Terrorist attack
Sep 11, 2001 at 4:25 PM Post #17 of 272
i'm from queens, so i'm alright. first thing i did was call my girlfriend that works in manhattan to make sure she was alright. i guess i'm not going to school in manhattan today.

i used to go to high school a few blocks aways. i always cut class to hang out in the world trade centre. i was even going to go to the radio shack there later this week.
Sep 11, 2001 at 4:32 PM Post #18 of 272
glad to hear from you hu_ya,right place right wrong time takes on new meaning.Instead of taking **** for being late you instead are alive and well.

PS-should probably edit my initial post,violence is not the solution to conflict,but I feel so helpless , and I would help in any manner possible if in a position to do so

terrorists are cowards,they never operate one on one unless the other ONE is either unarmed or unable.A MAN STEPS UP TO THE PLATE,these cowards do not.

If they are so big and bad-why not go to open war ? Because they are afraid.They skulk around in the dark and plot


but not enough,not even close,
Sep 11, 2001 at 4:53 PM Post #20 of 272
OMG I just saw the footage here from the Middle East on CNN, Fox NEws Local channels and I am shocked...this is terrible...I hope those sons of bitches are caught and they get what they deserve...I am wondering if anyone here is going to volunteer to help out in the mess? (I would go and help but its a 16 hour flight from here)
I think someone needs to organize a volunteer group to help out as much as they can physically and financally to all the families and the people involved in the rescues

I hope there isnt a world war for this
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:01 PM Post #21 of 272
Sorry I haven't commented, guys and gals, but my cable modem was out all night again (totally unrelated to the news).

I will also ask that all New York and D.C. Head-Fi'ers/HeadWizers please let us know you're okay. I know most of us have never physically met, but we've all met.

huy_ha and skippy, God bless you both -- thankfully, you are okay, and I pray that all of your friends and family are also okay.

I've spoken with one of our best friends who works in Manhattan, and she's okay, but many of her co-workers had fiancees, husbands, wives, etc. who worked at the World Trade Center, so God bless them all, and God rest the souls of those poor victims.

I'm so very sad about all of this. I pray there's proper retribution.
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:03 PM Post #23 of 272
no one is being allowed in or out or I would be there,though what I would be allowed to do is probably not much

all I CAN do right now is fly old glory from my home and cars,not much but all I can do at this time
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:05 PM Post #24 of 272

Originally posted by Apheared
I'm fine. My apt is about a mile from the towers. As huy_ha says it's hard to get a phone line.

I can't say anything else right now.

Michael, thank God you're okay. I pray that all you and yours are safe and accounted for.
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:15 PM Post #26 of 272
I'm glad I live in Canada right now. At school today our principle came on the PA to announce what was going on and that thankfully it was having no effect on us. That's crazy that this happened though, I hope we don't get into any kind of war. War sucks.
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:24 PM Post #27 of 272
apparently the US is at war status now, which shouldn't be a big suprise. I can't believe this has happened. I lack the words to describe it. When I saw footage of those people jumping from the first tower...
Sep 11, 2001 at 5:35 PM Post #29 of 272
i haven't been able to contact my family in new york & boston yet. i'm a little worried as i am at microsoft and other big companies are sending their employees home.

my heart goes out to everyone who was hurt or died in this SHAMELESS act.

i can't believe what i am seeing on tv right now. it is like something out of a john carpenter movie. it's all so strange.

everyone is trying to keep their spirits up here, but i think we're all in shock.

i hope our (us) government acts quickly, but doesn't over-react. i guess the gloves are coming off now.

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