Tesla T1 Vs. Lcd-2rev2
Jul 19, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #46 of 97
How the hell do you know your ears wouldn't tell you something to the contrary? haha.
MEDO, you can't make such a claim like I think they are the best anything headphone, you haven't heard them.
You can say by all accounts many people seem to think they are the best, and I can disagree only if I've actually heard them.
Hence having a subjective experience with them.
I will say that the 009 is the most natural sounding headphone I've heard, it does great with most genres. But I'd take an LCD-x over it any day
for my preferred taste: Metal.
The best overall headphone I've ever heard is the HE-6.
Maybe if you actually get the chance to hear them, I'd take your word with a grain of salt. 

So true, I've heard speakers and headphones which were supposed to be the bees knees but I turned out hating how they sound. It doesn't make sense to recommend or trash something you've never heard. And this goes for anything 
Jul 19, 2012 at 11:44 PM Post #47 of 97
To only have an opinion of things you have experienced would make you somehow "autistic".
You need to have an opinion(not necessarily based on experience) on everything otherwise you can't navigate through life.
Further down the road the actual experience might consolidate or change your opinion.
To come back to the thread,though......I have bought the  LCD2 because I had an opinion based on a non existing experience.
Otherwise I would still be sitting in the dark....like some!
Jul 20, 2012 at 12:02 AM Post #48 of 97
To only have an opinion of things you have experienced would make you somehow "autistic".
You need to have an opinion(not necessarily based on experience) on everything otherwise you can't navigate through life.
Further down the road the actual experience might consolidate or change your opinion.
To come back to the thread,though......I have bought the  LCD2 because I had an opinion based on a non existing experience.
Otherwise I would still be sitting in the dark....like some!

I can accept and agree with that.
Forming an opinion based on a non existing experience about x headphone is fine. That's making an informed buying decision. 
But to say I have an opinion about x headphone being better than x headphone
without experiencing its existence is pretty foolish.
It's just the Head-Fi way.
Jul 20, 2012 at 12:03 AM Post #49 of 97
Having an opinion on the sound of a headphone you never heard is like having an opinion on a painting you never saw.
Jul 20, 2012 at 12:28 AM Post #50 of 97
I live in New Zealand and there's no way to audition GOOD(Top Tier) headphones,so you just have to buy them from overseas.All this based on an opinion you have formed over time by online research,recommendation etc.
And I don't have to eat dog ****,just to know that I don't like it!
Jul 20, 2012 at 3:33 AM Post #52 of 97
 "But i don't think you're gonna find any brighter headphone, and it happens that you like bright headphones'
Well,I only own one bright heaphone,a Grado,and evn that which was modded by previous owner ,I enjoy to some extent,on a selected group of songs,and most of the time ,when I use these,,I prefer a darker tube..,like the Mullard,or a Telefunkens.
The Dt 990's ,I've only listened to them for 6-7 hours..as of now,they do not seem bright..,they are slightly bassy.{I am NOT a basshead}
Let me listen to them for a week,and I'll come back to you with more detaled opinion
Maybe I'll clean out my old cryoe'd ears & that will brighten things up a bit???
One more thing about the dt990's,they have a great headband..I've already commented on the earpads..
So Far,I'm a hapy little cryoe'd eared head-fier....{say that 10x's}
Thanks for your input Medo
Jul 20, 2012 at 7:14 AM Post #53 of 97
I live in New Zealand and there's no way to audition GOOD(Top Tier) headphones,so you just have to buy them from overseas.All this based on an opinion you have formed over time by online research,recommendation etc.
And I don't have to eat dog ****,just to know that I don't like it!

