The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 14, 2014 at 7:36 AM Post #20,896 of 21,763
If the human race had psychic powers is be getting slapped by countless women everytime I walked out the door.

Amen to that. I would have been fired from my job long ago for that very reason. 
Feb 14, 2014 at 8:39 AM Post #20,900 of 21,763
Just spent 4 hours wiring a SPC/teflon 24 pin ATX cable.  My advice to anyone thinking of doing this - just buy the premade ones - the price is reasonable and the DIY project is finger bleeding painful torture.  I think my 8 pin EPS needs recrimping but at this point I'm not sure when I will be able to muster the willpower to hold a crimping tool again.  
For a music server it is totally worth upgrading the ATX cables though.  I wear my tin hat proudly.
Feb 14, 2014 at 1:00 PM Post #20,902 of 21,763
Feb 14, 2014 at 1:52 PM Post #20,903 of 21,763
Wish this can be true: Fatal Frame game + Oculus Rift final final final version* + tablet implementation somehow for the camera mechanic = **** life, I'm out with a heart attack.

*really final
:xf_eek: I crap myself playing that game w/o a Rift. Why the tablet? You couldn't see through the Rift anyways. The new version has head tracking, just have sensors on the controller that can ID it as the camera... and awaaaay we go. :D

All marriages would last less than a week. :xf_eek:
Whaaaat? Didn't women always ask us to be open and honest anyways?? :wink:
Feb 14, 2014 at 8:04 PM Post #20,905 of 21,763
On a second thought, I'm thinking when giving speeches and stuff, you know how people always tell you to picture the audience naked to relieve the anxiety? That never works for me, because in my mind, a naked audience always ends up in an orgy. If people were to see my orgies if I have a presentation, maybe my presentation would become the "secondary target". Hmm, this is a tough nut to crack.
Feb 14, 2014 at 8:13 PM Post #20,906 of 21,763
Diplomacy is the key, took me only 4 months to figure out in my marriage.

To put the shoe on the other foot, what if we could read women's minds?

I think a lot of us would use it for our own nefarious purposes....

Feb 14, 2014 at 8:14 PM Post #20,907 of 21,763
Diplomacy is the key, took me only 4 months to figure out in my marriage.

To put the shoe on the other foot, what if we could read women's minds?

Ask Mel Gibson.
Feb 14, 2014 at 11:31 PM Post #20,908 of 21,763
Whaaaat? Didn't women always ask us to be open and honest anyways?? :wink:

They may say they do but first time they read your mind when that hot young thing walks by and it's curtains, Sometimes tis better to have secrets.
Feb 15, 2014 at 6:33 AM Post #20,909 of 21,763
Guys, please remember the character of this thread and don't turn it into a boys club. 
Speaking of which, I watched Disney's Frozen today. It's been a while since I've seen a Disney animated film. The last (non Pixar) one I watched was Lilo & Stitch which amazingly I now discover was released in 2002. I am actually incredibly glad John Lasseter (of Pixar fame) is at the helm now at Disney because I think he has the sensibilities of a great storyteller.
From what I gathered, Frozen is the first Disney animated film with a female co-director (Jennifer Lee, who was also the screenwriter). I don't know how much was her influence, but I liked how Frozen did have some well developed female characters with some nuance. The film wasn't just a series of prince and princess archetypes, and I think it was all the stronger for it.
I also loved how fresh and modern a lot of the jokes were, without indulging in that nudge-nudge wink-wink kind of pop culture referencing that I've seen in other cartoons recently. I don't know how much of this has been going on with Disney's other recent films (I didn't watch Brave but I do understand it treads on some of the same ground) but I did really find the movie entertaining and just... I dunno, confident in it's characterisations.
It's actually remarkable how strongly the storyline for one of the main characters of Frozen is also an LGBT coming out allegory. I mean this is nothing new and it's certainly not as explicit as say, Paranorman (which is also an incredibly good and I feel somewhat overlooked recent animated film). Maybe I'm just biased but I'm surprised I didn't hear more about this aspect from what I little I gathered about the film before I watched it.
So yeah. I heartily recommend a viewing of it. It was funny, I went with a friend and we joked about how it must look for two adults to watch a 'children's' movie only to find that the cinema was largely full of people my age or older.
Feb 15, 2014 at 6:40 AM Post #20,910 of 21,763
Interested in getting either of these ATs:

Yes, this is a sports IEM, I'm aware of that. Mostly I'm in one of those phases where I want to go jogging but don't want to wet any of my other IEMs with sweat. It's cheapish too.

Different mounting, and that's why it's still intriguing.

Now this is interestingly intriguing. Not rated for "exercise" though. And the latter two have some "washable" rating on it, whereas this is, from the looks of it, as waterproof as most normal IEMs, which is close to crap. :p

Lastly, this is interesting in a whole other way. It says "hybrid" but it's more in the sense of of EarPods "hybrid" than DD + BA. I find that the Earpods is excellent at being a good all rounder if you don't want something jammed into your ear canals, and seeing this makes me happy. Besides, this could be a better jogging IEMs since it's not IEMs and thus I can at least here the car that's going to squash me coming. But I figure it might be as water resistant as normal IEMs.


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