The AKG K7XX Massdrop First Edition Thread
Nov 24, 2014 at 10:59 AM Post #76 of 4,580
I'm assuming that the the 3dB  increase in the low end is compared to the Annies? I'm coming from the Q701s...  the Annies apparently have a little better low end than the Q701s...  and now they've increased the low end again...   

I'm also excited about the headband. The Q701's headband is REALLY annoying on my balding head. I expect this one to be leaps and bounds above the Q701 in comfort.
Nov 24, 2014 at 11:02 AM Post #77 of 4,580
Yeah for me even with modified Q701 headband the genuine leather band and being flexible on the K7xx was pretty much 90% of the selling point for me. The remaining 10 was from the matte plastic so shouldn't creak like the glossy Q701s do.
Nov 24, 2014 at 12:09 PM Post #80 of 4,580
Reserved my pair, can't wait till christmas 

Nov 24, 2014 at 1:04 PM Post #81 of 4,580
If they sound like the anni's then they will sound better than the 650's, IMHO.
Better resolution and details. No hint of grain.
The anni's are really quite nice, and I have to wonder if there is any difference with the Massdrop's version, besides cosmetic. 
Currently on the fence on this as I have the Anniversary ed's plus the 712's.
Nov 24, 2014 at 1:30 PM Post #82 of 4,580
Well, just found out about these and joined.  I've always wanted to give the K/Q700 line a go but the bumps threw me off and I didn't really want to spend the premium for the annies, so these seem like the ticket.  Hopefully I'll fall in love with them and won't have to switch between headphones for gaming/other use anymore.
Hope I get serial number 57.  Don't suppose they'd acknowledge a request though.  >_>
Nov 24, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #83 of 4,580
So, is it made in China now? I know the Q701 is.
I've found a substantial decrease in build quality with the Chinese Q701s. Along with an atrocious fit not present in the Austrian version.

Can you be more specific as far as what specific problems you're observing? I've handled about five or six K/Q701s, and actually have two pairs on my desk right now. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the two. 
Nov 24, 2014 at 2:17 PM Post #85 of 4,580
I'm excited for these. Considering the Annies were my favorite of the lineup. Really didn't like the K712 though.
Can you be more specific as far as what specific problems you're observing? I've handled about five or six K/Q701s, and actually have two pairs on my desk right now. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the two. 

My Chinese ones were extremely creaky. And I mean, extremely. Something about the material or the way it was put together. Visually, it looked the same as far as I was able to tell. The fit was absolutely atrocious though. I've owned my fair share of AKG K7XX headphones and I've never had a problem. With my 4th Q701 (Chinese) it felt like I was trying to fit a child's headphone on my head. Very clampy and nearly didn't reach down to my ear properly. At least they made the bumps more squishy though. I'm convinced they put a different material in there because they felt quite a bit different then what I was used to with the harder bumps.
It was just a weird experience. Coming from my 3 Q701s before it, it definitely was the odd ball.
Nov 24, 2014 at 2:45 PM Post #86 of 4,580
  Well, just found out about these and joined.  I've always wanted to give the K/Q700 line a go but the bumps threw me off and I didn't really want to spend the premium for the annies, so these seem like the ticket.  Hopefully I'll fall in love with them and won't have to switch between headphones for gaming/other use anymore.
Hope I get serial number 57.  Don't suppose they'd acknowledge a request though.  >_>

+1 BOOM!!!
I'm so in on these!! Just saw it pop up in my inbox from massdrop and I can't resist... Dangerous being on that email list...
I was on the fence about the Annies / 712s for ages. Since I've moved from Oz over to Canada I've been itching for some open headphones for home listening and PS4 which I'm going to get in the blackfriday sales. I've got a feeling these are going to be special for gaming. Playing GTAV on PS3 with my Fostex TH600s (sadface for no longer having them) was a special experience, so I'm looking forward to playing GTAV PS4 version with these :) !!
Boosted bass is only a good thing for me. I'm not a massive bass head but I do love deep sub bass and good punch and my current main headphones for the office that I'm wearing now hit the spot. super tight detailed awesome bass (Ultrasone Signature DJs). Not expecting these K7XX to be anything like that but I'm craving some super wide airy open sound lately!
Oh god my wallet is in serious danger with my first experience of the North American black friday consumer craziness... Snowboarding season is kicking off here too so still got to get a bunch of gear of that. Oh dear
Nov 24, 2014 at 3:30 PM Post #89 of 4,580
Tempted by these but already own a pair of Q701s and DT770 Pro. Probably have to part ways with one of them to fund the purchase of these. But which? I wouldn't have a use for three cans. Q701s are my most used out of the two but the bumps really hurt my head after awhile, even with a wool cover for the headband. 
Nov 24, 2014 at 3:35 PM Post #90 of 4,580
  Humm can the OP get a pair of K712 and compare? that would be the ultimate test :)
I'm worried about the bass, i don't like too much bass.

I don't have any easy access to a K712 at the moment - I could track one down (eventually), but honestly I won't have the time. 
Too much bass is not something I'd really worry about. I mean, it is boosted, but that's compared to the older sound sig which was fairly lightweight. I suppose if your idea of neutral is a Phonak PFE with the gray filters then the K7XX may seem overly warm. For most people I don't see it as a problem though.

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