x2 ... ^_^
you must have an opinion on any headphone except for the ones you've never read about it or heard of it.
and paradoxper, i know that the HD800 is considered bass-light compared to the Audeze thick meaty sound. Therefore, for me, i'll take the LCD-2 without blinking. and what if i told you that my first priority in headphones is the bass and how they do it, probably you're gonna tell me to get the LCD-2 over the HD800. Accordingly, the LCD-2 would be better than the HD800 For Me. the same with you, you'll enjoy the HE-6 more than HD800, so it's the best For You. << or for your taste if you like
Jul 20, 2012 at 8:11 AM Post #54 of 97
x2 ... ^_^
you must have an opinion on any headphone except for the ones you've never read about it or heard of it.
and paradoxper, i know that the HD800 is considered bass-light compared to the Audeze thick meaty sound. Therefore, for me, i'll take the LCD-2 without blinking. and what if i told you that my first priority in headphones is the bass and how they do it, probably you're gonna tell me to get the LCD-2 over the HD800. Accordingly, the LCD-2 would be better than the HD800 For Me. the same with you, you'll enjoy the HE-6 more than HD800, so it's the best For You. << or for your taste if you like

If you listen to a lot of electronic music and do have a HD800 paired up with the right amp, it may slightly be bass-light compared to the LCD2 but it sounds extremely wide and clear. If the LCD2's mated with the HD800's then man.....we have one really good offspring.
Jul 20, 2012 at 12:49 PM Post #56 of 97
x2 ... ^_^
you must have an opinion on any headphone except for the ones you've never read about it or heard of it.
and paradoxper, i know that the HD800 is considered bass-light compared to the Audeze thick meaty sound. Therefore, for me, i'll take the LCD-2 without blinking. and what if i told you that my first priority in headphones is the bass and how they do it, probably you're gonna tell me to get the LCD-2 over the HD800. Accordingly, the LCD-2 would be better than the HD800 For Me. the same with you, you'll enjoy the HE-6 more than HD800, so it's the best For You. << or for your taste if you like

The HD800 ast least at the time I had it were treble hot, which just wasn't enjoyable for extended listening.
I also found the HD800 more detailed, wider soundstage (however artificial) but compared to the LCD-3 they just 
sound so flat, thin, and boring.
I've never said anything to the contrary, Medo. My opinions are nothing but my own.
I'd just rather people listen to the gear they talk about as to have a viable opinion on the matter.
Sep 18, 2012 at 3:20 PM Post #57 of 97
I live in New Zealand and there's no way to audition GOOD(Top Tier) headphones,so you just have to buy them from overseas.All this based on an opinion you have formed over time by online research,recommendation etc.
And I don't have to eat dog ****,just to know that I don't like it!

That's not an opinion.  It is, quite literally, a prejudice.  
Head-fi is valuable because people articulately describe their subjective experiences of all the different equipment.  Others read these people's _opinions_ of equipment, size up if the person speaking values the same qualities of sound based on similar experiences of equipment both have experienced, and weight those opinions against all the others who have similar and differing opinions.  To express an opinion about equipment without having experienced it is basically falsely inserting a data-point, a voice that other people weigh in their understanding and their calculations.. until they realize that you're talking out of your ass and have to go back and mentally redact your input from their calculations... and also form an opinion of wariness and distrust for the source of said misinformation.     
Sep 18, 2012 at 10:54 PM Post #58 of 97
To express an opinion about equipment without having experienced it is basically falsely inserting a data-point, a voice that other people weigh in their understanding and their calculations.. until they realize that you're talking out of your ass and have to go back and mentally redact your input from their calculations... and also form an opinion of wariness and distrust for the source of said misinformation.     

Sep 19, 2012 at 9:46 AM Post #59 of 97
had both, with solid state amp (centrance dacmini), i would say the t1 is quite boring and less fun and musical than the lcd2r2...but with a tube amp (wa2 with TS7236), i prefer the t1 by some distance :)
IMHO the t1 is just so perfectly matched with a tube amp and makes it so engaging and smooth and wide and detailed and......what ever else :D
the t1 is also so comfortable. cant wait to try out the lcd3 one day.
Sep 20, 2012 at 10:13 AM Post #60 of 97
I liked T1 through my Cary as well, but sold it after all, because these need bit meatier amp behind, other than that, they matched very well with it. They also need some twicking with their cable, the shielding wires that connected to jack, 2 of them, need to be disconected from it and after that, according to this thread http://www.head-fi.org/t/509021/beyerdynamic-t1-cable-connection-mod , they will be more open and clear. I never did it, because was not keeping them anyway.
Liked them with classical, jazz and electronica.

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