Terrorist attack
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:47 PM Post #31 of 272
jude, i was thinking of the sneak attack on pearl harbor, and what happened to hiroshima & nagasaki because of it. honestly, i can't think of anything bad enough we could do to these mother*****ers who did this, but i am still nervous about the possibility of nukes. sorry, i just can't argue this now.
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:57 PM Post #33 of 272
Actually, I don't know what to say. This came as a shock. I hope everyone here is ok - including their families, relatives, friends...

Manfred / Lini
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:01 PM Post #34 of 272
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said...

Just... Quite simply, my thoughts are with you guys
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:10 PM Post #35 of 272
I'm in shock......

I actually saw the 2nd plane hit the tower from my car while dropping my son to my mother-inlaw this morning. She lives in Newark, NJ and on the street I was driving on I had a clear shot of the buildings. I didn't/couldn't believe what I thought I was watching but it was confirmed on TV.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:10 PM Post #36 of 272
In shock... CNN highlights repeating in my head. I am sad... for those with family and friends involved.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:11 PM Post #37 of 272
This is utter horror. Whatever group did this - what do they hope to accomplish? I don't see any political purpose whatsoever. I was immediately reminded of Pearl Harbor. This isn't an act of terrorism, this is an act of war.

I just pray a lot of the people in the WTC towers could be evacuated before they collapsed.

What a tragedy.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:14 PM Post #38 of 272

Originally posted by bootman
I'm in shock......

I actually saw the 2nd plane hit the tower from my car while dropping my son to my mother-inlaw this morning. She lives in Newark, NJ and on the street I was driving on I had a clear shot of the buildings. I didn't/couldn't believe what I thought I was watching but it was confirmed on TV.

bootman, I hope you and yours are all accounted for and okay.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:16 PM Post #39 of 272
While terrorist attacks have been with us for some time,the world has never seen it at this magnetude.If a bomb was dropped it would have not caused more damage.The scene of the world trade center collapsing one at a time is something that I wish I had never witnessed in my lifetime.It almost seemed like a movie scene "this can not be real" crossed my mind.
I was late getting out the door this morning and just happened to be watching GMA.When the initial report came in they switched over to the video of the first tower burning and they were speculating as to the cause,reports were scetchy but it was presumed to be a plane.My wife is on vacation this week so she was "sleeping in" and I woke her.

We watched in horror as "live" we watched the second tower take a direct hit.She cried.

These bastards have brought many tears this day and I hope that soon it is thier mothers/sons/daughters who are in tears-mourning the loss of the pieces of human **** that did this.

War ? Unfortunately terrorism means no "nation" can be held to blame even though by shielding these ****s they have duplicity.So while they are dancing in the streets we can not go to all out war,damn shame,time we kick some ****ing ass.

so these ******** will be found and tried and executed but it is not enough,not close.It is time that we,and by we I mean the United States of America declare AL OUT UNLIMITED KILL YOUR ****ING ASS WAR on ALL nations that condone either directly or indirectly terrorism against innocent human beings whose only crime was being at the wrong place at the wrong time

Rick ,I weep for the innocent today
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:19 PM Post #40 of 272
Wow. Everything that happened this morning is just surreal. Although I'm two hours away from the NYC on Long Island, I'm glad most of the families and friends back home are okay. I'm hoping most of my friends as well as fellow Head-Fiers and Headwizers are okay and can get home safely and sound.


PS: I just can't imagine looking at the Manhattan skyline from the BQE and just seeing empty space there.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:23 PM Post #41 of 272

Originally posted by rickcr42
...We watched in horror as "live" we watched the second tower take a direct hit.She cried....

My wife was/is crying too. It hasn't fully sunk in with me yet, and I'm not sure I'm prepared for it to. I'm still in a state of disbelief/shock. I am terrified to find out the final casualty count. I am so afraid this will dwarf the count at Pearl Harbor. But I pray my fears are grossly inaccurate.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:28 PM Post #42 of 272
at least with pearl harbor it was an attack against a military installation,this has no place in a civilized world,and we would be better with those capable of doing such a thing against innocents leaving this world,and quickly.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:30 PM Post #43 of 272
just got home an hour ago, been glued to the TV....all I can say is, this is waay beyond my grasp man. I've read some Tom Clancy novels. they left me with the same feeling "nah, this ain't real".

damn this is weird... don't think any good will come of it either. I've heard speculations of 45000 victims. got WAR writen all over it.

my thoughts are with all people there, the people who died and those they left behind.

just stunned for the moment
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:30 PM Post #44 of 272
let's not forget that the US bombed innocent civilians in WW2; I don't mean to defend what happened today AT ALL, and that's not what I'm doing. But try and remember that we are by no means innocent. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Personally, I have a feeling that Osama Bin Ladin was involved, although I have no proof. Certainly a country such as Iraq or Iran could have been involved.

I watched that speech by the British Prime Minister, and that gives me hope. I can only hope and pray that perhaps the actions that are taken because of this tragedy will result in a better world for everyone.
Sep 11, 2001 at 6:31 PM Post #45 of 272
My prayers to all headfiers and their loved ones in NYC, there was no need for this to happen. The US government has been soft on terrorists for years. People like Ben Laden and should've been out of the picture years ago, and the government knows who the big terrorists in the world are...

Hopefully our government will wake up and take some actions to prevent this from happening again ... I hope

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