll, I think my Photoshop skills will go a lot farther than whatever reality has to offer. 

Feb 16, 2013 at 2:42 AM Post #6,077 of 21,763
If Purrin and co. ever get a 2 day event together, I will fly out, but it's hard to justify the expense for a single day. I felt like my trip to RMAF (cheaper than California, granted) was very much worthwhile, even if I didn't get a discount on my customs. It was a 2 1/2 day event though.
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:28 AM Post #6,078 of 21,763
Are you going to RMAF again this year?  I'm pretty sure I'll be going this year.  I can't keep putting off the pilgrimage to our Mecca forever...
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:37 AM Post #6,079 of 21,763
Not in the cards so far. Will depend on major product announcements like Jades being re-released or something like that. Something I can't afford to buy for a trial, since I would need a high caliber stat amp to go with them. I didn't go in 2012 either. I think once I can really settle on headphones I will be more interested in amps and DACs, and perhaps speakers, specifically near fields. I might go back and spend a bit less time in the headphone room, where I spent about 95% of my time in 2011, and more looking around at all the speaker rooms.

I'll decide if I'm going by June-ish, but atm, I don't really have a reason to. I have quite a slate of products I'll be bringing home that will keep me busy including: King Sound stats and amps, Matrix X-Sabre, Schiit statement pair, and perhaps something else between statement release and RMAF (Liquid Gold, EC S7, or something similarly 'next-level' over the BHA-1). Going to give the new GS-X a try at the Austin meet in a couple weeks to decide if I want to give it a try in my home, but with the delay on ordering and actually receiving it would probably be RMAF time before I got one anyway.
Feb 16, 2013 at 5:21 AM Post #6,080 of 21,763
That was the HE-4 I believe, not the HE-400. He said it was for western tastes because it was the most U-shaped of his lineup. I guess he was thinking about Grado?
There are pretty extreme U-shaped headphones from Japan, but then some of that stuff---like the old and new Denons---is targeting international audiences just as much.
By the way, hope you feel better soon CdC.

Right, it could've been the HE-4. Still, the interpretation of said quote, could mean that there in fact is a certain western sound, and a certain eastern sound. Oh well... Moving on:
Thanks for the get-well-wishes, I think they might've worked. Feeling better today. :)
However, I'm not really happy. I've read all about Steam, but I haven't tried it at all. I also read that it has been released for Linux. Great, I'm sitting in Linux as we speak, and doing it as my only OS at home at the moment. Don't be alarmed if I change back to Win 7 later on, because that's clearly how I roll: I change OS from time to time not to make my digital life so monotonous. After all, I like both linux and windows. Anyway, back to Steam.
So, I'm not at all used to steam, but I (really) wanted to try it. I've thought to myself that I should try after having upgraded my computer's hardware, but since it has been released to linux and I guess creating an account doesn't cost me any money. Installation was super easy, everything went smooth and nothing seemed too problematic about registration. So, I wanted to try a game, and BOOM, there it was: the game I want to try, just flashing its existance in front of my eyes as if it was meant to be us forever and ever. It's called The Polynomial, and after watching that introductory teaser for the game, I figured, hey - why not? Music seems to be great, and the atmosphere is space - I like it, why not try a demo as well to make sure that my hardware is up to the task before committing? I click on install demo button, and here we go.
...or, so I thought.


Feb 16, 2013 at 5:38 AM Post #6,081 of 21,763
Feb 16, 2013 at 5:44 AM Post #6,082 of 21,763
Any diary-goers have pets they'd like to share or talk about?
I have a very old cat. He's like 18, I think. Going bald on his head right below the ears. Getting senile. He prowls around at night yowling and making a lot of noise, and the vet thinks it's because he gets confused and doesn't remember where he is. He also used to try to sneak outside all the time a few years ago and really seemed to want to be out, but now he'll act like he wants to go out only to freeze in the walkway and panic and run back inside. Then he forgets and acts like he wants to go out again.
Um... he also tries to climb into the fridge whenever the door is open.
A month or so ago he started peeing blood and shrieking, so I took him in to the vet. He had problems with growths in his urinary tract before, but this time it seemed to only be an infection. When he came back from the vet, he was shaking and hovered around an inch from the floor, skulking and acting all traumatized. He hadn't eaten the entire time he was there. They tried to feed him, but he's spoiled and only eats really expensive food, so he refused to touch the terrible stuff they gave him. I can't blame him: they gave me a sample of the "wet food" to take home and it smelled awful. Well, worse than the usual smell of wet cat food. Also I suspect they kept him in a little cage and he didn't get the stretch, because his joints seemed really stiff.
He's doing fine now. Back to his usual crotchety self.
It's ridiculous how attached I've gotten to this fleabag. I was doing just fine without any pets, but my ex insisted we get a cat when we had been together for a year or so, and she ended up never taking care of it. It became my cat by default. So when the relationship ended, guess who got stuck with the cat?
If I ever get another pet, I want a chameleon again. I had one when I was a teenager. I wanted a snake, but my mom was like "lol no." So I got Brian Eno instead. That was his name for some reason. He was a pretty cool dude. I made little paper sunglasses for him, but he never wore them. 
Chameleons are awesome. They're so cute, and they do such hilarious things like try to grab running water:

