Terrorist attack
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:40 PM Post #91 of 272
jude, any more news on the reported strike in Afghanistan? I'm nowhere near a TV or radio at the moment...
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:40 PM Post #92 of 272

Originally posted by chych
Hmmm what now, I hear bombings in other countries, friend told me in Afganistan itself! What the hell is going on, gets crazier and crazier... Can anyone find a source for these rumors?


As I mentioned earlier, there were explosions in Kabul, but, as it turns out, we're denying that had anything to do with us, so the current word is that it's related to the civil war over there.
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:42 PM Post #93 of 272
Onix, good point about the rehabilitation of those people, but who is going to teach them? We can't (well, shouldn't) just overthrow their governments to teach those people human decency... at least, not legally...
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:47 PM Post #94 of 272
i just got the news here in oz
and who would do such a thing??

bloody hell so many lives were lost

i got a feeling ww3 is gonna start

IS EVERY1 OK???????
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:52 PM Post #96 of 272
Ugh...I feel sick to my stomach...and I've heard it first here...than turned on the radio...and eventually saw it unfold on TV which was the most sickening of all. I find it hard for me to study for a final tomorrow...and for what reason? In hopes that passing it will somehow insure my future security? It seems a delusion now.

I wish I could release my anger and hate towards a known enemy...but I cannot since it is unknown to me and hidden. And I will take no substitutes.

And I fear that we may eventually be playing pawns in a chess game that we may think we have eventually won...but not realizing that the insidious threat that still exists is the chessmaster whom we cannot easily see and is left entirely unharmed...laughing and walking away from the chess game.

I wish I was spiritual enough to believe that the perpetrators will be punished in their afterlife, but I am not, so I am left utterly dissatisfied with anything but a palpable justice that I can bear witness to. Likewise I also wish I could take some solace that the victims are at their Elysium, but I cannot think of anything but pain, suffering, and death.

I don't know about all the rumours...even of the supposed "celebrations of death" since i have not seen that on the news myself. I realize I know so little, and don't have the ability to know more than what little TV shows me. If I know so little out of my TV...I don't think people in an entirely different time zone without decent TV access would know much either.

Reality has far more twisted tragedies than exists in any movie or video game...yet unlike the movies or games I feel helpless, playing the role of an extra or scripted npc and sometimes left wondering who and where the heroes are. It makes me think of the movie 7...where you are left watching an evil plot unfold...and there are no heroes, just pawns fulfilling a dismal fate.

I would say that my heart goes out to the victims and families...for I truly feel as if my heart has left me. I feel numb.

The worst part being, this act was done out of passion and beliefs...not out of necessarily technology or advanced weaponry. We can take away power, land, technology and lives...but how do we defeat passion and belief? We already know that even their own human life means less than their belief...

I envy you if you can so easily have the face of an enemy in mind that you can express your hate and anger towards...to me it is still unknown and out of my power to know so I am left confused...like playing a role in a bad movie, but not being told everything like an audience is used to.

I have a punching bag in my garage...I only wish I knew specifically what to draw upon it but for now it can only be the entire world as I know it or don't know it..

I do not mean to come across as depressing...but that is just how I feel...the attack formed out of passion and belief...could it damage more besides brick and morter and flesh and blood. What type of sick warfare is this? And if you say that this terrorist attack does nothing but strengthen our passions and our beliefs...than what do retaliatory attacks do?
Sep 11, 2001 at 10:54 PM Post #97 of 272
BIG SIGH of relief-the reports of afghan explosions turned out to be , at least latest news and they are not always correct,internal-one faction against another.Obviously war is the national pastime of the middle east,once beautiful (look at early film of Lebonon)

When will they learn ? When the entire region burns and all are dead ?

Damn sad
Sep 11, 2001 at 11:02 PM Post #98 of 272

I have a punching bag in my garage...I only wish I knew specifically what to draw upon it but for now it can only be the entire world as I know it or don't know it..

Sad man,I know how you feel but still damn sad.Worse yet the casualty estimates are so bad that no one wants to be the first to say it , in the thousands (enough for our past perceived sins neruda ?) of TOTALLY INNOCENT VICTIMS.

The world has never seen it's like in history , nothing good will come of this

Sep 11, 2001 at 11:03 PM Post #99 of 272
I have to say, tho, that you'd be OUT OF YOUR mind to get mad at Middle Easter ppl.

I mean, that's like hating civilian, non-soldier WW2 german citizens. At first, it might seem natural, or even right.

But could EITHER of those groups (current civilian Arab men - women have the truly crappy life there
OR German civilians non-participants in WW2) stopped ANYTHING from happening?

Sep 11, 2001 at 11:06 PM Post #100 of 272
Over the past two decades I have witnessed too numerous events & atrocities via TV from around the world. Rwanda, the Balkans, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Oklahoma City - it would be comforting to say that this is no different - but I can't.

The sheer scale of what has taken place is astounding and my heart and thoughts go to all those affected by this - but this is not the time for retribution - it's a time to take stock of the modern world and have a clearer understanding of who are your friends and enemies - and also understand the depth of their feelings. Only then will people know just how far this can end up going.

I trust the US will think before launching into a path of incorrectly targetted revenge. One thing that is becoming clear is that this started on US soil - a clear sign that the western world is vunerable - I only hope that we do not lose too much freedom of thought and peaceful expression as a side effect of reducing this vunerability.

Again, my thoughts and dreams are with the victims and their families of this truly dreadful act of cowardice. I suspect that I will remember today like my elders remember the day Kennedy was killed.

I hope this helps.
Sep 11, 2001 at 11:13 PM Post #101 of 272
now wait cool , seen no one here saying they hated the ME people as a group.But do I want to see retribution ?

DAMN STRAIGHT I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!

And you dance on our dead ,you take glee in death,you should go down with your heros,you are a waste of skin
Sep 11, 2001 at 11:18 PM Post #102 of 272
Ya, i kno what u mean, rick, i feel it too, but....when your head is hot, your gun tends to be, too

I can only pray retribution is given justly.....to those who deserve it.....because if we "strike back" and wipe out an equal number of innocent civilians - ppl just like the thousands who ****in died today......then we're just as bad as they are.

And that accomplishes nothing.

Sep 11, 2001 at 11:22 PM Post #103 of 272
to wipe out an equal number of people would be an atrocity of such a magnetude that there is no way a civilized gov,and ours is,would contemplate such an act.We are talking about casualties in the tens of thousands.My brain and heart ache thinking about it.

And cool,you do your handle proud man

Sep 11, 2001 at 11:36 PM Post #105 of 272
How do you punish people who clearly do not value human life? Not yours, not mine, not their own, or even their followers.

The perpetrators died in the act of committing these atrocities. Sadly, their leaders are now heroes to to a large number people. Killing them makes them martyrs and inspires more followers and additional acts of terror.

There is no end to this. Welcome to the future of warfare. The true gravity of what has happened, grave as it appears now, will not sink in for years to come.

We must combat the conditions that makes life so cheap in certain corners of the world.


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