That new Grado smell...
Feb 3, 2005 at 3:46 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 44


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 25, 2005
Well, for all you Grado owners out there, you know the smell I'm talking about. I have grown to really love the smell, and it is starting to fade in my sr80's. I'm not sure if I will be able to go on without that smell (I actually find myself taking them off just to smell them), but I will try to survive. I will probably end up pulling out the box they came in every so often just to take a sniff.

I mentioned this to a buddy of mine, and he thought I was crazy, but he'll never know the feeling this smell gives me deep down inside, a feeling of warmth and goodness like none other I have felt in a long time.

Initially I didn't know if I even liked the smell, but now it helps me get through my day.
Feb 3, 2005 at 3:53 AM Post #2 of 44
Sniff the inside of the box if you're so nuts
Feb 3, 2005 at 7:51 AM Post #5 of 44
I also longed for that lovely fragrance since I sold my SR225 so long ago - the purchase of my new MS1 may have been a subconscious reaction to my nostalgic lust for that seductive scent! Ahh…how that enchanting flavor wafts through the air, and the ‘phones ain’t too bad, either!
Feb 3, 2005 at 7:53 AM Post #6 of 44
At least Grados aren't possessed by the fell spirits of the half a hundred evil Sennheiser archmages!
Feb 3, 2005 at 8:56 AM Post #12 of 44
wasnt their a post with this exact name a few weeks back, but it was about a members pair having a bad funk?
Feb 3, 2005 at 9:00 AM Post #13 of 44
what is the grado supposed to smell like?

Mine smelled like dirty gym socks and cat nip, I seriously think I got some improperly stored grados, since the box was already opened when I purchased them.

Im guessing they are supposed to smell like foam and plastic, like a pair of new shoes, which have a distinct fbric/leather smell..

If so, I can understand that, but if you Grados smelled like mine, I would think you were nuts, and live in a laundry hamper.

In fact, I sent them in to Grado under warranty, because the smell wouldnt leave after 2 weeks, and Grado told me that was abnormal. I was so repulsed by the odor, I threw away my brand new $35 todds flats that were used on them. Thats how disgusted I was.

So a new pair is being shipped to me as I type.

Others have told me theirs havent smelled like anything. So Im gussing mine was not normal.
Feb 4, 2005 at 12:10 AM Post #15 of 44
Wow! Grados are good Aromatherapy? I tell ya,there are great strides made in the natural medicine field every day. Oh wait,Grados arent "all natural". Oh well. My SR-80's dont smell nice anymore because i did the sock mod to the bowl pads. I used new socks,so they dont smell like feet,although some people have a foot fetish and may enjoy that. The sock mod increased my bass and warmed the sound up a bit and its more comfy. If you pick the right socks they look cool too,and you can use holiday colors during different times of the year,or even(cough cough) Sennhieser yellow(NOT!). If you wear them in a work zone you can use flourescent orange. Try cool stuff like that with other headphones! Grados are the Shizzle!
So,tell me people............which headphones have the best reputation for smelling good? I probably would prefer something leather or wood,rather than bakalite plastic, like RS-1's with that leather headband and mahogany wood. Maybe lemon wood polish on the wood? Ok,,im giving this way too much thought.

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