Feb 16, 2013 at 6:00 AM Post #6,083 of 21,763
I had a Rottweiler with a foot fetish.  She used to lick my feet whenever she could.  No idea why she would do this, she just thought it was her job I guess, go figure.  She was the sweetest thing too, and whip smart.  I used to chain complete sentences together that included words she knew.  And somehow, she'd decipher what I wanted and do it.  It was almost... human.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:06 AM Post #6,084 of 21,763
Ahh pets. My dad used to take me to some pet store to show me those iguanas and if I'm lucky there's some chameleons too. Always wanted one, seems like a cool-looking pet. Just there, sitting around doing nothing under the pseudo-sun light. Chillaxing. Sounds like my kind of pet.

But then again I like cats. Cats are awesome/cute/cuddly. Have had tons of cats since I can start to remember. But being from Malaysia, and back then a middle class family, taking care of cats is a no-no, so we fed whatever cats decided to call my old home their diner. One stayed for keeps though. Had him up until I was 9 or so, and then my dad got a raise or something. We moved away from the old home, bringing the cat too of course. Sadly, he lasted about 2 years or so in the new neighbourhood. He just... disappeared.
Luckily cats being cats, they shag a lot, and from that they I've been blessed with quite a lot of loyal cats.

I guess, after I have my own place, I'll weigh again my choice whether to go for a cool reptile or a feline mammal. Fur realz dis tym.
On a different tangent altogether, I made my first Turkish coffee. Kind of okay for a first time, I guess, and i know I can't get that same taste as I did when I went to Istanbul last week. Love the taste of the bean though. Still bitter, but not overtly so, and there's that slight sour aftertaste at the side of my tongue. If anything, this reinforce my belief that going to Istanbul just for the food is worth it, if I ever swing by that way again.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:11 AM Post #6,085 of 21,763

This is my cat Senior Pickles. He likes surge protectors because they are warm and also enjoy snuggles.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:14 AM Post #6,086 of 21,763
I have 3 cats, one is pure white to afraid of people to be loved however he cries 24/7 because he wants attention; the second one is black and white he is fat and lazy but will do anything to be loved; the third one is a female black gray and brown feline, that will attack me for picking her up or petting her but has to sleep on my head under my covers. I also have a english toy japanese chin mix. The dog is not very bright at all and barks at literally nothing.
Also this is like my second post here so I think that means like always late to the party.:cool:
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:35 AM Post #6,087 of 21,763
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:46 AM Post #6,088 of 21,763
Cats and the Internet go hand-in-hand.
LOL. The Internet is such a terrible cesspool often times. Some of the most depraved individuals will still fawn over pictures of cats with typographic errors. Reminds me of the archetypal lunatic who will go unhinged when you mess with his/her object of affection.
Feb 16, 2013 at 6:46 AM Post #6,089 of 21,763
Yeah, this is Benji, my dog. He's pretty old now, about 11-12 years old or so. He's one of the nicest dogs I've met. He's never even been angry for real.

He was my best friend for a long time, and quite literally helped me battle a whole load of personal demons from a past life. In a way, he kind of saved my life. Right now he has to live with my parents due to unfortunate circumstances, but I visit him regularly and he's living with two other dogs so he's having a better life than I could provide him. A shame they get old though, which has come to show through his body, which just simply can't hang with younger dogs (or himself soon, he's starting to get old and in bad shape).
More pics of him:

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